Silvina Neder

About Silvina Neder

Business woman turned model & actress at 50s.
Life coach.
Follow me on Instagram @silvinaneder

Silvina Neder Description

Model, Entrepreneur advisor, Stylist, Yogini, Scuba Diver. Former Marathonist and Market Researcher.



Many of you must be desperate watching grey hair grow and not being able to go to the hair dresser. _______________________ 🌀 keep Calm! Grey hair looks amazing, and embracing grey has loads of benefits. Maybe now is the time to do it! _______________________ 🌀 Join me on Sat 11th at 4PM UK, and ask me all you want to know about ____❓how to make a successful transition____. ❓how to best treat the silver hair, and ______ ❓how does it feel to be grey! ... _________________________. 👀👩🏼‍💼 If you think one of your friends could be interested, please tag her on the comments. And please leave me all the questions ❓❓you want me to cover as well! ____________________________ Can't wait to see you on Sat at 4pm 🇬🇧UK! _______________________ #stayhome #quaratine #savelives #naturalbeauty #backtonatural #embracegrey #greyhair #silverhair #silvertransition #hair #hairstiles #quarantinestyle #greyisthenewblonde
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While #stayhome many of us are doing things we didn't know how to before, or things we don't like, or we though we didin't have time for. ______________________________ 🌀 So now is the time to be patient with ourselves welcome our "PERFECTLY IMPERFECT" and celebrate our little wins. ______________________________ 🌀 Those who know me know cooking is not my thing, but still today I tried this #spinachpie. Took me a lot of time but I finally made it! ... _______________________________ ❓What is the new thing you are trying this week❓Write it on the comments! _____________________________ 🇪🇸🇦🇷_________________________ _____ Mientras #quedateencasa muchos estamos haciendo cosas que no sabíamos cómo hacer, que no nos gusta hacer, o para las que creíamos que no teníamos tiempo. ______________________________ 🌀 Es entonces el momento en que debemos darle la bienvenida a nuestra "PERFECTA IMPERFECCIÓN", y celebrar nuestros pequeños triunfos. ______________________________ 🌀. Los que me conocen saben que la cocina no es lo mío. Pero igual hoy me animé e hice esta #tartadeespinacas. Me llevó un montón de tiempo pero finalmente la logré! ________________________________ ❓ Cuáles son las nuevas cosas que están intentando esta semana❓Escríbanlas en los comentarios!
#perfectlyimperfect #patience #tolerance #timeforachange #dosomethingnew #careerchange #reinvention #followyourdreams #50+ #greyhair #silverhair
#prefectamenteimperfecto #paciencia #tolerancia #tiempodecambios #hazalgonuevo #cambiadecarrera #reinventate #canas #peloblanco
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Muchas deben estar desesperadas porque no pueden ir a la peluquería a teñirse el cabello. 🧐 ___________________________________ Calma! las canas quedan muy bien, y dejártelas trae muchos beneficios.
... 👏👏💪🏻Tal vez este es el momento! __________________________________ Conéctate el Sábado 4 (mañana!) a las __________🇦🇷12 mediodía #Argentina/ __________🇬🇧4 pm #UK/ __________🇪🇸5 pm #España, _______________ y podrás preguntarme todas las dudas ❓❓❓que tengas e ideas para pasar mejor la transición. ___________________________________ Si crees que puede interesarle a una amiga ❤️ etiquétala en los comentarios, y nos vemos mañana! _____________________________________ ***VIDEO IN ENGLISH COMING SOON***
#canas #dejatelascanas #liberate #nomastinte #bastadetintura #mequedoencasa #cuarentena #silverhair #transicionacanas #transicionalascanas #cuarentena #setumisma #bellezaalnatural #greyhair #silverhair #estilo #peloblanco
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"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional" ____________________________ #HarukiMurakami, from the 📚#WhatITalkAboutWhenITalkAboutRunning.
______________________________ We can focus on the current fears and restrictions, or we can choose to make the most of out time at home. For example, daring doing something we are not good at or not usually do could be a good idea! I am excited I made this #lemonpie 🍰and it is not bad at all! (recipe from @cocinerosarg )
... 🇦🇷🇪🇸_________________________ ______ "El dolor es inevitable. El sufrimiento es opcional". ______________________. @HarukiMurakami, del📘. #DeQueHabloCuandoHabloDeCorrer" ______________________________ Podemos pensar en nuestros miedos, o en las restricciones de estos tiempos. O podemos elegir aprovechar nuestro tiempo en casa. Animarnos a hacer algo en lo que no somos muy buenos, o que no hacemos frecuentemente, puedes ser una buena idea! Yo me animé a hacer este #lemonpie 🍰 y quedó buenísimo! (Con la receta de #cocinerosargentinos )
#stayathome #dosomethingnew #embracechange #seeyouontheotherside #makeyourbest #quarantine #newnormal #greyhair #silverhair
#mequedoencasa #hazalgonuevo #aceptaelcambio #teveodelotrolado #cuarentena #canas #peloplateado #50+
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Time to say "you inspire me"...
🌀No need to say that the people we are more admiring now, and to whom we are more thankful are doctors, nurses, carers, cleaning staff, volunteers, drivers, teachers, people who work at 1st necessity shops. (And I am sure I am forgetting some -please mention them in the comments-) .
... 🌀But there are lots of other strong people we are admiring and we want to say they inspire us. .
🌀I myself admire mothers (and fathers!) of children who are doing online school. These parents are doing the school, as well as cooking, cleaning, playing with the kids, and most importantly, keeping the spirits up, making children feel we will all be ok. I want to honour 2 persons in particular that I have very close @jorgelina.florence.shortstays and @mlaura.marin .
🌀 I also want to say BIG THANK YOU to our parents in their 70s or 80s, who are home alone, missing their sons, grandsons and activities, and every time we ring them (several times per day probably), they always comfort us saying "We are OK, we don't need anything". .
🌀So, apart from those heroes I mentioned on the firsts lines, who are you most admiring now? Please mention them in the comments, usually they don't know they inspire others! . 📸 Rosie Collins .
#staywell #stayhome #inspiration #takecare #keepdistance #yomequedoencasa #agewisdom #yoga #yogainspiration #greyvolution #bestager #influencer #fabover50 #artinageing #barnes
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We are stronger, kinder and better than we think we are (2nd part).
Looks like these weird times will last for a couple of months. I say "weird" and not "tough" on purpose.
... _______________________________ Yes, at first glance it looks hard, knowing that many of us won't work (and won't have ANY income) for many weeks or some months. Also, that maybe we will not be able to buy "that" brand of food, or won't be able to find "that" vegetable we are used to eat every day. But let's be honest. I would say that most of us who are reading this, will sure be able to get food. Will still have drinkable water, and enough heat at home.
Will it be hard for businesses? Yes.
And? And nothing. Economies recover. Economies pick up after crisis.
____________________________________ Our first priority now is to stay safe from illness, in order to relieve Health Workers 🙏🏼🙏🏼so they can help those who need it more.
______________________________ I myself have been through the Argentinian crisis in 2000. Nine on ten of us, had lost our jobs. People couldn't pay rentals, anything.
And? None died. Food turned up. People learned to share and help others, and everything started again after.💪🏻
__________________________ For us lucky to be healthy and well, it is time to think that Earth is taking a breath🌿, families are reuniting, we are all taking a rest from commuting, buying, and compulsory consuming, and having time to rethink what really matters❤️.
Would love to read your thoughts. ,DM, email me, etc., and #stayhome #relax and #helpothers. xxx
#embracechange #adapt #newstart #newcareer #findyourpurpose #agewisdom #thoughtoftheday #together #greyhair #artinageing #silverhair #canas #casting #lifecoach #curlyhair #openlygray #4050emais
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Each in our own way, we are all anxious, we are all scared.
——- Because we don’t know. We don’t know how long this will last. ... We don't know if the measures taken by governments are the right ones. We don't know how ill us or our loved ones can become, or if we would get a bed at a hospital if we need it. We don’t know if we have to stock food. We don’t know when we will work again. We just don’t know.
_____________________________ Uncertainty is always worse than bad news. The only certainty we have now, is that we have to wait and see.
_____________________________. So let’s stay calm, let's be kind, let's listen to those who need to express their fears. Stop, sleep, exercise at home, go out for a walk (Keeping a safe distance), be patient, help others. Cook, read, call friends and family. And please notice Earth is breathing!
______________________________ Just KNOW that in extreme circumstances, we are stronger 💪🏻, kinder and better than we think we are.
_____________________________ 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼Some of my amazing #yoga friends are offering free sessions on line, check: @clc_actor @fabiofilippi @yoguineando @acroyoguineando

📸 @jackeamesphoto
#stayhome #alltogether #bekind #patience #silverhair #agewisdom #ageinggracefully #greyhair #yogaathome #excersiseathome #homequarantine #helpothers
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I never post content like this, but today I feel the need to write this, at least to help a little if I may. Today I feel ver sad, as UK government is being selfish and putting economy before lives. In my opinion, this is a violation on human rights. Economy will eventually recover but lost lives will not. We are alone on this here in the UK, we should do as much as we can on our side. Human race is in danger as we know it.... We should all be responsible ad STAY AT HOME. BE RESPONSIBLE! TAKE CARE OF OTHERS! STAY AT HOME! STAY INFORMED! READ STATS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES! HELP OTHERS! MONEY IS USELESS WITHOUT HEALTH! All my love to Italy and Spain, and to all HUMANITY
#help #beuseful #takecare #beatcoronavirus #helpothers #stayathome #hope #faithinhumans
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We should all be responsible ad STAY AT HOME. If our government is selfish and think on economy before lives, we should do as much as we can on our side. We are alone on this here in the UK. BE RESPONSIBLE! TAKE CARE OF OTHERS! STAY AT HOME! STAY INFORMED! HELP OTHERS!
All my love to Italy and Spain, and to HUMANITY


If we want to do something new, or change in our life or career, there will never be a clean, straightforward path to anything we want to try. ____________________________ And, if we wait until we are certain that we are qualified , or until we are 100% ready, things will never be done.
... ___________________________ The fact is, "now" is better than "prefect", because perfect doesn't exist.
🌀 So let's start starting!
From the 📘#findyourfuckyeah from @alexisreckley
📸 @wearephotographers @lukenugentphotography @stephanesbphotography
💄 @alicemanmakeup
#careerchange #newchallenges #challenges #inspiration #instagood #trysomethingnew #model #maturemodel #photooftheday #beyourself #womensupportingwomen #empowerment #selfempowerment #goals
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"We are not our education. We are not our grade point average. Our value as human beings is not equal to our ability to follow directions, sit still, or past tests... We don't need answers before we try something new. No one has the answers before trying something new. Nobody can tell us what we should do... That means it is time to get curious and stat experimenting"
—-... 🌀 So, no matter at what age, "let's stop censoring who we are and discover what we really want" __________________
From the 📘 #findyourfuckyeah from @alexisreckley
🌀(BTW I had a totally different numbers based career for more than 25 years before doing this 🙄)
📸 @wearephotographers @lukenugentphotography @stephanesbphotography
#embracechange #lifeischange #daretochange #coaching #followyourdreams #dowhatyoulike #lovewhatyoudo #art #yoga #inspirational #courage #ageing #50s #newlife
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💙Happy Valentine!💙 It doesn’t matter WHO or WHAT our passion is, as long as we have one! 💙💙💙
📸 @kylegalvin_ For @gillettevenus
... #greyhair #silverhair #casting #castinglondon #valentines #findyourpassion #naturalbeauty #antiageing #careerchange #changeyourlife #beyourself #startagain #inspiration
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#ad #sponsored
Many of you asked which products I use to have such big hair.
... Well, I must say I am very lucky, as I naturally have massive hair. (Yes, of course I didn't like that at all when I was a teenager!)
Fortunately, for those struggle with hair to grow, there are hair Supplements like Kerahealth that can help. Kerahealth Breakthrough formula provides nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for healthier and fuller hair, without using drugs and without using surplus ingredients.
If you want to try them you can buy these supplements at Kerahealth own website (Enter code kera10 for a 10% discount!) They are also in Amazon and Net-à-porter.
Will be glad to know the supplements worked for you!
📸 @anniejohnstonphotography for @thatsnotmyage
Hair by @scissorswithsamba at @enasalon
#kerahealth #kerahealthhair #nohairloss #hailosstreatment #hairthinning #hairthinningsolution #hairlossremedy #hair #hairproducts #keratintreatment
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"Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go."____________ Herman Hesse
... I just went through something that brought this quote to mind.🛵🛵🛵
A couple of days ago, I was driving my new scooter (as a side note, don't you think that driving a scooter in London - when I haven't driven a motorbike in my life - is something pretty brave to start doing my 50s?).
I was doing well until I had to stop and do a U-turn in a very tight space. Due to my lack of experience, I panicked; and instead of braking, I accelerated, which caused me to hit a car, then a wall... OMG! Luckily, I emerged completely unscathed.
🌀When I told my friend @pablofranza about it, he told me that motorbikes are like life itself: in a situation of fear, when we have to release and let go (of the handle), we usually hold on tight (and accelerate).
🌀In life, when we're afraid of making necessary changes, we hold on tight to relationships, places, routines, partnerships and jobs... and what hurts is actually being attached to those things.
🌀Food for thought!
✂️ by Marco @scissorswithsamba at @enasalon Hair products: @boucleme (Best for #curls) 🖌Editing #nataliafarran
#letgo #lifecoach #embracechange #newcareer #ageing #classicmodel #agewisdom #beyourself #yoga #newlife #naturalbeauty #beauty #goinggrey
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#sponsored #ad #day0
"Beauty is beauty, whatever your age".
... That's why PRAI is addressing the evolving needs of skin as we experience hormonal changes through menopause.
🌀 Did you know that during the menopause, oestrogen and progesterone levels reduce, so our skin loses approximately 30% of collagen after? Our skin looks thiner, loose elasticity and appear less radiant. Therefore, we need specific products for mature skin.
🌀 The New PRAI Platinum Collection at M&Sis design specially for women who have been through the menopause. The serums and creams works hard to smooth wrinkles and boost elasticity, and it gives a a tighter, firmer look and feel.
🌀 I am personally very excited to start my 30-day challenge today. I will use the Platinum Firm & Lift Serum and cream in the morning, and the Platinum Firm & Lift Caviar Firm & Lift Serum and Night Cream at night for 30 consecutive days, and see how wonderfully the Platimum Collection works.
🌀 If you want to join me on this challenge, you can find the range at @M&S, and also please let me know in a comment you are doing that! And let's see how our skin starts glowing again!
#changingbeautustandards #embracechange #embraceageing #ageisjustanumber #praipbeauty #M&S #agelessbeauty #menopause #menopauseeffects #over50 #over60 #ageinggracefully
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More about Silvina Neder

Silvina Neder is located at W9 1HZ London, United Kingdom