Simplefood Simplehealth

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Simplefood Simplehealth

A friendly place to share favorite food /drink and lifestyle ideas, as well as take part in the occasional health challenge. Please feel free to add posts



Yes! Love this from @drruscio 🙌🏻
We see so many superfoods guaranteed to deal with disease and imbalance, so many nutritious foods demonised for EVERYONE because SOME people are intolerant or are symptomatic. These quick fixes, celebrity endorsements and social media wonders are yet another reason everyone is confused about health.
Individuals need individualised nutrition. What works for one will not work for another.
... Taking notice of your own body will get you far better health rewards than following the latest trends.
Just a quick example. Gluten free products. If you are coeliac or gluten/wheat sensitive then of course eat the free from foods, but be aware that they are mostly full of chemicals and sugar. Why swap out a nutritious seeded whole meal bread and swap it for product that is sub par as far as nutritional contents are concerned? It’s madness.
Everything works in balance. Once the balance has gone things go wonky, and unfortunately for us humans, our health is wonkier than ever.
Seek your own advice and stop being influenced by people who just want to earn money from their endorsements. Your health matters, so seek the best advice you can.
#healthyfood #trending #wisewords #takebackcontrol #backtobasics #nutrition #healthsupport #natural #eatrealfood #balance #homecooking #bexley #bexleyheath #lifestylechange #eatforhealth #healthyweight #healthyimmunesystem #immunity #guthealth #simplefood #simplehealth #simplefoodsimplehealth
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Ha. This might make it easier to except the fact we need Mother Nature to be healthy 😂
At our basic core, we are an animal. 🐶 You wouldn’t feed your pet pure junk food, you make sure your pets get enough exercise, you think it’s cute to see your pet sleeping and love giving them a cuddle. 💐 Your plants and flowers get water, sun light and you appreciate looking at their beauty. If we start treating ourselves like we treat our pets and plants we will all thrive and be happy. ...Simples 😁
#healthyfood #health #mothernature #sun #freshair #exercise #movement #nutrition #healthgoals #support #mindandbody #backtobasics #foodprep #eatathome #realfood #selflove #simplefood #simplehealth #simplefoodsimplehealth
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Love this article from Dr Chatterjee. It is exactly why I developed my Menu Review Plan. A place to write your daily chores, goals, feelings and accomplishments as well as a weekly menu planner that gets an upgrade for your health goals by me. You choose what you want to eat, I optimise it.
Getting back to writing your thoughts, feelings and accomplishments is full circle to years ago when people had diaries and journals.
Do you keep a journal? If so what is your best advice on keeping one?


I thought I would share this reading that the lovely @yogixrosie read to us at this weekends yoga and gong bath.
These words struck as so very appropriate for todays lifestyles and expectations.
Holding to the past means holding on to all your baggage and pre learned habits.
... Holding on to thoughts and beliefs will make new changes harder to implement and to form new beliefs that you want to pursue.
Embracing change is the most freeing way to allow yourself to go forward, to let go of past disappointments allows you to welcome new feelings and sensations that you may never have experienced before.
I for one will be embarrassing these words and allowing myself to think before letting preconceived, pre learned, preformed thoughts, behaviours and gut reactions make my decisions for me.
Have a great Monday people 💝
The possibilities for the new week are endless ✨
I have to thank @johjoh60 for an amazing introduction into the gong bath. I can honestly say I have never felt so very relaxed and chill, ever. Thank you ❤️
Thank you also to for hosting the day. Your environment is amazing. So welcoming and cozy. I will definitely be back to enjoy your space very soon ❤️
#yoga #stretch #calm #embracestillness #lifestyle #holistichealth #relax #recoverymovement #nutrition #embracechange #gongbath #meditation #feelfree #bexley #sidcup #bexleyheath #lifestylechange #simplefood #simplehealth #simplefoodsimplehealth
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So as the #crossfitopen 2019 closes for me I feel so proud and happy with myself. Will I get an amazing result and be top of the list for women in my age group? Absolutely not. But the fact that at 48 my body has birthed 3 children, worked hard for me all these years, and even now, with hormones going wonky due to age, with the right nutrition and lifestyle choices as well as a bit of commitment my body can still amaze me at what it can do.
Today is all about saying thank yo...u to my body so am off to a restorative yoga afternoon with @yogixrosie and can’t wait for some stretch on these muscles and Zen in my brain.
This breakfast is a great, fast little number. Asian pear ( if you haven’t had them they are a really light flavoured apple) crunchy peanut butter and a raspberry protein shake. Only a Little bit of washing up which is 🙌🏻 and best of all quite light on the tummy.
How will you move today? Taking a walk, just getting outside, even for a few minutes can be so beneficial for both mental and physical health.
Mindset and staying on track for health goals is so interlinked. For many emotional eating can destroy all the best laid plans. Exercise in ANY form really does make you happy.
Put aside 30 minutes to do ANYTHING today. Your body and mind will thank you.
#nutritionist #nutrition #mindhealth #movement #crossfitwomen #19point5 #agemeansnothing #eatforyourgoals #instafitness #quicknutrition #nofuss #backtobasics #education #crossfit #protein #healthycarbs #apples #fibre #nutrients #eatfoodnotchemicals #musclerepair #almondmilk #plenish #foodspring #peanutbutter #bexley #joydenswood #bexleyheath #kent #simplefood #simplehealth #simplefoodsimplehealth
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It is so easy to chose the easy path, especially when it seems you have struggled to make changes for a while. The real change comes with education 📚
If you don’t understand the basic necessity behind the changes you need to make, you lack the grounding it takes to make forever changes. When the urgency and willpower leave, your education is the only thing that will keep your health goals switched on.
#education #nutrition #marksisson #primalblueprint #healthgoals #nutritionist #eatforhealth #eatforyourgoals #understandthewhy #eatnature #bexley #joydenswood #backtobasics #dietandlifestyle #noprocessedfood #nature #eatforyourhealth #instahealth #simpelfood #simplehealth #simplefoodsimplehealth


The #crossfitopen2019 continues with #19point4 and I loved it. I was dreading it to start. Snatch, burgess and pull-ups have not been great for me whilst rehabbing my shoulder. But it was fine, obviously all the patience and care I have given my shoulder is working 😊
My CrossFit Against The Fire community are better than ever. You can’t see them all in this video (apart from @kimbergman )as they are all standing out of the way, but their encouragement is amazing.
... Movement is so beneficial, not only to physical health but mental health as well. I guarantee you will get to the stage where quite often you really really don’t want to do your chosen workout, but 5 minutes in you will be loving it. By finding a tribe you love being around, getting yourself to your class will be a lot easier.
Finding a tribe that accepts who, what you are is vital. Being surrounded by supportive people is shown to improve your self worth and self belief in what you can achieve.
I’ve got mine, do you have yours? If not identify what your goals are, then go find your tribe 👊🏻
#crossfit #movement #crossfitwomen #goals #nutrition #fitness #tribe #community #bestcoach #support #supporteachother #19point4 #workout #mentalhealthawareness #mindhealth #communityhealth #bexley #sidcup #bexleyheath #dartford #kent #joydenswood #simplefoodsimplehealth
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How great. The Menu Review Plan in action. Making your weekly menu just got simple using the SFSH Planner that accompanies the plan. By making a list before setting out for your food shopping trip you are more likely to stay on track in the week, after all if you don’t buy it, you can’t make it. 🥝Failure to plan, is planning to fail🥗
This is so very true. Think about how many times you open your fridge and can’t find anything to eat! That is fine unless your on your way out ...the door for work and don’t have time to faff, or you have really low will power and up eating cake 😳
Any new lifestyle/nutrition intervention is hard to stick to, so identifying where you need to help is crucial. #nutrition #lifestyle #foodprep #planningahead #menu #shopping #healthyfood #health #eatathome #backtobasics #menureviewplan #support #coaching #getthekidsinvolved #simplefood #simplehealth #simplefoodsimplehealth
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The wind may be blowing but the bursts of sunshine keep coming through 🌞. This inspired me to make and share my sunshine gold smoothie with you guys. As you guys know, I’m in the middle of the #crossfitopen and pain seems to be the name of the game this year, so anti inflammatory foods are in the menu right now.
Including anti inflammatory foods into your diet really can help improve aches pains and stiffness within your body.
... Recipe:
1 cup Cashew Milk ( use any milk you prefer but I like the creaminess of cashew for this smoothie)
1 cup water ( hydration is key to reducing inflammation. Being hydrated improves blood flow and so increases nutrient uptake and toxin removal in the blood)
50g frozen mango ( 50g is more than enough to add sweetness without overdoing the sugar content)
2 tsp @pukkaherbs #turmericgold ( I love this mix. It has just the right balance of spices and makes it easy without too much faff)
1tsp frozen ginger ( frozen foods are a lifesaver as well as #moneysaver )
2 servings of @foodspring_uk Coconut protein powder ( I love foodspring products. Easy to get, taste amazing, good value for money and grass fed which is so important if using a whey protein). Using coconut flavoured anything makes me think of holidays don’t you agree?
This makes a lovely big smoothie which is healthful, low sugar, full of antioxidants, anti inflammatory, full of flavour and will keep you full for ages.
If you try it let me know what you think 🤔
#yellow #turmeric #smoothie #protein #crossfit #crossfitwomen #antiinflammatory #mango #musclepain #fitness #support #instafitness #hydration #nutrition #antioxidants #lowsugar #recovery #bigsmoothie #goldenmilk #simplefood #simplehealth #simplefoodsimplehealth
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Is this how you much you love your food? I love this doggies enthusiasm :) Just remember that digestion starts in the brain and thinking about the lovely food you will be eating shortly (usually and optimally this would be the cooking stage), then the mouth and the action of chewing which smashes the food and mixes it with digestive enzymes you produce in your mouth and then the stomach. Eating too fast or not chewing enough can lead to indigestion, bloating, flatulence, constipation/diarrhea and bad breath.
Have a fab Friday SFSH Community. Remember to chew well and avoid a bloated belly for your weekend fun!


Individual nutrition is as personal as your eye colour, your fingerprints or your preferred Tea strength (lets face it that is a whole level of personal preference 😉) Daily Recommended Intake (DRI) is the individual amounts set by the government to prevent sickness, disease and deficiency. The problem is that I may need a different level of vitamins/minerals than you to reach MY optimum health, to ward off symptoms and prevent disease from happening. Take fiber. We see fiber... in the media as a cure all on a regular basis. And for the most part they are right. Fiber is extremely healthful, helping to remove toxins and used hormones from the body as well as feeding our beneficial bacteria and so helping in the digestion and formation of nutrients as well as making bulk to ease the way for stools moving through the colon. But the amount and type of fiber that is beneficial to someone with IBS will be completely different for someone else with IBS. IBS solutions are vast. IBS is the guts response to being unhappy. My job is to find out what is making the gut unhappy in the first place. So for some people, to help improve constipation adding in chia or flax seeds may be a solution, for others it may make the situation worse. It's individual. Most people will get enough magnesium form their diet if it is rich in green leafy vegetables and whole foods but for others who have a naturally high need for magnesium,exercise rigorously or who have a high carbohydrate diet (magnesium is used in carbohydrate metabolism) they may find that dietary/lifestyle interventions or supplementation is needed to reduce heart palpitations or muscle cramping as well as reduce cravings for instance. People use Vitamin D at different rates than others, so some people will have a higher need for Vitamin D than their neighbor, this may be what is needed to support their immune system. Guidelines are great, and give a starting point for health. But for optimal health and symptom support, they are worth looking at.
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Have you been feeling unwell, do you feel the need to address any health or lifestyle worries you are becoming increasingly aware of, do you have any long standing health conditions you would like support in dealing with?
As a fully qualified and registered Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Coach, I have the pleasure of being able to offer you support for your personal health goals from my Bexley based clinic or via internet if preferred.
Visit the website, to see our mission statement and what SFSH hopes to be able to achieve for you. You can also give me a free discovery phone call to see how SFSH can help you or indeed a loved one. There is a 10% discount on all Nutritional Therapy consultations booked for March.
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As women we have so many standards that people expect us to reach.
We are expected to be able to cook, clean, love, be patient, compassionate, forgiving. We are expected to be forever strong, stand strong for our family. Have children, work, be sociable,be happy and forever smiling and beautiful.
... It seems should we fail at any of these things we are judged, even by other women.
Today is International woman’s day.
On this day I choose to dress in bright happy clothes that feed my soul, reminds me of a really fantastic day/night, I choose to focus on my strengths, not my weaknesses, I choose to be proud of my fellow women who juggle family/work/social/emotional commitments like a pro.
Have fantastic day you lovely ladies. Today is the day to remind yourself just how strong you are, no matter your size, your fitness, your health struggles.
After all, how would our families find their socks without us 😊
#internationalwomensday #woman #strongwomen #beautiful #motherearth #strongertogether #beautifulsoul #mother #worker #friendtoeveryone #listener #confidante #helper #amazing #loveyourmother #sisters #simplefood #simplehealth #simplefoodsimplehealth
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Ok so it might not be a life or death problem.
🥑 But cutting open your avocado and discovering that it is hard is devastating- mainly because you just know your poor fingers are going to be so bruised trying to mash that bugger 😩😂
... Fear not. This makes the whole disappointing episode bearable. Slice into small cubes, pop into a baggie and mush it up. Simple and saves your fingers from abuse, it also means less wasted avocado as they just rippen once cut open.
Including avocado into your diet means you get
🥑 healthy mono and polyunsaturated fats
🥑 folate
🥑 Vitamin K
🥑 potassium
🥑 B3
🥑 B6
🥑 Magnesium
🥑 Manganese
🥑 many other nutrients in minimal amounts as well as plant based phytonutrients excellent for supporting health
So next time you are looking for something to pop on your toast, accompany your salad, or just increase your plant based goodness, the avocado packs a punch in nutrient support.
#avocado #nutrition #health #healthsupport #instafood #whatsonyourplate #toptip #backtobasics #healthyfats #nutrients #vitamins #minerals #plants #simplefood #simplehealth #simplefoodsimplehealth
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Choose your tribe wisely.
This is a long post, but bare with it. I hope it's worth it.
If any of you have already visited my website you may already know about my past health concerns and weight issue. For those that do not know, go take a read if you are interested. Just follow the link on this page.
...Continue Reading


Hi SFSH community.
Are you wondering what to buy your fabulous mum for mothers day?
If your mum has a passion for health or maybe needs some help in supporting a health concern or lifestyle change that she is struggling with, why not check out the packages on the website or give me a free discovery call to see if Nutritional / Lifestyle Therapy may be able to help.
... So many imbalances and diseases can be supported by altering diet and lifestyle and may be just what is needed to improve her health.
✅ Digestive Health ✅ Hormonal Health ✅ Autoimmune Disease ✅ Muscle, Bone and Joint Health ✅ Weight Loss ✅ Skin Health ✅ Energy Levels
Don't forget that all consultations booked in March will receive a 10% spring discount.
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Just a really quick share for #whatdoieatwednesday I usually only ever post my snippets on social media of a morning. Yes I schedule that time in so it’s done without too much stress ❤️. But I thought I would share tonight’s dinner. Late clients, rogue children and a tired head could lead to disaster when it comes to dinner.
But not here, not tonight. Salmon fillet and chopped broccoli in the same roasting pan (less washing) a splash of olive oil over the broccoli as well a...s a shake of garlic powder and frozen chopped chilli. 5 minutes max bung in the oven. 30 mins later a beautiful healthy dinner.
Don’t get caught out. Have a few go to quick items in the freezer and cupboards. I also added some broccoli sprouts for added oomph in the health steaks 😍
What do you see when you look at your dinner. A plate of food that will support your health, hormones, immunity, hair skin and nail support, brain health, detoxification??????? @or is it brown and beige???
#dinner #nutrition #beprepared #quickfood #healthyfood #support #immunity #gotomeals #simplecooking #simplerecipes #nonutrients #hormonesupport #healthylives #healthygut #feedyoursoul #eatforyourgoals #freshfood #mothernature #nutritionist #advice #simplefood #simplehealth #simplefoodsimplehealth
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It really does my heart good when multiple events happen in regard to healthy eating and living. Tonight on @itv The Junk Food Experiment starts and I am so interested to see the thoughts of normally healthy living celebs who undertake to eat junk food for three weeks.
On @gmb today they were discussing the experiment with a participant and it looks like it didn’t take long before the diet of junk food took it’s toll on sleep and energy and well as brain health, not to menti...on waist lines.
Yesterday in the commons there was a debate with the Diabetes All Party Parliamentary Group in which natural solutions using dietary and lifestyle interventions can work to reverse and prevent Type 2 Diabetes. I for one didn’t think we would have a debate on the use of food born solutions to disease in the Houses of Parliament. SCORE
It;s a good day for highlighting the health of the nation, especially as T2D is still increasing and our NHS is slowly being overwhelmed with treatment for the co morbidities of this very preventable problem.
#nhs #type2diabetes #obesity #prevention #nutrition #lowcarb #nofastfood #parlaiment #health #support #lifestylemedicine #fastfood #nonutrients #adictive #houseofcommons #eatforhealth #mothernature #simplefood #simplehealth #simplefoodsimplehealth
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If you feel that your diet and/or lifestyle choices could use a shake up but are fed up with your usual dieting attempts, check out my website for the plans and packages on offer. The new Menu Review Plan is ideal for people for who want to optimise their diet but want a more tailored approach and education along the way so they can understand the pitfalls of their usual choices.
Have a look at the website and leave a message for me to get back to you for a free 10 minute consultation to discuss your needs.
10% Discount for March bookings. Let’s get that summer body ready now or finally change those lifestyle choices you have been struggling with.
Follow this link:
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abundance of knowledge 5*


Simply sublime

More about Simplefood Simplehealth

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00