Sindy Bond

About Sindy Bond

I'm Sindy Bond, a health and fitness coach giving you the tools to rock your body and your life!
Use the FREE 14 day challenge to get started: http://www.
Use the blog resources: too http://www.

Sindy Bond Description

I'm Sindy Bond, your personal health and fitness coach. Giving you the tools to be the best version of you, in the quickest and simplest way possible.

Getting fit and healthy body is about making sustainable changes that will fit with your lifestyle, something you can stick to, be consistent with to give you forever results.

Head to my blog for EASY and SIMPLE recipes, QUICK and EFFECTIVE workouts along with a big dollop of MOTIVATION -http://www.
Join my FREE 14 day challenge HERE - http://www.




It’s Moooooonday!! Feeling a little sluggish this morning? Ok. Crank up some feel good tunes and get your body moving and your blood pumping to raise your energy levels and feel alive!! . Do this for as many rounds as you like, even if you only do one round it’s going to give you a boost 🤸‍♀️💫. . Mountain Climbers x20... Jump jacks x20 Basketball jumps x20 . You don’t even need to get into workout clothes, just roll outta bed and start moving 🤗. . Have a fab week!! Let me know when you’ve done this little workout ❤️. . If you’re ready to commit to 5 days of workouts then head to the link in the comments, for the 5 days of free 10 minute bodyweight workouts 😘. #mondaymotivation #monday #homeworkoutvideos
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😂🤣😂 Cracking up At some of my content from a few years back. Ever go through your phone and realise how far you have actually come? . Having one of those moments now... . We so often focus on what we haven’t done, what we haven’t achieved and if it’s not documented in the way of goal setting and journaling, you’ll never realise how much you have progressed!... . I remember the absolute FEAR I felt putting out my first video a few years ago, I wasn’t even on camera!! Now I don’t even think about chatting away to my phone on a daily basis, creating content and putting it out there. There still some fear about being judged but that’s just human nature and of course we are always judged 😂. . The ones that get me great, the ones that done meh. . I have no idea where this video would have been shared, maybe it was in my snapchat days... but gosh has my content come along way since then! . Take a few moments today to have a look at all you have achieved over the last few years and forget about what you haven’t, just for one day 😊. It feels good ❤️ . #goals #goalsetting #feelgoodthursday #selfdevelopment
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Move more Wednesday... taking it back to basics 🤸‍♀️❤️


Feeling a little unmotivated? I felt like that yesterday, couldn’t shake off the feeling. I did this workout in the afternoon and wished I’d done it sooner, it changed my energy and my day.
If you don’t have much time then just do what you can... 5, 10 or 15 minutes. Just get your body moving and you’ll feel great. I did.
Sometimes it’s just following through with what we said we’d do that makes us feel better.
... It doesn’t matter if it’s a short workout, done is better than not done and moving your body feels good, even if the thought of it doesn’t 🤗.
Repeat the below for as many sets you have time for:
🤸‍♀️squat to full body extension x20 🤸‍♀️diagonal climbers x20 🤸‍♀️curtsy lunge x20 🤸‍♀️plank row x20 🤸‍♀️skater jumps x20
If you’re a beginner drop reps to 10.
You can do it... think of the health, fitness and body you are working towards and that instant gratification of getting it done 😘
Come workout with me by clicking by grabbing a spot on the free 5 day challenge. Link in comments...
I know I spelt skater wrong at the end of the video. Lol. Before y’all tell me 😉 #workout #workoutvideos #workoutfromhome
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Don’t feel like exercising on a Monday morning?
Don’t worry, it’s ok. I get it. Most of us feel like that on Monday, post weekend fun...
Don’t beat yourself up for the way you’re feeling.
... Just pop on your favourite tune, dance, laugh and be joyous. It’ll change your state, give you energy and make you feel good.
Start your week with a smile on your face instead...
And when you are ready to workout, grab my free 5 day bodyweight workout challenge, link is in the comments below 👇
You’ll feel better after moving your body 🤸‍♀️.
Happy Monday folks ❤️ #mondaymotivation #motivation #monday
Guest appearance by my fabulous friend Andrew Roberts-Mudie. Xx
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If you missed yesterday’s live, here’s my quick and delicious Nutty Banana and Chocolate smoothie! 🥜🍌🍫🤤. . I ❤️ smoothies, they are the perfect healthy fast food! Made in minutes, taste yummy and keep you feeling full...
Blitz and run!! 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
... All you need for today’s recipe 👇 🥥400 ml coconut milk (more of time like it runny rather than thick) 🍌1 small frozen banana 🥜dessertspoon of peanut butter, the natural version, just nuts and salt) 🍫Protein powder, I used Chocolate and peanut from @formnutrition ❄️4 ice cubes to make it super chilled and delicious. Pop in your blender and blitz! Less than 5 mins to make and then ready to slurp.
Enjoy and a happy and blissful Sunday to you ❤️. #nutrition #smoothierecipes #smoothie
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Want to add some resistance to your workouts, but don’t have access to equipment? Just use what you have at home! . Water bottles, cans, bags... anything you have that you can easily grab hold of and adds some weight to your workout! . If you stick to HIIT workouts because you’re short on time, try this one workout out instead. You don’t need hours to do this, you can stick to 15-20 minutes and still get a great workout in.... . I combine weight training with HIIT for great results... the more muscle we have the more calories we burn at rest! . And ladies, don’t worry you won’t get big and bulky! I know this is a misconception when it comes to weight training. . If you want to tone, shape and drop fat, then resistance training is essential. . Grab what you have and give this workout a go! Xx #homeworkout #quickworkouts #quickhomeworkouts
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Saturday morning healthy chocolate smoothie 🤪. Only takes 5 mins to make! Come see...


Who’s feeling imperfectly perfect this week? . It’s flawed Friday once again. Whoop! Celebrate your flaws and fails with me!! . It’s gonna be a thing, I’m making it a thing.... . Let’s embrace our flaws and fails, they’re make us who we are!! . I’ve literally had a brain like a sieve this week... turned up at appointment that had been cancelled a week ago (I even took a cab because I was running late for the imaginary meeting), then turned up at the wrong dentist on the same day, made a smoothie and left it in the fridge (I hate that!! Grrrr)... . What fabulous fails have you had this week? #flawsfriday #embraceimperfection #mentalhealth #happy
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A lesson to be learnt from my wisdom teeth, well they are ‘wisdom’ teeth after all 🤓.
For four years I have questioned if I should have my wisdom teeth taken out, even though they were causing me so much pain!
4 years of putting it off and saying “oh, I’ll do it next year”.
... This year I decided was the year to get them sorted... from the decision to the getting it done was just a matter of weeks and today the discomfort I have felt was sorted in an hour of being in the dentists chair!
A few more days of discomfort and then I won’t think about it ever again!!! Plus the pain is no where near as bad as it has been over the years 🙄.
So, what discomfort are you putting up with, right now?
Are your clothes too tight and you hate the way you feel?
Do you feel tired and lethargic just walking up the stairs?
Are you highly stressed and anxious?
You know that moving your body, making better food choices and some self care would sort this...
Yet you put it off because you don’t have time/motivation/energy.
Don’t put it off any longer. It takes more energy thinking about these things at times, than it does to do something about it.
Ok. So making these changes and getting the results you want, may take a little longer than an hr in the dentist chair.
But like me, once you get started you’ll wonder why you put it off for so long.
Do ONE thing today that your body will thank you for.
It doesn’t matter how big or small, just do that thing and keep doing that thing!
Sometimes improving our health, getting fitter and losing weight is much bigger in our head, than it actually is in reality...
Just like my wisdom tooth extraction was for me.
Now go do that thing... #health #fitness #weightloss
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👉Do you find that your health and wellness is constantly being put to the bottom of your to do list?


👉Low impact total body workout! 🔥
Take time for yourself to move your body today, with this sofa workout!
Perfect if you are short of time, work from home, travelling or on holiday!
... 💫elevated glute bridges x12 💫elevated pushups x12 💫Bulgarian split squats x12 💫tricep dips x12 . Repeat 2-3 times ❤️ #homeworkout #noequipmentworkout #sofaworkout #lowimpactworkout
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How long do you spend scrolling through all those ‘perfect pics’ on social?
Some people spend hours working on the right pic to put out there, to show the perfect life...
It took me ages just getting these silly ones right!
... Contorting my body, getting the right angle, the right light and everything else there was to think about!
Neatly put my back out with some of the angles I was trying to achieve. 😂
As we’ve seen from documentaries like Fyre on Netflix (watch it if you haven’t, it’s a real eye opener) you can make anyone believe anything you want to on social media.
The power it has to make us believe and feel a certain way is unbelievable.
Remember this... when you’re having a shit day and you make it even worse by scrolling... It’s not all real, lots of what we see is faked or curated just to show our best bits, just a moment in time.
Or instead of spending that time scrolling, whilst saying you don’t have the time to exercise jump up and join in on one of my 10 minute workouts. Spend that time doing something that will have a positive impact on your mental and physical wellbeing...
Make this the last scroll of the and join my FREE 5 day ‘10 mins a day’ bodyweight workout challenge. Link is in the comments 👇 #real #wellbeing #mentalwellbeing #fake
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Morning! Happy Monday peeps. . Heees tour Monday morning reminder that it’s the small, consistent steps you take day in day out that are going to get you to where you want to be. . Balance and moderation is the hardest place to get to, but once you’re there it makes maintinaing weight loss, health and fitness a lot easier.... . The all or nothing approach I see so often, does NOT work long term. . If you’re ready to start taking the small steps then come join us on the 5 day free challenge. The link is in the comments below ❤️ #goals #weightloss #homeworkout #sustainableweightloss
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🔥 5 day FREE workout challenge starts tomorrow!! 🔥
If you’re short on time, hate the gym or just lacking a little motivation right now, then come join me on the 5 day ‘10 mins a day’ workout challenge. . No equipment needed and just a 5 day commitment!... . You’ll get a short workout straight to your inbox each day with some bonuses along the way do help you with your health, fitness and weight loss goals!
Sign up using the link in the comments and see you tomorrow for day 1! 💫 #fitnesschallenge #homeworkout #bodyweightworkout
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I’m starting a thing... and I’m calling it #flawedfriday, where we all embrace our flaws and failures from the week. Feel free to join in and embrace your flaws with me!! Because we ALL have them and we all fail at stuff from time to time.
So here’s my week of flaws and fails: I’ve felt exhausted all week, just getting through my day has been hard, so I didn’t complete all of the recipes for my members inside Sindy’s Triple F Club.
... I didn’t manage to hit all my daily goals like meditating every day and posting valuable content on social for you guys.
And to top it all off my skin has gone nuts and I’ve broken out with about 20 spots. 🤯
Perfection doesn’t exist, let’s embrace our flaws and failures, because they are normal and often signs we are trying to grow and change... apart from my spots, they’re just a sign my body isn’t happy with me right now! 🤷‍♀️
Just keep doing your best and stop beating yourself up for not being perfect and celebrate flawed Friday with me ❤️ #fridayvibes #imperfectlyperfect #wellness #mindfulness #feelgood
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💫Have you grabbed your spot on the 5 day bodyweight workout challenge?
If you are lacking motivation at the moment, struggling to find the time to fit a workout in or just want a simple short workout to do at home (or on holiday if that floats your boat), then join me, for just 10 minutes a day on this 5 day challenge.
👉Sign up ‘officially’ below to get your daily dose of me and your workout straight to your inbox...
... ...along with some helpful tips and tricks along the way to support your health, fitness and weight loss goals...
And honestly, it is just 10 minutes a day... roll out of bed, stick on a power ballad and do it your pj’s if you like! 💪
Link is in the comments 👇
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Waiting for the right time to get fitter, healthier and in shape... there is NEVER a right time, life will always have something to throw at you, that’s life! . I’m running another 5 Day, just 10 minutes a day, fitness challenge and it’s completely FREE!! . This challenge has been designed so you can fit it into the busiest of schedules, you can even roll out of bed and do it in your pj’s, plus it’s only 10 minutes so won’t make you feel overwhelmed just thinking about it.... . Short, realistic, no equipment workouts!! . Join me and have me as your coach, giving you the motivation and support you need to get you kick started (or give you a friendly kick up the bum). . We start on Monday 8th July, sign up using the link in my bio and you’ll get me popping into your inbox daily, with some realistic tips and tricks along the way, so you can start living a healthier and happier life, the simple way! . Grab your spot using the link in the comments below... 👇 #workoutvideos #workoutchallenge #exercise #keepfit
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More about Sindy Bond