Sir Michael Fallon

About Sir Michael Fallon

For updates about Sir Michael Fallon's activities as the Member of Parliament for Sevenoaks and Swanley, click 'Like'.

Sir Michael Fallon Description

I am proud to serve as the MP for Sevenoaks. Over the last 20 years I've helped thousands of constituents through my regular surgeries in Sevenoaks and Swanley.

Since 2015 we've finally got the Sevenoaks grammar school we so badly needed. We've seen local unemployment fall to a record low. 700 more small businesses have been started here in the last seven years.

In this parliament, I will continue to fight for a better deal for rail passengers, firmer protection of the Green Belt, more funding for our local NHS, and less red tape for small businesses and the self-employed.

I ask for your continued support.



Today, I joined colleagues to deliver a letter to the Prime Minister, signed by over 100 Conservative MPs, urging her to stop the witch-hunt against our veterans in Northern Ireland.
The Government's new Historical Investigations Unit would re-open cases against our ex-servicemen and women, many of whom are now in their 70s and 80s, despite the fact they have already been investigated.
There can not - and must not - be a moral equivalence between those who fought to defend, and terrorists who sought to do us harm.
The Government must stop this witch-hunt - and defend those who defended us.
See More


Last week, I was delighted to attend the Swanley Business Expo, a joint initiative between Swanley Town Council - Official site and Sevenoaks Chamber of Commerce to promote local businesses in the area.
Small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of our economy: they pump money into the local economy, creating jobs and community supply chains.
It was a real privilege to meet so many exciting small businesses in Swanley – a place far more than a commuter town. I look forward very much to hearing about their successes in the future.


Today in Parliament, I had the pleasure of helping Breast Cancer Now prepare for #wearitpink on October 19th.
Since 2002, Breast Cancer Now has raised over £31 million to fund life-saving research, including here in Sevenoaks. 55,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year – and it is organisations such as BNC that drive forward research into detection, prevention and effective treatment.
To find out more about their work, visit:


I was delighted that this week Sports Minister, Tracey Crouch MP, made a visit to Greatness Recreation Ground in Sevenoaks to learn more about the cooperative work Sevenoaks Football Club and Sevenoaks Town Council are doing to fund the facilities, including a state-of-the-art 3G football pitch. The money spent does not come from Local Authority Funds.
The Minister was able to meet the Sevenoaks Mayor, local councillors and staff from Greatness, before being treated to a of Power (wheelchair) Football.
It was fantastic for a Government Minister to see at first-hand how our brilliant local initiatives are having a big impact on the community.
For more information on Greatness Recreation Ground, visit: w/6000021

More about Sir Michael Fallon

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