Skinny Club With Kass

About Skinny Club With Kass

Lose 5lb in just five days with our tea made from all natural ingredients



Just one simple change has turned Jennyโ€™s life around, Not only is she healthier, with lower Bmi she is more confident, her moods are better and her brain fog is a thing of the past. It all started with a free sample. Ask me how to get yours #nickysmartcoffee #weightloss #summerbody #feelbetter #slimming #revitalu #samplefirstuk


From an xxxl to a large in 8 months


Can your coffee do this ?


Can your coffee do this ? Try a free sample link in the comments.


So happy one of my ladies won $500 today as a hashtag winner on our live ๐Ÿ˜So happy one of my ladies won $500 today as a hashtag winner on our live ๐Ÿ˜


Who wants a free trial on me Link in the comments.


Whoโ€™s ready to start feeling like this .


I want to share this Testimony with EVERYONE. Because people are so hard on themselves when they don't see change in the number on the scale... but LOOK AT HER. Doesn't she look amazing!?!?!
๐Ÿ—ฃ This is prime example on not to worry about the scale, because INCHES WILL SHED BEFORE POUNDS โ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ
... I go by how my clothes fit...๐Ÿ‘–โค... more then what the number on the scale says... I still jump on the scale but I don't take the numbers on it as my only accomplishments... I take in consideration also inches lost and how great I feel toooo! โ˜•๐Ÿ’•"
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Try a sample now and start getting your results Or place a risk free order if it doesnโ€™t work send it back for a refund
Order here๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป
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PLEASE READ TO END. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ ive said it before and will say it again "this is not just anotber weight loss coffee/product" this is have a fundamental effect on peoples lives. Best value product on the market! This is denises story.
โ€œIt's been 5 months since I started drinking the smart coffee and it's been life changing. I'm a 3 time cancer survivor. The first diagnosis was terminal (guess they were wrong). I have had lifetime dosages of chemo and radiation which essential means ...I'm toxic. I have lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and mesenteric panniculitis (don't bother to look it up, less than 2% of the population has it) LOL. All that aside...I feel like crap on average day since 2000. I wish I was joking. At 40, I got tired of it after meeting the man who would become my husband and decided to start eating differently. It helped a little but I never could get a hold of the painful flare ups with the lupus. Then at 45, I found out I was pregnant. Which is pretty remarkable considering I was told I could not have children in 1999. Fast forward to August 2018, I get a sample from Robin Ely-Suson of her amazing smart coffee. I figure, I drink copious amounts of Starbucks daily...what the hell do I have to lose. I looked around her group on FB with info on the product, the testimonials, the excitement surrounding this smart coffee. First sample, I did more that day than in the prior 2 weeks. My family and husband even asked...feeling good today? Ummmm, yeah...I drank this smart coffee. And that day changed my life. Literally. What has this supplement done for me in 5 months: I sleep at night, my pain is gone (I ache which is totally awesome) but the anti inflammatory properties are off the chain, I've had ONE flare in those 5 months and it was after I pushed myself for 4 days, my meds for PPa - gone, my mild depression (comes with the PPa) - gone, I'm down 4 pant sizes! I went from a 3XL to a 16 (stretch, but who cares!) and I've lost 31 lbs and I have another update weigh soon. I tell everyone I know what this coffee has done. It might seem irritating OR they might try it and find some relief in their lives as well.
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How it works.
Revital u is a smart coffee that works with synergy in your body. It helps balance blood sugar levals so stops you craving sugar and fats and sends a signal to your brain to feel fuller so you eat less plus gives you an energy boost and lifts the brain fog some people suffer from. It can be drunk as a coffee or put in smoothie. Orange juice etc etc now also available in capsual form if you dont like coffee.. or now in cocoa (hot chocolate to us brits)
Order your free sample today shipping just ยฃ4.87


Not often im lost for words.. but Shiiiiiiiiit you look different.. I did one of those double head things when I saw those pics! Well done U.. Jessicaโ€™s story
My 'worst'...... Many fad diets, bad lifestyle, no exercise, zero confidence, bad breakup, mentally battering myself, no direction in life & 'unhappy' in my own body. My best! (So far)..... more knowledge, better nutrition, exercise, hydration, no booze,happy, settled, mental health improved, happy lifestyle, confiden...t, & setting goals. Discovered smart products!
Can you tell? Its ok to be proud of yourself, to say nice things about yourself. To Believe in yourself. It makes such a difference to your health!!! Be positive, find positive in all you do - it rubs off on others too ๐Ÿค—
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It all starts with a free sample Order yours now, limited supply

More about Skinny Club With Kass

Skinny Club With Kass is located at Sn34au Swindon Village