Slimming World Barnstaple With Clare

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Saturday: 08:30 - 12:30
Sunday: -

About Slimming World Barnstaple With Clare

A warm, friendly Slimming World group is the very best place to learn how to lose weight, and get all the support you need to achieve your target!



Breakfast and dinner today just what Sunday’s are for! Are you ready to join us? Ready to eat all this and STILL lose weight? Find me on Fridays at St. John’s church hall, Newport, 9.30am or Saturday’s at Sticklepath school, 8.30am & 10.30am


Ever wondered what it would be like to be a consultant for Slimming World? Calling all member past and present we have vacancies in YOUR area. Book your slot today!


Just a little pre match motivation- if you want that winning goal you’ve got to be careful of those fouls. Football snacks can cause a penalty so be prepared! You’ll be a winner on those scales this week if you do 😆


Oh definitely might try these tomorrow night!


Hand written invitations to all my DIAMOND target members telling them about our celebrations 🎉 this week in group. A diamond target member is someone who’s maintained their goal weigh for over a year and we are VERY proud of them. Can’t wait to party this Friday and Saturday 🎉🎉🎉


Did you know we have vacancies in the Barnstaple, crediton, chulmleigh, hatherleigh & surrounding areas? If you would love to run your very own slimming world group why not pop along to one of our events to find out more. September, October and January starts! Book now on 07951738890 what have you got to lose?


What’s for breakfast 🍳 I’m loving porridge and fresh blueberries today!


Out Tuesday.... please share ❤️


Did you know we have one of the most successful teams of consultants within Slimming World right here in North Devon? They all run Flagship groups with love, care and support of their members all the way to target and beyond. Every day this week I'm going to introduce my shining stars that I have the absolute pleasure of working with everyday.. Todays focus is on Jill Mackmurdie...
"I struggled with my weight and was a real YoYo dieter, I tried so many different diets too. B...ut, when my doctor told me I was at risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease, not to mention the high blood pressure, I knew I had to do something. It was the hardest thing, to walk through the doors into the Slimming World group, but I needn’t have worried. Everybody was so friendly and as time went on and the weight dropped off with what seemed like minimal effort it completely transformed my life, I haven’t looked back. Staying to Image Therapy was definitely the key to my success, there was always lots of love and laughter and the best support, new ideas and food learning you could ever need. Learning what foods I could eat in any quantities I needed to satisfy any hunger pangs was truly a revelation, and knowing that no foods were banned made such a difference. The health problems are a thing of the past along with diets; you don’t need diets when you have Slimming World. You really can eat a whole variety of foods freely, no weighing, measuring no fuss or faffing, just having the freedom to make some wonderfully delicious meals that the whole family can enjoy. You can achieve anything you want with a little determination and masses of support from people who know exactly how you feel, it REALLY does work!!" You can find Jill every Wednesday at 9.30am at south molton rugby club.
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Did you know we have one of the most successful teams of consultants within Slimming World right here in North Devon? They all run Flagship groups with love, care and support of their members all the way to target and beyond. Every day this week I'm going to introduce my shining stars that I have the absolute pleasure of working with everyday - Todays star is Ruth Mary Mahaffey...
"I began my Slimming World journey after spending Christmas Day 2014 with my sister in law, who ...had given us absolutely loads to eat but was completely Slimming World friendly! She had at that point lost just over 3 stone! I had been trying to lose weight, but hated measuring and counting everything I ate, consequently my resolve failed and the weight I had lost went straight back on and more! My husband had a heart attack in 2010 and I was debilitated with rheumatoid arthritis, struggling to even get on the floor to play with our son. It was important to me to become fitter so my son would have a mother who could do things with him and for both of us to reduce our risk of heart disease! I finally had the courage to walk through the door of my local group after a few weeks and have only ever wished I'd done it earlier! I got to my target weight in 22 weeks with fantastic support from my consultant and was even playing netball weekly, something I could never have done before! I left my role as a midwife as I then moved to Devon. I found a local SW group after talking to other mums at school, but with lots of stress with the move and sorting out issues at home I stopped going to group after a few months! 6 months later, I had gained over 1 stone! I hated myself for allowing it to happen, but had a call from a new consultant who gently encouraged me to return! I did, and although it took me another 22 weeks to get back to target, I did it with the support from the group... something I found was absolutely essential to my success! I became a consultant to provide continuity for my group, as they didn't have a permanent one, and I wanted them to have the valuable support I had had. They have supported me all the way, and I love being part of their journeys and sharing their succeses, giving them the support they need." You can find Ruth every Tuesday at The St Brannocks Rooms, Braunton at 9.30am - she'd love to see you.
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Did you know we have one of the most successful teams of consultants within Slimming World right here in North Devon? They all run Flagship groups with love, care and support of their members all the way to target and beyond. Every day this week I'm going to introduce my shining stars that I have the absolute pleasure of working with everyday.. Todays focus is on Chris Ford...
"I joined Slimming World in May 2016, 21st and completely fed up, I had always been a big guy and to... a degree accepted that it would always be. I was diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetic a few years before I joined, and was told there was a very high risk to my health because of my lifestyle, so I took the advice from my Doctor and began trying to loose weight on my own, which I found, is hard to do, so after a few failed attempts alone a slimming World leaflet fell through my door, I had never tried any form of weight loss group, and as a man had the stigma that it wasn’t something men did, but after a few weeks of staring at the leaflet, I plucked up the courage and took myself to my local group, I never looked back. I had the pleasure of becoming a consultant in January 2017 and took over the group I had joined as a member, and then went on to relaunch the Northam morning group too. I love being a consultant and seeing members grow in confidence week after week as they find themselves, knowing how much it really means to them. All it just takes those first steps into group to make those changes happen." Find Chris every Monday at Northam community Centre, 9.30am and 11.30am and St Georges Infants School, Northam at 5.30pm and 7.30pm
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Today’s focus is on Emma ....


Did you know we have one of the most successful teams of consultants within Slimming World right here in North Devon? They all run Flagship groups with love, care and support of their members all the way to target and beyond. Every day this week I'm going to introduce my shining stars that I have the absolute pleasure of working with everyday - Next can I introduce Emma Powlesland...
"I joined slimming world in 29th July 2014 I remember that date as that was the day that chan...ged my life for the better. No I would say that is the day that slimming world saved my life. I started off weighing in at 25st 10.5lb which I never new I was ever that big. I cried all the way home. I grabbed hold of food optimising and loved every minute of the new food I could enjoy. At the back of my mind I was thinking all week there is no way I could eat all this and still lose weight how WRONG I WAS. I was so scared to weigh in the following week but I went and what a great warm welcome I had on my return NO judgements just help and support. When it came to my turn I stood on the scales and I was of to a flying start with 6.5lb off in my first week. I was over the moon. 18 months later and with a 14 stone 10.5lbs loss I received my target award and I haven't ever looked back. I became a consultant as I wanted to help each and every one of my member to feel like I do about the fantastic food we can eat and still lose weight.'' You can find Emma every Saturday at 9am at the Congregational Church Hall, Crediton. She's love to see you.
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Did you know we have one of the most successful teams of consultants within Slimming World right here in North Devon? They all run Flagship groups with love, care and support of their members all the way to target and beyond. Every day this week I have been introducing my shining stars that I have the absolute pleasure of working with everyday but today its my turn... I'm Clare Mutch
I've been a consultant for 5 years now and I can honestly say it really is the best job in th...e world, I love seeing the change in my members not only in their shape but their confidence too. I lost 5 stone when I first became a consultant but like most of us do, I got to Target and then thought I no longer needed to attend a group - I did! Gradually over the years my weight went up and down and now, finally, I am firmly on my journey again - back down to that Target. So you see its not all plain sailing, I understand the ups and downs because Ive been there but I do promise that I will do my very best to help support and encourage you all I can to achieve your weight loss dreams'. Join me every Friday at St Johns Church Hall, Newport, 9.30am or 11.30am or every Saturday at Sticklepath School, 8.30am or 10.30am - you definately wont regret it.
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Did you know we have one of the most successful teams of consultants within Slimming World right here in North Devon? They all run Flagship groups with love, care and support of their members all the way to target and beyond. Every day this week I'm going to introduce my shining stars that I have the absolute pleasure of working with everyday - next we have Norah Hale ... 'I joined slimming world with a friend as my health was very poor and having nursed a terminally ill husb...and for 2 years, with his passing i needed something that would help me focus on me. It sounds dramatic but slimming world saved my life and gave me a new and exciting life. I lost 3 stone in 50 weeks. Reduced my meds by half. Got my blood pressure under control and was invited to look at the possibility of running my own slimming world group. I have been a member for 5 years now and a consultant for the last 3. I cannot imagine my life without slimming world. Losing weight is never just about pounds and inches its about people, people like me who are lost and use food and drink solely to keep them going. Its about inspiring members to love good food. Take pleasure in eating well and sharing ideas. Recognising you are not a lone and in making time for yourself you give yourself time to form lasting and supporting friendships. I love being part of such a positive approach to life. Watching members grow in confidence and self esteem its a love that never wains but grows stronger every week.' Join Norah every Thursday at the Howe Concert Hall, Torrington, 9.30am, 11.30am and 6pm.
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Out today 😊


Did you know we have one of the most successful teams of consultants within Slimming World right here in North Devon? They all run Flagship groups with love, care and support of their members all the way to target and beyond. Every day this week I'm going to introduce my shining stars that I have the absolute pleasure of working with everyday... Meet Lisa Tucker.. 'I joined slimming world back in March 2013 after having the girls. I went to group every week and always stayed to image therapy (loved my Thursday nights). Ireached target exactly a year later losing 3st 8.5ib. I run a group at The Howe concert Hall, Torrington every Tuesday 5.30pm and 7.30pm and every wednesday at 5.30pm and 7.30pm at the Chulmleigh Town Hall. I love my job'


They have really helped me lose weight and they are all doing a fantastic job and i always recommend yourselves when people ask me how i lost weight xxx keep up the good work all of you :) :) :)


Slimming world is an excellent heathly eating plan and Clare is an amazing consultant x


I love slimming world. My consultant clare is just simply the best she is the magic that keeps me going and offers so much support, laughs and makes group fun. I highly recommend her and all clares groups are amazing give it a try ��


I look forward to group every Saturday and it's not daunting turning up there like many other slimming groups! Clare is a lovely friendly, helpful consultant which makes for a lovely group.Ive made some fab new friends at this group too x Plus the diet has made me so much happier! Thanks to the support of Clare & everyone there x


I joined Clare's group on a Saturday morning in June this year. I have never met such an inspiring, friendly, warm, funny and encouraging person as Clare. I walked into that group alone not knowing anybody. Clare made me feel welcome straight away and I now have so many friends. I love going to her class and look forward to every Saturday. Thank you so much Clare you are brilliant xx


I joined Clare's 8.30 group at Sticklepath School on Saturday mornings in March this year. I was really worried about going the first time as I am quite a shy person and find things like this quite scary. With Clare's help and guidance I have managed to lose 2st 7and a half pounds so far,I am amazed never thought I could do it.Right from day one Clare has been brilliant she is always so supportive and encouraging and even makes you feel better about yourself even if you have had a bad week. The whole group are so lovely and friendly too and are always there with words of advice for each other. Saturday mornings wouldn't be the same without Clare and Slimming World,it's a joy to get up early and be part of it all.Clare ,we all love you ,you are amazeballs.xx


I have been a member of Clares group for 3 years now. She has helped me get to target and maintain it for nearly 2 years. Could not have done it without her or without staying to group. I love my Saturday morning its part of my life now. A safe place to go, to be with my friends, wonderful positive people who support each other week after week. xxx


I go to the Friday morning group at the leisure centre. I'm only 2 weeks into slimming world but the group is amazing. Everyone is so supportive and don't mind my silly questions

Clare is so supportive and gets every one motivated and has so much positive energy. Would definitely recommend this group xxx


I go to Slimming World on Saturday morning at 10.30. I really look forward to the group - everyone is really supportive, encouraging and welcoming. It's a bit like having a 90 minute positivity bath! Clare is entertaining and motivating and we have a great time! I've lost 3 stone 9lb since April so it does really work if you put your mind to it. If you want to lose weight then join - it does really work!


I didn't attend for long due to serious health issues but the group was extremely well run ,friendly & provided me with all the information I needed s that when I was more healthy I could get down to my target weight!!! I am now wearing my size 10 jeans & weigh 9 & a half stone!!!


I couldn't ask for a better consultant, when it's difficult the support is always there when I gave up and then tried again the welcome back was kind, warm and supportive. Never any judgement. My group is full of beautiful souls who Its a pleasure to share my journey with and Clare Mutch is just pure awesomeness every week!


I am a member of SW Barnstaple Saturday morning group. It is the most inspirational and friendly slimming group I have been to. Clare Mutch is motivating, supportive and understanding. But most of all she makes us laugh and feel good about ourselves. Best day of the week.


Great group, not just the consultant but also the people. The early bird (8:30) group is so friendly with lots of positive support through the bad times and raptous applause when you succeed. Everyone is so enthusiastic and always interactive. Have tried other groups in North Devon, and this is the BEST!!!


Fabulous group of people with a great leader, attentive, hard working and full of answers to any questions.. won't go to any other slimming world group now I've been to this one! Thank you Clare for alll your support ❤️


Clare's groups are great, she is a very good consultant always wanting to help everyone and really cares about her members. She also lives in the real world and is always supportive. Mind you she is mad as a hatter which helps and is probably why we love her. LOL


Clare's a star!! I've had a go several times over about 15 years at Slimming World & never took it seriously, but I've stuck to it for about 3 years now with her help.

Support, a giggle, & being made to feel welcome... What more could you want from great groups & an even better consultant!!

Some of my bestest friends I've met at her groups, & don't even get me started about our hungry hippo games ;) xxx


Clare you are the best without your help Mary and I would be big and frumpy you are always so bubbly and make everyone feel so relaxed that's why we still come even though we are diamond members we love you xxx


Clare is the best there is, always there for us and our 10.30 Saturday group is the best. Got to love Slimming World Barnstaple.


Clare is an amazing group leader. She's always there no matter what with helpful hints and tips to make sure you get to target asap. Love going to group and having a really good giggle. Thank~you Clare. ��☺️

More about Slimming World Barnstaple With Clare

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: 08:30 - 12:30
Sunday: -