Slimming World Cottenham & Histon

About Slimming World Cottenham & Histon

HISTON Baptist Church

COTTENHAM The Cottenham Club

Slimming World Cottenham & Histon Description

Cottenham & Histon Groups:

Cottenham All Saints Village Hall
Tuesday's 9: 30am or 11: 30am
Consultant: Karen

Histon Baptist Church
Tuesday's 5: 30pm or 7: 30pm
Consultant: Karen

Cottenham Village College
Thursday's 7: 30pm
Consultant: Abby



All set up and doors are open to welcome my amazing members and any new members wishing to join. Still time to lose weight before Christmas x
T H U R S D A Y S The Cottenham Club COTTENHAM... 7.30pm
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A fabulous achievement!!!


All set up to welcome my lovely members at the Cottenham All Saints Church Hall, 9.30am or 11.30am. New members welcome too (grab a copy of the Yours magazine OUT TODAY for FREE membership)


There's still chance to drop a dress or trouser size before Christmas!
Pick up a copy of the Yours magazine this Tuesday for FREE membership to Slimming World.
... T U E S D A Y S COTTENHAM All Saints Village Hall 9.30am or 11.30am
HISTON Baptist Church 5.30pm or 7.30pm
T H U R S D A Y S COTTENHAM The Cottenham Club 7.30pm
Always a warm welcome. Karen x
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In the UK around 700 people A DAY are diagnosed with diabetes and obesity is one of the biggest links.
Helping you lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle will dramatically reduce the risk of you developing Diabetes.
... And if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, an online survey of Slimming World members with type 2 diabetes found that, since joining a Slimming World group:
🌟 Over 90% reported improvements in glucose control
🌟 38% had been able to reduce or stop their diabetes medication
🌟 Members with type 1 and type 2 diabetes successfully lost weight
🌟 66% had increased their activity levels
🌟 89% found it easy to fit individual dietary advice from their health care team into Food Optimising.
We are here to support you every step of the way, so come along to group and get your copy of 'Eating well with diabetes - a guide for Slimming World members'. This booklet includes information on the healthy eating steps to help control blood glucose levels, blood fats and regulate weight recommended by Diabetes UK, and explains how Slimming World's Food Optimising system can help them achieve these steps.
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WOW, meet Slimming Worlds Woman of the Year 2018!!!


This week is "National School Meals Week"
Did you know that Slimming Worlds unique Food Optimising plan fits in with the whole family?
Burgers... Chicken nuggets Meatballs Spaghetti Bolognese
Even pizza can still be enjoyed by everyone!
Come along to one of my friendly Groups to find out how!
T U E S D A Y S COTTENHAM All Saints Village Hall 9.30am or 11.30am
HISTON Baptist Church 5.30pm or 7.30pm
T H U R S D A Y S COTTENHAM The Cottenham Club 7.30pm
A warm welcome awaits. Karen x
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Maxine, Slimming Worlds Woman of the Year 2018, says that she’d struggled with her weight from a young age, after being born with a rare bone disease which affected her mobility. After trying various diets, calorie-controlled shakes, and even slimming pills prescribed by her doctor, she finally found weight-loss success by following our Food Optimising plan – and loves that she can still enjoy healthier versions of her favourite dishes!


T U E S D A Y S COTTENHAM All Saints Village Hall... 9.30am or 11.30am
HISTON Baptist Church 5.30pm or 7.30pm
T H U R S D A Y S COTTENHAM The Cottenham Club 7.30pm
Always a warm welcome. Karen x
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Give yourself a (very) early Christmas present and unwrap your festive season slim-down, with our offer of free membership of any Slimming World group in next week's Woman magazine - out on Tuesday!


Happy Halloween! Whatever spooktacular plans you’ve made, hope you all have a ghoulishly great time!


⭐⭐ F R E E M E M B E R S H I P ⭐⭐
Are you ready to slim into your favourite festive outfit? Lose weight for less with a voucher for free membership of any Slimming World Group inside tomorrows Bella magazine – on sale Tuesday 30th October.
T U E S D A Y S... COTTENHAM All Saints Village Hall 9.30am or 11.30am
HISTON Baptist Church 5.30pm or 7.30pm
T H U R S D A Y S COTTENHAM The Cottenham Club 7.30pm
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There'll be fireworks, goosebumps and a little bit of magic both in and out of Group this week! Can't wait to be inspired and hear our nominees slimming stories, and then crown our Miss Slinky and Mr Sleek title winners in Groups this week.


Are you ready to slim into your favourite festive outfit? Lose weight for less with a voucher for free membership of any Slimming World group inside next week’s Bella magazine – on sale from Tuesday


A shout out to previous members and those of you that are really wanting to join, but holding off for the right time.
Ever get tired of saying, “I’ll start again on Monday”, or “It’ll be easier next week”, or “I’ve got so much going on, so it’ll be easier to start when that’s over”. It feels exhausting doesn’t it”. Mainly because of the feeling of failure, guilt and disappointment.
Slimming Worlds Extra Easy Plan isn’t about a quick fix. It’s not going to immediately solve ...all of your body hang ups or cure your relationship with food instantly. will give you the ability to fall in love with food again though, to listen to your body and to rid yourself of the guilt. To eat without ever feeling hungry, to be able to go out and socialise without depriving yourself, to have a little of what you fancy.
To lose weight, it does require commitment, determination and perseverance, but most of all the desire to want to change. Without change you won’t change. You’ll have heard of people joining Slimming World, having amazing successes and achieving their weight loss dreams. There’s no special secret about losing weight, it’s about wanting to achieve your goal, believing in your ability and making a plan to give it your all.
There is no right time to join. You’ll be successful when you chose to open your mind, have faith and make Food Optimising a way of life, a healthy lifestyle change. It works for everyone who’s prepared to work at it.
Don’t leave it any longer. I’m here and willing to support you 100% to your weight loss dreams. Karen x
T U E S D A Y S COTTENHAM All Saints Church Hall 9:30am or 11:30am
HISTON Baptist Church 5:30pm or 7:30pm
T H U R S D A Y S COTTENHAM The Cottenham Club 7:30pm
A warm welcome awaits x
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With 10 weeks to go till Christmas, set yourself up to feel and look great!!!!
🌟 Half price membership at the moment, so only pay £5 to join
... 🌟 Buy a 12 week countdown for the price of 10, from 14th October to 3rd November and receive a FREE All in One cookbook, containing 60+ recipes
🌟 If an existing member brings a friend to join, they'll receive a FREE week. The more friends they bring, the more FREE weeks!
T U E S D A Y S COTTENHAM All Saints Village Hall 9.30am or 11.30am
HISTON Baptist Church 5.30pm or 7.30pm
T H U R S D A Y S COTTENHAM The Cottenham Club 7.30pm
All new and returning members very welcome! Karen x
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Get the blankets ready and the kettle on – the latest edition of Slimming World magazine will be arriving in groups next week! With its real-life transformations, fab Food Optimising inspiration, and wonderful weight-loss tips, the autumnally-inspired November/December issue is sure to ‘leaf’ you smiling!


All set up at the Cottenham Group ready to welcome my lovely members


Without Karen and the rest of our friendly village group I would be twice the size I am now! Thanks Karen and everyone else for being so supportive and ever helpful.


The best thing I have done so far in 2015 is walking through the door and joining Karen Newels slimming world group.

Great support and friendly faces and I feel so happy that I did this, if you are thinking of joining slimming world cotteham and histon group just go for wont regret it !!


The best thing I did was joining the Histon group. Karen supports you all the way as well as the group. Look forward to the Tuesday nights..


One lovely lady, I come from the other side of Cambridge be part of Karen's group, such a kind, caring, friendly person, thank you Karen for keeping me on track xxxxx


My favourite page, so many tips and so much encouragement from Karen and the wonderful Cottenham group


Karen and the rest of the group at Histon are great; very supportive and ready to offer advice/pick you up when you're down, and cheering with you when you're doing well. You couldn't ask for a better consultant or group :-)


Joining Karen's Slimming World group (Cottenham, Thursday's from 7.30pm) was the best thing I I could have done; not only have I lost over 6 stone in 14 months, but I have regained my confidence, and found a plan I can stick to that will enable me to keep the weight off.


I was the biggest cynic where slimming groups are concerned. I have always firmly believed you have to exercise to lose weight. Karen has helped me realise a small change to my diet can make a massive difference. I joined the end of September 2013 and by Christmas I had lost almost 2 stone in weight and two dress sizes. Can't wait to get into all my old clothes and get back to the slimmer me from my teens and early twenties.



I started going to the group in February 2016. I was a little bit unsure about doing this and so looked a way too many things on the internet about Slimming World. What I have found is a consultant called Karen who is very supportive as well as a lot of people within the group that are friendly and warm. As a result of the help and support of Karen, I have lost almost 3 stone in 6 months and have significantly reduced by BMI and improved my overall health. It might be hard to begin with but you'll be amazed at how much better you will feel about yourself if the long run.


I love SW Cottenham. Support from other members and a leader whose so encouraging is fab. If you're unsure about coming, just do it. You won't look back!


I joined Cottenham Evening Slimming World back in May 2016 and have successfully lost 5 stone but I couldn’t have done this without Karen who offers wonderful advice, tips and holds the most welcoming group. The whole experience has changed my way of thinking about eating and has left me leading a happier and healthier life.


I have so much to thank Slimming World for but mostly for educating me to safely loose weight and keep it off. A simple plan that totally works and allows you to still enjoy your favourite treats. No blame or shame just lots of support and real encouragement from lovely men and women at both groups sharing an incredible journey. I lost 4 stone with SW and recently went back to knock off the half stone that crept on in the 18 months since I reached target.

Karen is really supportive and offers 1-2-1 support, the FB pages are at times hilarious and the online tools fantastic. Proud to be a diamond member and proud to dip in and out and be able to return. Most of all proud to be a healthy weight and healthy mummy to my two gorgeous daughters.

If you want to loose weight just go for it x


I have been to many SW groups over the years and this one is definitely the best, with a fantastic consultant in Karen and an extremely friendly group x


I have been to every Slimming group in my time and tried every fad diet going. I can honestly say that SW is the only one that I found has really worked. I was on a liquid only diet before I joined (very boring and unsociable) and found SW SO liberating. There was nothing I couldn't have (as long as I counted my syns) and I was never hungry. I can't say I had the smoothest journey (definitely the scenic route for me with a few stops in the layby on the way!!!) but with the help and support of the group and Karen I managed to loose 4 stone. I have had to stop attending group for the moment but can't wait to get back again. I am a person who needs the weekly contact, friendship, support and advice that the group gives me. Karen is also an inspirational leader who has been there for me all the way. I can only thank everyone at group and Karen for their help along my journey so far and look forward to coming back to group and finally getting to goal. See you all soon xx


I have been a member at Histon group for a very long time now, have reached target and remained there for 5 years, I couldn't have done this without the support given by both Karen and so many special friends I have made along the way. There is never any judgement just a listening ear and help when needed. After an hour at Histon on tuesday I always feel motivated. Come and join us.


I go to the Tuesday 9.30am group in Cottenham.

I have been the typical yo-yo dieter but have never done as well as I have since joining this group.

I try to stay each week to gain tips and inspiration from the group.

Karen is an amazing Consultant and the group is so welcoming, friendly and great fun!

I really enjoy seeing everyone each week to celebrate successes and to encourage if some are struggling.

Slimming World is not a diet - it is a healthy eating plan - you will be amazed what you can eat and the quantity.

It works!!! Xx :) :)


I go to Cottenham evening group started just over a year ago, I have been doing SlimmingWorld on and off for years but I am at my biggest loss!! It’s down to Karen, I am struggling at the mo with the heat but I will be back on track in no time


I am a Diamond member and I have been at target for just over two years. I have lost a total of 7 Stone.

I started my journey at the Histon group and transferred to Cottenham when Karen started her group there. Prior to my weight loss I had a spinal operation which left me with mobility problems. I can now walk unaided and feel better than I have for years.

Without the great support from Karen and the rest of the group I probably would not have continued to my target weight.

I used to look forward to Tuesday and meeting the other members and sharing the highs and lows of the week. If you had encountered a problem there was usually someone there who could offer help.

Really Slimming World gave me back my life. Huge thanks to Karen and the group.


I started last week at Cottenham.Had what I thought to be a bad start this week,coming to terms with all the changes one must make.Reading all the bumf . Generally adjusting. . Missed my group weigh in as I am a shift worker so went Histon.Met a really friendly group of people.Went to weigh in and found to my surprise I had lost 2.5lbs.Cannot wait for next week...Thank you all for making me feel welcome...

More about Slimming World Cottenham & Histon