Slimming World With Sarah

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 17:00 - 18:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Slimming World With Sarah

Slimming World will help you lose weight in a healthy way - no pills, potions, shakes or magic coffee needed! Learn to love food and lose weight.

Slimming World With Sarah Description

SLimming World is just 3 simple steps - 1 choose your free foods, 2 choose 2 healthy extras and 3 choose your syns. Free food really are at the heart of the plan as they're the ones you don't have to worry about weighing, measuring or counting. They're the ones we want to embrace and really fill up on. You don't have to go to special shops or expensive ones, as our plan just uses normal, everyday ingredients to make healthy and nutritious meals. That's why we call it Food Optimising! So forget the old myth that eating healthy costs too much - you shop where you want to. You will actually find that although your weekly shopping bill at the supermarket might be more, take out those takeaways, coffee shop coffees, ready made sandwiches etc and you'll find you will actually save money! Come along and join us at one of our groups - either Thursday at 5pm or 7pm or Friday at 9. 30am or 11. 30am - and we'll give you all the tools you need to change the way you eat to lose weight AND keep it off forever!



As it's my birthday and I'm 21 again ūüėČ I feel like celebrating with a little competition. All you have to do is: 1. Like our page 2. Like this post ... 3. Share this post
You'll go into a draw to win a 6 week countdown - that's 6 free weeks of Slimming!!!! So come on, get liking and sharing ūüėĀūüėĀūüėĀ
You'll be able to use this prize at Slimming World Beswick only, but can choose which group suits you best - Thursday 5pm or 7pm or Friday 9.30am. Closing date is Wednesday 24th July at 8pm and winner will be drawn live thereafter. Further T&Cs available on request.
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50 years ago, man stepped on the moon ūüĆô I suppose in that mission, they didn't know what awaited them, if they were even going to make it home again, if it was even possible ūü§Ē But they did it anyway!
50 years ago, Margaret opened her first Slimming World group probably feeling much the same as those astronauts, but with sheer belief and determination she did it anyway!
So what's stopping you from joining? Fear of what awaits you? Fearing if it is even possible for you to lose... weight? Fear of......... Whatever it is, feel the fear and do it anyway!!!!! You'll never know what's possible until you try.
Take that small step into our group and a giant leap into your weight loss journey ūüíõūüíõūüíõ
We're in Mary D's on Grey mare Lane Beswick M11 3DQ every Thursday 5pm or 7pm or Friday 9.30am.
Sarah xx
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ūüíõūüíõūüíõCOMING SOONūüíõūüíõūüíõ
The big Slimming World bus tour is coming to Manchester in just 2 weeks time! Come along and you'll meet lots of consultants, National competition winners, stop in to try some amazing food and much, much more. And if you're not already a member, you'll be able to get details of all your local groups as well as find out what goes on within them!


ūüíõūüíõūüíõ DON'T WAIT UNTIL SEPT - JOIN NOW ūüíõūüíõūüíõ
I know these next few weeks can be busy, especially if you've got kids at home, but there's honestly no need to wait until September to join our group.
By joining this week, you can save ¬£¬£¬£s with our special offers:... ūüíõThere's free membership in today's Yours magazine - saving ¬£5. ūüíõBuy a 12 week countdown and you're only paying for 10 - saving ¬£9.90 ūüíõGet a free recipe book when you buy a 12 week countdown before 27th July - saving ¬£4.95 ūüíõGet a free week for every friend you bring to join our group until 28th September - saving ¬£4.95 for each one ūüíõPlus, learn how to save money on your weekly shop during group with all our tips and ideas - saving loads!!!
And the bonus is by starting this week, you could be a stone lighter by September ūüíõūüíõūüíõ
Come and join us in Mary D's (upstairs) on Grey mare Lane Beswick M11 3DQ every Thursday 5pm or 7pm or Friday 9.30am
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Yesterday some of our members took part in the Cancer Research Race for Life. Congratulations Rachel, Caroline, Ros and Simone on your achievement and raising money for such an important cause. ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ


ūüíõūüíõūüíõ Summer of love awaits you in group ūüíõūüíõūüíõ
When all this ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ‚¨áÔłŹ is here for you, don't put joining off until September, join our group THIS WEEK!!


I always love group day as I love to see all my members changing week to week - that extra bit of confidence, the new "weigh day outfit" as the old ones now too big, the bright clothes instead of black, the new friends made, new relationships formed, pregnancies announced and so much more ūüėä
We're all part of a big family here at Slimming World Beswick, but there's always room for more. If you'd love to join us and start your journey and transformation, we're open tonight at 5pm or 7pm or Friday 9.30am in Mary D's on Grey mare Lane Beswick M11 3DQ


There has been some rumours that we're moving venues or closing down - IT'S NOT TRUE!!!!
We have changed our Friday group times though, so there is just 1, bigger session at 9.30am. Thursday we have 2 sessions: 5pm or 7pm
We're still in the upstairs function room at Mary D's on Grey mare Lane Beswick M11 3DQ and have no intention of moving again so soon after moving in there.
... I'd love you to come and join us this week - see for yourself how things work, what we do and hear all about food optimising. There's no obligation to join either if you decide its not for you. The best way to get the truth about our groups is to come along and see it for yourself.
Hope to see you soon, Sarah xx
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Weekly food shop done at Aldi - everything in my trolley is either free food, a healthy extra or low syns!! No separate shopping lists for us as a family, no special "diet" food and definitely no need to spend a fortune! With a few extras like sun cream and toiletries, it still came in at under ¬£40 ūüėĀūüėĀūüėĀ
Join us in Mary D's on Grey mare Lane Beswick M11 3DQ every Thursday 5pm or 7pm or Friday 9.30am.


We have 2 amazing offers starting this week!!! First up, grab a copy of the Daily Mirror this weekend to get a FREE MEMBERSHIP VOUCHER and 2 free mini recipe booklets! The voucher means you won't pay the £10 membership fee when you buy one of our 12 week countdowns. Plus, when you buy the countdown in group, you'll get a FREE RECIPE BOOK too! These offers together will save you almost £25!!!
Join us next Thursday at 5pm or 7pm or Friday 9.30am in Mary D's on Grey mare Lane Be...swick M11 3DQ.
Message me if you want any further information.
Sarah xx 07738618094
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The big Slimming World bus tour has started!!!! And luckily for us here in Beswick there's 2 locations and dates you can catch it:
Friday 2nd August at Ashton Market Sunday 4th August in Piccadilly Gardens
... ūüöĆūüöĆūüöĆūüöĆūüöĆūüöĆūüöĆūüöĆūüöĆūüöĆū üöĆūüöĆūüöĆūüöĆūüöĆ
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Let me talk to you about exercise, or body magic as we like to call it here at Slimming World. I often get asked "What's the best exercise to do to lose weight?" as my members know that I love going to the gym. Well quite simply, to lose weight you need to be eating the right foods that will create a calorie deficit. And this is where our fabulous food optimising plan takes centre stage!
You see it has 3 simple steps: 1. Free foods - things like chicken, fish, pasta , rice, f...ruit, veg etc. Foods that will fill you up so there's no need to snack between meals. 2. Healthy extras - essential nutrients for a healthy balanced diet. Cheese, milk, cereals and bread are amongst these. 3. Syns - usually foods and drinks that are high calorie and not very nutritious, like chocolate, crisp, alcohol, butter, sauces etc.
So basically, no foods or drinks are banned ūüėĀūüėĀūüėĀ And if you're truly food optimising, you'll be creating that calorie deficit without you having to count them.
Going back to exercise, it's an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, but on its own you really won't create enough of a calorie deficit to see significant losses each week - you need to be eating right and keeping the exercise going. What I often see is people hammering the treadmill or crosstrainer and then going straight to the shop for a chocolate bar or the takeaway for tea. Being active will help you with loads of things: sleeping better, more toned body, improved self esteem, boost in confidence, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and much much more. But the key to it is, find an activity you enjoy! Don't join a gym if you're never going to go, don't start running if you don't like it as you'll never stick to it - take it from someone who knows ūüėČ
If you'd like to get more help and advice around losing weight, eating healthy and a more active lifestyle, then come along to one of our sessions this week. We're in Mary D's on Grey mare Lane Beswick M11 3DQ this Thursday 5pm or 7pm or Friday 9.30am - you're all welcome. There's a car park at the rear and a separate side entrance for you to use too.
Sarah x
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It's been a hot one ‚ėÄÔłŹ‚ėÄÔłŹ‚ėÄÔłŹūü•Ķūü•Ķūü•Ķ Drinking plenty of (non alcoholic ūüėČ) fluids is always important, but when the temperature is up, you need even more! I keep my water bottle with me and fill it a few times throughout the day ūüí¶ Easy to keep track of how much I've had - today I've had 4 litres ūüėä
Sarah xx


ūüö®ūüö®Offer alert ūüö®ūüö®
We have a fantastic offer coming up this weekend in the Daily Star and Daily Express that will save you almost £20!!!
You'll get FREE MEMBERSHIP (¬£10) when you buy a 12 week countdown! As you only pay for 10 of those weeks, you're saving ¬£9.90 and don't have to pay again until the end of September ūüėĀūüėĀūüėĀ
... So grab your paper this weekend, then come and join us next Thursday at 5pm or 7pm or Friday 9.30am or 11.30am. We're in the upstairs function room of Mary D's on Grey mare Lane Beswick M11 3DQ. There is a car park at the rear and a separate side entrance. We also accept card payments as well as cash.
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‚≠ź‚≠źDo you want to lose 1 stone in a month and have a body like a Victoria's Secret model?‚≠ź‚≠ź If so, then Slimming World is not for you.
You see, Slimming World's Food Optimising is NOT a quick fix, it's a healthy way of eating that will help you change the way you eat so you don't just lose weight, but can keep it off forever.
There's so much out there at the minute - juices, shakes and smoothies, pills, 5:2, very low calorie diets, HDE, so called magic coffee and even injectio...ns ūüėģūüėģ and these could all help you lose a stone within a month, but chances are, you'll go back to your old ways of eating and gain it all back again and possibly even more. ūüėĒūüėĒ
With our Food Optimising plan, you can start to learn how to make simple changes to the way you cook, shop and eat, making losing weight easier than you ever thought possible! In our Image Therapy sessions we can help you with practical things like how to make healthy versions of your favourite takeaways ūüćēūü•ôūüćĒ, how to tweak your favourite recipe to be healthier and lower fat, how to enjoy eating out whilst losing weight and how you don't have to give up your favourite treats. ūüćęūüć∑ūüćļūüć™
And do you know what, we do actually have members who have lost 1 stone within 4-6 weeks, but the difference is, once you've changed your habits to new, healthy ones you're much more likely to keep it off. ūüėäūüėä
And when it comes to looking like a Victoria's Secret model, we'll you'd have to spend hours and hours in the gym and you still wouldn't be there. So instead, why not try to be the best version of you? Happier, healthier and slimmer: you vs you! Not everyone wants to be a size zero, so set your own target weight, your own weight loss dream and we'll help you get there.
So if you would love to lose at least 7lbs, eat real food, still go out and enjoy life, then come and join us this week on Thursday 5pm or 7pm or Friday 9.30am or 11.30am. We're in Mary D's on Grey mare Lane Beswick M11 3DQ, there's a car park to the rear and a separate side entrance for you to use. There's also no obligation to join - you can hear all about it, see how things work and if you decide its just not for you, then that is OK.
Hope to see you soon,
Sarah xx
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ūüö®ūüö®ūüö®It's the last day you can buy Woman magazine today to get your FREE MEMBERSHIP VOUCHER. ūüö®ūüö®ūüö®
Bring it with you this Thursday 5pm or 7pm or Friday 9.30am or 11.30am and pay just tge £4.95 weekly fee. We're in Mary D's on Grey mare Lane Beswick M11 3DQ.


It's Thursday!!! That means it's your chance to join us here in Beswick and get your weight loss journey under way. ūüėĀūüėĀ And if you pick up Woman magazine before you join, you'll pay just the weekly fee of ¬£4.95 and not the membership ūüí∑ūüí∑
We're in Mary D's tonight at 5pm and 7pm or tomorrow morning 9.30am and 11.30am. There's parking to the rear and a separate side entrance for you to use and you'll find us in the upstairs function room.
See you there ūüėČ

More about Slimming World With Sarah

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 17:00 - 18:30
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -