Sniff, Play And Jump

Monday: 07:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 19:00
Friday: 07:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 10:00
Sunday: 07:00 - 10:00

About Sniff, Play And Jump

The Sniff, Play and Jump Dog Park has been made specifically for YOU and your dog (s).

Safe, Fun and Secure!



Psssst… we’ve been hiding a secret for a while now, and we need your help.
Are you in?
... For the last couple of months, we’ve been speaking to more and more people about socialising, and how hard it is when dogs get older to find that hotspot where dogs can just play (including the dogs who never come back) …
Play is a NECESSITY to a dog's life, without it they can fall into depression and other undesirable behaviours.
Plus, it's lush to see dogs play together, kinda like children when they make first friends at school- it's a proud moment.
And i for one, find it therapeutic and love seeing my dog feeling fulfilled after a awesome play session.
Which is why I've been quiet these last couple of weeks, we’ve been creating the Canine Play Hub!
A place where dogs from all breeds and ages meet every week for an hour of play!
A behaviourist will also be present to keep the play civilised and make sure each dog is having a really awesome time.
AND here’s the special part, each play session is different!
Our first one is the Breed Social, A 60 minute play session for selected breeds only (which will change each week, for example one week it will be open for Labradors and the next week it will be Greyhounds), which will include some extra goodies too ;) ...
The second play session is called the Play Date, Which is open to any breed and age to come up and join in the fun play time! ( Perfect for the super excitable pups who LOVE to play but struggle to find play buddies…)
And finally, there will be the Play’n’Train Session, which is going to be so much fun!
It’s purpose is to assist people with dogs who are SUPER excitable and don’t listen or respond if other dogs around. You will be equipped with the skills to create the ultimate social etiquette.
More info will come dreckly
We need to gather up the times that work best for y’all and start making this all happen!
The poll below offers various times and days,we just need YOU to vote for what dates/times you would attend.< br> The majority vote will be our decision maker, and then we will launch Canine Social Hub (ahhhh)
Keep your eye peeled for more updates, or If you want to find out more before the launch then shoot us a message!
Thank you lovely people!
👇VOTE BELOW👇< br> See More


'How lovely it is to be able to let them off and not worry about other dogs or people. They can just enjoy themselves in a calm and secure place 🙂 even Harvey the old man gets a run around off the lead. All 3 of them love it ❤️'
Gah we do LOVE seeing such happy faces zooming ...


How to walk ALL SIX DOGS without STRESS, WORRY and PANIC.
Imagine that…
I honestly admire the people who get up at the early hours of the morning to start walking each of their dogs separately.
A lady I spoke to the other day had the EXACT same problem.
She was exhausted.
She had over 6 dogs that varied in ages, temperaments and were predominantly rescued, and safe to say that they’ve gone to an awesome home!
Her energy is burning out, she starts walking her first dog at 5 a.m. and doesn’t finish till 7:30 ish then she starts her 6 hour shift at 9am.
THEN she walks them all again when she finishes, so she doesn’t actually relax till 8pm at night!
That’s not the only thing that is bothering her.
Every day she feels sadden that she can’t see all her dogs play together,
She doesn’t trust them all off lead together and is scared she will lose control and end up losing them or something terrible happen.
Likewise, walking 6 dogs on lead is TOUGH! Especially when it comes to picking up the poo, and carrying it, and holding all the leads again (hence the individual walks)
For YEARS she’s been asking herself ‘wouldn’t it be lovely to see all of you play together’
She often watches other dogs playing, running off lead & having a fun with one another, yet she can only imagine what that would feel like…
Where would she go? Who would be there? What if she lost one? What if she tripped on all the leads?
But last week, something magical happened.
I invited this lady and her pack of dogs to Sniff, Play and Jump and I never expected what happened when she arrived…
She broke down in tears.
The joy she saw in her dog’s faces as they played meant SO much to her, for years it was all just a thought or an impossible dream.
And I followed up with her the next day to see how she was feeling and how the dogs were, and she said they were knackered! She couldn’t quite believe it.
She was a great example of why we created our VIP Membership…
To have someone to go regularly without paying a fortune, To have support and be around like-minded people, To ALWAYS have the opportunity to watch dogs play together, and for people to relax and soak up that moment (because it’s super special) To not be put in a box of ‘that will never happen to me’ or ‘it’s impossible’, For every dog and person to feel TRUE freedom.
Does it sound like something you are searching for?
Luckily for you, we have some spaces left in our VIP membership, all you have to do it shoot me a message and I will share with you all the details and answer any questions: D
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Who KNEW that just having safe place to go to could change the whole decision around rehoming...


I have an awesome story that i want to share with you guys,
And it's gonna be an emotional one.
I created this space alongside Southwest Lakes because i KNEW there was people out there struggling.
... I knew this because i was one of them.
Our dog HATED dogs, he was petrified of them and would lunge, and bark and look like a monster- even though he wasn't.
Regardless where we went, it still never felt safe.
Me and my mum always felt on edge, and you could see it's effect on our dog. None of us were enjoying it.
And then i became a dog trainer - then i saw loads of of people living my past reality and I wanted to help them.
Hence the birth of Sniff, Play and Jump.
And yesterday i witnessed how life-changing this place really is for people...
So there was this lady..
This lady hasn't let her dog off lead for a over year, he came from a rescue and was terrified of everything...
And whenever he saw a dog, he would freak out and struggle to walk away or calm down,
Which made the lady panic and worry every time they went out,
They also lived in a town, which meant the likelihood of bumping into dogs was a lot higher.
She also couldn't drive so she had to experience the SAME struggle EVERY day.
Walks were a nightmare for her. She was a bundle of nerves before she even walked out the door.
I brought her up to Sniff, Play and Jump.
And she cried.
She NEVER thought she would ever see her dog off lead, even he didn't know what to do with himself.
In fact it was a massive relief.
Un-clipping the lead in somewhere safe also allowed her to let go of the anxiety, insecurity, and frustration that she had been holding to whilst walking on lead.
And with everything going on in her personal life, this was the moment she could finally relax, something she could never do on their ordinary walks...
I can't express how touched and emotional i felt knowing the life-changing affect it had on her AND the relationship with her dog.
It was amazing.
And if every week, we can give people that same moment of relaxation, relief and safety then i will sleep a very happy lady.
Could that be you?
The end.
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Hey Stressed-Out Dog Owner!
A birdie told me you're after a DOG FREE space to walk you're dog?
In Falmouth it can feel impossible.
... Even when you think it's 'safe' or 'dog-free' you still feel on edge, waiting for someone to pop out...
And 8 out of 10 times, they do.
Which makes walking you're dog SO difficult.
The pulling,the lunging, the jumping, the barking...
People will just stare OR keep going regardless how much they see you struggling,
Which makes you either jump in a bush to avoid them OR fills you a boiling frustration that savages the remaining walk.
I hear ya, it's exhausting and definitely not how you pictured walks.
They should be fun, relaxing, therapeutic WITHOUT any worries, insecurities or concerns.
LUCKILY for you, we have the perfect DOG FREE space for you and you dog to discover.
As well as a VIP Package for people who also want to learn and train their dog at the same time!
First of all, let's see if its right for you and you're dog,
Today we are giving you TWO passes to Sniff ,Play and Jump, so you can experience all the fun yourself!
Shoot us a message to claim you're VIP tickets & get them booked in our system.
Fancy a sneak peak? Take a look at the video below.
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Check our VIP Leo mastering the skills of a trampoline athlete ;)
Whilst it might sound CRAZY to have a trampoline in our field, but there is reason...
Especially for dogs who are nervous, fearful or are a bit unsure of the world,
... The texture of a trampoline is very weird for a dog and can make them feel super apprehensive,
When we encourage the dog with support, reassurance and lots of tasty food - we start to see them become more willing,
And the more willing a dog becomes the more confident they well feel,
And the MORE confident they feel, the more they will take on the bigger challenges,
It basically takes away that chickening out phase and replaces it with courage.
#trampoline #power #courage #dogtraining
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I feel that either we need a bigger Labrador OR a smaller field?
For a Labrador like Bertie who loves his ball being thrown, it is the perfect balance <3
... It also meant that his mum and dad could relax in the sun and not have to worry about loosing him to any rabbits or other dogs.
They could really connect with Bertie without the worry or apprehension of 'what if...'
AND Bertie... Well as you can see, he couldn't get enough!
If this sounds like something you would LOVE to experience but worried whether it's a good fit for you then i want to give you something...
I want to give you a FREE pass at Sniff, Play and Jump so you can see it, feel it and experience it for yourself.
Shoot me a message to claim you're pass and get it booked in!
Looking forward to seeing you there
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Walking and training two dogs is tough.
But what about five?!
Now that can be a challenge, especially if they vary in ages, temperament and mobility.
... Luckily for our clients they don't have to worry about where to walk their dogs.
They simply open the gate, let their dogs off and sit back to watch them all run freely together.
These smiley lot had a blast this morning-
Photos taken from Hijack, Jazz, Tuppence, Bobby & Molteeza AND their mummy who could relax walking them all together <3

Do you want to have an fulfilling time with your pack?
Then jump in and send us a message, and let us show you around .
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Hey all you fur baby parents with multiple and challenging dogs!
I see you struggling to find a place to walk your dogs, somewhere that is safe and away from other dogs
You can't remember the last chance you could let your dog or dogs off lead to have REAL zoom around.
... You know they need training, but no idea where to start.
Luckily for you we still have spaces left in our VIP memberships that is designed to support you and your busy schedule.
We've had 4 people sign up in the space of 8 hours, and we would love for you join in on the magic.
To see what this magic is ... click the link below https://praise-and-paw-training-academy.t…
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AND It's waiting for YOU.🐶
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Walking and training two dogs is tough.
But what about five?!
Now that can be a challenge, especially if they vary in ages, temperament and mobility.
... Luckily for our clients they don't have to worry about where to walk their dogs.
They simply open the gate, let their dogs off and sit back to watch them all run freely together.
These smiley lot had a blast this morning-
Photos taken from Hijack, Jazz, Tuppence, Bobby & Molteeza AND their mummy who could relax walking them all together <3

Do you want to have an fulfilling time with your pack?
Then jump in and send us a message, and let us show you around .
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More about Sniff, Play And Jump

Sniff, Play And Jump is located at Argal & College Waterpark,, TR10 9JD Penryn, Cornwall
Monday: 07:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 19:00
Friday: 07:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 10:00
Sunday: 07:00 - 10:00