Snorkers Imaginarium

About Snorkers Imaginarium


Snorkers Imaginarium Description




Not crochet related but this article is coming to bed with me tonight.


The collection continues to grow.


It's been three years since the first incarnation of the Drumpf pincushion!
To celebrate/apologise I've made a new one which is the most affordable yet! No fuss, just his horrible head on a plinth, ready to serve.
You can also use code 'SHIPFREE' at the checkout to get free shipping until 4th June!
... Click the Shop Now button for more.
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Five years on and I'm still making pincushions of Farage and Gove...I need to start stealing their actual real life hair to use as stuffing I think.


The Deluxe Donald Trump Voodoo Pincushion crochet pattern is almost ready to go live!
Pre-order the crochet pattern for £5 to have it landing in your email inbox as soon as it's ready and save £1.
Just click the link below, pay £5 and wait to be among the first people on Earth crocheting this hideous monstrosity!
... Once it goes live in my lovecrochet shop it will be available to buy via instant digital download for £6.
Thanks to those who've already pre-ordered - I'm just making the final few tweaks to ensure it's as factually grotesque as possible!
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Thanks to everyone who has pre-ordered the Fat Naked Trump crochet pattern! It'll be on its way to your inboxes soon - I'm just going to make another fatter, more orange one first in case I can add any improvements to the pattern before I send it out - apologies for the delay but this thing needs to be as factually grotesque as possible!
You can still pre-order by sending £5 via PayPal to until it goes live on my online shop, after which it will be available to download instantly for £6.


For everyone who has been asking whether or not the Deluxe Donald Trump Voodoo Pincushion has a little mushroom nub, here's a demo.
#Trump #Voodoo #Pincushion #crochet #dumptrump #makedonalddrumpfagain


Current mood:


Oh the fun you can have with a Deluxe Donald Trump Voodoo Pincushion. 🥊…/d eluxe-donald-trump-v…


Pre-order the crochet pattern for the Deluxe Donald Trump Voodoo Pincushion for £5 to have it landing in your email inbox as soon as it's ready (some time this week!) and save £1 (usual price £6)!!
Just click the link below, pay £5 and wait to be among the first people on Earth crocheting this hideous monstrosity!


I crocheted a new voodoo pincushion to add to my collection today.


Anyone would think I didn't like him.


Apologies to all of your eyes.


I'm in a happy mood today so the Haunted Victorian Pencil is getting off lightly with today's punishment - sitting in relative comfort to watch I, Daniel Blake.
He is superglued to the chair though and will be made to watch it on loop until midnight, at which point I will turn off the lights and leave him to have a good hard think until the morning.


I've been trying to think of non violent ways to torture Jacob Rees-Mogg, now that I've finished reading him the Communist Manifesto. Decided to start him off with a day working behind the checkout at Primark on a Workfare scheme. No subsidised champagne for you today, Antique Slenderman.
#fuckthetories #fuckausterity #toriesout #stopbrexit #bollockstobrexit #FBPE #uk #london #eattherich #crochet


Ever wondered how Tusk, Merkel & co keep calm in the face of Tory/Farage stupidity? That's right - they are fully stocked with cathartic and relaxing voodoo pincushions from Snorkers Imaginarium!


Theresa May is pulling out all the stops to keep her job safe :/

More about Snorkers Imaginarium