Soas Policy Forum

About Soas Policy Forum

The SOAS Policy Forum is a student-led international affairs think tank at the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), University of London.

Soas Policy Forum Description

The SOAS Policy Forum is the self-organized student policy institute at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. We are a non-profit, non-partisan organization that engages with public policy on international affairs. We host an array of events, conduct research into pertinent and critical issues, and provide a platform for the SOAS student body to meaningfully participate in public policy.



Thank you to everyone who came to the SOAS Policy Forum's talk on conflict in the South China Sea with Bill Hayton and Professor Chris R. Hughes.
We hope have a good Christmas break and we look forward to seeing you again next term.


Next Thursday - The South China Sea: Threats to the Rules Based Order (18:30 - 19:30).
Bill Hayton (Chatham House and BBC News) will discuss China’s increasingly assertive role in the South China Sea and its implications for the rules based order. This talk will be chaired by Professor Christopher R. Hughes (London School of Economics and Political Science).
Details here - 0052171/


The South China Sea: Threats to the Rules Based Order - 6 December (18:30 - 19:30).
Bill Hayton (Chatham House and BBC News) will discuss China’s increasingly assertive role in the South China Sea and its implications for the rules based order. This talk will be chaired by Professor Christopher R. Hughes (London School of Economics and Political Science).
Details here - 0052171/


Thank you to everyone who came to the SOAS Policy Forum's panel discussion on the North Korean Nuclear Crisis with Dr John Hemmings, Cristina Varriale, and Dr James Hoare.
We look forward to seeing you again in December for our talk on conflict in the South China Sea with Bill Hayton and Professor Christopher R. Hughes.


Recommended think tank podcasts:
‘Atlantic Council Events’ by the Atlantic Council -…/atlantic-cou ncil-ev…/id977650212…
‘The Brookings Cafeteria’ by the Brookings Institution -…/the-brooking s-cafet…/id717265500…
... ‘The Readout’ by the Center for Strategic and International Studies - eadout/id214886950
‘Carnegie Endowment Events’ by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace -…/carnegie-end owment-…/id749384925…
‘Chatham House podcast content’ by Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs -…/chatham-hous e-podc…/id1066287516…
‘CNAS Podcasts’ by the Center for a New American Security -…/podc…/cnas -podcasts/id1023379713…
‘Curated Conversations’ by the Center for Strategic and International Studies -…/curated-conv ersatio…/id935747073…
‘Deep Dish on Global Affairs’ by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs -…/deep-dish-on -globa…/id1169079758…
‘Diplopod’ by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - pod/id1161512268…
‘Events from the Brookings Institution’ by the Brookings Institution -…/brookings-br ooking…/id1164631872…
‘The President's Inbox’ by Council on Foreign Relations -…/the-presiden ts-inb…/id1172546141…
‘RUSI Analysis Podcasts’ by the Royal United Service Institute -…/rusi-analysi s-podca…/id300480449…
‘Undercurrents’ by Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs -…/chatham-hous e-unde…/id1361961369…
‘World Affairs’ by the World Affairs Council of Northern California -…/podcast/worl daffairs/id101215657…
‘The World Next Week’ by the Council on Foreign Relations -…/podcast/the- world-n…/id306597476…
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The North Korean Nuclear Crisis: Strategy and Denuclearization - 21 November (19:00 - 20:00).
Dr John Hemmings (Henry Jackson Society) and Cristina Varriale (Royal United Services Institute) will discuss the Trump administration’s strategy towards the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and whether there is any prospect for the verifiable denuclearization of the DPRK. This panel will be chaired by Dr James Hoare (Chatham House).
Details here -


Thank you to everyone who came to the talk on Japan's new security partnerships with Professor Wilhelm Vosse and Dr Yuka Kobayashi, organised jointly by the SOAS Department of Politics and International Studies and the SOAS Policy Forum.
Below you can find more details about the book edited by Professor Wilhelm Vosse and Professor Paul Midford which was discussed this evening.
We look forward to seeing you again later this November for our panel discussion on the North Korean Nuclear Crisis.


Tomorrow (18:00 - 19:00) - Japan's New Security Partnerships: Beyond the Security Alliance
Professor Wilhelm M. Vosse will discuss Japan's security policy beyond the US-Japan security alliance, and non-US centred bilateral and multilateral security cooperation. This talk will be chaired by Dr Yuka Kobayashi and will be followed by a Q&A session.
Details here -< br>... This event is co-hosted with the Department of Political and International Studies at SOAS, University of London.
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Relevant article on think tanks:
The Director of Chatham House (2007-), Dr Robin Niblett, has recently published an article on think tanks in the journal International Affairs (Volume 94, Issue 6, 1 November 2018, Pages 1409–1429).
The article traces the evolution of think tanks over the past 100 years, the current challenges think tanks face, and proposes how think tanks can best serve societies today.
... The article is open access and available here: /5162428
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Japan's New Security Partnerships: Beyond the Security Alliance
Professor Wilhelm M. Vosse (ICU) will discuss Japan's security policy beyond the US-Japan security alliance, and non-US centred bilateral and multilateral security cooperation. This talk will be chaired by Dr Yuka Kobayashi (SOAS) and will be followed by a question and answer session.
This event is co-hosted with the Department of Political and International Studies at SOAS, University of London.
...Continue Reading


Thank you to everyone who came to the SOAS Policy Forum's talk on Iran with Dr Sanam Vakil and Dr Jacob Parakilas. We look forward to seeing you again in November for our panel discussion on the North Korean Nuclear Crisis.


Today from 19:00 - 20:00: Iran After US-Decertification of the Nuclear Deal.
Dr Sanam Vakil (Chatham House) will discuss Iran’s politics and foreign policy following the US’s decertification of the Iran nuclear deal (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - JCPOA), as well as the Trump administration’s policy towards Iran. This talk will be chaired by Dr Jacob Parakilas (Chatham House).
Details here -


Thank you to those who came to our introductory meeting on writing policy papers.
On the student resources section of our website you can find the following resources to help you write a policy paper for the SOAS Policy Forum:
- Writing guide... - Submission requirements, process, deadline, and disclaimers - Policy paper examples - Research resources
If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Our introductory meeting on writing policy papers will be held tomorrow.

More about Soas Policy Forum

Soas Policy Forum is located at SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, WC1H 0XG London, United Kingdom