Socialist Labour

About Socialist Labour

Socialist Labour is a new group of socialists and trade union militants in the Labour Party who want working-class power and a socialist Britain and world

Socialist Labour Description

Some ideas Socialist Labour are putting forward for discussion
For a democratic Labour party:
● For a sovereign Labour party Annual Conference which makes party policy and elects and mandates the Executive Committee to carry out this policy and controls the PLP.
● Support the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy Charter for a Democratic Conference.
● For the abolition of the Joint Policy Committee and the National Policy
● Defend the democratic right of all CLPs to choose their own candidates, no NEC impositions!
● Ensure female and BAEM proportionality in all CLPs.
● For the right of CLPs to recall all Labour MPs, MEPs and Councillors and for these to be paid no more that the average wage of a skilled worker.
● All Labour councils to refuse to implement Tory austerity in alliance with the trade unions, local anti-cuts campaigns and local TUCs.
● End bans and proscriptions against working class and left currents, for affiliation rights for all socialist movements and societies. Exclude anti-working class and racist currents such as Progress and Labour Friends of Israel.
Democratise trade unions and the Labour party link:
● For democratising the trade unions via rank and file control over the bureaucracies.
● Defend the Labour /trade union link and democratise it; end block votes and fight for all trade unions to affiliate to Labour and all trade unions members to pay the political levy to Labour.
● All trade union leaders and full time officers to be subject to recall, to be directly elected and to be paid no more that the average wage of a skilled worker.
● Abolish zero and low hours contracts for all workers. Trade union pay rates and conditions for all, abolish agency sub-contractors.
● Mobilise to defeat the Tory Trade Union Bill, repeal all anti-trade union legislation, establish the right to strike, defend TU facility times, employment rights from day one, abolish Employment Tribunal fees.
● For a trade union and Labour party controlled mass media, including press and TV station.
● For workers’ democracy via local TUCs to organise trade union branches and community groups under attack by capitalism as a local basis for workers’ power.
Nationalising Industry, Council house building:
● Nationalise all major industries including the building industry, all public utilities, gas, water, electricity, Royal Mail, the railways, bus and coach services, ferries, etc. without compensation under workers’ and trade union control.
● Defend the NHS, abolish all privatisations, tendering and PFI initiatives; nationalise all drug companies and equipment suppliers without compensation under workers’ control.
● For a massive state programme of council house building at rents proportional to income not the bogus ‘affordable rents’. Abolish the Right to Buy. Control all rents, empower councils to seize all properties empty for more than one year.
● Protect the environment, combat global warming by trade union controlled progressively replacement of fossil fuels with renewable energy, no to nuclear power.
● For a democratically organised planned economy geared to production for human need and protection of the planet’s environment and not for the profits of finance capital and transnationals.
Defend the welfare state, free education:
● Abolish the Bedroom Tax and end the Benefit Cap, for disability and carer allowances at trade union rates of pay.
● For a £11 minimum wage for all workers adjusted in line with inflation, RPI /CPI, whichever is greater.
● No workfare; end unemployment by a 30 hour week for all with no loss of pay, jobs for all school leavers and graduates and a massive programme of public works.
● Abolish all tuition fees and all student debts; an education allowance at living wage rates for all students. Abolish all private (public! ) schools, Academies and Grammar Schools. All primary and secondary schooling to be controlled by Local Authorities.
● For steeply progressive tax rates and wealth taxes on the very rich; they must pay the most for the welfare state.
● Optional retirement at 55, state pensions at living wage rates.
Rights and civil liberties:
● Abolish all immigration controls; transnational corporations can go anywhere, so all workers, regardless of race, creed or colour must be free to sell their labour power wherever they get the best price.
● End all discrimination on the basis of race, sex, sexuality, ability, age, etc. by public education and legislation.
● For a woman’s right to choose, free abortion on demand.
● We defend the Human Rights Act and the European convention against Tory attack, but we need to fight for something better: A Charter that defends the rights of the working class majority and not the property rights of the capitalists.
● All ‘laws against terrorism’ from the PTA, 1974–89, to the present Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 threaten the civil liberties of all citizens of the UK. We demand their abolition.
No support for British imperialism, for a Workers’ Republic:
● Oppose all foreign wars, withdraw all UK armed forces from abroad, the main enemy is always at home for British workers.
● Britain has no progressive role to play in Ireland, full support for an anti-austerity 32 county socialist united Ireland.
● No support for US /Nato imperialist wars or the bombing of Syria and Iraq, for the right of the workers of the Donbass to resist the austerity programme of the Ukrainian oligarchs ushered in by the Maidan protests by any means necessary.
● Britain out of NATO, no Trident renewal.
● Abolish the monarchy and the House of Lords.
● End capitalism, for a Workers’ Republic, part of a socialist Europe in a socialist world.



I will send copies of the petition to any who ask. I'm on


At its May 9th meeting, Unite Retired Members branch LE/RM002 passed the LPM model motion against the expulsion of Marc Wadsworth from the Labour party, which then went to Brent Central GC meeting where our Secretary Graham Durham moved it and it was passed with little opposition on 17th May.
At our meeting of June 13th, we passed the LPM model motion on the victimisation of Stan Keable and agreed to donate £25 to his legal defence fund and to affiliate to Labour Against the ...Witchhunt and send a delegate.
That motion will now also go to Brent Central GC and to Brent Trades Union Council, where we will hopefully get more donations and affiliations. I have personally donated £30 to Stan’s legal defence fund and I urge all who are aware of the dangerous precedent being set by this case to contribute as much as possible to that defence fund.

Comradely Gerry Downing, Chair, UNITE the UNION, Branch LE/RM002
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After the repeal of the eight amendment in Ireland on abortion.
Mna na hEireann no longer barefoot and pregnant and priest ridden by those paedophile hypocrites but now far more in charge of their own bodies and future.
And these appalling states, North and South, came into being as a result of the defeat suffered by Irish Republicans in 1923 where Cardinal McRory and Kevin Higgins and Dick Mukcahey and old Cograve imposed the clerical fascist dominated state in the south an...d Carson and the Orange Order its mirror image in the North in terms of social values.
This Civil War defeat is still not overturned but the Ireland of the Kerry and Tuam babies, Kincora and Artane is fading away with the welcome decline in the malign influence of the clergy, with the south leading the way now.
Irish nationalism has its head and its rump, often in the same individual and even political formation. Those still committed to the abolition of the two illegitimate states might look back to those revolutionary socialists like James Connolly and left republicans like Liam Mellows and the great contemporary revolutionary wonen like Countless Markievicz and her sister Eva, Charlotte Despard and Mary McSweeney and reject the reactionary legacy of McRory and the trio of bigoted bishops who brought down the government over Noel Brown's great progressive mother and child Bill in the early 1950s, McQuaide of Dublin, Brown of Galway and Lucy of Cork.
Surely such reactionary bigots will never again put their rosaries on the ovaries of the women of Ireland. Or if they do what a nightmare society that would be.
Respect for the staunch defence of Irish nationalism by "dissident" republicanism and full support to their struggle against British imperialism and its Orange Order bigoted allies but surely not from the Chatolic clerical reactionary perspective of rural Ireland where the priest made bold to name women and couples from the altar for their "sinning".
Pleased to say many of the youth of my own little parish in the far south west no longer attend mass, some even live in "sin" and feel absolute contempt for their paedophile priests.
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Was motivated by the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of The Labour Party, to re-join Labour. Like this website, like Momentum, value the updates, the encouragement and vision that all Socialists have in working together, in Solidarity, for a more just and equal Multicultural Society. Socialism does work! The key is to to unify against the common foe, and to pursue our goals with vigour and determination.

More about Socialist Labour

Socialist Labour is located at PO Box 59188,, NW2 9LJ London, United Kingdom