Soil Research Centre At The University Of Reading

About Soil Research Centre At The University Of Reading

Welcome to the Soil Research Center UoR official Facebook site. Find out more at: http://www. reading. ac. uk /soil-research-centre /

Soil Research Centre At The University Of Reading Description

Soil research at the University in Reading can trace its origins from the teaching of soil science to agriculture students in the late 1800s through the formation of a discrete Department of Soil Science in 1964 and on to the present day.

The Soil Research Centre was established in 2010 as the focus for soil related research activities at the University. Currently the Centre comprises of about thirty staff, over 40 PhD students from around the world, technical and administrative support and visiting scientists.

The philosophy of the Centre is that soil has to be studied and understood as an integral component of the earth system with soil functioning at the interface of the atmos-, bio-, geo- and hydro-spheres. We carry out research on both pristine and human-impacted environments and collaborate with centres of excellence throughout the world.

Through its members the Soil Research Centre has an international reputation for its research into agricultural production systems, biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration, contamination and remediation, waste management and the impacts of climate change.

Students or members of staff of the University of Reading with associated research interests may apply to .