Solent Motorbike Tours

About Solent Motorbike Tours

We are a professional, friendly and honest keen motorcyclists, offering a competitive package. To anyone wishing to tour the UK or Europe



Eifel Tour June 2019


Elitz Burg Castle just like a fairy-tale!!


Would highly recommend a visit to Monschau!!


Dinant for Lunch, a very hot 30 degrees


Carol in Monschau, so picturesque!


And now in colour lol


A well deserved pint or two hic after a long day in the saddle lol


Enjoying Monschau


Think this Say's it all


Why not join us on one of our 2019 tours


‎Ray Speight‎
Solent Motorbike Tours... 31 May at 13:56 · With my wife Ann as pillion we have just completed the Vosges mountains tour with Carl & Carol as tour leaders. It was a great trip and they did an excellent job for us, both with accommodation and restaurant selection. Unfortunately the weather turned in the latter stages with some persistent rain, something beyond their control! Fortunately however it was dry running through the fantastic sweepers of the B500 to Mummelsee (as featured in the itinerary) which was the high spot. During the tour I managed to drop the bike when manoeuvring on adverse cambers during a forced stop which broke the brake lever and crushed my right foot under the bike. With our leaders’ support and the hotel staff handy man making a temporary lever repair, we made it to the Honda dealer in Mersch the next day who replaced it while we waited. Recommended.
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Quick round up of our tour to Vosges Mountains & B500 - May 2019


Mark Jury 10 hrs ·
Fighting!!! Big C !!! Well, I'm gonna say bye-bye to some of you. Now I'm watching the ones who will have the time to read this post until the end. This is a little test, just to see who reads and who shares without reading! If you have read everything, select "like" so I can put a thank u on ur profile! I know that 97% of you won't broadcast this, but my friends will be the 3% that do. Please, in honor of someone who died, or is fighting cancer, or even cancer, copy, and paste. Write "done" in comments when you're finished. I can put a thank u on ur profile! I know that 97% of you won't broadcast this, but my friends will be the 3% that do. Please, in honor of someone who died, or is fighting cancer, or even had cancer, copy, and paste. Write "done" in comments when you're finished xx Doing this to support a friend.💕
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Our New steed


Meet Zorro the Z900

More about Solent Motorbike Tours