Solway Shiatsu

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 14:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Solway Shiatsu

Shiatsu is a system of healing and health maintenance, similar to acupuncture, within which we use hands instead of needles. Combining this with a series of gentle stretches and supportive bodywork makes Shiatsu a deeply relaxing experience.



Morning all. Making soup today, butternut squash, red lentils, home made stock ( a stock cube will do), cardamon, about 4- 5 pods( grind the little seeds from inside the pod). Cook for about 20 mins & blitz.


Given that there are lurgies a-plenty doing the rounds, could i please kindly ask all clients who have an appointment due but are not feeling well to call, text or message me to cancel, even if it it last minute. If you are feeling at all off colour, and it seems Coronavirus symptoms in most cases are mild, a headache, temperature or dry cough, it is much better to rest, hydrate with warm fluids and stay home. There won't be any charge for cancellation and i will be very grat...eful to you rather than inconvenienced. i have a number of clients with long standing health issues who really benefit from Shiatsu to support them, especially important at the moment and I would like to be able to continue to support them....and you! As with all other self employed folks there is the small matter of not getting sick pay if we can't work. One missed appointment is preferable to having to isolate for 2 weeks! If anyone does feel ill and would like me to message them with simple Acupressure points or Stretches/Qigong so you can help yourself and your body and aid recovery, then please drop me a line.
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We can all do lots to keep ourselves healthy and make sure we have strong immune systems by eating healthily, getting plenty of sleep and some daily exercise. If you are at all concerned about Coronavirus then try not to get overwhelmed by all the news and instead take control of your own Lung health! You CAN actively support your Lung Qi by doing this fantastic 20 minute set of Lung specific Qi exercises from Peter Deadman. Do this everyday to give your lungs some TLC and strengthen your body's own defensive Qi.

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Some research on the benefits of 5 Shiatsu treatments on levels of Stress. Found to improve oxytocin levels and lower levels of stress hormones within the body


There is a saying 'You can't pour from an empty pot'. As a Shiatsu Practitioner I very quickly realised that I need to work on my self care daily to be that full pot and to nurture my own Qi! Do you have a daily practice? Be it Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Qi, Meditation? All these help build Qi ( lifeforce energy) and create healthy flow of Qi in our bodies, supporting mind and body. I'd love to share my daily go to self care routine, developed by Shizuto Masunaga, the creator of th...e form of Shiatsu I practice. The Makko Ho, or 12 meridian stretches. I spend only 10 - 15 mins each day on these but the result always makes me feel incredible, energised, calm, sort of buzzing slightly, and much more balanced. I do each move for 3, 6 or 9 breaths, dependant on how much time i have. What's your self care daily routine? Don't have one? Then try this for a week and notice the difference!
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Happy Chinese New Year Everyone!!! It's the start on a whole new 12 year cycle, an especially exciting one for me as a Water Rat, it's going to be my year for exciting stuff. So get channeling your inner Rat, they are resourceful, curious, hard working and bright. The year of the Rat is a time you can start over & make things happen 💕 w-year-the-year-o…/


For those of you who come for Shiatsu regularly, you'll know i'm a big fan of warm water. The only time i drink cold is in hot weather, when i feel overwarm. For anyone struggling with weight issues swapping to warm water really supports the energy system associated with processing your food. Colder water will make that digestion process cold and sluggish as the body uses vital energy to first warm things to body temp before it can utilise it. The same if you are poorly, always warm drinks or water to hydrate, you'll bounce back much quicker. Start a new habit. Warm water and lemon juice in the morning before you do anything. Really supportive for your liver and gently wakes the whole digestive tract. Your body will love you for it.


Top up with a Shiatsu! Appointments available, DM me.


Brand new book from a fellow Shiatsu practitioner, looks great. Top tips, exercises, recipes.


A really lovely video showing just how deeply relaxing Shiatsu is.
A great way to treat yourself during the dark winter days...or have somebody else treat you.... as gift vouchers are now available 😍
Appointments now available in Allonby.
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Hi everyone. I've hopefully made it a bit easier for you all to book by adding a BOOK NOW button to the page, as well as some extra appointment times on weekday evenings for those of you with busy schedules. As the dark nights start to draw in, we often push ourselves harder at this time of year than is good for us. Shiatsu is a great way you can support your body through the long winter if you don't have the luxury of hibernating 😁


Going to give this a try. An easy way to support Yin and soothe stress. posts/3530538823686536/

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User posts/2761471023886870/?sfnsn=mo

More about Solway Shiatsu

Solway Shiatsu is located at Clarks Terrace, CA15 6PU Maryport
07825 655160
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 14:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -