Somatic Movement Management For Posture And Chronic Pain Relief

Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:30
Sunday: -

About Somatic Movement Management For Posture And Chronic Pain Relief

Full case history assessment + session movements. All movement education from session emailed to client in detail for ongoing self practice.



Having an operation, experiencing and speaking as a Somatic coach. We don’t realise how much we use muscles tension when they should be at rest. Experiment for the day: Shoulders: Allow the shoulders to relax holding up heavy arms when not required. Allow arms to hang off relaxed shoulders also notice how it’s relieving neck allowing muscles to lengthen. You’ll be amazed how habitual your holding them tense. WOW Every few seconds !!!!!!!!!!


So nice to receive this (edit from email)after this person had seen a neuro/chiro therapist that left her in unbelievable pain even after reading a long history of injuries.
Lynn Viccars Your gentle little pelvic stretch video helped...and bending knee in and out helped while on back...I need more of THAT kind of gentle introduction to range of motion in my locked pelvis. PLEASE....and your cheery face, not that old goat's sour growl. ❤


To receive this is above & beyond Congratulations goes to Lynn Viccars for winning the VISUAL STORY TELLER BADGE. Lynn is exceptional with words and shares her caring thoughts and comments very well. It is Women like her that make our Group what we are known for: our kindness, understanding, support and empathy. Congratulations Lynn Viccars and Thank You for being a wonderful addition to Hemochromatosis-The Women Warriors!
Sincerely Michelle Krouse... Little Life Truths
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A little Christmas Gift for you from me


A Simple Pilates warm up for the lower body.


My latest Somatic mover 😍 My little star pupil. You see how easy it is for the brain to receive signals and copy. This is how habitual movement happens. This example is all good😄Learn body awareness whenever you get the opportunity...


Ummm🤔 just read an article saying tight hip flexors etc need ‘stretching’ by physio etc...!! (Temporary relief) No No No .... you need to lengthen tight muscles using Hanna Somatic movements and by using YOUR OWN BRAAiN. It’s our BRAINS THAT CONTROL OUR BODIES....(permanent relief)


Somatic Movement is an EDUCATION that teaches you how to investigate your own body improving your own flexibility, alignment, health, dissolving pain saving you money and time on passive treatments that may only be temporary.


Still got that nagging pain? Trying to get over an injury? Want to improve your sports? What’s stopping you from calling me...NOWStill got that nagging pain? Trying to get over an injury? Want to improve your sports? What’s stopping you from calling me...NOW


ALIGNMENT IS KEY TO POSTURE OR IS POSTURE KEY TO ALIGNMENT???? What’s yours telling you? Let me see 🤔 Book an assessment ...ALIGNMENT IS KEY TO POSTURE OR IS POSTURE KEY TO ALIGNMENT???? What’s yours telling you? Let me see 🤔 Book an assessment ...


Your Brain is your computer . It rules you.....Try this..... Close your eyes and think of something funny..... how has your face reacted 😀 ...’Automatic reaction’ Now think of something has your face reacted 🙁... ‘auto reaction’ Now imagine you just hurt your foot, or your arm or got tummy ache..... what reaction did your brain make you have? 😫😭😲🤔🤭How did your body automatically react?? Your brain controls your muscles, including when they get stuck in contraction. ...Daily habit changes your posture, injury, operations, stress , causes pain, time off work or sports play. This is SMA (sensory motor amnesia 😪) This is when Hanna Somatic movements can help you get back to normal pain free movement.
If you are stuck in any of the above, message or call me, ‘allow me to help you’
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RECENT QUESTIONS I HAVE BEEN ASKED. Can this help relieve my sciatica...YES Can this help my lower back pain....YES Can this help with my digestion ....YES I’m so tired all the time but can’t sleep, will this help?.YES
... Can YOU fix me..NO, but I CAN teach you how, it has to come from you..and your brain ....your actions..not mine.
All these questions and yet people still shy away because they want someone else to fix them when there comes a time when YOU JUST HAVE TO HELP YOURSELF.
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Do you want to improve your movement & flexibility in standing, walking or maybe your preferred sport, golf, swimming, kayaking . Open up the space around your joints. Get those bones moving. Take a look....don’t think about it.. act on it... now


Why not try Hanna Somatic movement with me? Discuss your posture. Discover which muscles have amnesia in them.. and get them retrained. We prefer the more natural lengthening rather than stretching


This Month's Somatic Takeaway (as endorsed by M.Petersen)
Somatic Movements release tension in the large muscles of the center of the body (the back, front, and sides) – the very ones that reflexively respond to stress by either extending to move us forward (Green Light), flexing us inward to protect (Red Light), or bending and twisting us on one side to avoid injury (Trauma).
Have you ever experienced foot pain, wrist or hand pain, or knee pain? Tension in your center is cre...ating pain in the periphery – your feet, wrist, hand, knees.
Try this: (and discover how habituation of the Red Light, Green Light, or Trauma Reflex in your center changes your gait and how you feel your feet)
Walk around and notice how your feet meet the ground. Do they roll in or out on their edges? Is your weight uneven? Now slowly begin to arch your back and create a Green Light Reflex in your body as you walk. Notice how the weight on your feet changes. Keep walking and slowly release that pattern. Then do the same, slowly and subtly, with the Red Light Reflex, slowly “collapsing” in the center and letting your head and face come forward. Notice your feet and your gait. Then do the same with the Trauma Reflex, slowly tightening one side of your ribcage down. Notice your gait. Then slowly return to your “regular” posture and walk.
What did you learn about how tension in the back, sides, or waist affect the way your feet meet the ground and move you forward?
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Another informative full day of Somatics. My body is now about to enjoy a relaxing swim, maybe I’ll just float and let the water Weight bare.Another informative full day of Somatics. My body is now about to enjoy a relaxing swim, maybe I’ll just float and let the water Weight bare.


How to spend my Weekend +1
Always things to learn about ourselves and others. Off to London for more advanced Hanna Somatic movement training. 🎓


Time to taste some Somatics, introduce and awaken awareness in yourself, Pandiculate your muscles, move with ease and freedom. Sleep when you go to bed and wake up refreshed and ready for a new day. It's EASY, pick up the phone and call me.


Lynn is fantastic. When I had continual back problems, Lynn was patient and motivational. Pilates was the only thing that helped to get my core strength and release my back pain. I will be eternally grateful to Lynn, not only did the Pilates save my back but helped with my posture as a hairdresser and made me more aware of how I stand and walk. I now live in Australia and miss my Lynn time. It was a great way to start the day and I could never get away with cheating, Lynn always knew when I wasn't holding my core in!!!

Thank you Lynn x


I visited Lynn on Thursday 17th November after suffering years of pain and more recently months of chronic back and neck pain. I have had MRI scans which showed docs bulges and diseased discs in my back as looked to a future of strong medication and the possibility of surgery. I was very sceptical about Lynn's treatment and thought "nothing will help". OMG, how wrong could I have been. Since seeing Lynn, which was not a rushed appointment, and spending an hour and a half of explanation and treatment, I immediately felt the benefits. I HAD no pain at all. Today is Saturday and I am still totally pain free. I am carrying out the gentle movements that Lynn taught me, which by the way totally relax you, (been sleeping much better too) daily which you can do watching TV etc. I cannot praise this lady highly enough. She is AMAZING! Also a very nice lady and is passionate about what she does. Go to see her, you have nothing to lose but to be pain free at last. Thank you Lynn for everything. My body also thanks you to be at last free of nasty medication. X X x

More about Somatic Movement Management For Posture And Chronic Pain Relief

Somatic Movement Management For Posture And Chronic Pain Relief is located at Services Available In:, WD3 Rickmansworth
Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:30
Sunday: -