Sorrel Dryden Copywriter

About Sorrel Dryden Copywriter

Needing help with your business page’s social media content? Need copy written for your website or brochures? Do you have a new menu that needs proofreading before going live with it? Would you like help putting thoughts into words? Come to me.



A constant battle that I have - alienate friends and even strangers, or pull a face and swallow down another poor spelling, typo’, grammatical error, autocorrect mistake, etc.
Do you prefer to be corrected (and maybe improve your grammar and spellings) or would you prefer me to pipe down?
Let me know below.


A constant battle that I have - alienate friends and even strangers, or pull a face and swallow down another poor spelling, typo’, grammatical error, autocorrect mistake, etc.
Do you prefer to be corrected (and maybe improve your grammar and spellings) or would you prefer me to pipe down?
Let me know below.




Having been asked this question (i.e. having the usual opening meme posted on my page) many times, I’m delighted to bring you the ‘advanced’ version! Thanks to Zoe Haggie. 👍🏼




I *DO* mean to sound smug as I’ve always known it’s ‘another think coming’, but perhaps that comes from reading a lot of books and investigating language in my own small ways over the years.


You will have seen that I like to share grammar 'funnies' with the various memes on this page, but this is also the place to contact me if you'd like me to do any written work for you.
I am, after all, a copywriter who would like to - one day - do more copywriting than house-cleaning to keep the pounds rolling in.
I can tackle anything to do with words; whether that's regularly writing posts for your own business's Facebook page (as I do for local businesses), or drafting ar...ticles for magazines, improving the written content for your advertorials or adverts, or helping with the content on your website or in your brochures.
I will also proofread your content to make sure a glaring error that could end up losing you business is eradicated before it goes out to a wider audience.
If you or anyone you know could benefit from a little 'wordy input' from The Dryden then please get them to contact me -
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No apologies for the swears. 😆
I’ve lost count of the amount of times people have shared this with me, but I still love it. Especially the last one. 😆


If only social media content creators and people running their own business's Facebook page, Instagram, blog site, menus, 'about' pages, etc. would scan their output.🤦‍♀️
Not only when they're typing it, not just a quick 'once over' afterwards, but at least twice, then they could avoid really fundamental errors, such as repetition of words, incorrect apostrophe use, spaces between the ends of words and commas/full stops, not to mention autocorrect changing the spelling of wor...ds and phrases to something incomprehensible.
Nobody is perfect, including me 😱 (shock admission!) but the amount of times I read something and can see where the author wrote something, went back and changed it, but forgot to remove a word from the previous incarnation or didn't re-read it to 'sense check' it is cringeworthy.
I know a lot of people just don't care or don't think this is important in the grand scheme of things, but just as many people DO care, and as soon as they see an error or a typo it can turn them off to whatever message you are trying to convey. A lot of people even perceive it as unprofessional and will instantly dismiss the business, no matter how fantastic it may be.
If you need any assistance with proofreading or editing any of your content, for a monthly fee or on a case-by-case basis, I can help. My rates are very reasonable and I can help you to shine. ✨
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Oh dearie me.
There are such things as bold and italic text, as well as learning where double or single quotation marks go.
The incorrect usage in some of these becomes quite creepy in a lot of them. 😳😳


‘The rules Mr Richards gave for apostrophes are: They are used to denote a missing letter or letters, they are used to denote possession and apostrophes are never ever used to denote plurals.’


The introduction to #16 made me wince, even if it is meant to be ironic.


I love the Oxford comma.
If you still don’t get it, I’m going to steal from one of the comments on the original post,
‘Without a comma, the last two items in a series could be interpreted as a sort of compound unit. So say a man writes in his will that he wants his estate to be evenly divided between John, Joe and Jack. Does that mean John gets one half of the estate, and the other half goes to both Joe and Jack? Written with the Oxford comma, also known as the serial comma, the interpretation of the man's estate being divided evenly between John, Joe, and Jack is unambiguous in that this means each son receives a third of the estate.’


My alter ego. 😂



More about Sorrel Dryden Copywriter

Sorrel Dryden Copywriter is located at Ivybridge