Special Needs Jungle

About Special Needs Jungle

Parent-led news, information and informed opinion on special needs, disability, children's health conditions.
Please: NO fundraising OR advert posts

Founded 2008 by Tania Tirraoro. SNJ Directors: Tania Tirraoro, Renata Blower

Special Needs Jungle Description

Parent-led news, information and informed opinion on special needs, disability, children's mental & physical health conditions, in particular rare diseases. Non-Profit Organistion
PLEASE do NOT post fundraising appeals OR posts advertising your own page or website



At last! We meet the SEN Minister @nadhimzahawi who has promised we can interview him very soon! In front of witnesses!


Here we are @taniasnj and @renatabplus3 at the Ambitious about Autism annual reception at the House of Lords this evening . . . #houseoflords #autism #autistic #rightfromthestart


We take our own look at The Exclusions Review and feel a bit sorry for Ed Timpson- he tried hard but the DfE was only half-listening. And we hear what you think too in today’s post http://ow.ly/Njha30oG2YM


Children entitled to free school meals losing £65m a year as providers keep change, says charity, Citizens UK http://ow.ly/Rt4u30oFJTC


Drag Syndrome: The drag troupe stirring up the scene. This is fabulous! http://ow.ly/eJfD30oFIq5


If you want to find out about today‚Äôs SEND inquiry massacre of East Sussex and Newnham Directors of Children‚Äôs Services, we have a handy twitter thread with the lowlights https://mobile.twitter.com/spcialnds‚Ķ/‚ Ķ/1126051292126810113‚Ķ


NEW POST: We take a proper look at Edward Timpson’s Exclusions Review and canvass for your opinions. We find the review tries hard but falls short of a fix -after it’s nobbled by The Department for Education's response http://ow.ly/Jbty30oFAbY


‘Cleansed by cuts’: schools refuse places to special needs pupils. The Guardian looks at the situation in Gloucestershire http://ow.ly/dC8f30oEVxS


Autistic people asked for their views to help transform support: Have you given your views yet to the new call for evidence on what is working in care and support and where more needs to be done? Find it here: http://ow.ly/Fx5F30oEwvI


Former SEND Minister, Edward Timpson, has published his landmark review into school exclusions. The Timpson Review makes 30 recommendations to ensure exclusions are used appropriately and Government commits to new school accountability. As you can image we’ll be reading this carefully during Tuesday and will bring you a considered review of the review for Wednesday. We’ll be including voices of parents and young people so while the nationals will give you a taste during the day... We’ll bring you a unique perspective they won’t have. If you have a personal or professional interest and you’d like to add a quote on the review to our article after you’ve read it, email me: team [at] specialneedsjungle dot com. Thanks! http://ow.ly/tDRb30oEOi8


Did you catch our post today? SNJ’s Matt Keer has sieved through the Department for Education new SEND Funding consultation and found it's really outdone itself - and not especially in a good way.


NEW POST The DfE’s out of SEND Funding ideas. Can you help out? SNJ’s Matt Keer looks at the consultation just launched and helps us make some sense of it with a few plumbing metaphors... http://ow.ly/gQRu30oE7lz


8-year-old permanently excluded for being ‘danger’ to pupils. His mum says he has ‘suspected ADHD’ but is still waiting for CAMHS and clearly hasn’t been assessed by the LA http://ow.ly/2SHS30oDId6


Schools will be forced to be accountable for the exam results of pupils they exclude, under a plan backed by an independent review of the practice. The recommendation is included in former SEN minister Edward Timpson’s Exclusions report expected this week http://ow.ly/gbrK30oDHo3


False allegations of fabricated illness ‘ripped family apart’ Campaigners are calling for an inquiry into concerns that families have been wrongly accused of inventing or causing illnesses in their children.> FII accusations are happening FAR too often! http://ow.ly/LFyl30oDGRa


SEND National Crisis: Marching for our disabled children’s future - the timing of this with the new funding consultation couldn’t be better. Are you marching in London or your local March? Details in our post here: http://ow.ly/A9IW30oDiOW


It’s not just schools that are broke, Heads say parents are increasingly asking schools for financial support or help with essentials, and more children are “embarrassed and ashamed” by their family’s poverty. http://ow.ly/PMpG30oDi7d


As mentioned this morning, the DfE have launched a call for evidence on the funding arrangements for young people with SEND and those who need alternative provision. They want to know what could be changed to help LAs, schools and other providers and what "may not be helping us get the most value from the resources available”. Whatever that means. We’ll have more next week from Matt about this. More on the news here: http://ow.ly/DgPh50tWgqq


Schools face “knock-on pressure” as demand for supporting SEND rises, Education Secretary, Damian Hinds, is expected to say to head teachers today. Speaking to a Head Teachers conference, he’ll ask for advice on SEND funding changes. Can we help him out? http://ow.ly/9Qkj30oCCtL


The website that I suggest to any new to SEND parents. A well respected mine of information and advice, for parents and others in the world of Special Needs.


Run by superwoman and her team, their service, dedication and hard work makes the difference to soo many families and not only helps to get their voices and plight heard but supports action with outcome. The world is a better place for having Special Needs Jungle in it. With huge thanks x


The website that I suggest to any new to SEND parents. A well respected mine of information and advice, for parents and others in the world of Special Needs.


Run by superwoman and her team, their service, dedication and hard work makes the difference to soo many families and not only helps to get their voices and plight heard but supports action with outcome. The world is a better place for having Special Needs Jungle in it. With huge thanks x

More about Special Needs Jungle
