Springwood Mindfulness Sanctuary Www.Springwoodsanctuary.Com

About Springwood Mindfulness Sanctuary Www.Springwoodsanctuary.Com

Not for profit Mindfulness and animal rescue sanctuary.

Springwood Mindfulness Sanctuary Www.Springwoodsanctuary.Com Description

<3 A Gift from the Heart <3
Establish a deep understanding and a soul connection with all animals that will live in your heart forever. Enabling you to create deep peace for yourself and those around you.



FREEDOM !by creamstudios.com.au I love this fabulous image of even the carousel horses being free! It's what we're all about at Springwood Sanctuary. <3


One incredible woman Becca Haynes-Ahimsa has put this phenomenonal event together! She's a lovely friend and supporter of Springwood Sanctuary and I'm VERY much looking forward to being a part of this huge day.
We will be there sharing what we offer at Springwood Sanctuary with human wellbeing, animal rescue and rehabilitation, land conservation and veganism.
Please come to Hailsham and support if you can. It will be great fun, with so much going on and a real celebration ...of all things kind hearted and VEGAN ! Let's make this the best attended vegan event in the South East!!
Please share, and See you there! 😍
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Message me if you'd like to come, for directions and to pre-order food please.


πŸ’šOver the past two years living amongst a free roaming, mixed herd with more and more liberty to choose the life they want, I've learned so much.
Much, much more than the previous 44 years of both keeping horses myself and working in various and numerous equine establishments.
I believe we have something very unique here, in what we offer horses, how we interact with them, and how we live ourselves. That's not being gloaty or proud, it in fact makes me very sad that other... horses and people don't know this way of being.
Their deepest wish is to be FREE from being stabled, ridden, trained, danced with, used as therapists or dominating them in any way at all.
I know it's not what most people want to hear. We want to have a deeply connected, beautiful relationship with them AND be carried on their backs, pouring our needs out to them to be met willingly. But honestly feel into that desire and admit to yourself that is just your own neediness for spiritual connection and unconditional love to be met outside yourself. What I've learned, more than anything else in these last few years, is that ALL those needs csn be met by being able to love ourselves.
When we meet those needs we can begin to stand together as equals.
If the horses want us to know anything, it's just that. πŸ’™
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For all beings everywhere.. human and non-human animals alike.


Come and join us on a Friday evening for a meditation circle ... either in the garden (around a fire pit) near the herd if it's warm enough, or in the cozy yurt in the woods if we need warmth and shelter. Join together with like minded friends, sharing peaceful intention and tea! <3 Looking forward to seeing you. Please let me know beforehand if you can come. Every Friday from 6.30pm - 8pm Ps... Although this gorgeous painting is of a circle of women, men are equally welcome! And although this gorgeous painting is of wild, bare breasted women, sorry men, we'll be fully dressed!! πŸ˜‚ (thanks to artist: http://mariposasenelparque.blogspot.com/ for this image)
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Artist: http://mariposasenelparque.blogspot.com/< br>


We love sharing this beautiful, peaceful place with visitors. We're inspired every day by the herd, the woods and the wildlife here, and would love you to be too. Deepen your connection to nature and your ability to be in the present moment, so that you can enrich your life even more than it is at the moment.
We're now taking bookings for afternoons throughout October and Novem...ber - come on your own or with a friend for a quiet afternoon of reflection and peacefulness.
Enjoy the peacefulness of the herd of horses and donkeys here at the sanctuary, who are living an enriched and free life, having been successfully rehabilitated from their past domesticated life where they were used as entertainment for humans.
Spend time meandering in the woods, by the lake and in the yurt, enjoying a guided meditation, a sound healing with a fabulous crystal singing bowl or just sitting by the woodburner enjoying the birdsong.
You/re welcome to bring your camera, your paints, your favourite book or journal if you'd like to make it a creative retreat too.
The time is yours to enjoy, immerse and relax. In return we'd be very grateful for your support of the animals living at the sanctuary by giving a suggested donation for your visit of Β£55 πŸ’š
Reserve your afternoon retreat date in advance by emailing Jacqui at Jacqui.howe@hotmail.co.uk
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We love sharing this beautiful, peaceful place with visitors. We're inspired every day by the herd, the woods and the wildlife here, and would love you to be too. Deepen your connection to nature and your ability to be in the present moment, so that you can enrich your life even more than it is at the moment.
We're now taking bookings for afternoons throughout October and Novem...ber - come on your own or with a friend for a quiet afternoon of reflection and peacefulness.
Enjoy the peacefulness of the herd of horses and donkeys here at the sanctuary, who are living an enriched and free life, having been successfully rehabilitated from their past domesticated life where they were used as entertainment for humans.
Spend time meandering in the woods, by the lake and in the yurt, enjoying a guided meditation, a sound healing with a fabulous crystal singing bowl or just sitting by the woodburner enjoying the birdsong.
You/re welcome to bring your camera, your paints, your favourite book or journal if you'd like to make it a creative retreat too.
The time is yours to enjoy, immerse and relax. In return we'd be very grateful for your support of the animals living at the sanctuary by giving a suggested donation for your visit of Β£55 πŸ’š
Reserve your afternoon retreat date in advance by emailing Jacqui at Jacqui.howe@hotmail.co.uk
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I just had a very beautiful experience with the whole herd in the barn... much too special to bring a camera out and start taking photos which would've felt very invasive. But I'd like to try to attempt to share in words the feelings that we shared together in that space… I sat on the large stump in the corner of the barn whilst Missy contentedly munched on her hay. I had finished all the chores for the morning and enjoyed some well earned peace. πŸ’™ As I listened to the bird...song, felt the ground beneath my feet and became very aware of my breathing, I was able to easily drop into a deeper sense of stillness. πŸ’™ One by one the rest of the herd felt this too and stopped munching their hay outside the barn and in the yard to come and quietly join us. Soon all 11 were silently and peacefully surrounding me. πŸ’™ It's been a busy, busy time recently, and this used to be a twice daily occurrence, but it's funny how things slip without you realising it and sadly I haven't been sitting with the herd on my own that often over the past few weeks. Of course I've been teaching mindfulness to others and holding this space with them, but it's very different not having to be aware of anyone else… Just myself and the animals around me. πŸ’™ The peacefulness was tangible, it felt like a cloak over us all. Every one of us stood quietly in a deeply meditative state of our own, but also deeply aware of each other and every breath that each other were taking. Time stood still and we immersed in some very special energy, feeling no expectations, absolute unconditional love ❀️ and the interconnectedness of everything. πŸ’™ When I was ready to leave, I slowly wandered around the barn from Horse to Horse, thanking them for the beautiful peaceful energy we were sharing. My feet felt very heavy and I felt very still even though I was moving around between each of them. I noticed every single little detail about them, muscles relaxed, eyes softened, lower lips drooping, hind legs resting, deep releasing breaths, muscles gradually relaxing even further... we can see so much more when we still our busy mind and deeply connect with our intuitive knowing. πŸ’™ I left them all in this beautiful bubble of deep peacefulness and was very grateful that this incredibly connected space was being created once again between myself and the beautiful herd that i share my life with. β€οΈπŸ™β€οΈ
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Wow - what can I say! The weekend retreat I attended with Jacqui and her gorgeous herd is something I will never forget. Jacqui thought of everything to make the weekend as special as possible and to help the herd be as comfortable with us as possible. I have never spent any time around horses so I had been a bit apprehensive but I needn't have worried. Thanks to Jacqui's teaching and amazing understanding of the herd they didn't just accept us but they quickly trusted us. The time we spent with them was a true honour and I can't wait to come back for more!


Thank you Jacqui for sharing so much useful information and for being so generous with your time on your recent visit. I am using the mindfulness technique to find a deeper connection with my horses and dogs, the stillness is helping me too. Helping Lola with her phobia about nail clipping is a longer project but I am grateful for the setup you have given me, we are making progress.


My husband and I had a wonderful day with Jacqui and her horses. As soon I we got home to my pony I tried mindfulness with her and she stopped eating to blow into my nose. We continue and although I find it hard as Storm pushes me back, our journey continues and our bond is growing stronger. A couple of days ago Storm was emotional and off her feed when one of the horses in the barn had to be PTS. We spent some while with her until she closed her eyes and slept. I definitely believe mindfulness helped.


My brother and I spent a wonderful day with Jacqui and her chilled out herd. I loved the mindfulness exercises and the feeling of peace from the land and the connection to nature. I will be back! Thank you Jacqui <3


Jacqui's calm & gentle presence from the outset is wonderful in helping both horses and their owners to relax. Her soulful insight leads naturally to a present state where communication and healing can begin. Thankyou Jacqui for showing me what's possible using these techniques.


Jacqui gave me much needed moral support and encouragement in using the Trust Technique with my ponies. She has a lovely calm and peaceful manner and encouraged me to persist and believe in a positive outcome. The Trust Technique is amazing and I would highly recommend a consultation with Jacqui.


Jacqui came to visit our horse as we were concerned he was grieving for his long term companion who had died. Jacqui has such a calm and kind manner, and a really lovely understanding of animals.I can only recommend her as someone to work with, and she really helped us deepen our bond with our horse.


I'm impressed by a practitioner who gives you the tools and information to help your animals...yourself. Jacqui not only helped my horses but she also enabled me to help my horses. She helped me to understand and be able to communicate with them. The techniques she gave me for our mare who was distressed following the loss of a herd member have proved invaluable. She has help me to be peaceful with all my horses now. We humans are such busy creatures, always wanting and doing something. It's important sometimes just to BE with them. Thank you, Jacqui.


I went to Jacquie in a bad way and she gave me the tools to see beyond the suruatun I was in with empathy and real professionalism. I would highly recommend her to anyone who has not tried mindfulness. She will listen and be a real help.


I recently had the honour of experiencing a very special weekend at Jacqui's retreat. It was over a week ago now and I am honestly still processing it as it was such a huge and humbling experience!

Jacqui and David (and Ollie!) welcomed us into their home in such a lovely way, and to say the weekend completely opened my heart and my relationship with animals is an understatement.

Jacqui has an incredibly gentle and powerful relationship with her horses, and a deep understanding of both mindfulness and her beautiful herd.

I absolutely loved my weekend with Jacqui, learned and experienced a great deal, and felt very very supported by her throughout the weekend retreat, and after.

I will never forget my time here that I was privileged enough to be able to experience, and will never forget my time with each member of the herd, and as a collective; they let us into their space in such a gentle and loving way.

Thank you so much for this experience Jacqui, and I really look forward to returning again. X


Wow - what can I say! The weekend retreat I attended with Jacqui and her gorgeous herd is something I will never forget. Jacqui thought of everything to make the weekend as special as possible and to help the herd be as comfortable with us as possible. I have never spent any time around horses so I had been a bit apprehensive but I needn't have worried. Thanks to Jacqui's teaching and amazing understanding of the herd they didn't just accept us but they quickly trusted us. The time we spent with them was a true honour and I can't wait to come back for more!


Thank you Jacqui for sharing so much useful information and for being so generous with your time on your recent visit. I am using the mindfulness technique to find a deeper connection with my horses and dogs, the stillness is helping me too. Helping Lola with her phobia about nail clipping is a longer project but I am grateful for the setup you have given me, we are making progress.


My husband and I had a wonderful day with Jacqui and her horses. As soon I we got home to my pony I tried mindfulness with her and she stopped eating to blow into my nose. We continue and although I find it hard as Storm pushes me back, our journey continues and our bond is growing stronger. A couple of days ago Storm was emotional and off her feed when one of the horses in the barn had to be PTS. We spent some while with her until she closed her eyes and slept. I definitely believe mindfulness helped.


My brother and I spent a wonderful day with Jacqui and her chilled out herd. I loved the mindfulness exercises and the feeling of peace from the land and the connection to nature. I will be back! Thank you Jacqui <3


Jacqui's calm & gentle presence from the outset is wonderful in helping both horses and their owners to relax. Her soulful insight leads naturally to a present state where communication and healing can begin. Thankyou Jacqui for showing me what's possible using these techniques.


Jacqui gave me much needed moral support and encouragement in using the Trust Technique with my ponies. She has a lovely calm and peaceful manner and encouraged me to persist and believe in a positive outcome. The Trust Technique is amazing and I would highly recommend a consultation with Jacqui.


Jacqui came to visit our horse as we were concerned he was grieving for his long term companion who had died. Jacqui has such a calm and kind manner, and a really lovely understanding of animals.I can only recommend her as someone to work with, and she really helped us deepen our bond with our horse.


I'm impressed by a practitioner who gives you the tools and information to help your animals...yourself. Jacqui not only helped my horses but she also enabled me to help my horses. She helped me to understand and be able to communicate with them. The techniques she gave me for our mare who was distressed following the loss of a herd member have proved invaluable. She has help me to be peaceful with all my horses now. We humans are such busy creatures, always wanting and doing something. It's important sometimes just to BE with them. Thank you, Jacqui.


I went to Jacquie in a bad way and she gave me the tools to see beyond the suruatun I was in with empathy and real professionalism. I would highly recommend her to anyone who has not tried mindfulness. She will listen and be a real help.


I recently had the honour of experiencing a very special weekend at Jacqui's retreat. It was over a week ago now and I am honestly still processing it as it was such a huge and humbling experience!

Jacqui and David (and Ollie!) welcomed us into their home in such a lovely way, and to say the weekend completely opened my heart and my relationship with animals is an understatement.

Jacqui has an incredibly gentle and powerful relationship with her horses, and a deep understanding of both mindfulness and her beautiful herd.

I absolutely loved my weekend with Jacqui, learned and experienced a great deal, and felt very very supported by her throughout the weekend retreat, and after.

I will never forget my time here that I was privileged enough to be able to experience, and will never forget my time with each member of the herd, and as a collective; they let us into their space in such a gentle and loving way.

Thank you so much for this experience Jacqui, and I really look forward to returning again. X


Wow - what can I say! The weekend retreat I attended with Jacqui and her gorgeous herd is something I will never forget. Jacqui thought of everything to make the weekend as special as possible and to help the herd be as comfortable with us as possible. I have never spent any time around horses so I had been a bit apprehensive but I needn't have worried. Thanks to Jacqui's teaching and amazing understanding of the herd they didn't just accept us but they quickly trusted us. The time we spent with them was a true honour and I can't wait to come back for more!


Thank you Jacqui for sharing so much useful information and for being so generous with your time on your recent visit. I am using the mindfulness technique to find a deeper connection with my horses and dogs, the stillness is helping me too. Helping Lola with her phobia about nail clipping is a longer project but I am grateful for the setup you have given me, we are making progress.


My husband and I had a wonderful day with Jacqui and her horses. As soon I we got home to my pony I tried mindfulness with her and she stopped eating to blow into my nose. We continue and although I find it hard as Storm pushes me back, our journey continues and our bond is growing stronger. A couple of days ago Storm was emotional and off her feed when one of the horses in the barn had to be PTS. We spent some while with her until she closed her eyes and slept. I definitely believe mindfulness helped.


My brother and I spent a wonderful day with Jacqui and her chilled out herd. I loved the mindfulness exercises and the feeling of peace from the land and the connection to nature. I will be back! Thank you Jacqui <3


Jacqui's calm & gentle presence from the outset is wonderful in helping both horses and their owners to relax. Her soulful insight leads naturally to a present state where communication and healing can begin. Thankyou Jacqui for showing me what's possible using these techniques.


Jacqui gave me much needed moral support and encouragement in using the Trust Technique with my ponies. She has a lovely calm and peaceful manner and encouraged me to persist and believe in a positive outcome. The Trust Technique is amazing and I would highly recommend a consultation with Jacqui.


Jacqui came to visit our horse as we were concerned he was grieving for his long term companion who had died. Jacqui has such a calm and kind manner, and a really lovely understanding of animals.I can only recommend her as someone to work with, and she really helped us deepen our bond with our horse.


I'm impressed by a practitioner who gives you the tools and information to help your animals...yourself. Jacqui not only helped my horses but she also enabled me to help my horses. She helped me to understand and be able to communicate with them. The techniques she gave me for our mare who was distressed following the loss of a herd member have proved invaluable. She has help me to be peaceful with all my horses now. We humans are such busy creatures, always wanting and doing something. It's important sometimes just to BE with them. Thank you, Jacqui.


I went to Jacquie in a bad way and she gave me the tools to see beyond the suruatun I was in with empathy and real professionalism. I would highly recommend her to anyone who has not tried mindfulness. She will listen and be a real help.


I recently had the honour of experiencing a very special weekend at Jacqui's retreat. It was over a week ago now and I am honestly still processing it as it was such a huge and humbling experience!

Jacqui and David (and Ollie!) welcomed us into their home in such a lovely way, and to say the weekend completely opened my heart and my relationship with animals is an understatement.

Jacqui has an incredibly gentle and powerful relationship with her horses, and a deep understanding of both mindfulness and her beautiful herd.

I absolutely loved my weekend with Jacqui, learned and experienced a great deal, and felt very very supported by her throughout the weekend retreat, and after.

I will never forget my time here that I was privileged enough to be able to experience, and will never forget my time with each member of the herd, and as a collective; they let us into their space in such a gentle and loving way.

Thank you so much for this experience Jacqui, and I really look forward to returning again. X

More about Springwood Mindfulness Sanctuary Www.Springwoodsanctuary.Com

Springwood Mindfulness Sanctuary Www.Springwoodsanctuary.Com is located at Handcross, West Sussex, United Kingdom