St Edburg'S Church, Bicester

About St Edburg'S Church, Bicester

The parish church for the town of Bicester, Oxfordshire, England.



Don't forget this coming weekend: Saturday 1 September Coffee Morning: 10am - 12 noon at St Edburg’s. Sunday 2 September Evensong: 6pm at St Edburg’s


#Bicester - next week: "THE EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN OF BICESTER". Saturday 8th September Heritage Open Day: St. Edburg's Church, 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Come and celebrate the extraordinary women of Bicester and the surrounding villages by sharing their stories. Refreshments all day. A FREE event.


Interactive talk during our 9.30am Family Service on Sunday, involving lots of fruit!


#Bicester - notices Sunday 26 August St Laurence’s Patronal Fes0val: Service at 6pm. Followed by refreshments. All welcome. Saturday 1 September Coffee Morning: 10am - 12 noon at St Edburg’s. Sunday 2 September... Evensong: 6pm at St Edburg’s. Saturday 8th September Heritage Open Day: St. Edburg's Church, 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. "THE EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN OF BICESTER". Come and celebrate the extraordinary women of Bicester and the surrounding villages by sharing their stories. Refreshments all day. A FREE event. Sunday 9th September Refugee Support Group Open Meeng 4pm at the Salvaon Army Hall, Hart Place, Bicester, OX26 4FR - THANKSGIVING ~ STORIES~ UPDATE ~ NEXT STEPS - ALL WELCOME Saturday 29 September St Edburg’s Got Talent: 7.30pm (bar opens at 7pm). Do you have a talent (hidden or otherwise) such as playing an instrument, singing, recing or telling a story? If so, we would love you to perform. Or just make a date to come along, have a drink and be entertained. Please see one of the Events Commi3ee for further informaon.
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At the 9.30 service on Sunday Andrew Anderson-Gear spoke about praying for peace, the '100 days of prayer for peace and hope' invite. We are 100 days away from the 100th anniversary of WW1.
Here's the link to website with all the information. including how you sign up for daily emails or can download a daily bible reading, reflection & prayers. - / Image may contain: one or more people and text


#Bicester - notices:
Saturday 11 August Mother’s Union Coffee Morning: 10am - 12noon in St Edburg’s.
... Wednesday 15 - Friday 17 August Holiday at Home: Are you rered and unable to go away on holiday? Come and join us to enjoy games, museum experience, film, tea dance, and much more. See poster and booking forms in church for more details.
Saturday 8th September HERITAGE OPEN DAY - St. Edburg's Church, Saturday September 8th 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. "THE EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN OF BICESTER". Please let the Heritage Group know via the Church Office (01869 250732 if your group wishes to nominate an extraordinary woman, and have a display table. Welcomers and helpers are needed for this FREE community event.
Saturday 29 September St Edburg’s Got Talent: 7.30pm (bar opens at 7pm). Do you have a talent (hidden or otherwise) such as playing an instrument, singing, recing or telling a story? If so, we would love you to perform. Or just make a date to come along, have a drink and be entertained. Please see one of the Events Committee for further information.
Keeping in touch & GDPR As a result of a change in UK law on data protection, we now need writen consent from individual church members in order to contact them by post, email or phone. There are consent forms and return envelopes in church today -- please fill in a form with the contact details you want us to use to communicate with you and pass it to a churchwarden or member of the clergy.
Volunteers Needed We are looking for a volunteer or a pair of volunteers to run our very popular out reach toddler group in the church hall on a Friday morning from September, term me only. If you are interested or would like to know more please speak to Mandy at
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#Bicester we had a few technical issues recently. From Sunday 29th July to Thursday 2nd August the office email address was failing to send or receive messages. If you tried to contact us in the period and have not received any response, please do try again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. All should now be in order!


#Bicester our notices are below: Wednesday 25 July Mother’s Union Meeting: 2.30pm in St Edburg’s. A special service to celebrate 125 years of the Mother’s Union at St Edburg’s. All welcome.
Saturday 4 August... There will be no coffee morning in church on this day.
Saturday 11 August Mother’s Union Coffee Morning: 10am - 12noon in St Edburg’s.
Wednesday 15 - Friday 17 August Holiday at Home: Are you retired and unable to go away on holiday? Come and join us to enjoy crafts, games, museum experience, film, tea dance, and much more. See poster and booking forms in church for more details.
Saturday 29 September St Edburg’s Got Talent: 7.30pm (bar opens at 7pm). Do you have a talent (hidden or otherwise) such as playing an instrument, singing, reciting or telling a story? If so, we would love you to perform. Or just make a date to come along, have a drink and be entertained. Please see one of the Events Committee for further information.
Keeping in touch & GDPR As a result of a change in UK law on data protection, we now need written consent from individual church members in order to contact them by post, email or phone. There are consent forms and return envelopes in church today -- please fill in a form with the contact details you want us to use to communicate with you and pass it to a churchwarden or member of the clergy.
Volunteers Needed We are looking for a volunteer or a pair of volunteers to run our very popular out reach toddler group in the church hall on a Friday morning from September, term time only. If you are interested or would like to know more please speak to Mandy at
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#Bicester don't forget that tomorrow (Saturday) is our Summer Fete! 10am - 1pm at St Edburg’s. Bouncy castle, stalls, activities, bric a brac, cakes, tombola and lots, lots more!
On Sunday our morning service is a combined Family Communion Service starting at 10.30am!


#Bicester Sunday 15 July Patronal Evensong: 6pm in St Edburg’s. Wednesday 25 July Mother’s Union Meeting: 2.30pm in St Edburg’s. A special service to celebrate 125 years of the Mother’s Union at St Edburg’s. All welcome.... Monday 30 July - Friday 3 August Ground Breakers Holiday Club: Please see the flyers in church for further information and to book a place for your child. Saturday 4 August There will be no coffee morning in church on this day. Saturday 11 August Mother’s Union Coffee Morning: 10am - 12noon in St Edburg’s. Wednesday 15 - Friday 17 August Holiday at Home: Are you retired and unable to go away on holiday? Come and join us to enjoy crafts, games, museum experience, film, tea dance, and much more. See poster and booking forms in church for more details. Saturday 29 September St Edburg’s Got Talent: 7.30pm (bar opens at 7pm). Do you have a talent (hidden or otherwise) such as playing an instrument, singing, reciting or telling a story? If so, we would love you to perform. Or just make a date to come along, have a drink and be entertained. Please see one of the Events Committee for further information.
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Thought for the Week by Rev Peter Wright - St Peter
It’s a nickname, Peter.
He was Simon, but Jesus called him his rock, petros in Greek. So he became Peter.
... Peter the rock, the foundation stone of the church. A church Jesus rooted in humanity rather than a physical location.
Peter the far from perfect. Not sharp-minded, educated sophisticated and educated like Paul, his fellow apostle. Not solid in faith, sinking while trying to walk on the water (Matt. 14.22-33). Not too high on loyalty or courage either – at the time Jesus needed him most he denied even knowing him.
So why him? Why is this, oh so fallible, human being chosen to be the foundation stone of the church?
Perhaps it was not because he was different from us, but because he was just like us.
Yet through knowing Jesus Peter is transformed. It takes the transfiguration, the crucifixion, the resurrection and the events of Pentecost to do it, but Peter is transformed - into a preacher whose testimony converts thousands, and whose leadership does, indeed, provide the foundation for the whole church.
This, then, is the model for our church.
This is the model for us.
Jesus did not select a bunch of perfect people as his disciples. They were as human and as fallible as we are. But they found when they truly trusted Jesus they were given what they needed to serve him. Remember the walking on the water story? When Peter becomes afraid, his faith waivers and he begins to sink, but when he reaches out for Jesus his hand is taken and he is lifted up.
When we are faced with those situations where we could share our faith but we are embarrassed, perhaps afraid of being sniggered at, we can always remember Peter. Not because he was strong, but because he was as weak and fallible as we are and found, when he reached out for Jesus, he was lifted up - transformed.
Peter came to know that if he put his trust in Jesus, he would never, ever be let down. And so it will be for us, if we can learn to trust as he did.
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Dates for your diaries! Sunday 1 July Trinity Camerata Concert: 3.45pm at St Edburg’s. See poster in church for more details.
Patronal Evensong: 6.30pm at St Peter’s, Bucknell with the choir from St Edburg’s. Followed by a buffet supper and drinks. All welcome
... Saturday 7 July Coffee Morning: 10am - 12noon at St Edburg’s. Garden Party & Vintage/Classic Show: 2pm - 5pm at Manor Farm, Bucknell. Cream teas, stalls, steam train rides. £2 entry in aid of St Peter’s Church.
Saturday 14 July Summer Fete: 10am - 1pm at St Edburg’s. Bouncy castle, stalls, activities, bric a brac, cakes, tombola and lots, lots more! Donations of raffle prizes, bottles, cakes and bric a brac always welcome.
Sunday 15 July Combined Patronal Family Communion Service: 10.30am in St Edburg’s.
Patronal Evensong: 6pm in St Edburg’s.
Ground Breakers Holiday Club (30 July - 3 August) Please see the flyers in church for further information and to book a place for your child.
Holiday at Home (15 - 17 August) Are you retired and unable to go away on holiday? Come and join us to enjoy crafts, games, museum experience, film, tea dance, and much more. See poster and booking forms in church for more details.
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Wonderful Communion Service tonight at St Edburg's. Congratulations to April who gave Communion for the first time after being Ordained. May God bless you and your Ministry.


#Bicester here are our latest notices. We hope you can join us soon!
Sunday 24 June Holy Communion: 6pm at St Edburg’s. April will celebrate Holy Communion for the first time. All are very welcome.
... Wednesday 27 June Mother’s Union Meeting: 2.30pm in St Edburg’s
Sunday 1 July Trinity Camerata Concert: 3.45pm at St Edburg’s. See poster in church for more details.
Patronal Evensong: 6.30pm at St Peter’s, Bucknell with the choir from St Edburg’s. Followed by a buffet supper and drinks. All welcome
Saturday 7 July Coffee Morning: 10am - 12noon at St Edburg’s.
Garden Party & Vintage/Classic Show: 2pm - 5pm at Manor Farm, Bucknell. Cream teas, stalls, steam train rides. £2 entry in aid of St Peter’s Church.
Saturday 14 July Summer Fete: 10am - 1pm at St Edburg’s. Bouncy castle, stalls, activities, bric a brac, cakes, tombola and lots, lots more! Donations of raffle prizes, bottles, cakes and bric a brac always welcome.
Sunday 15 July Combined Patronal Family Communion Service: 10.30am in St Edburg’s.
Patronal Evensong: 6pm in St Edburg’s.
Ground Breakers Holiday Club Please see the flyers in church for further information and to book a place for your child.
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#Bicester Festival! Our Church will be open tomorrow 2pm - 5pm. Come and join in!


#Bicester notices! Sunday 17 June Songs of Praise: 6pm in St Edburg’s. Saturday 23 June Quiz Evening: 7.30 - 9.15pm at St Edburg’s Church Hall (bar opens at 7pm). £3 adults, 50p for under 18s. All welcome.... Sunday 24 June Ordination of April Beckerleg: 10.30am at Dorchester Abbey, Dorchester on Thames. April will celebrate Holy Communion for the first time that evening at 6pm at St Edburg’s Church. All are very welcome to be there for either or both services. There will be no 11am service at St Edburg’s that day. 8am and 9.30am services as usual. Sunday 1 July Trinity Camerata Concert: 3.45pm at St Edburg’s. See poster in church for more details. Patronal Evensong: 6.30pm at St Peter’s, Bucknell with the choir from St Edburg’s. Followed by a buffet supper and drinks. All welcome Christian Aid Week 2018 We did something amazing this Christian Aid Week. The total raised by St Edburg’s and St Laurence’s plus the railway stations collection was £1,749.59. Thank you for being so generous. Christian Aid believes in life before death. Ground Breakers Holiday Club Please see the flyers in church for further information and to book a place for your child. Dates for the Diary Saturday 7 July - Garden Party & Vintage/Classic Show at Manor Farm, Bucknell Saturday 14 July - Summer Fete at St Edburg’s
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Went to my cousins christening here this weekend and have to say it was amazing! So much effort has been made to make it a family friendly welcoming environment. Really nicely done! I'm not a religious person but the sense of community was just beautiful


We had such a warm welcome for our children’s christening. Verena was wonderful with not only our children but also the children that came to celebrate with us, involving them in the ceremony and making them feel important.


Very nice and friendly people, thanks to everyone for warm and hospitable attitude. Wonderful churc, people and service.


This was the First Church I visited on my first arrival to ENGLAND Very Beautiful,Green and Peaceful Environment.I Have also been reading about the history of this Family Church will visit again Soon.


Such a beautiful church. If you can, attend a service The Rector and her staff are superb.


My father is laid to rest here and I as a young lad was a bell ringer at the Church as well as attending Sunday school in the 60's.

A great deal of history with this Church and one of the oldest in the country if not the oldest.


My Grandad's ashes are laid to rest here & Everytime I visit him to pay my respects it's always lovely & peaceful & always tidy & kept very well maintained! Plenty of bins & water facilities (& watering cans) Pretty trees & good,clear pathways to the graves! Thankyou!


Lovely welcome church... Family friendly and all the staff and clurgy work hard to give the community a wonderful peaceful welcoming place to be.


Family friendly, warm and very inviting church. I was married here and my son was christened here as were my nieces and nephew. We visit the church every Christmas and it's a wonderful way to start the festivities. Lovely atmosphere �


Deus desce nesse lugar!Uma igreja linda, que faz parte da história de Bicester. Fomos recebidos com amor por todos da congregação! Um dia voltaremos!


Biggest Thank you ever from 2nd Langford Brownies for an amazing evening learning about Weddings and Marriage. Tour of the Bell Tower. An amazing experience for us all. Thank you again xx


Went to my cousins christening here this weekend and have to say it was amazing! So much effort has been made to make it a family friendly welcoming environment. Really nicely done! I'm not a religious person but the sense of community was just beautiful


We had such a warm welcome for our children’s christening. Verena was wonderful with not only our children but also the children that came to celebrate with us, involving them in the ceremony and making them feel important.


Very nice and friendly people, thanks to everyone for warm and hospitable attitude. Wonderful churc, people and service.


This was the First Church I visited on my first arrival to ENGLAND Very Beautiful,Green and Peaceful Environment.I Have also been reading about the history of this Family Church will visit again Soon.


Such a beautiful church. If you can, attend a service The Rector and her staff are superb.


My father is laid to rest here and I as a young lad was a bell ringer at the Church as well as attending Sunday school in the 60's.

A great deal of history with this Church and one of the oldest in the country if not the oldest.


My Grandad's ashes are laid to rest here & Everytime I visit him to pay my respects it's always lovely & peaceful & always tidy & kept very well maintained! Plenty of bins & water facilities (& watering cans) Pretty trees & good,clear pathways to the graves! Thankyou!


Lovely welcome church... Family friendly and all the staff and clurgy work hard to give the community a wonderful peaceful welcoming place to be.


Family friendly, warm and very inviting church. I was married here and my son was christened here as were my nieces and nephew. We visit the church every Christmas and it's a wonderful way to start the festivities. Lovely atmosphere �


Deus desce nesse lugar!Uma igreja linda, que faz parte da história de Bicester. Fomos recebidos com amor por todos da congregação! Um dia voltaremos!


Biggest Thank you ever from 2nd Langford Brownies for an amazing evening learning about Weddings and Marriage. Tour of the Bell Tower. An amazing experience for us all. Thank you again xx


Went to my cousins christening here this weekend and have to say it was amazing! So much effort has been made to make it a family friendly welcoming environment. Really nicely done! I'm not a religious person but the sense of community was just beautiful


We had such a warm welcome for our children’s christening. Verena was wonderful with not only our children but also the children that came to celebrate with us, involving them in the ceremony and making them feel important.


Very nice and friendly people, thanks to everyone for warm and hospitable attitude. Wonderful churc, people and service.


This was the First Church I visited on my first arrival to ENGLAND Very Beautiful,Green and Peaceful Environment.I Have also been reading about the history of this Family Church will visit again Soon.


Such a beautiful church. If you can, attend a service The Rector and her staff are superb.


My father is laid to rest here and I as a young lad was a bell ringer at the Church as well as attending Sunday school in the 60's.

A great deal of history with this Church and one of the oldest in the country if not the oldest.


My Grandad's ashes are laid to rest here & Everytime I visit him to pay my respects it's always lovely & peaceful & always tidy & kept very well maintained! Plenty of bins & water facilities (& watering cans) Pretty trees & good,clear pathways to the graves! Thankyou!


Lovely welcome church... Family friendly and all the staff and clurgy work hard to give the community a wonderful peaceful welcoming place to be.


Family friendly, warm and very inviting church. I was married here and my son was christened here as were my nieces and nephew. We visit the church every Christmas and it's a wonderful way to start the festivities. Lovely atmosphere �


Deus desce nesse lugar!Uma igreja linda, que faz parte da história de Bicester. Fomos recebidos com amor por todos da congregação! Um dia voltaremos!


Biggest Thank you ever from 2nd Langford Brownies for an amazing evening learning about Weddings and Marriage. Tour of the Bell Tower. An amazing experience for us all. Thank you again xx

More about St Edburg'S Church, Bicester

St Edburg'S Church, Bicester is located at Church Street, OX26 6AR Bicester, Oxfordshire
01869 323375