St Edmund Hall, University Of Oxford

About St Edmund Hall, University Of Oxford

Friendly, vibrant college of Oxford University with a great sense of community - made up of undergraduates and postgraduates. Usually known as Teddy Hall.

St Edmund Hall, University Of Oxford Description

St Edmund Hall is a college of the University of Oxford - with undergraduate, postgraduate and visiting students, studying a wide range of subjects.



Ever wondered what an #OpenDay at Teddy Hall is like? Find out in this new video! 🎬
The next University of Oxford Open Day is on Friday 14 September 2018. Teddy Hall will be open from 9:30am for prospective students and their families to look around.
Find out more about life at #TeddyHall on our YouTube channel:
... For more information on Open Days, see our website:
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We're excited to announce a new role of Writer in Residence at the College, and are delighted that Linda Davies (alumna and best-selling author) has agreed to be our inaugural post-holder. Linda will come and live at Teddy Hall for a term, from this October, and has lots of plans to help support and inspire students with their writing - so if you're interested in any kind of creative writing, watch this space to see how you can get involved! Find out more here:…/linda-davies -to-join-st-edmund-h…


Al Murray, Emma Kennedy, Salman Khurshid, Stewart Lee - #TeddyHall alumni have gone on to do any number of things!
In a new display in the College Library, we celebrate the books written by some of our notable alumni. 📗📘📙
Find out more on our website: ddy-hall-alumni


"Things big and small often come from the same source: my watermelons derive from the same principles as our planned alliance..." 🍉 📜
Catherine the Great: Selected Letters has just been published by Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press). Co-authored by Kelsey Rubin-Detlev and #TeddyHall Tutorial Fellow Andrew Kahn, the book offers an overview of the life and policies of the German-born princess as viewed through her correspondences.
Find out more on our website:…/catherine-the-great- selected-letters-by-…


Another day of sunshine at #TeddyHall... 🌞


If you could design a real-life space mission, where would you go? 🚀
Lucy Kissick, a #TeddyHall PhD student, took part in the ESA - European Space Agency's Alpbach Summer School, where she and her team came up with a plan for a mission to Ceres, a dwarf planet between Mars and Jupiter.
Find out more on our website:…/space-mission-the-eu ropean-space-agencys…


The #TeddyHall choir is touring to France! 🇨🇵️ 🎶
Alumni and members of the Hall community are warmly invited to join the choir as they perform in Paris and Pontigny from 11-15 September 2018.
More information about the tour can be found on our website: -2018


Congratulations! 🎉
#TeddyHall Emeritus Fellow Prof. Hugh Jenkyns has been elected to a prestigious Italian scientific society, the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
Read more on our website:…/emeritus-fellow-elec ted-to-accademia-naz…


Tickets for the Teddy Hall Parents’ Dinner in October have now sold out. Apologies to those who couldn’t get tickets this year and we hope to see you next year. Email if you would like to be added to the waiting list.


Alumnus Prof. Chris Armitage has been returning to Teddy Hall every summer for over 40 years now, bringing with him a group of summer school students from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for a 6-week Shakespeare course.
Find out more about the enduring appeal of the course and how two of this year's participants were the daughters of alumni who'd taken part in the programme some 30 years earlier!…/stage-page-and-colle ge-unc-chapel-hill-s…


We're very pleased to welcome our first AfOx Visiting Fellow to the College this summer: Dr Seifu Kebede-Gurmessa, who joins us from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia for a 6-week stay at Teddy Hall. Seifu is pursuing his research into groundwater hydrology, working with Katrina Charles and Rob Hope at the School of Geography and the Environment who lead the REACH (Improving Water Security for the Poor) research programme.
Find out more about Seifu's research, and the AfOx (Africa Oxford Initiative) fellowship programme here:…/afox-visiting-fellow -dr-seifu-kebede-gur…


Calling all Hall poets! Rachael Morris, a Teddy Hall alumna (2014, MSt in History of Art & Visual Culture) who now works for The Charles Causley Trust, has asked us to spread the word about their International Poetry Competition. First prize is £2,000 and a 1-week writing residency at Cyprus Well, Charles Causley's former home in Launceston, Cornwall. The closing date is Monday 5th November. Good luck! -international-po…/


Now on our website: read an account by postgrad student Hannah Behrens (DPhil in Infection, Immunology and Translational Medicine) about her experiences at the prestigious Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting: a meeting of 40 Nobel laureates and 600 young scientists.…/hannah-behrens-refle cts-on-the-lindau-no…


Following the interest in our post a few days ago about the demolition of the Forum Dance Hall in 1965, here's a bit more about the 'New Buildings' (the Wolfson Hall, Emden, Kelly, etc) for which it made way...
The Wolfson was officially opened on 26 June 1970 by Lady Wolfson. Thanks to Julia Johnson-Fry for the first photo, which shows Sir Harold Macmillan (Chancellor of the University, and Visitor of St Edmund Hall) arriving for the ceremony - accompanied by The Revd Dr Joh...n Kelly on the right, with the then Vice-Chancellor, Mr Alan Bullock, in the background. The photo was taken through the window of what is now the College Office but which was the Bursary back then.
The following day, there was a celebratory garden party for all the subscribers to the New Buildings Fund - around 700 people attended!
Emden and Kelly residential blocks were occupied for the first time by undergraduates and graduates at the beginning of Michaelmas Term 1969. The SEH Magazine reports: "The occupation was only achieved by the narrowest of margins, for the young men came into residence on Thursday 9 October and the workmen were busy until late at night on Wednesday and most of Thursday laying carpets, installing beds, and carrying out other finishing touches in the bed-sitters."
The Wolfson wasn't ready until a little later, with the first meal held there on Thursday 15 January 1970 - for 190 people ("the largest company of Aularians that has ever dined together in one place" said the Magazine of that year).
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These photos were taken at #TeddyHall following the graduation ceremony on 21 July 2018. Congratulations to all our graduates, and the best of luck for your future plans.
Please feel free to tag yourselves!
For more photos, please see our Flickr page:…/stedmundh…/a lbums/72157672258604708
... Photographs by Stuart Bebb.
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Huge congratulations to our prize-winning Fine Artists on their recent successes! Jessica Heywood (undergraduate finalist) has been awarded the Vivien Leigh Prize and will see her work displayed in the Ashmolean, while Luke Dawes (also an undergraduate finalist) wins the 2018 Platform Prize and will have a solo exhibition at Modern Art Oxford this October. Masters student Alistair Debling has been given a Red Mansion Prize, which will enable him to travel to China for a month this winter, to work alongside other artists there.
Find out more about their work and achievements here:…/fine-art-students-aw arded-prestigious-pr…


Booking for the Teddy Hall 34th Annual New York Dinner is now open! Visit the website for more information and to book online. ork-dinner


On our website today, find out more about one of the many groups of visitors we host over the summer (which is definitely not a holiday time for our busy Conference Manager, Sue!): the OXCEP Academic Medicine Course.
Nearly 40 academic clinicians from China have just spent 2 weeks with us, listening to presentations and observing translational research, as well as taking part in some social and cultural activities. Find out more: -medicine-course


Happy Saturday from #TeddyHall!
Did you know that the chough appears on each of the four quarters of the St Edmund Hall crest? A native of Cornwall (the county associated with the College's early Principals), this black bird is distinguished by its red beak and legs.
The chough also features on the sundial in Front Quad, which you can see in these photos.
... What's more, the College's semi-official crocheted chough mascot has her very own Instagram page! You can follow her @sehchough.
#StEdmundHall #SEHChough #Oxford #OxfordCollege #OxfordUni
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Six unforgettable years at Teddy Hall, a real privilege.


My single most life changing experience; best 3 years of my life (so far...)


It's an absolutely marvellous place!


I've met some of the nicest people in Oxford through Teddy Hall!




Dungeons of democracy.

Os “subterrâneos da democracia”, in portuguese ...

... Em meio ao charco moral que vivemos há mais de 20 anos, estamos levando ao Judiciário Brasileiro questionamentos bastante relevantes e oportunos sobre direitos e deveres constitucionais. Preceitos que devem ser respeitados por todos os brasileiros. Ou não ?????


- Um político, ou o "Legislativo" como alguns preferem (diluindo responsabilidades), está autorizado a usar o poder conferido nas urnas para interferir a favor de seus cupinchas na iniciativa privada, esfera totalmente estranha ao serviço público???

- A Constituição Brasileira confere a um homem público o poder de pedir a cabeça, prejudicar irremediavelmente um(a) jornalista independente, sem qualquer vínculo partidário e que, por isso mesmo jamais seria útil a projetos de poder ???

-Nesse mesmo cenário, inimaginável num Estado Democrático de Direito, um presidente da república poderia ignorar o capítulo das garantias fundamentais que asseguram direitos iguais para todos os cidadãos brasileiros ??? Poderia ele interferir a favor de profissionais de sua confiança, em qualquer segmento da sociedade, de acordo com suas conveniências pessoais e políticas, em detrimento dos direitos dos que recusam proteção dessa natureza, mesmo sofrendo violento assédio moral por parte dos que têm blindagem oficial e certeza absoluta da impunidade ???

No nosso entendimento, trata-se de um exemplo típico de abuso de poder, só possível em regimes totalitários como o que vivemos de 64 a 85.

Numa democracia seria o impensável. Uma promiscuidade entre o público e o privado, corrupção, um achincalhe.

Como nós, outros cidadãos brasileiros também devem estar buscando respostas para situações inimagináveis como essas. E há muito tempo.

São os devidos, e já absurdamente tardios pontos nos iiiii.


Whatever the human law may be, and that is not the case, neither an individual nor a nation can commit the least act of injustice against the obscurest individual without having to pay the penalty for it. By hook or crook .

Elizabeth Buchmüller


Floreat Aula! Proud to be Teddy Hall. A great experience


Best place! - Teddy Admirers


A most wondrous place - the oldest original building since the University's foundation still standing majestically!


A beautiful place!


If you wish to re-live your student days then - this maybe be the place. Prefer a decent hotel? I'd advise Jury's Inn for Premier Inn - costs more but - you get what you pay for. But must add - the staff were perfect.


shitty internet


Very rude member of staff. With very foul language.


Extremely poor admin, poorer welfare, lack of educational motivation - go elsewhere, there are plenty of better colleges. Drinking a little out of control here too, not to mention everyone seems to think they're god's gift to underprivileged groups of people.

More about St Edmund Hall, University Of Oxford

St Edmund Hall, University Of Oxford is located at Queen's Lane, OX1 4AR Oxford, Oxfordshire
+44 (0)1865 279000