St Joseph'S Hospice

About St Joseph'S Hospice

St Joseph's Hospice helps people live life to the full, to the very last

St Joseph'S Hospice Description

We have been enhancing lives, easing pain and bringing comfort and understanding for over a hundred years. Nothing can soften the blow of learning that you have been diagnosed with an illness which cannot be cured and will bring an end to your life. But at St Joseph’s Hospice we help our patients and those closest to them, to cope with the anxiety and challenges which may arise.

St Joseph’s broad range of services enriches the lives of patients and their families from the diverse communities of east and north-east London. St Joseph’s is available to all those who can benefit from it; we work to meet all the needs of our patients, including those which reflect their ethnic, cultural or religious heritage.

The care and treatment available at St Joseph’s helps patients live as actively as possible for as long as possible. It also supports the whole person, offering practical, emotional and spiritual help in addition to the medical care. The Day Hospice, social work team, chaplaincy, bereavement and children’s bereavement services all work to meet the needs of those with cancer and other life limiting illnesses as well as those of their families and carers.

Most people with a serious illness prefer to remain at home if they can. Our Community Palliative Care Team works alongside other professionals, so that wherever possible, people needing palliative care can be cared for in their own homes.



Liz has just written her Light up a Life dedication for her Dad Tony, and it reminded us of their wonderful story. If you haven’t read it, please do, it’s quite extraordinary


Because we have such generous supporters who kindly donate so many wonderful items to us so that we can sell them at our jumble sales, we currently don't have any room to take any more! So, to find out what the plan is going forward please visit


We still have a few places available for next year’s London Landmarks Half Marathon and we’d love to have you on our team! Find out how the Pearly Queen of Clapton got on in her very heavy pearly suit


We had a lovely visit from the Lady Mayoress and Sheriff's Consorts @citylordmayor today. They had a tour of the hospice where they met lovely Lilian in Day Hospice, lit a candle in the Chapel and had a sneaky peak of the newly refurbished ward. Please come back and see us again.


Meet Anne who has just joined us as Quality Improvement and Clinical Governance Lead. We asked her about her new role here at the Hospice and how she's settling in


Halloween is over but we want to share with you some tricks that were a real treat. The very talented @TricksRyan came to do some magic with our Neuro Group patients, staff and volunteers and it was made into a short film on BBC iplayer #howdidhedothat


This November we’re highlighting the needs of people living with Dementia, in our display window. Did you know that the number of people with dementia will quadruple by 2040? That’s why we have a Namaste Care service, which is run by volunteers and regular Dementia Friends sessions. Find out more


Thanks to Bev and Kay for organising a fantastic afternoon celebrating the impact of the Windrush generation who delivered invaluable NHS care for 70 years. We had a great group discussion, heard moving poetry, and topped it off with a taste of the Caribbean & Africa. Perfect! #blackhistorymonth


Here are two of the pumpkin carving creations made by our very talented Day Hospice patients. We think they're rather beautiful. We hope that everyone who is celebrating Halloween has a great time, stay safe #trickortreat


Read about this year's Light up a Life in the Hackney Gazette and don't forget to send in your dedications as soon as you can so that they appear in the Remembrance book on the night of the service. We're looking forward to seeing you on December 6th, put the date in your diary.


Our Day Hospice runs 3 days a week and each year around 125 patients use this service. It helps people with a life-limiting condition live as normal a life as possible and it’s a lot of fun too! You can be referred to Day Hospice by your GP or District Nurse, Community Palliative Care Nurse or hospital consultant, why not find out if it could help you or your loved one


For a short time you can generate 10 times the donations to us when you shop on Until 2 November, AmazonSmile is increasing the donation rate to 5%. Why not start your Xmas shopping and support St Joseph's Hospice at the same time

More about St Joseph'S Hospice

St Joseph'S Hospice is located at Mare Street, E8 4SA London, United Kingdom
020 8525 6000