St Mary'S Church Osterley With St Luke'S Hounslow

About St Mary'S Church Osterley With St Luke'S Hounslow

Welcome to the Facebook Fan Page of St Mary Spring Grove and sister church St Luke's Hounslow, Church of England churches in the London Diocese.



Reflecting on the journey of empathy after an evening at the Hounslow Shelter Project.


It's Ash Wednesday, and we hope you'll join us tonight to start out on a season of reflection. 8pm at St Mary's.


40acts is another great resource for Lent - a challenge to do something generous each day and make Lent a time of radical generosity as well as spiritual discipline. You can sign up on the 40acts website and a challenge will be sent to you each day, together with inspiring stories of other people's generosity and faith.


This month, Chatter Box is in the Centenary Hall tomorrow (Wednesday 6th March) from 1-3pm. Lunch Box is on Wednesday 20th March at 12 noon in the Centenary Hall. If you sign up for these events but can't attend and are able to let someone know, it would really help with the catering. Thank you!


Lent is a season of learning and renewal, as well as repentance and fasting. There are lots of opportunities at St Mary's and St Luke's this year to learn either by ourselves or together and open ourselves to God's love. A 'Learning through Lent' leaflet - which contains information on resources, groups and Holy Week services - is available in both churches or you can download it from our website:


The gospel reading set for today gives us a glimpse of glory, as Jesus is transfigured in front of his disciples. Malcolm Guite's sonnet takes us into the heart of this wonderful event in the life of Jesus.
Join us today: 10am at St Mary's, 11am at St Luke's.
... For that one moment, 'in and out of time', On that one mountain where all moments meet, The daily veil that covers the sublime In darkling glass fell dazzled at his feet. There were no angels full of eyes and wings Just living glory full of truth and grace. The Love that dances at the heart of things Shone out upon us from a human face And to that light the light in us leaped up, We felt it quicken somewhere deep within, A sudden blaze of long-extinguished hope Trembled and tingled through the tender skin. Nor can this this blackened sky, this darkened scar Eclipse that glimpse of how things really are.
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Please remember to bring some of your unwanted Christian books (suitable for a read in lent) to swap tomorrow. These will be available in the hall after the service tomorrow so why not bring 1 or 2 and take one home with you to read.


A very inspiring women’s breakfast this morning and lots of our lovely St Mary’s ladies came. wonderful food and time of worship. Isobel Peaty spoke about what we hold in our heart. ‘As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart’ Proverbs 27:19


Ladies - it's not too late to sign up for the women's breakfast tomorrow at All Saint's church in Old Isleworth. I think there will be a good number from St Mary's and St Luke's going to it. See you there!


This year we are celebrating 25 years of women priests in the Church of England and the Archbishop of Canterbury will be holding a special service at Lambeth palace today. Please pray for women priests and the extraordinary blessing they are to our churches and those they serve. We give thanks in particular for Marion, Rosie, Ali and Bev who have served us at St Mary’s and St Luke’s.


Fairtrade Fortnight starts today. This year's campaign focuses on the people – particularly the women – who grow the cocoa in the chocolate we all love. The Fairtrade website shows how we can help ensure that cocoa farmers earn a living income.


Put this in your diary for this Saturday evening.


The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom then shall I fear? (Psalm 27)
#morningprayer #light #salvation


Elis our vicar has recorded this spoken word as part of the Lent resource for the fantastic All We Can, musing and rhyming on the theme of wilderness and sustenance. Well done Elis!
You can order the resource at
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It's Time to Talk Day, and our vicar Elis has made a spoken word video for it. Let's listen to each other, and work together to end mental health discrimination.
If you're struggling with your mental health, you'll always find someone happy to listen to you, and pray with you, at any of our Sunday services.


Ladies - a date for your diary.


This month, Chatter Box will be on Wednesday 6th February from 1-3pm and Lunch Box on Wednesday 20th February at 12 noon. Toy Box is every Thursday (term-time only) for under 3s and their parents/carers - just drop in for as long as you like between 9.30 and 11.30am. All these events take place in the Centenary Hall.


"As the Sun of Righteousness dawns in our hearts anoint our lips with the seal of your Spirit that we may witness to your gospel and sing your praise in all the earth."
... #morningprayer #springgrove #wintermorning
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More about St Mary'S Church Osterley With St Luke'S Hounslow

0208 569 7312