Starlight Equine

About Starlight Equine

Located near Faringdon in Oxfordshire and offering courses to horse owners.

Starlight Equine Description

Horse trainer



This is fascinating to watch! #incrediblehorses #anatomy


Want to learn a new skill that both you and your horse will love? Equine Touch is a gentle but powerful form of bodywork which may help to improve suppleness & balance, relieve tight muscles, reduce stress and improve recovery rates after injury. This Level 1 weekend training course 9 & 10 March is information-packed but importantly also a lot of fun! Located close to Faringdon in Oxfordshire, total cost £200. Contact me via the Starlight Equine page or at for a booking form.


Level 1 Part 1 Equine Touch weekend! It is a great chance to learn the basics of Equine Touch bodywork to do on your own horse to help them be straighter, more in balance and with less muscular tension. I find it really helps with connection and relaxation as well as being something they absolutely love! Location will be near Faringdon in Oxfordshire, total cost £200. Do share and do also let friends know if you think they would be interested - thank you! Email me at to sign up.


Holistic Horse Health Day
10.15am for a 10.30am start time, running through to 4.30pm 21 September, held close to Faringdon in Oxfordshire
... Tickets are £35 per person, including lunch. The day will support the Blue Cross. To book tickets, please contact
Speaker bios and topics will be added here when confirmed.
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Level 1 Part 2 Equine Touch weekend builds on the basics learnt in the Part 1 weekend - we start with a review of the Basic Body Balance before then learning Area of Concern procedures which cover the key areas of the muscular structures of the horse where tension starts to build up. Really useful for helping horses with problems, or as a way of adding areas of focus to maintenance sessions of Equine Touch. Location will be near Faringdon in Oxfordshire, total cost £200.


After such a fun time last weekend I can't wait for the next Level 1 Part 1 course (even without snow offering the perfect excuse for hot chocolate...!) and this will be on 9 & 10 March. Who would like to come along? Let me know and I will send out booking forms this weekend.
You learn so much - Ann Bishop, Cabby Young Louise Bolton Leanne Avery what do you think was best about last weekend? Why should someone come on the course?


Jacquie Billington will be holding a clinic at Starlight Cottage on 16th March. It will feature 2 lectures and 2 private lessons per equine. If you would like to reserve a horse place or a spectator place do let me know. £120 per horse space £40 per spectator space
Jacquie studies the Academic Art of Riding and does incredible in hand work, uses positive reinforcement and is part of the Equine Touch family. Read more about her here:... and about Academic Art of Riding here:…/ac ademic-art-of-riding/
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These brave Equine Touch students didn’t let a bit of snow put them off - what a wonderful first day of experiencing the magic of ET.


Mulinn creating snow angels! 🐴💕


Any final takers for the Equine Touch Level 1 Part 1 this coming weekend? Can’t wait! Will be busy printing off the manuals tomorrow evening 🐴💕


Mulinn has been taking part in a Masters research project on how horses with Cushings learn and their dopamine levels. He has to touch the bit that lights up and then he gets a treat. He thinks there should be more equine research projects.... 🐴💕😊


Hello everyone! Now 2019 is here it's time to see who wants to join us at Starlight Cottage for some of the upcoming events over the next few months. It's a great time of year to commit to learning something new :-)
Equine Touch level 1 part 1 - 2/3 Feb (1 place left) or 9/10 March (4 places left)
Equine Touch level 1 part 2 - for those who did part 1 previously - 23/24 March
... Visiting Instructor clinic 16 March by Jacquie Billington on the Academic Art of Riding - horse or spectator places available. Amazing groundwork insights guaranteed!
If you want to reserve a place or want more info on any of the above, just let me know or send me an email at
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Since Sunny’s dad was a racehorse we keep the racing tradition of celebrating his birthday on 1st January (also since I don’t know his real birthday) This year he got to try 3 different types of polo - a Polo Party to mark his 29th birthday! 🎉🎉🎉🐴💕💕💕


I am beyond thrilled to be able to announce that Jacquie Billington will be holding a clinic at Starlight Cottage on 16th March. It will feature 2 lectures and 2 private lessons per equine. If you would like to reserve a horse place or a spectator place do let me know. £120 per horse space £40 per spectator space
Jacquie studies the Academic Art of Riding and does incredible in hand work, uses positive reinforcement and is part of the Equine Touch family. Read more about her... here:
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Still not sure what you want for Christmas? Surely it is a voucher for a 2019 Equine Touch course! Also works well as a present for your favourite four legged friend... (as well as an excess of carrots and polos - obviously!)


I am beyond thrilled to be able to announce that Jacquie Billington will be holding a clinic at Starlight Cottage on 16th March. It will feature 2 lectures and 2 private lessons per equine. If you would like to reserve a horse place or a spectator place do let me know. Jacquie studies the Academic Art of Riding and does incredible in hand work, uses positive reinforcement and is part of the Equine Touch family. Read more about her here:


New 2019 course dates now announced!


Just home from a wonderful weekend learning the first steps of Equine Touch. Babette is the most wonderful instructor: calm, patient, fun and knowledgeable. She is also a superb hostess so we were well fed and made to feel welcome and comfortable. Thank you Babette!


I have attended an event at Starlight Equine with my own horse last summer. The atmosphere was so relaxed she settled immediately and we had a lovely weekend. I have also been back for Equine Touch workshops and have again enjoyed a lovely relaxed atmosphere, a wonderful welcoming host (and great food) and learnt a huge amount from the course content and being around like minded people.

More about Starlight Equine

Starlight Equine is located at Buckland, Faringdon