Stockbridge Osteopathic Practice

Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Stockbridge Osteopathic Practice

A friendly and patient focused practice providing Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy for the whole family across the South.

Stockbridge Osteopathic Practice Description

A friendly and patient focused practice providing Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy for the whole family across the South. Also offering a comprehensive service in complimentary therapies, including Massage, Naturopathy, Pilates, Homeopathy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. All our therapists are highly qualified, experienced, insured and registered with the necessary governing bodies.



Checking out for a little while 👋. I won’t be picking up DMs, just email, link in bio. Have a fab summer 🦋. #socialmediabreak #socialmediadetox #facebook #instagram #timeout #offline #offgrid #headspace #thumbbreak #eyebreak #phonebreak


#dalailama Oooh now that’s tough one. What do you want that you can’t have? #motivationalquotes #sundayvibes #thoughtful


Break it down to build it up. My cleans are still terrible, so I’m working on the individual components of the movement. I’ve dropped the weight and trying to go back to the basics. #bruised #frustrated #workinprogress #practicemakesprogress #lifting #lift #liftlikeagirl #strengthtraining #strongisnotasize #clean #jerk #deadlift #squat


Love a bit of TED, and this is no exception. The long term benefits to your brain of exercise. Just move more #simples 😊


Going for a run? Make sure you warm up well to reduce your risk of injury. Use this lunge matrix and runners stretch to loosen up your legs, hips, spine and shoulders. . Take large steps out into your lunge making sure your knee doesn’t travel forward of your foot. . Lunge:... 1️⃣ forwards, raising opposite arm to forward leg 2️⃣ backwards, raising opposite arm to forward leg 3️⃣ sideways 4️⃣ diagonally backwards 5️⃣ diagonally forwards . Runners stretch: 1️⃣ go into a plank keeping hips high 2️⃣ step one leg forwards to better your hands 3️⃣ raise your opposite arm and reach to the sky drawing up and out of both shoulders . Repeat this mini circuit 2 or 3 times. I’ve sped this up a little to fit in the minute, so go slow and controlled, not at this speed 💨! . #garygray #lungematrix #runnersstretch #warmup #stretch #mobility #reduceinjury #runner #running #run #justrun #runr
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What you’re holding on to, might be what’s holding you back🤔? #consider #justathought #foodforthought #whatdoyouthink #yourbodyhearswhatyourmindisthinking #bodyfit #brainfit #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #positive #positivevibes #positivethinking #bekindtoyourself #takecareofyou


Flat Head Syndrome. Are you thinking about how to protect your baby’s head shape, or worried if you’ve noticed a change in head or face shape? . Here is our repositioning advice to prevent and treat Flat Head Syndrome (Plagiocephaly) . To Prevent:... • Start immediately after birth • Encourage plenty of Tummy Time. Try lying baby on your chest, over your knees, carrying over your forearm, or propped on pillows • Remember Back to Sleep – Front to Play • Regularly alternate the position of your baby’s head when sleeping from left and right, day and night • Alternate arms if bottle feeding • Use slings and carriers, avoid long car seat or pram use . To Treat: • Use the above advice, but turn baby’s head to the side they least prefer when sleeping • If flattened equally across the back of the head, alternate positions on to the left and right side • Encourage baby to look to the opposite side by attracting their attention with toys, lights and sounds • Turn baby round in the cot, bath, chair, play-mat, changing table, and when bottle feeding, so they turn away from the flattened side to see you and their toys . If you baby is resistant to changing their position, or you are worried about their head or face shape, please contact us for advice. . The sooner you act, the easier it is to prevent or correct . #flatheadsyndrome #awareness #plagiocephaly #brachycephaly #backtosleep #fronttoplay #tummytime #preventionbetterthancure #osteopathyforbabies #osteopathyforchildren #osteopathy
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Hi ho hi ho, it’s off to work I go 💚 The 8th dwarf powering through hump day. #fresh #energy #juice #nutribullet #avocado #lime #mint #spinach #apple #fruit #veg #organic #green #greenjuice #greengoddess #power #humpday 🌱


#drfranciscollins This is a great reminder that you are not at the mercy of your genes, you are not a helpless bystander to your health. . A whopping 90% of your health is determined by your environment and just a mere 10% by your genes. . This is phenomenal in that YOU have the power. YOU are in control. YOU can change your health for the better.... . The environment within your own home is the first and easiest step: . ✅ chuck out all the processed food from your cupboards ✅ put floor cushions down or chuck out your sofa ✅ rig up pull-up bars and put a movement step in your kitchen ✅ remove screens from the bedrooms . Redesign your home to make movement, rest and good nutrition easy and effortless to do. Your mind will always take the path of least resistance, so make things easier on yourself and take temptations away and give yourself gentle reminders. . Your environment matters, change it. You hold the key to your health, not your genes. . #motivation #environment #genes #health #movement #movemore #movementmatters #movementecology #rest #sleep #nutrition #relaxation #4pillarsofhealth #wellbeing #lifestyle #livewell #eatwell #eatfresh #inseason #organic #localproduce #still #calm #peace #mindfulness #meditation #takecontrol #makeachange #stockbridgeosteopathicpractice #SOP ❤️
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With nearly a million reach and so much interest in this clip, I decided to blog about it and share some more information about the wide reaching effect breathing can have on the body, from the nervous system to the pelvic floor. Click the link to discover more:


Warning ⚠️ This is not an ‘exercise’! With our feet trapped in shoe coffins everyday all day, it’s no wonder we have arches like mush, poor ankle mobility, stiff bent toes, foot, ankle, knee and hip pain. . Yup, your dysfunctional foot is a likely contributor to your dysfunctional, painful hip and low back. . I’m not showing you this as an exercise you have to do 10x everyday or whatever, but as a way of both improving your foot/ankle and getting more movement into your day a...s you’re working (or doing any daily task). . This is just an example of how you can easily incorporate more daily movement without having to set time aside for exercise. . I use this half foam roller throughout the day to rest my forefoot up on, stretch my toes up and generally improve my ankle mobility. I don’t see it as an exercise, just more ankle movement. . You could put it under your desk, in-front of your cooker, by your sofa etc etc and hey presto, you’re moving your body more 😃 . For the athletes and sports enthusiasts, if you’re looking for improved squat mechanics, running form, balance and plyometric power do this. . For everyone else, just do it because it feels great and you can feel good about increasing your daily movement! . #movemore #movewell #youarehowyoumove #movementmatters #foot #ankle #movement #thisisnotanexercise #dailymovement #stretch #mobilise #pain #dysfunction #squat #runners #run #running #strength #athletes #officeworkout #foamroller #foamrolling #halffoamroller
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Warning ⚠️ This is not an ‘exercise’! With our feet trapped in shoe coffins everyday all day, it’s no wonder we have arches like mush, poor ankle mobility, stiff bent toes, foot, ankle, knee and hip pain. . Yup, your dysfunctional foot is a likely contributor to your dysfunctional, painful hip and low back. . I’m not showing you this as an exercise you have to do 10x everyday or whatever, but as a way of both improving your foot/ankle and getting more movement into your day a...s you’re working (or doing any daily task). . This is just an example of how you can easily incorporate more daily movement without having to set time aside for exercise. . I use this half foam roller throughout the day to rest my forefoot up on, stretch my toes up and generally improve my ankle mobility. I don’t see it as an exercise, just more ankle movement. . You could put it under your desk, in-front of your cooker, by your sofa etc etc and hey presto, you’re moving your body more 😃 . For the athletes and sports enthusiasts, if you’re looking for improved squat mechanics, running form, balance and plyometric power do this. . For everyone else, just do it because it feels great and you can feel good about increasing your daily movement! . #movemore #movewell #youarehowyoumove #movementmatters #foot #ankle #movement #thisisnotanexercise #dailymovement #stretch #mobilise #pain #dysfunction #squat #runners #run #running #strength #athletes #officeworkout
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This is a great stretch and mobilise for the shoulders and spine. I’m using it here prior to some overhead work in the gym, but stretching into extension is vital for us all. . 1️⃣ Thoracic extensions - place both hands on a ledge or bar and keeping a neutral low back, allow your upper back to sink down between your shoulders. 2️⃣ Thoracic rotations - place one hand on your ledge or bar and put the other hand on your opposite upper arm. Keep a neutral spine, allow your body rotate about your arm. . Mobilise gently in and out of your comfortable range. . You’ll feel lovely lengthening through your spine, round your shoulder blades and in the shoulder muscles. . #shoulderpain #backpain #shoulderworkout #shoulderstretch #impingement #backworkout #backache #mobility #exercise #warmup #warmdown #pt #posture #alignment #sitting #driving #deskwork #screentime
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#billmurray Take control of your social media consumption, don’t let it control you. Be aware of algorithms designed to hook you in and keep you checking, posting and scrolling. IG is the platform most linked with anxiety and depression. Remember no one’s life is that perfect, everyone is dealing with their shit and lives on a scale of anxiety, worry, aches, pains and mental health issues. Do not judge, do not take on face value, do not compare yourself to others. You are you and you are awesome 😎. #lookup #lookout #socialmediadetox #screenfreesunday #beaware #takecontrol #bemindful #fridaymood #limitsocialmedia #bepresent #liveyourlife #dontscrollyourlife #motivationalquotes #positivequotes


Pack in The Plank. Still seeing how long you can hold it? You may be wasting your time. Research is stacking up in favour of frequent short holds and moving through plank positions. You’ll make greater gains by doing shorter holds of 10 secs more frequently and moving through positions. . Here are 5 ways to hack your plank to make it dynamic, practical, and far more relevant to the way we actually move: . 1️⃣ shoulder taps... 2️⃣ arm reaches 3️⃣ hands to elbows 4️⃣ side planks 5️⃣ mountain climbers . Great for all round abdominal and shoulder strength. . Keep your back flat and hips up throughout. If you feel your back sinking, drop onto your knees and/or elbows. Add this routine to your workout going through each move 6-10 times. . #journalofstrengthandconditioningresearch #dec2017 #stuartmcgill #packintheplank #planks #plankexercise #planking #core #coreworkout #coretraining #bracing #staticholds #strengthandconditioning #strengthtraining #mythofcorestability
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Free your hips! There is strong evidence to show reduced hip range of movement is a risk factor for groin pain.


New at the SOP! Yoga classes for pregnancy, general health and wellbeing as well as relaxation and postnatal recovery. Give us a call 01264 810028 to book a class with the lovely Rachel Bean.


Just look 👀 at this incredible clip showing how the entire abdominal and pelvic cavity moves with breathing. The quality of your breathing mechanics is far wider reaching than just your lungs. The diaphragm is a huge massaging muscle on the gut contents and therefore improving breathing mechanics and diaphragm function has the potential to improve digestive, renal, adrenal, liver, uterine, ovarian, pelvic floor, bowel and bladder function. Pretty breathtaking dontcha think!? #breathtaking #breathing #breath #breath #breathingexercises #breathingtreatment #relax #breathe #stretch #unwind #mindfulness #breathewell


Was treated by Emma for a disc problem, not only did she give me much needed pain relief but also fought my corner pushing my gp to make some crucial decisions.. can't recommend Emma Highly enough!!


Treatment with Tracey after CALM ride. �


Really professional practice and always come out feeling loads better.


Passing on the recommendation of Stockbridge Osteopathic Practice.

It involved detailed analysis about my past to recommend which route to go down to improve and hopefully fix my neck and back.

Acupuncture which I dont understand how it works but definitely i certainly felt that the tingling and shooting pains down my arm started to ease off.

Also given a personal plan which i can continue to do at home to speed up the recovery process ��

I was a bit apprehensive but made to feel very comfortable from the moment i walked in to when i left.

Looking forward to my next appointment tomorrow!!


It was my first time at your practice & had an excellent session with Joe my back has improved amazingly and am looking forward to returning & continue the treatment. Could not recommend highly enough.


Highly recommend Stockbridge Osteopathic Practice with cranial osteopathy - helped me tremendously with my son who is now nearly 6 - didn't know what to do - almost cured the colic cries overnight - it was like having a different baby in the house after a few visits ... don't suffer - make an appointment - Emma has such a natural calming effect on her clients - you will not be disappointed!


Emma was recommended to me by many friends who have seen her. My son, Sonny had a very unfortunate birth, he was delivered by emergency c-section and become very poorly spending 5 weeks in intensive care and the first two months of his life in hospital with many hospital clinics after he was extremely unsettled and found it very hard to just sit still without becoming upset, sleep was also an issue. Emma has worked absolute wonders for Sonny. He will always be a strong fighter but he is a different and much happier boy. You can tell he is comfortable. Thank you Emma! I recommend Cranial Osteopathy to all new mummies!


Emma is the only osteopath (or physio) to not only relieve the excruciating pain I sometimes experience in my neck and shoulder from prolonged periods of computer work, but Emma has also helped me to prevent it.

Emma has taken the time to teach me how I can be mindful and improve my posture. I am truly grateful. She has 'Magic Hands!'

Emma and Dr Gill have also helped my son who suffered with severe glue ear. Their treatment and the support they offered me helped prevent him having grommets.

I can't recommend Stockbridge Osteopathic practice enough.


Emma is so knowledgeable and skillful and she has such a lovely approach with all ages. She has relieved many aches and pains over the years and my children love to go and see "Emma the Osteopath"!


Biased opinion but we think Emma is the best. Work on shoulders, knees and advice about exercise and healthy living have been fantastic!


A lovely, welcoming practise. I have been a patient of Emma's for 14 years. She has wonderful healing hands.


Was treated by Emma for a disc problem, not only did she give me much needed pain relief but also fought my corner pushing my gp to make some crucial decisions.. can't recommend Emma Highly enough!!


Treatment with Tracey after CALM ride. �


Really professional practice and always come out feeling loads better.


Passing on the recommendation of Stockbridge Osteopathic Practice.

It involved detailed analysis about my past to recommend which route to go down to improve and hopefully fix my neck and back.

Acupuncture which I dont understand how it works but definitely i certainly felt that the tingling and shooting pains down my arm started to ease off.

Also given a personal plan which i can continue to do at home to speed up the recovery process ��

I was a bit apprehensive but made to feel very comfortable from the moment i walked in to when i left.

Looking forward to my next appointment tomorrow!!


It was my first time at your practice & had an excellent session with Joe my back has improved amazingly and am looking forward to returning & continue the treatment. Could not recommend highly enough.


Highly recommend Stockbridge Osteopathic Practice with cranial osteopathy - helped me tremendously with my son who is now nearly 6 - didn't know what to do - almost cured the colic cries overnight - it was like having a different baby in the house after a few visits ... don't suffer - make an appointment - Emma has such a natural calming effect on her clients - you will not be disappointed!


Emma was recommended to me by many friends who have seen her. My son, Sonny had a very unfortunate birth, he was delivered by emergency c-section and become very poorly spending 5 weeks in intensive care and the first two months of his life in hospital with many hospital clinics after he was extremely unsettled and found it very hard to just sit still without becoming upset, sleep was also an issue. Emma has worked absolute wonders for Sonny. He will always be a strong fighter but he is a different and much happier boy. You can tell he is comfortable. Thank you Emma! I recommend Cranial Osteopathy to all new mummies!


Emma is the only osteopath (or physio) to not only relieve the excruciating pain I sometimes experience in my neck and shoulder from prolonged periods of computer work, but Emma has also helped me to prevent it.

Emma has taken the time to teach me how I can be mindful and improve my posture. I am truly grateful. She has 'Magic Hands!'

Emma and Dr Gill have also helped my son who suffered with severe glue ear. Their treatment and the support they offered me helped prevent him having grommets.

I can't recommend Stockbridge Osteopathic practice enough.


Emma is so knowledgeable and skillful and she has such a lovely approach with all ages. She has relieved many aches and pains over the years and my children love to go and see "Emma the Osteopath"!


Biased opinion but we think Emma is the best. Work on shoulders, knees and advice about exercise and healthy living have been fantastic!


A lovely, welcoming practise. I have been a patient of Emma's for 14 years. She has wonderful healing hands.

More about Stockbridge Osteopathic Practice

Stockbridge Osteopathic Practice is located at First Floor Agriculture House High Street, SO20 6HF Stockbridge, Hampshire
Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -