Stockport Council

Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Stockport Council

Local Council in Greater Manchester. Find out more about our services at https://www. stockport. gov. uk /.



Flu can be horrible for little children.
The free nasal spray is the best way to protect children from flu. If your child is 2 or 3, speak to your GP about it today.


This week is ‘Get Online Week’ and we’d like you to ‘Try 1 thing’ online - to use the internet to do just one thing you’d normally do face to face or over the phone.
It’s the ideal opportunity to try out our new online services. Our website offers you a quick and easy way to report, apply and pay for things and find out information on a wide range of services.
See what you can do online at:


With your support we can get people off the streets and help them to stay off. Donate to #BedEveryNight so we provide those who need it with beds, hot meals, and hope for the future.


This evening Stockport Town Hall will be bathed in pink light for Wear it Pink Day to raise awareness of breast cancer #breastcancerawarenessmonth #wearitpink 👉


Would you or someone you know like to learn how to use the internet or improve digital skills? Get Online Week is encouraging people to ‘Try 1 thing’ online - to use the internet to do just one thing you’d normally do face to face or over the phone.
If you or someone you know needs help getting online, all Stockport libraries have Wi-Fi and free to use computers and our staff are always happy to help you get started.
To find out more visit your local library or:


Places on the lantern making workshops are booking up quickly ... make you book your place soon so you don’t miss out


Has your 2 or 3 year old had their free nasal flu vaccine yet? If not book them in at your GP Practice this half term #staywellthiswinter 👉


Stockport Council football pitches will be open and playable weekend 20th and 21st October.


Let us know what you think about proposed changes to the Council Tax discount options for empty, unoccupied properties. You can tell us your views at


Flu can be horrible for little children. The free nasal spray is the best way to protect children from flu. If your child is 2 or 3, speak to your GP about it today 👉


Have you been taking part in #Stoptober ? We know quitting smoking can be tough, but it will be worth it in the end. Check in with the tools on offer to keep you going. #smokefree 👉


This week is ‘Get Online Week’ and we’d like you to ‘Try 1 thing’ online - to use the internet to do just one thing you’d normally do face to face or over the phone.
It’s the ideal opportunity to try out our new online services. Our website offers you a quick and easy way to report, apply and pay for things and find out information on a wide range of services.
See what you can do online at:...
See More


Eligibility for 2 year old free early learning and childcare has changed. If you are in receipt of Universal credit you may be able to claim – visit


The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, has issued an Age-Friendly Challenge to help make Greater Manchester the best place in the UK to grow older. #mayorofgm
Greater Manchester is already the UK’s first age-friendly city-region according to the World Health Organization. Great news! But what does that look like in reality?
Through the Mayor’s age-friendly challenge, Greater Manchester Combined Authority will find practical examples of what age-friendly really means a...nd share best practice across the city region.
Successful applicants will receive accreditation confirming their age-friendly status, and will be announced at the Greater Manchester Age-Friendly Conference in February 2019. The best entries will be promoted by Ambition for Ageing as examples of best practice, including to external funders.
The closing date for the challenge is 1 December 2018.
Find out more and apply: #AgeFriendlyGM #OlderPeoplesDay
See More


Let us know your views on the Council’s commitment to Equality and Diversity here:


Come and make your very own dream jar full of glitter, slime and gems to be part of our new ‘We Are Dreamers’ exhibition at Stockport Art Gallery on Saturday


Residents of Cheadle Hulme are suffering from the disastrous planning of road works by Stockport Council. From the Stanley Green roundabout, Gilbent Road/Church Road and Hulme hall Road, Cheadle Road. The area is now "ringfenced" with road works. How is this considered planning? You are a shambles and do no service to the local people who suffer at your lack of knowledge of the area. And you are not answerable for your actions, completely untouchable!


Another nail in stockport centres coffin. Parking in merseyway carpark..... too few machines to pay, and when you find one, it doesn't work. By the time you get one that works you are 4 minutes over the time and the price doubles. So frustrating, lots of pleasant staff around but all unhelpful.


When you report an apparently suicidal person to the ambulance service, perhaps next time you will include the context where you wound up a person with mental health issues by waking them up early in the morning despite knowing they are on nights and therefore would only just have gotten to sleep and refused to listen to their valid complaints about the lack of support from the council that they receive for said MH issues. You might also include that when they made the supposedly suicidal remark, that was after several times the person had asked where this help that they keep claiming is available actually is and that you refused to answer the question, resulting in the person saying said remark out of sheer frustration.

But more to the point, if you thought they were truly suicidal, you DO NOT REPORT IT SIX HOURS AFTER THE FACT. That had nothing do with concern for the person's welfare and everything to do with bullying an already vulnerable member of society. Even the ambulance service were baffled as to what you were attempting to accomplish by this!


Well they have finally managed to tarmac the pavements. Big well done. (Slow clap.) But didn't empty our very full garden waste green bin (that the tarmac people unhelpfully dumped on the road) I went online to report it as not collected and apparenlty it's because it is "contaminated with soil and/or turf." Am I completeley mad in thinking that hedge trimmings and daffodils are in actual fact....just waste. So it was either an automated message or I'm assuming that the bin men are a bit on the weedy side and couldn't be bothered to move it due to the weight and came up with that tripe. I can't answer that as nobody is there to answer the phone. I'll dump my next lot in the normal bin or in the middle of the road. How about that! Why do we bother.


Unfortunately, I don’t have anything good to say about Stockport council. They ended up making a mistake and not processing my change of address form. This lead to me missing a court date and according to them owing over 9 months of unpaid council tax on my previous property. My online account showed that my previous address had all bills paid and I was up to date on my current address. The only time I had ever been contacted apart from letters to my previous address was by bailiffs who were coming round in 2 days to recover my belongings to cover the cost. I called the council and the bailiffs to sort it out and I managed to get the process paused for 2 weeks. No one got back to me and when I called to check they said it was their mistake and I had done everything correctly but I might still be liable to pay the extra 9 months of council tax. At the end of the two weeks I called back to which they told me there was nothing listed on my account of the situation whatsoever. I ended up actually having money refunded to me because they had charged me too much for council tax in the first place. I moved out of the area 4 months ago and am still being hassled by them. I just want to be done with them.


Stockport the only council that turns town centre into a no go area!! do they only take on contractors that severely overrun on completion dates? The time advertised for the road works on Newbridge lane/St Mary's way passed around 9 months ago, as it plainly shows on the sign which still gives the 26 weeks it should have been, and there was the decade or so it seemed to take to put a bloody cycle path along the same road.

Redrock should have opened early 2017 and that mysteriously changed to November .... is that because nobody will be able to get there due to the no doubt long winded road works on the A6 it's an absolute joke that the bus takes less time to get from Piccadilly to Belmont way than it does from Belmont to Debenhams!!

I just hope that it's all worth it in the end and not another disaster like "Grand" Central which just turned into a crime laden no go area!


Stockport council has distroyed our beautiful historial town. Bollards have shut us down, the life blood is passing trade. We can't get deliveries to retailers, people that live in the town can't access their own properties by car.

Disgrace, and somebody is making vast sums of money as investors are allowed to sweep in and build monstrous corporate busineses. Take Princess street cinema whilst the town retailers shut down. Free parking, free rates, low rents and bollard removal before ghost town Stockport


OK I Wanted advice on Garage asbestos removal, so after trawling through the internet trying to find a phone number i eventually got pointed to a number, this was the events number (oh why do i bother) they passed me (so they said) to the environmental health dept, where i was delighted to be kept on the line for 20 minutes when someone answered, i explained and was told i needed the environmental health dept (i tried to say thats who i was talking to) anyway they passed me on to this number, luckily only a 2 minute wait listening to the same message i had earlier listened to and then finally someone answered only to tell me they dont give advice on Asbestos removal. Just what do you do these days apart from going out of your way to be annoying.


New Council tax bill gone up 5.5% and I DON’T even get a wheelie bin service! £123 a month for band A - scandalous.

Some of the most expensive registrar fees, cemetery fees etc.

Council staff that can’t even understand a payslips correctly - and that’s their departmental job! Honestly, this is basic stuff.

Was told we would receive bin liners each year, which apparently cost more to provide than wheelie bins, 3 years NO bin liners. No recycling nothing. But other roads in same postcode area on private land still receive full collections on foot from door step - even recycling.

Computer says no responses from lack lustre Council employees - who genuinely make me wonder how this country functions at all.

Won’t give me a wheelie bin to store rubbish until I can get someone to the tip or biffa bin down road (I have a disability and have 1 year old and 2 year old so can’t leave them unattended to get down the road or lift bags into biffa bin) - so now RATS.

Assisted collection is useless either I can’t carry bags to front door due to disability or they FORGET to collect them if someone does put them out for me. Then the rats and wildlife tear them open anyway. �

Lisa Smart said she’d help resolve the situation - she didn’t. Nothing has changed. Thanks for no assistance whatsoever and the WORST at point of contact. Phones don’t work or are busy but then takes 6 weeks to get a response online - I GIVE UP.


Never been involved with such a corrupt system in my life as the planning department! Clearly all about who you know! I believe this system needs showing up and am doing a story in the local paper about the bullying and abuse I have experienced and the underhanded unprofessional and corrupt attitude of the planning officers.No wonder our area is going downhill..need some fresh young blood involved..simply appalling �


Just returned home to find Stockport Council refuse collectors have emptied all of my neighbours green bins but not mine? Checked on the CCTV to find the refuse collecter walked up to my bin, looked inside, closed the bin and walked off. I went to check to see if the wife had put something in she shouldn’t and there was nothing but food waste and branches. Never mind it’s not like I pay £1700.00 a year council tax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Joke of a council. Whether it be bin collections, gritting of roads, road maintenance, town centre planning or general upkeep of the town they just make a mess of it. And are they held accountable andc apologise ? No. Each year council tax goes up and each year the service provided by the council gets worse. There's no money in the pot for much needed resources because they wasted it all on a cinema. Give yourself another payrise Stockport council whilst the residents of this town struggle due to your inept decision making.


I’d like to thank the good people at Stockport council for their commitment to accessibility, health and safety standards and maintaining the integrity of my property/driveway throughout the never ending story of these road works �. Today I went outside, and was confronted with a metal fence 6 inches from my gate. The TCAP team met with us once but has now stopped responding to messages


Incompetent, is the best word to describe you shower. Where is all the money you overcharge in council tax. No police, unsafe potholed roads, mismanaged public services, litter everywhere.

If you were a business you would be bankrupt. You cannot charge more for poor service with unhappy customers. However in this society where competition, regulation and law governs busineses. Stockport Council are immune from this and bend each and everyone of us over and pound more money in council tax.

Utterly disgusting , I bet your parents are really proud of you. !!


I used to live in the Stockport council area. I told them via their online service that I would be leaving, however after I'd told them, my move date was delayed, I called every day to inform them, but couldn't get through! It took me probably 5 weeks before I managed to get to speak to someone, by which time I'd left the property. I managed to get through to someone in December, I told them that I'd been a Stockport resident for a further 3 weeks and asked them to send my final bill to my new address. I didn't receive anything from them, I've been trying to get through to them to ask them to send the bill for the past 2 weeks with no success. I've been on their website and the message on there is "sorry we are behind with council tax queries, please bear with us" so thought they'll get round to my request eventually! Only to be pulled to one side by our payroll manager to say they had received an attachment of earning for none payment of council tax £89.45!!! I'm fuming, I had not received the final bil, final reminder, court summons nothing at my new address, they had my contact details and telephone number. I ve been reading some of the posts on this page and cannot find one single post with anything positive, Stockport council you're a shambles. I've tried to call you, contacted you via online services, even wrote to you, but still not had a response, and now this will affect my credit rating, you should be ashamed of yourselves!


Grand central pool is now closed indefinitely.

The temperature has been below acceptable limits for a month now,swimming lessons were cancelled a couple of weeks ago.its not a coincidence that the display showing the water and air temp was turned of for the last two weeks. Air temp last week was illegal as it’s supposed to be 2 deg higher than the pool. No sign of the improvements starting that Anne Coffey promised in an email 6 months ago. No slide,no health suite but nothing mentioned on the website and they still have the cheek to charge full price.your lucky there’s not a zero!!


For your work in ensuring that lollipop men don't high 5 kids. I mean it is really intrusive and I'm sure the kids hate it. It must be nice to be so free of any real work that you can put any effort into this at all.


Disgusting service. Main A6 and one of the main roads in the country not even gritted. How there have not been a number of serious accidents already is beyond me. I’ll be asking the Chief Executive on Monday the reasons for this when I will happily remain on hold all day waiting for him to speak to me.


Apparently if they don't empty your woefully small black bin then you need to store the stinking filth and wait another week. It doesn't work given that most people's bins are rammed after a fortnight. I've been advised that in such circumstances policy states that it's my responsibility to make alternative arrangements for the extra waste i.e. The stuff that doesn't fit in the bin. So let me get this right...I pay council to a provide a service and then do the work myself...what a great deal that is!!! I think it might catch time I need a tradesman to do some work on my house I'll pay him up front and then he can make his own mind up if he can be bothered to do the job. So what now..daily trips to the recycling centre? And I bet they sit around scratching their heads wondering why fly tipping is on the up. ���


Residents of Cheadle Hulme are suffering from the disastrous planning of road works by Stockport Council. From the Stanley Green roundabout, Gilbent Road/Church Road and Hulme hall Road, Cheadle Road. The area is now "ringfenced" with road works. How is this considered planning? You are a shambles and do no service to the local people who suffer at your lack of knowledge of the area. And you are not answerable for your actions, completely untouchable!


Another nail in stockport centres coffin. Parking in merseyway carpark..... too few machines to pay, and when you find one, it doesn't work. By the time you get one that works you are 4 minutes over the time and the price doubles. So frustrating, lots of pleasant staff around but all unhelpful.


When you report an apparently suicidal person to the ambulance service, perhaps next time you will include the context where you wound up a person with mental health issues by waking them up early in the morning despite knowing they are on nights and therefore would only just have gotten to sleep and refused to listen to their valid complaints about the lack of support from the council that they receive for said MH issues. You might also include that when they made the supposedly suicidal remark, that was after several times the person had asked where this help that they keep claiming is available actually is and that you refused to answer the question, resulting in the person saying said remark out of sheer frustration.

But more to the point, if you thought they were truly suicidal, you DO NOT REPORT IT SIX HOURS AFTER THE FACT. That had nothing do with concern for the person's welfare and everything to do with bullying an already vulnerable member of society. Even the ambulance service were baffled as to what you were attempting to accomplish by this!


Well they have finally managed to tarmac the pavements. Big well done. (Slow clap.) But didn't empty our very full garden waste green bin (that the tarmac people unhelpfully dumped on the road) I went online to report it as not collected and apparenlty it's because it is "contaminated with soil and/or turf." Am I completeley mad in thinking that hedge trimmings and daffodils are in actual fact....just waste. So it was either an automated message or I'm assuming that the bin men are a bit on the weedy side and couldn't be bothered to move it due to the weight and came up with that tripe. I can't answer that as nobody is there to answer the phone. I'll dump my next lot in the normal bin or in the middle of the road. How about that! Why do we bother.


Unfortunately, I don’t have anything good to say about Stockport council. They ended up making a mistake and not processing my change of address form. This lead to me missing a court date and according to them owing over 9 months of unpaid council tax on my previous property. My online account showed that my previous address had all bills paid and I was up to date on my current address. The only time I had ever been contacted apart from letters to my previous address was by bailiffs who were coming round in 2 days to recover my belongings to cover the cost. I called the council and the bailiffs to sort it out and I managed to get the process paused for 2 weeks. No one got back to me and when I called to check they said it was their mistake and I had done everything correctly but I might still be liable to pay the extra 9 months of council tax. At the end of the two weeks I called back to which they told me there was nothing listed on my account of the situation whatsoever. I ended up actually having money refunded to me because they had charged me too much for council tax in the first place. I moved out of the area 4 months ago and am still being hassled by them. I just want to be done with them.


Stockport the only council that turns town centre into a no go area!! do they only take on contractors that severely overrun on completion dates? The time advertised for the road works on Newbridge lane/St Mary's way passed around 9 months ago, as it plainly shows on the sign which still gives the 26 weeks it should have been, and there was the decade or so it seemed to take to put a bloody cycle path along the same road.

Redrock should have opened early 2017 and that mysteriously changed to November .... is that because nobody will be able to get there due to the no doubt long winded road works on the A6 it's an absolute joke that the bus takes less time to get from Piccadilly to Belmont way than it does from Belmont to Debenhams!!

I just hope that it's all worth it in the end and not another disaster like "Grand" Central which just turned into a crime laden no go area!


Stockport council has distroyed our beautiful historial town. Bollards have shut us down, the life blood is passing trade. We can't get deliveries to retailers, people that live in the town can't access their own properties by car.

Disgrace, and somebody is making vast sums of money as investors are allowed to sweep in and build monstrous corporate busineses. Take Princess street cinema whilst the town retailers shut down. Free parking, free rates, low rents and bollard removal before ghost town Stockport


OK I Wanted advice on Garage asbestos removal, so after trawling through the internet trying to find a phone number i eventually got pointed to a number, this was the events number (oh why do i bother) they passed me (so they said) to the environmental health dept, where i was delighted to be kept on the line for 20 minutes when someone answered, i explained and was told i needed the environmental health dept (i tried to say thats who i was talking to) anyway they passed me on to this number, luckily only a 2 minute wait listening to the same message i had earlier listened to and then finally someone answered only to tell me they dont give advice on Asbestos removal. Just what do you do these days apart from going out of your way to be annoying.


New Council tax bill gone up 5.5% and I DON’T even get a wheelie bin service! £123 a month for band A - scandalous.

Some of the most expensive registrar fees, cemetery fees etc.

Council staff that can’t even understand a payslips correctly - and that’s their departmental job! Honestly, this is basic stuff.

Was told we would receive bin liners each year, which apparently cost more to provide than wheelie bins, 3 years NO bin liners. No recycling nothing. But other roads in same postcode area on private land still receive full collections on foot from door step - even recycling.

Computer says no responses from lack lustre Council employees - who genuinely make me wonder how this country functions at all.

Won’t give me a wheelie bin to store rubbish until I can get someone to the tip or biffa bin down road (I have a disability and have 1 year old and 2 year old so can’t leave them unattended to get down the road or lift bags into biffa bin) - so now RATS.

Assisted collection is useless either I can’t carry bags to front door due to disability or they FORGET to collect them if someone does put them out for me. Then the rats and wildlife tear them open anyway. �

Lisa Smart said she’d help resolve the situation - she didn’t. Nothing has changed. Thanks for no assistance whatsoever and the WORST at point of contact. Phones don’t work or are busy but then takes 6 weeks to get a response online - I GIVE UP.


Never been involved with such a corrupt system in my life as the planning department! Clearly all about who you know! I believe this system needs showing up and am doing a story in the local paper about the bullying and abuse I have experienced and the underhanded unprofessional and corrupt attitude of the planning officers.No wonder our area is going downhill..need some fresh young blood involved..simply appalling �


Just returned home to find Stockport Council refuse collectors have emptied all of my neighbours green bins but not mine? Checked on the CCTV to find the refuse collecter walked up to my bin, looked inside, closed the bin and walked off. I went to check to see if the wife had put something in she shouldn’t and there was nothing but food waste and branches. Never mind it’s not like I pay £1700.00 a year council tax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Joke of a council. Whether it be bin collections, gritting of roads, road maintenance, town centre planning or general upkeep of the town they just make a mess of it. And are they held accountable andc apologise ? No. Each year council tax goes up and each year the service provided by the council gets worse. There's no money in the pot for much needed resources because they wasted it all on a cinema. Give yourself another payrise Stockport council whilst the residents of this town struggle due to your inept decision making.


I’d like to thank the good people at Stockport council for their commitment to accessibility, health and safety standards and maintaining the integrity of my property/driveway throughout the never ending story of these road works �. Today I went outside, and was confronted with a metal fence 6 inches from my gate. The TCAP team met with us once but has now stopped responding to messages


Incompetent, is the best word to describe you shower. Where is all the money you overcharge in council tax. No police, unsafe potholed roads, mismanaged public services, litter everywhere.

If you were a business you would be bankrupt. You cannot charge more for poor service with unhappy customers. However in this society where competition, regulation and law governs busineses. Stockport Council are immune from this and bend each and everyone of us over and pound more money in council tax.

Utterly disgusting , I bet your parents are really proud of you. !!


I used to live in the Stockport council area. I told them via their online service that I would be leaving, however after I'd told them, my move date was delayed, I called every day to inform them, but couldn't get through! It took me probably 5 weeks before I managed to get to speak to someone, by which time I'd left the property. I managed to get through to someone in December, I told them that I'd been a Stockport resident for a further 3 weeks and asked them to send my final bill to my new address. I didn't receive anything from them, I've been trying to get through to them to ask them to send the bill for the past 2 weeks with no success. I've been on their website and the message on there is "sorry we are behind with council tax queries, please bear with us" so thought they'll get round to my request eventually! Only to be pulled to one side by our payroll manager to say they had received an attachment of earning for none payment of council tax £89.45!!! I'm fuming, I had not received the final bil, final reminder, court summons nothing at my new address, they had my contact details and telephone number. I ve been reading some of the posts on this page and cannot find one single post with anything positive, Stockport council you're a shambles. I've tried to call you, contacted you via online services, even wrote to you, but still not had a response, and now this will affect my credit rating, you should be ashamed of yourselves!


Grand central pool is now closed indefinitely.

The temperature has been below acceptable limits for a month now,swimming lessons were cancelled a couple of weeks ago.its not a coincidence that the display showing the water and air temp was turned of for the last two weeks. Air temp last week was illegal as it’s supposed to be 2 deg higher than the pool. No sign of the improvements starting that Anne Coffey promised in an email 6 months ago. No slide,no health suite but nothing mentioned on the website and they still have the cheek to charge full price.your lucky there’s not a zero!!


For your work in ensuring that lollipop men don't high 5 kids. I mean it is really intrusive and I'm sure the kids hate it. It must be nice to be so free of any real work that you can put any effort into this at all.


Disgusting service. Main A6 and one of the main roads in the country not even gritted. How there have not been a number of serious accidents already is beyond me. I’ll be asking the Chief Executive on Monday the reasons for this when I will happily remain on hold all day waiting for him to speak to me.


Apparently if they don't empty your woefully small black bin then you need to store the stinking filth and wait another week. It doesn't work given that most people's bins are rammed after a fortnight. I've been advised that in such circumstances policy states that it's my responsibility to make alternative arrangements for the extra waste i.e. The stuff that doesn't fit in the bin. So let me get this right...I pay council to a provide a service and then do the work myself...what a great deal that is!!! I think it might catch time I need a tradesman to do some work on my house I'll pay him up front and then he can make his own mind up if he can be bothered to do the job. So what now..daily trips to the recycling centre? And I bet they sit around scratching their heads wondering why fly tipping is on the up. ���

More about Stockport Council

Stockport Council is located at Stockport Town Hall, SK1 3XE Stockport
Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -