Stop The War Coalition

About Stop The War Coalition

Campaigning against UK government war policies, for Palestine, against Islamophobia, against attacks on Iraq, Iran or Syria, in defence of civil liberties.

Stop The War Coalition Description

Stop the War was founded in October 2001, one month after George W. Bush announced the "war on terror" and has since been dedicated to ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, bringing the troops home and forcing the British government to change its disastrous foreign policies. We have initiated many campaigns around these issues and are committed to opposing sanctions and military attacks on Iran, supporting Palestinian rights, opposing racism and defending civil liberties.



Vanessa Redgrave talks Trump...


Libya offers a stark reminder of the desperate need for an anti-war government


On 8 Sept we are holding our national conference, in London. This event is open to all paid-up members, who have voting rights. Book now..


The British government’s support for repression in Bahrain is rooted in the same policy that allows it to support the Saudi dictatorship’s war upon the Yemeni people..


We are holding our national conference on 8 Sept, in London. This event is open to all members, who have voting rights. Book now..


The British government’s support for repression in Bahrain is rooted in the same policy that allows it to support the Saudi dictatorship’s war upon the Yemeni people


Nadine Shah performs a moving poem on war and refugees..


The American war machine continues to grow and seek confrontation, writes Vijay Prashad


We are holding our national conference on 8 Sept, in London. This event is open to all members, who have voting rights. Book now..


The British government’s support for repression in Bahrain is rooted in the same policy that allows it to support the Saudi dictatorship’s war upon the Yemeni people


We are holding our national conference on 8 September, in London. This event is open to all paid-up members, who have voting rights. Book now..


The American war machine continues to grow and seek confrontation, writes Vijay Prashad..


We are holding our national conference on 8 Sept, in London. The event is open to all members, who have voting rights. Book now... #STWCAGM18


The American war machine continues to grow and seek confrontation, writes Vijay Prashad..


Time to get all the troops out..


Libya offers a stark reminder of the desperate need for an anti-war government..


A new generation are waking up to the brutal reality of US foreign policy, writes Maya Evans..


We brought London to a standstill today to send a loud and clear message to the world that racist, warmongering, torture supporting bigots (we could go on) are not welcome.


What isn't to like about the Stop The War Coalition? The clue is in the name! Keep up the great work!


Stop this monsters - Donald Trump, Theresa May and Emmanuel Macron! They are fucking hypocrites! The US and UK killed ONE MILLION civilians during Iraqi war alone! They destroyed Libiya, Iraq, Afghanistan... Someone should stop them! People, wake up!!! Knock those monsters from their thrones!!! Hands off from Syria, terrorists!!!


Stop the War is the great mass movement of the 21st century. They’ve changed our world and turned public opinion in Britain against imperialist war. They’ve campaigned against Islamophobia, and explained why this form of racism would rise in the aftermath of the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East. If you haven’t joined yet, well, you know what to do.


Congradulations for your attitude! Success! I hope romanian people will be as smart as you one day...


Anti-War is what the world needs. Don't believe the Warmonger's campaign to smear this organization as being pro-Russia/Putin, as those folks hate any message of peace, and the objectives of Stop the War.


In 2001 1.5 million of us marched and almost succeeded in changing the course of history in Iraq. How many lives would that have saved? And now we rush headlong to disaster again. STWC is a much needed voice of the people and we demand to be heard.


Good luck with your actions from the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) in the US.


echoing previous comments about hypocrisy of stop the war coalition - what about the islamo-fascist regime of saudi arabia bombing one of the poorest countries in the world - Yemen - with british made armaments.


You have become a war criminal apologizers. 7 years of distraction, over 1m death, 50% of the population is displaced, and we have never heard your voice against Russia or Iran. You only start the Stop the War on Syria nonsense when the US is attacking.

As a Syrian who have lost his country, I will never forgive you for your hypocrisy.


When I joined: "fuck the warmongers, the banksters, free Assange! Espose the elites!"

Today: "Durp! Fuck Trumpf and his nazi supporters like Assange and Anons, watch CNN!"

what went wrong.


What hypocrisy exists here. I could comprehend protesting missile strikes on the Syrian regimes chemical and military installations if also there were protests on the same or higher level about the killing of 2,000 civilians in a bombing campaign in the preceding 2 months that culminated in the chemical attack by the Syria regime supported by Russia. Why not protest both? Why all the Syrian govt and Russian flags?


The most hypocrite movement ever. Your name must be "Stop Some Wars" as you love Assad and Putin for killing Syrian kids. Shame on you


The flyer I picked up yesterday at the austerity march is full of anti semetic falsehoods .....Israel Has Never declaimed war on Arab states . Not so the other way round ...they have declared war on the jEWs 6 times and lost Every time ....this is what is making Jews in the Labour Party and Britain fearful


Never before have I seen such a hive of cuckoldry. Best avoided.


Lots of lambasting of Trump, America and the West, almost zero criticism of Putin and Russia. Is STWC really surprised that its ratings have never been lower, credentials never more dubious? After all these years in the field, so to speak, only approximately 165k "likes" and followers, and loads of disillusioned ex-supporters, like myself, fed up with its double standards and hypocrisy. You're a long lost cause, well in the past tense now.


I oppose the intervention in Syria. But its deeply dissapointing that we didn't hear anything from SWC when the US bombed Syrian civilians in cooperation with Russia in the name of fighting ISIS in places where ISIS were not even present. The casualties were so heavy, it was deemed the single most bloodiest attack on Syrian civialians. Yet there was no demonstration at the time and there could be only one explanation- because the SWC is serving the interest of Assad , Iran and Syria who has caused most of the population to become refugees. Shame.


I have left Stop the War Coalition due to the anti-Trump stance. I believe in Brexit and making the UK great again and that is what Trump is doing for his people. I wish we had Trump here. Shame on you for joining in with the MSM smear campaign that only serves to protect the interest of the Elites.


Hypocrites. They protest against UK and US governments whilst they hold the Russian flags who have massacred thousands in Syria. They have no principles.


Bunch of genocide deniers, pro Assad and Russia brutality in Syria. Never protested against the use of chemical weapons but very good in opposing any actions to punish war criminals. Anti war double standards movement, shame on you.


What isn't to like about the Stop The War Coalition? The clue is in the name! Keep up the great work!


Stop this monsters - Donald Trump, Theresa May and Emmanuel Macron! They are fucking hypocrites! The US and UK killed ONE MILLION civilians during Iraqi war alone! They destroyed Libiya, Iraq, Afghanistan... Someone should stop them! People, wake up!!! Knock those monsters from their thrones!!! Hands off from Syria, terrorists!!!


Stop the War is the great mass movement of the 21st century. They’ve changed our world and turned public opinion in Britain against imperialist war. They’ve campaigned against Islamophobia, and explained why this form of racism would rise in the aftermath of the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East. If you haven’t joined yet, well, you know what to do.


Congradulations for your attitude! Success! I hope romanian people will be as smart as you one day...


Anti-War is what the world needs. Don't believe the Warmonger's campaign to smear this organization as being pro-Russia/Putin, as those folks hate any message of peace, and the objectives of Stop the War.


In 2001 1.5 million of us marched and almost succeeded in changing the course of history in Iraq. How many lives would that have saved? And now we rush headlong to disaster again. STWC is a much needed voice of the people and we demand to be heard.


Good luck with your actions from the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) in the US.


echoing previous comments about hypocrisy of stop the war coalition - what about the islamo-fascist regime of saudi arabia bombing one of the poorest countries in the world - Yemen - with british made armaments.


You have become a war criminal apologizers. 7 years of distraction, over 1m death, 50% of the population is displaced, and we have never heard your voice against Russia or Iran. You only start the Stop the War on Syria nonsense when the US is attacking.

As a Syrian who have lost his country, I will never forgive you for your hypocrisy.


When I joined: "fuck the warmongers, the banksters, free Assange! Espose the elites!"

Today: "Durp! Fuck Trumpf and his nazi supporters like Assange and Anons, watch CNN!"

what went wrong.


What hypocrisy exists here. I could comprehend protesting missile strikes on the Syrian regimes chemical and military installations if also there were protests on the same or higher level about the killing of 2,000 civilians in a bombing campaign in the preceding 2 months that culminated in the chemical attack by the Syria regime supported by Russia. Why not protest both? Why all the Syrian govt and Russian flags?


The most hypocrite movement ever. Your name must be "Stop Some Wars" as you love Assad and Putin for killing Syrian kids. Shame on you


The flyer I picked up yesterday at the austerity march is full of anti semetic falsehoods .....Israel Has Never declaimed war on Arab states . Not so the other way round ...they have declared war on the jEWs 6 times and lost Every time ....this is what is making Jews in the Labour Party and Britain fearful


Never before have I seen such a hive of cuckoldry. Best avoided.


Lots of lambasting of Trump, America and the West, almost zero criticism of Putin and Russia. Is STWC really surprised that its ratings have never been lower, credentials never more dubious? After all these years in the field, so to speak, only approximately 165k "likes" and followers, and loads of disillusioned ex-supporters, like myself, fed up with its double standards and hypocrisy. You're a long lost cause, well in the past tense now.


I oppose the intervention in Syria. But its deeply dissapointing that we didn't hear anything from SWC when the US bombed Syrian civilians in cooperation with Russia in the name of fighting ISIS in places where ISIS were not even present. The casualties were so heavy, it was deemed the single most bloodiest attack on Syrian civialians. Yet there was no demonstration at the time and there could be only one explanation- because the SWC is serving the interest of Assad , Iran and Syria who has caused most of the population to become refugees. Shame.


I have left Stop the War Coalition due to the anti-Trump stance. I believe in Brexit and making the UK great again and that is what Trump is doing for his people. I wish we had Trump here. Shame on you for joining in with the MSM smear campaign that only serves to protect the interest of the Elites.


Hypocrites. They protest against UK and US governments whilst they hold the Russian flags who have massacred thousands in Syria. They have no principles.


Bunch of genocide deniers, pro Assad and Russia brutality in Syria. Never protested against the use of chemical weapons but very good in opposing any actions to punish war criminals. Anti war double standards movement, shame on you.


What isn't to like about the Stop The War Coalition? The clue is in the name! Keep up the great work!


Stop this monsters - Donald Trump, Theresa May and Emmanuel Macron! They are fucking hypocrites! The US and UK killed ONE MILLION civilians during Iraqi war alone! They destroyed Libiya, Iraq, Afghanistan... Someone should stop them! People, wake up!!! Knock those monsters from their thrones!!! Hands off from Syria, terrorists!!!


Stop the War is the great mass movement of the 21st century. They’ve changed our world and turned public opinion in Britain against imperialist war. They’ve campaigned against Islamophobia, and explained why this form of racism would rise in the aftermath of the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East. If you haven’t joined yet, well, you know what to do.


Congradulations for your attitude! Success! I hope romanian people will be as smart as you one day...


Anti-War is what the world needs. Don't believe the Warmonger's campaign to smear this organization as being pro-Russia/Putin, as those folks hate any message of peace, and the objectives of Stop the War.


In 2001 1.5 million of us marched and almost succeeded in changing the course of history in Iraq. How many lives would that have saved? And now we rush headlong to disaster again. STWC is a much needed voice of the people and we demand to be heard.


Good luck with your actions from the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) in the US.


echoing previous comments about hypocrisy of stop the war coalition - what about the islamo-fascist regime of saudi arabia bombing one of the poorest countries in the world - Yemen - with british made armaments.


You have become a war criminal apologizers. 7 years of distraction, over 1m death, 50% of the population is displaced, and we have never heard your voice against Russia or Iran. You only start the Stop the War on Syria nonsense when the US is attacking.

As a Syrian who have lost his country, I will never forgive you for your hypocrisy.


When I joined: "fuck the warmongers, the banksters, free Assange! Espose the elites!"

Today: "Durp! Fuck Trumpf and his nazi supporters like Assange and Anons, watch CNN!"

what went wrong.


What hypocrisy exists here. I could comprehend protesting missile strikes on the Syrian regimes chemical and military installations if also there were protests on the same or higher level about the killing of 2,000 civilians in a bombing campaign in the preceding 2 months that culminated in the chemical attack by the Syria regime supported by Russia. Why not protest both? Why all the Syrian govt and Russian flags?


The most hypocrite movement ever. Your name must be "Stop Some Wars" as you love Assad and Putin for killing Syrian kids. Shame on you


The flyer I picked up yesterday at the austerity march is full of anti semetic falsehoods .....Israel Has Never declaimed war on Arab states . Not so the other way round ...they have declared war on the jEWs 6 times and lost Every time ....this is what is making Jews in the Labour Party and Britain fearful


Never before have I seen such a hive of cuckoldry. Best avoided.


Lots of lambasting of Trump, America and the West, almost zero criticism of Putin and Russia. Is STWC really surprised that its ratings have never been lower, credentials never more dubious? After all these years in the field, so to speak, only approximately 165k "likes" and followers, and loads of disillusioned ex-supporters, like myself, fed up with its double standards and hypocrisy. You're a long lost cause, well in the past tense now.


I oppose the intervention in Syria. But its deeply dissapointing that we didn't hear anything from SWC when the US bombed Syrian civilians in cooperation with Russia in the name of fighting ISIS in places where ISIS were not even present. The casualties were so heavy, it was deemed the single most bloodiest attack on Syrian civialians. Yet there was no demonstration at the time and there could be only one explanation- because the SWC is serving the interest of Assad , Iran and Syria who has caused most of the population to become refugees. Shame.


I have left Stop the War Coalition due to the anti-Trump stance. I believe in Brexit and making the UK great again and that is what Trump is doing for his people. I wish we had Trump here. Shame on you for joining in with the MSM smear campaign that only serves to protect the interest of the Elites.


Hypocrites. They protest against UK and US governments whilst they hold the Russian flags who have massacred thousands in Syria. They have no principles.


Bunch of genocide deniers, pro Assad and Russia brutality in Syria. Never protested against the use of chemical weapons but very good in opposing any actions to punish war criminals. Anti war double standards movement, shame on you.

More about Stop The War Coalition

Stop The War Coalition is located at N7 7DT London, United Kingdom
020 7561 4830