Street Dog To Streetwise

About Street Dog To Streetwise

Positive reward based trainer covering Norfolk and parts of Suffolk. Set up to primarily focus on on helping owners with their ex street dogs. Also offer pre puppy /rescue dog consultations, solo dog walking, socialising and training sessions.

Street Dog To Streetwise Description

Dog Trainer



And they call it puppy love. 🐶💗 🎶 A great start to my day meeting little Ronan a 10 week old Golden Retriever pup and helping their caregivers with introductions to the gorgeous Alvin the Jack Russell cross who’s still a pup himself. 🐶🐾


Happy Valentines Day 💗


Busy day with 10 miles of dog walking 🐕🚶‍♀️and amazingly managed to stay relatively dry! A fab 121 session with Nellie the Romanian rescue this afternoon. We met for the first time last week and really impressed to see what her caregivers took on board from last weeks session. Today we focused more on recall and went through some little exercises to strengthen Nellies recall. 🐾


I love lining my dogs up to pose out on walks and taking pictures and in this case a video 😋. So many people have asked how I get them all to do it (especially when all 7 dogs are involved). It all comes down to training. As Steve Mann from the IMDT says it’s not only about teaching a dog to sit but incorporating the 3 Ds - Duration, Distance and Distraction. Personally when I’m training a new dog I’d be working on duration first and then the others to follow. I’ve had many p...eople tell me that the dog will sit at home and not out on a walk for example but that’s all down to the environment and the amount of time spent training with distraction etc. We always want to be setting the dogs up to succeed and practice makes perfect just like with anything in life. People can also assume that an older rescue dog won’t be trainable and that’s not the case at all 🙂. In the video I have two ex street dogs from Greece and Romania along with an English Springer Spaniel. I’m always incorporating some training into our walks. Today we had the wind to contend with but as you can see they all remained sat ☺️ 🐾
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The different between forcing, luring and encouraging.


Take care in this weather today. Animals can easily get spooked and not be themselves. The weather can be a trigger for some dogs (something that worries/stresses them).
I’ve seen a few trees have come down locally too so it’s just as much about your safety.
My dogs are having a rest day (little chance of them wanting to go out in this anyway!). They’ll have their lickimats/snuffle mats indoors. You can also hide treats around the house for them to find, hide them in empty egg boxes/cereal boxes etc or practice some training indoors 🐾.


Do pop along if you’re in the area and support many wonderful animal rescues. I spy some snuffle mats too 😍! My short talk on street dogs is at 11am.


Lovely meeting a new client this evening with her Romanian puppy. How gorgeous is Nellie? 🐶 🥰 During our consult we looked at introducing some calm activities and making sure Nellie is getting enough sleep since she’s still a baby. We also spoke about swapping when it comes to wanting to take an item from Nellie and covered a little bit on obedience training too. 🐾


Sharing Jeanette’s words on the video as couldn’t of said it better myself!
A good video showing dogs body language and how they are communicating all of the time. We talk a lot about socialising and how in order for it to be socialising it has to be a pleasant experience for the dog. If this pup kept being put in situations like this it’s highly likely she will start to react to other dogs when she gets older (around 7-9months), the older dogs in the video give lots of good calming signals and the pup is too young and overwhelmed to understand what’s best to do.


Tis a bit windy out there today but these two still enjoyed their walk 🐾


Don’t underestimate your senior dog 😂.This food was on the kitchen worktop as a solid frozen, sealed block defrosting for their breakfast in the morning... whilst I was in the shower Gloria set off on her mission and well the picture speaks for itself... 🙊 #dogswillbedogs #exstreetdog


I will be giving a short talk at this event on Saturday about street dogs and some helpful dos and dont’s before/after adoption. 🐾 and-rehoming-day/421228938598792/?ti=icl


Bit of light Friday humour 😂


Luna loving her walk today 😀


Thank you for the lovely review Lane 🥰

More about Street Dog To Streetwise