Structured Physique - Physique Coach & Sports Therapist

About Structured Physique - Physique Coach & Sports Therapist

Personal Tainer and Mobile Sports Therapist with over 14 years experience in the industry. Enquire within



Callum undergoing some deep tissue and scraping therapy. His first session in a long while. An active footballer with extremely tight and latted hamstrings (IT bands) and calf’s. The movement and flexibility he gained after the session was incredible. Well done fella, you survived 🙂


Il briefly touch on this as it’s becoming a growing part of the industry. Transforming the body is a challenge, regardless if you compete or not. I get many approach me help with a prep. Many I turn away. Harsh, but to compete ... you NEED to look at least ‘ok’ before a prep. Alan who’s trained for 6 months and wears gym shark clothing doesn’t sell it to me. Aswel as mentally adapting, tuning the body in to such state requires time. It requires sacrifice. It requires 100% att...ention and dedication! BS excuses are something I don’t do. If I’m helping you get to the stage, don’t defer. I will simply stop the prep. By no means am I Prep coach guru, absolutely not! Far far from it. But I know what works, and what doesn’t. I’ve been show ready 7 times myself and my phases of prep work. I’ve helped many compete and win shows Don’t use the stage as Fashion statement. Feeling tired? Tough. Up and on with it! No excuses.
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MASSAGE THERAPY - All offers still on until Monday the 1st.
Either Mobile or Gym based. Message for further details


Training Tips - Legs!
Ahhhh the dreaded leg day, for many at least. Personally I LOVE a good leg session, however I never really tend to train the whole lower half together. I split the quads/hams/calfs throughout the week.
Why? I feel I can hit the individual parts of the legs a lot harder. Training all 3 together is extremely taxing! Some enjoy this, however over the years ive found ive experienced more of a change splitting the 3 parts up and hitting each part with 3 diff...erent movements and implementing drop sets and super sets into the mix, usually after an upper body session.
Struggling with strength and growth? My 8 week leg - growth plan is now available for £10. Progressive movements each week using volume/compounds/super sets and drop sets.
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When age really is irrelevant! My good friend and client proving that 50+ is just number! He worked hard for this, but enjoyed the whole process! Something extremely simple to follow = results. If you have drive to succeed and change things in your life that you want, you can! Who’s stopping you!? Another fantastic transformation


The term - failing to prepare then prepare to fail is real! In some cases at least. Our major downfall when it comes to our nutrition, is preperation. We sometimes leave ourselves wide open when it comes to food, and if we dont really have somthing set in stone, or something simple follow, it becomes so easy to stray from our plans and binge.
An example, a typical office job. How many have used a vending machine? Headed to a local sandwich shop? Ordered food in? This can be m...onumentally expensive in the long run and it all mainly boils down to 'preparation - lack of'
Lets break it down for a typical 9-5 office job;
Breakfast - Many of us have this at home, some of us skip it, but on average, many stop off somewhere for a coffee and bite to eat prior to work (Mcdonalds being a favourite) - £3-£5
lunch - sandwich or shop purchase - £3-£5
snacks and drinks in between - £3
On average, we can hit upto £8-£12 per day! (Not to mention price increases in larger cities)
5 days per week we can spend upto £60 at work, per week just on convenience food alone!
By profiling my clients, taking into consideration the job, hours per day etc, even they are astounded on just how much can be saved and just how much more they are getting from simply preparing food the day before. It takes minutes guys!
Food doesnt have to be bland! For more information on Nutrition and help planning out your nutritional schedule then get in touch. Its easier than you think.
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A little information on Trigger Points - First lets talk Myofascial. Made Simple, the word myofascial means muscle tissue (myo) and the connective tissue in and around it (fascia). Myofascial pain often results from muscle injury or repetitive strain. When stressed or injured, muscles often form trigger points, like contracted knots, that cause pain and tightness in that area. A few of over 600 TP's can be seen below.
Lets discuss a single trigger point. An extremely common ...trigger point is located deep withing the glute area, called the Piriformis. It occurs when the sciatic nerve is irritated by the piriformis muscle. This irritation can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and shooting sensations in the buttocks and hip, and sometimes in the thighs and legs. Piriformis syndrome can be a chronic condition, a one-time injury, or a recurring source of pain.
Treatable? Absolutely! Massage therapy has at least 2 key benefits in relation to piriformis inactivity: A massage relaxes your piriformis muscle, which can prevent spasming and reduce the pressure on your sciatic nerve. A massage spurs the release of pain-fighting endorphins, which can reduce your experience of pain from piriformis syndrome.
Throughout my time as a Sports Therapist, I will always live by one motto - Prevention is cheaper than the cure. We have ONE body, look after it.
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Training Tip. Inner chest (pec major)
To build density of the inner Pectoral Major, revert from heavy compound movements and try isolating the pec from this angle using a seated iso incline or flat press (independant) turn quarter side on and push through the diagonal axis remembering that squeeze at the peak. Aim for volume sets, a brilliant finishing movement!


When you receive photos like THIS from clients you have no physical contact with. The wow factor sets in. Craig followed a simple structured program from myself in which he checked in weekly. 10 weeks apart. Weights and intense cardio regime combined with a total nutritional turn around created this result. An increase in 14lbs with a much fuller look. Fantastic achievement so far but we are not finished. We now turn things up and change the plans for the n...ext 10 weeks. Watch this space.
If online Coaching is something you’re interested in and require further information then PM directly with your email address. (Online Coaching requires weekly or bi monthly check ins to assess the progression)
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Wow - 100 likes. The first milestone. Many many thanks for that! At 200 likes I will pick someone at random and they will receive £250 worth of SP Vouchers. Personal Training or Sports Therapy. Share away guys, thank you!


3 years ago I was faced with a challenge. The Chesterfield Marathon. A full 26.2 miles. Myself and client Andy accepted, 3 weeks before the event. With NO training and no idea of what was to come, we managed to finish the marathon, we’l not mention how long it took 🤣, but we did it. And raised a considerable amount for the Kids ‘n’ Cancer charity. You could say this was mind over matter or plain stupidity, but the sense of accomplishment was overwhelming.
Faced with a challenge? Attack it!! 🙌🏻


Another AMAZING result from such a hard worker. Nothing but 100% from this guy when he came to the gym. Wayne’s Transformation really needs no words! An epic show of what you can achieve. And you can! Well done.


Good friend and client of mine, Andy, with this brilliant transformation. Juggling an extremely busy work schedule and gym, this goes to show that in time, it really does make a difference. I always compare photos with my clients, a perfect tool to see the obvious when many doubt themselves.


Look familiar? These 3 spinal curvature issues are more common than you think and if not treated correctly, MAY result in serious problems later on in life, correctional surgery being extremely high.
Such issues may occur from degenerative changes, compression fractures (calcification) and a very common problem, muscular imbalances or weak muscle groupings.
Sit at a desk daily? You may start to see Lordosis or Kyphotic symptoms
... Heavy lifting, twisting movements may cause vertebrae Imbalances and encourage scoliosis.
TREATMENTS you ask? Quiet simply, exercise and regular massage therapy! Encourage blood flow to the areas and increase mobility. Correctional exercises and correctional massage release techniques will help tremendously. Prevention is cheaper than the cure. Feel the difference just after ONE session
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Competing? Il keep this brief...
So many people THINK they are, reality is .. they’re not! 6,7,8 months of training is NOT a platform to step onstage, unless you have the worlds most insane genetics. Years of hard work have sculpted the very best Physiques to date. Be consistent in training, consistent in eating, be disciplined and listen to those who have already took to the stage and actually look the part.
... Be ready to sacrifice your time - time with friends, family, holidays. A contest prep typically takes 12-16 weeks depending on the competitor and within this time, 100% focus is required, absolutely nothing less!
If you have interest in contest prep or need help getting in shape for a shoot/holiday etc. Let’s talk
PHOTO - Me on stage 2016
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