Students' Union Ucl

About Students' Union Ucl

At Students’ Union UCL, we’re making more happen. We’ll
help you learn more than you’re taught, and create your
dream university experience.

Students' Union Ucl Description

At Students’ Union UCL, we’re making more happen. We’ll
help you learn more than you’re taught, and create your
dream university experience. So, find that passion you’d never
considered, enjoy nights that you’ll talk about again and again,
harness the power to shape the world around you.
This is your union. It’s made of all kinds of people from all kinds
of places. The opportunities are endless and finding the one
that fits you, however big or small, is what it’s all about.
You’ll never have a better chance to throw yourself into
something new. So let’s make more happen.



Our first fresher's event is nearly here and it will be at London's biggest and baddest nightclub, @KOKOLondon FIESTA. For those who have just entered @uclaccommodation, have their own place or are commuting in, start your @UCL journey in a truly epic way and have a night to remember with great DJs visuals and FX. Sunday 23 September, 22:00 - 03:00. Book tickets online:…/events-ac tiviti…/koko-fiesta-0


In for the win! A HUGE congratulations to the team of students at @ucl changing the world, one grain at a time. Supported by @uclenterprise, their worthy social enterprise aims to reduce 350m tonnes of rice wasted every year. Their idea was so impressive that the team won the prestigious @hult_prize after competing on a world scale. Apart from taking this 📸 with Bill Clinton, the team have also been awarded a $1m in seed funding! #BigThingsHappening #Congratulations #BillClinton #Hultprize #hultprize


REMINDER: Postgraduate & International Women’s Network Meet & Greet that’s on @7pm today at the Print Room Cafe. #Postgraduate #UCL


The challenge is on! In teams, compete to build the most impressive @Lego Robot! Thursday 20 September from 18:30-19:30. Tickets can be booked at the Students' Union shop (25 Gordon Street) and online.…/events-a ctivities/lego-robots #Welcome2018 #BuildARobot #lovemyunion


Ping pong and music anyone? Wall-to-wall ping pong tables, tournaments, prizes, and the infamous ‘Pongbot Challenge’, @pongathon’s own ping pong robot that take on all levels! Event on Friday 21 September 19:00 - 22:00. Book online and at the Union Shop.


Our SOLD OUT Ice Cream Social and Games Night🃏 was so much fun! Lots of games, lots of people, lots of friends!
Don't worry if you missed it this time! There's another Ice Cream Social and Games Night next week Monday so book now before tickets sell out. #Welcome2018 #gamesnight #icecream #myuclyear


This Thursday's going to be a good night! We've got a boat party followed by one of the most exciting events of the year, The International Students Party. Tickets are selling out fast so don't miss out! #Welcome2018…/boat-part y-international-stud…


Postgraduate Students’ Officer – Saddiqur Rahman
As someone who has experienced life as a UCL postgrad, an Academic Representative AND a trustee for the Union, Saddiqur is well-versed and proactive in making change. This year, he will be focusing on creating facilities for parents and carers and having conference funds available for domestic and international trips. He is most excited about meeting and getting to know as many current and incoming postgrads as possible and wants to be there to make a difference in your university experience! 💪#myUCLyear #lovemyunion #postgraduate #hi


So many people! About a 100 people joined this #campustour. Tours are running every 30 mins from 10am-2pm so catch yours if you want to know where you're going a learn a bit more about the uni in the process. #Welcome2018 #lovemyunion
For the rest of the week tours will be running from 12pm-2pm.


Our first event was a resounding success! Breakfast meetings are taking place every morning this week so book yours now! Also, meet Agata from the #heyteam ! They're here for you so look out for them around campus. See all our events at #myuclyear #Welcome2018


We’ve got a lovely new event guide to highlight all the events we’ve got going on for #Welcome2018! Grab yours at 25 Gordon Street or within your academic departments. We will also be handing them around campus so keep your eyes open! 👀


Want to explore London in style? Jump on a Vintage Open Tour Bus and you can do just that! Limited spaces - Tuesday 18th September - 13:00-16:30 #Welcome2018…/vintage-r outemaster-london-bu…


A warm welcome to all students arriving this weekend! We’re so excited that you will all be joining us! We want you to make the most of your university experience so why not come to one of our welcome events, meet new people and see more of your university? Events start on Monday and you can see a full list of everything going on here:


We're proud, amazed, and everything in between of the project led by second year undergraduate, Katarina Krajciova! Her project 'Voices of Our Union' marks the 125th anniversary of the Students' Union by celebrating the experiences of the people we stand for: you, our student body! She will be at the #ItsAllAcademic festival on Saturday so come and say hello! r-union


Welfare and International Officer - Rothna Akhtar
“I wanted the opportunity to ensure that the student psychological services receive the funding it so desperately needs whilst pushing for greater inclusivity on campus for all students, particularly, disabled and international students so that I am able to help create a better community at UCL. I will sincerely strive to ensure that every single student is able to fit into and immerse themselves wholeheartedly at UCL without restrictions or barriers.”
#lovemyunion #myuclyear #ucl #doingmore #inclusivity #nobarriers


Come along to the free #ItsAllAcademic festival, a range of talks, tours, workshops, pop-up events and interactive experiences taking place THIS SATURDAY at @UCL's Bloomsbury Campus, Gower Street.
Measure your brain power using light, debate whether referendums are good or bad for democracy and test how clean your phone really is along with a host of other events which you can see here:…/its-all-academi c-festival-15-septem…


Education Officer – Farooq Dean
“We’re paying some crazy fees and not getting enough for them! I promise to make your voices heard, push your ideas as far as they can be implemented, and make sure that YOU shape YOUR UCL education.” 💪🙌📖


Black and Minority Ethnic Students’ Officer - Samira Abdalla
As the elected BME officer, Samira stands for a campus where students don’t need to worry about racism, sexism, or any form of religious discrimination. She is working to ensure the success, support, and sense of belonging for all our BME students.
"As your BME Officer, I promise to fight for the voice and rights of all the students that I am elected to represent."
... Samira, along with all your other Sabbatical Officers, can be found in the Students’ Union building, 25 Gordon Street so come and say hi!
See More


Introducing Khaleel Mirza, your new Activities Officer!
Khaleel is on a mission to do more for the students he is representing. He wants easier access to the Students’ Union with a greater number of societies engaged and doing more with the Union. He is also working to restructure the activities network so that clubs and societies receive more funding.
He is here for you so you can do more! 💪... #lovemyunion #myuclyear #ucl #doingmore
See More


UCL's Student Union is what really makes the UCL experience unique. With hundreds of clubs and societies, everyone can find a place where they fit in. The Union also strive to make UCL an inclusive environment for all of its students and they also run a cute shop which has great customer service (special shout out to Katya, who went above and beyond to help!)


If you are still looking for accommodation in central London for September 2016, then get in touch now! We are located in Farringdon just 5 minutes away from Farringdon train station.

Visit our website or message us directly for more information on how to book!


Hello, please check out my new website I just created :) www .fitness-active. com


Dear students union. Did you know UCL are one of the largest testers of animals in the country. They admitted to conducting over 200,000 experiments on mice, rats, monkeys, pigs, frogs and rabbits in 2015.

Please speak out against this unspeakable torture of animals in the name of science.

This is the same mentality; that another species, sex, race is inferior and therefore their suffering doesn't matter, that energised the Nazi's to carry out unspeakably cruel tests on victims during the German Holocaust.

UCL have compassion!


Very upset that animal experiments are still going on at UCL in the 21st century when better forms of research exist.


Very bad gym no hot water in this winter time!


Racist institution as white students are banned from attending UCL student union events.


Please leave the animals off medical "research". They don't belong to us and have as much right to live as we do. Using them the way UCL does is utterly disgusting.


I'm very upset to hear that UCL is still testing on animals.

Besides the fact that it’s ethically barbaric, I would like to share the facts with you that have brought me to the conclusion that animal testing is a waste of time.

-In the book Vivisection Unveiled Dr John Carpenter explains that less than 2% of human illnesses (1.16%) are ever seen in animals. Over 98% never affect animals.

-According to the former scientific executive of Huntingdon Life Sciences, animal tests and human results agree “5%-25% of the time.”

-Among the hundreds of techniques available instead of animal experiments, cell culture toxicology methods give accuracy rates of 80-85% as explained in the MEIC Evaluation of Acute Systemic Toxicity.

-92% of drugs passed by animal tests immediately fail when first tried on humans because they’re useless, dangerous or both. This is revealed in the 1998 book Nature Biotechnology.

-The two most common illnesses in the Western world are lung cancer from smoking and heart disease. Neither can be reproduced in lab animals as published in Smoking: New York Times and Heart disease: Animal Models in Cardiovascular Research.

-A 2004 survey of doctors in the UK- commissioned by patient safety group Europeans for medical progress- showed that 83% wanted an independent scientific evaluation of whether animal experiments had relevance to human patients. Less than 1 in 4 (21%) had more confidence in animal tests than in non-animal methods.

-In the Drug Metabolism reviews, it’s said that rats are 37% effective in identifying what causes cancer to humans – less use than guessing. The experimenters said: “we would have been better off to have tossed a coin.”

-Rodents are the animals almost always used in cancer research. They never get carcinomas, the human form of cancer, which affects membranes (eg lung cancer). Their sarcomas affect bone and connective tissue. The two are completely different. This was published in World Medicine Volume 79.

-Volume 298 of Science Magazine said the results from animal tests are routinely altered radically by diet, light, noise, temperature, lab staff and bedding. Bedding differences caused cancer rates of over 90% and almost zero in the same strain of mice at different labs.

-Page 41 of Vivisection Unveiled says that gender differences among lab animals can cause contradictory results. This does not correspond with humans.

-AP Fletcher revealed that 75% of side effects identified in animals never occur.

-Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics said that over half of side effects cannot be detected in lab animals.

-Vioxx was shown to protect the heart of mice, dogs, monkeys and other lab animals. It was linked to heart attacks and strokes in up to 139,000 humans. This was revealed in Current Opinions in Lipidology.

-Science Volume 297 said that genetically modified animals are not like humans. The mdx mouse is supposed to have muscular dystrophy, but the muscles regenerate with no treatment.

-The Journal of the American Medical Association published that genetically Modified (GM) animal, the CF- mouse, never gets fluid infections in the lungs – the cause of death for 95% of human cystic fibrosis patients.

-The Journal of the American Medical Association also said that in America, 106,000 deaths a year are attributed to reactions to medical drugs.

-Nature Medicine 2000 revealed that each year, 2.1 million Americans are hospitalised as a result of medical treatment.

-In the UK an estimated 70,000 people are killed or severely disabled every year by unexpected reactions to drugs. All these drugs have passed animal tests. Earl Baldwin published this.

-Professor Hoff at the congress of clinical medicine said that in the UKs House Of Lords, questions have been asked regarding why unexpected reactions to drugs (which passed animal tests) kill more people than cancer.

-A German doctor’s congress Munchner concluded that 6% of fatal illnesses and 25% of organic illness are caused by medicines. All have been animal tested.

-Munchner also concluded that according to a thorough study, 88% of stillbirths are caused by drugs which passed animal tests.

-Developmental Toxicology said that 70% of drugs which cause human birth defects are safe in pregnant monkeys.

-Volume 19 of Biogenic Amines revealed that 78% of foetus-damaging chemicals can be detected by one non-animal test.

-Thousands of safe products cause birth defects in lab animals – including water, several vitamins, vegetable oils, oxygen and drinking waters. Of more than 1000 substances dangerous in lab animals, over 97% are safe in humans. This was published in Sax’s Dangerous Properties Of Industrial Materials.

-One of the most common lifesaving operations (for ectopic pregnancies) was delayed 40 years by vivisection said the Birmingham Daily Post.

-In The Story Of Medicine by K. Walker, it’s said that blood transfusions were delayed 200 years by animal studies.

-The polio vaccine was delayed 40 years by monkey tests said the Yale University Press in the report The History Of Poliomyelitis.

-The Journal of the American Paraplegic Society published that 30 HIV vaccines, 33 spinal cord damage drugs, and over 700 treatments for stroke have been developed in animals. None work in humans.

-The Director of Research Defence Society, (which serves only to defend vivisection) was asked if medical progress could have been achieved without animal use. His written reply was “I am sure it could be.”

In conclusion, the practice is not only unethical but obsolete.

When vivisectionists are asked why they use animals in labs, they tell us it’s because the animals are like us. But when asked why it’s acceptable to do this to animals, they tell us it’s because the animals are not like us.

Please consider using alternatives. There are some fantastic tools out there that UCL could be utilising.

Have a nice day!


I see that last month's Anti-Islamophobia event was mentioned. What about an anti-speciesism month? Your university conducts cruel and useless experiments on sentient, non-human beings in the vain search for effective drugs and other treatments for humans. A modern university should be using human-based methods and striving to create other such methods. Vivisection is not only cruel and useless, it is dangerous. If you care about human health and the torture (for that is what vivisection is) of other species, please speak out about it.


UCL's Student Union is what really makes the UCL experience unique. With hundreds of clubs and societies, everyone can find a place where they fit in. The Union also strive to make UCL an inclusive environment for all of its students and they also run a cute shop which has great customer service (special shout out to Katya, who went above and beyond to help!)


If you are still looking for accommodation in central London for September 2016, then get in touch now! We are located in Farringdon just 5 minutes away from Farringdon train station.

Visit our website or message us directly for more information on how to book!


Hello, please check out my new website I just created :) www .fitness-active. com


Dear students union. Did you know UCL are one of the largest testers of animals in the country. They admitted to conducting over 200,000 experiments on mice, rats, monkeys, pigs, frogs and rabbits in 2015.

Please speak out against this unspeakable torture of animals in the name of science.

This is the same mentality; that another species, sex, race is inferior and therefore their suffering doesn't matter, that energised the Nazi's to carry out unspeakably cruel tests on victims during the German Holocaust.

UCL have compassion!


Very upset that animal experiments are still going on at UCL in the 21st century when better forms of research exist.


Very bad gym no hot water in this winter time!


Racist institution as white students are banned from attending UCL student union events.


Please leave the animals off medical "research". They don't belong to us and have as much right to live as we do. Using them the way UCL does is utterly disgusting.


I'm very upset to hear that UCL is still testing on animals.

Besides the fact that it’s ethically barbaric, I would like to share the facts with you that have brought me to the conclusion that animal testing is a waste of time.

-In the book Vivisection Unveiled Dr John Carpenter explains that less than 2% of human illnesses (1.16%) are ever seen in animals. Over 98% never affect animals.

-According to the former scientific executive of Huntingdon Life Sciences, animal tests and human results agree “5%-25% of the time.”

-Among the hundreds of techniques available instead of animal experiments, cell culture toxicology methods give accuracy rates of 80-85% as explained in the MEIC Evaluation of Acute Systemic Toxicity.

-92% of drugs passed by animal tests immediately fail when first tried on humans because they’re useless, dangerous or both. This is revealed in the 1998 book Nature Biotechnology.

-The two most common illnesses in the Western world are lung cancer from smoking and heart disease. Neither can be reproduced in lab animals as published in Smoking: New York Times and Heart disease: Animal Models in Cardiovascular Research.

-A 2004 survey of doctors in the UK- commissioned by patient safety group Europeans for medical progress- showed that 83% wanted an independent scientific evaluation of whether animal experiments had relevance to human patients. Less than 1 in 4 (21%) had more confidence in animal tests than in non-animal methods.

-In the Drug Metabolism reviews, it’s said that rats are 37% effective in identifying what causes cancer to humans – less use than guessing. The experimenters said: “we would have been better off to have tossed a coin.”

-Rodents are the animals almost always used in cancer research. They never get carcinomas, the human form of cancer, which affects membranes (eg lung cancer). Their sarcomas affect bone and connective tissue. The two are completely different. This was published in World Medicine Volume 79.

-Volume 298 of Science Magazine said the results from animal tests are routinely altered radically by diet, light, noise, temperature, lab staff and bedding. Bedding differences caused cancer rates of over 90% and almost zero in the same strain of mice at different labs.

-Page 41 of Vivisection Unveiled says that gender differences among lab animals can cause contradictory results. This does not correspond with humans.

-AP Fletcher revealed that 75% of side effects identified in animals never occur.

-Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics said that over half of side effects cannot be detected in lab animals.

-Vioxx was shown to protect the heart of mice, dogs, monkeys and other lab animals. It was linked to heart attacks and strokes in up to 139,000 humans. This was revealed in Current Opinions in Lipidology.

-Science Volume 297 said that genetically modified animals are not like humans. The mdx mouse is supposed to have muscular dystrophy, but the muscles regenerate with no treatment.

-The Journal of the American Medical Association published that genetically Modified (GM) animal, the CF- mouse, never gets fluid infections in the lungs – the cause of death for 95% of human cystic fibrosis patients.

-The Journal of the American Medical Association also said that in America, 106,000 deaths a year are attributed to reactions to medical drugs.

-Nature Medicine 2000 revealed that each year, 2.1 million Americans are hospitalised as a result of medical treatment.

-In the UK an estimated 70,000 people are killed or severely disabled every year by unexpected reactions to drugs. All these drugs have passed animal tests. Earl Baldwin published this.

-Professor Hoff at the congress of clinical medicine said that in the UKs House Of Lords, questions have been asked regarding why unexpected reactions to drugs (which passed animal tests) kill more people than cancer.

-A German doctor’s congress Munchner concluded that 6% of fatal illnesses and 25% of organic illness are caused by medicines. All have been animal tested.

-Munchner also concluded that according to a thorough study, 88% of stillbirths are caused by drugs which passed animal tests.

-Developmental Toxicology said that 70% of drugs which cause human birth defects are safe in pregnant monkeys.

-Volume 19 of Biogenic Amines revealed that 78% of foetus-damaging chemicals can be detected by one non-animal test.

-Thousands of safe products cause birth defects in lab animals – including water, several vitamins, vegetable oils, oxygen and drinking waters. Of more than 1000 substances dangerous in lab animals, over 97% are safe in humans. This was published in Sax’s Dangerous Properties Of Industrial Materials.

-One of the most common lifesaving operations (for ectopic pregnancies) was delayed 40 years by vivisection said the Birmingham Daily Post.

-In The Story Of Medicine by K. Walker, it’s said that blood transfusions were delayed 200 years by animal studies.

-The polio vaccine was delayed 40 years by monkey tests said the Yale University Press in the report The History Of Poliomyelitis.

-The Journal of the American Paraplegic Society published that 30 HIV vaccines, 33 spinal cord damage drugs, and over 700 treatments for stroke have been developed in animals. None work in humans.

-The Director of Research Defence Society, (which serves only to defend vivisection) was asked if medical progress could have been achieved without animal use. His written reply was “I am sure it could be.”

In conclusion, the practice is not only unethical but obsolete.

When vivisectionists are asked why they use animals in labs, they tell us it’s because the animals are like us. But when asked why it’s acceptable to do this to animals, they tell us it’s because the animals are not like us.

Please consider using alternatives. There are some fantastic tools out there that UCL could be utilising.

Have a nice day!


I see that last month's Anti-Islamophobia event was mentioned. What about an anti-speciesism month? Your university conducts cruel and useless experiments on sentient, non-human beings in the vain search for effective drugs and other treatments for humans. A modern university should be using human-based methods and striving to create other such methods. Vivisection is not only cruel and useless, it is dangerous. If you care about human health and the torture (for that is what vivisection is) of other species, please speak out about it.

More about Students' Union Ucl

Students' Union Ucl is located at 25 Gordon Street, WC1H 0AY London, United Kingdom
020 7679 2500