Suicide Crisis

About Suicide Crisis

Suicide Crisis is a registered charity which runs a Suicide Crisis Centre. We provide face to face support for people in Gloucestershire who are at risk of suicide.

Suicide Crisis Description

The charity offers support to anyone in Gloucestershire who is suicidal. All our initiatives come from a survivor /service-user perspective. We also run a separate trauma Centre.



Joy, our CEO, was a guest on BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour this morning, talking about suicide, psychiatric hospitals (including her experience of being sectioned), why our Suicide Crisis Centre was set up and how our Crisis Centre is different from mental health services. It starts at about 11 or 12 minutes into the programme. Link is below:-


Although more men than women die by suicide in the community, it is the reverse in psychiatric hospital. More women than men are dying by suicide under section in psychiatric units.


Summer flowers in the garden at our Suicide Crisis Centre.


We know that many of our clients are experiencing increased levels of distress in this intense heat. Research published this week shows that extreme heat like we are experiencing this summer "profoundly affects the human mind": This article explains how the heatwave impacts upon people's emotions and mental health and how it can increase the risk of suicide:-…/how- a-heatwave-impacts-o…


This article about our Suicide Crisis Centre in The Independent shows how we are intervening when mental health services are absent. The mental health Crisis Team is on voicemail much of the time. Long waits for NHS therapy mean people are going into crisis because they deteriorate while on the waiting list. This article explains our emergency responses in a 24-hour period.


Oxford University is undertaking research about dissociation. They say you don't need to have experience of dissociation to complete the questionnaire: you just need to be over 18 and based in the UK


Seni's Law passes third reading in the House of Commons don-44740822#


Our second Suicide Crisis Centre: the building may be in need of a little repair, but the roses surrounding it are providing a beautiful welcome.


This week we quietly marked our fifth anniversary: five years of providing services at our Suicide Crisis Centre and our separate Trauma Centre. We have never had a suicide of a client under our care. Five years ago many people were sceptical that a person with recent experience of mental health crisis could set up this service. Today we are thinking of all our clients, past and present. Thank you to our caring and dedicated staff.…/reinventi ng-mental-health-car…


"When Improved Access To Psychological Therapies means a six-month wait, something has gone very badly wrong" (Joy Hibbins) Long waits for talking therapies are putting lives at risk. Many clients coming to our Suicide Crisis Centre have to wait months for psychological therapy and they reach crisis point in the meantime.


A family who have been bereaved by suicide have asked if we can help them to find a barrister to represent them at a Pre-Inquest Review. If you can help, please let us know. UPDATE 16/5/18 THANK YOU Doughty Street Chambers in London for providing a barrister free of charge. Huge love and thanks. Families need legal (and emotional) support at inquests.…/suic ide-bereaved-familie…


Later this month we will be speaking about men and suicide at an event arranged by the Public Policy Exchange in London. We will be speaking alongside Madeleine Moon MP, the Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on suicide and self harm. We will explain why so many men say they feel able to access our Crisis Centre and why all clients under our care have survived.


We are contacted regularly by individuals (professionals and people with lived experience of mental health crisis) who have read about our Suicide Crisis Centre and would like to work to set one up in their part of the UK. We always give what advice we can about setting up a crisis service.…/suicide-c risis-centre-safety-…


This extremely poignant poem was written by the mother of one of our clients. We are very grateful. " I tried and I tried to stop his spiral down, Clutching at straws of help that could never be found. So many times, our story I tried to tell, With data protection becoming my living hell.... The repeated saying "no consent to share", But surely we are allowed "consent to care". Both mental health hospital, rehab...told "no place at the inn" Then him becoming homeless... now where to even begin?
I could never be heard, so had to just watch and cry Knowing that any moment he could die and ask why? To see a young life that could be easily saved A different path with in-patient support... so easily laid Trying all the services and passed from pillar to post.
But then you came into our darkness offering light, Like a shining star... so, so bright. You were always there with your caring ear, And whenever needed, you would appear.... With action not words, you can never know, How much our lives are indebted so. That one call I made to your Crisis Centre in my despair, Gave such amazing kindness and then also continued care. There is no doubt, without you, he would now be dead, With all us loved ones being left with such mess in our head."
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Bluebells by the entrance to one of our Suicide Crisis Centres.


i love to talk to suicide crisis support they love to talk to me in they can help me be okay too?


I have just read your article in Glamour magazine and I really admire the amazing work you do to help people in need when the mental health services let them down xx



More about Suicide Crisis

Please see website for details