Suzie Poyser - Breathe In Peace

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About Suzie Poyser - Breathe In Peace

Supporting you to find the peace inside of you through breathwork and psychotherapy.

Offering: 1-1 work, transformational workshops and retreats.

Suzie Poyser - Breathe In Peace Description

Through my own journey of personal growth and self discovery, I found the practice of Conscious Connected Breathwork and it has been absolutely transformational for me. I was astounded by how powerfully and quickly the breath guided me in to a deep therapeutic space.
Through this powerful practice I was able to heal early trauma and process old wounds, reaching a place of unconditional self-love. After my first session I was hooked and immediately decided to train with Alchemy of Breath as a facilitator. I'm so excited about sharing this simple, yet powerful practice with you.

Conscious connected breathing is a practice that helps to access and release subconscious thoughts and feelings that are stored in the mind and in the body. This deeply transformative practice can bring us a new world of possibilities for our own personal growth and self healing. It is the fastest path to our own mastery and self-love.

There are many benefits to this practice, including:
- increase energy,
- Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
- Deep relaxation
- Deeper connection with self
- Releasing suppressed emotions
- Resolving impact of past trauma;
- Awakening creative energy
- Increased sense of presence.

I'm also a fully qualified person centered counsellor. I'm absolutely passionate about helping people to access their innate healing capacity and developing their sense of self-compassion and self-love.
With over 10 years experience in supporting people with their emotional healing and growth, I creates a safe, therapeutic space to enable deep exploration and transformation.

I offer one to ones, group sessions and workshops. Please get in touch for more info : )



πŸ’•πŸ’• 1 space has become available for wednesdays breathwork, so if you are feeling the call get in touch. πŸ’•πŸ’•


Thank you Karen Yoga & Breathwork for sharing this interesting discussion on the benefits of conscious breathing! πŸ™πŸ»


✨Do you feel like you are going round in circles in your life? Do you sometimes feel like you're spinning out of control? Perhaps you keep being drawn to unhealthy relationships? Perhaps you spend your Sundays regretting your Saturday nights?
... ✨Sometimes we can find ourselves knowing that we need to change something in our life, yet we keep repeating the same unhelpful patterns and getting the same results, leaving us feeling frustrated, anxious and stuck.
✨Is there a part of you that is longing to move forward? How would it feel to deeply trust your heart and your intuition?
✨I know these feelings well, as I was once there too. I also know that there is another way. When I said "ENOUGH!" to living a life of chaos and self destruction, I said "YES" to living a life with more peace and ease. This is my wish for you too.
✨I have created a one day transformational workshop, 'Coming Home: A journey to Find Peace inside of You', so that you can feel held and supported and explore your inner world. As we discover and release the things that have been keeping you stuck, you will truly know that you have everything inside you that you need to create a peaceful and joyful life.
✨I would love you to join me at this intimate event for women with 12 places only. As spaces are limited, early booking is essential. I am offering a super early bird price of £75, which includes all refreshments, snacks and a nourishing vegetarian/vegan lunch!
πŸ‘‡Follow this link to book NowπŸ‘‡ e-a-journey-to-fin…
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Check out this incredible event in Glastonbury with some of my gorgeous friends and fellow breathworkers! This is going to be a deep deep dive and I can personally vouch for the power of the whale ceremony! Wow!! πŸŒˆπŸŒŸπŸ’«


Good morning lovelies, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful sun! πŸ˜€
When I connect with my heart, I return to the peace inside of me. From this place I gain clarity, creativity and connection. This is a constant practice for me, and when I use this meditation and breathwork together I feel such joy and presence! I'd love you to experience this too.
We just have a few spaces left for this heart opening breathwork workshop.
... get in touch to book your spot. πŸ’•πŸ’•
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My lovely friend and fellow breathworker has put together these super informative FAQs about conscious connected breathwork.
Whether you’ve breathed before or you are curious about the practice, have a read to learn more about this powerful practice.


I couldn't be more excited to share this event with you all. πŸ’«πŸ˜€πŸ’«
I have created this one day workshop for women, weaving together all of the things that have been so powerful and profound for me on my journey and I can't wait to share them with you! πŸ’•
This event is going to be limited to 12 people, so that we can dive deep, so early booking is essential. πŸ™


Our bodies hold a wealth of information about our emotional health.
As I have become more in tune with my body I notice now the messages it is giving me. What is your body telling you?


"Love is not something you win; it is something you breathe..." Jeff's words always resonate so deeply in me.
Knowing that you are enough is a practice of deep self-compassion and self-love. What one thing could you do today to practice being present to you?


Good Morning Everyone!
We just have 5 days left to book at the early bird price! :D
We have bookings coming in and lots of interest in this event so early booking is recommended. πŸ’«πŸ’«


πŸ’• Have a great Sunday everyone! πŸ’•
I invite you to take 10 connected breaths today, repeating this mantra in your mind.
I’d love to hear how you feel. πŸ’•


When we connect with our hearts, we connect with our authentic selves. From this place we can experience more peace & joy.
Join us as we move, meditate and breathe together. There are just 4 spaces left so get in touch to book your spot. πŸ™πŸ»


Let’s invite all of those scared parts closer and show them love. πŸ’•πŸ’•


Summer Solstice Greetings! 🌞🌞


We’re excited to invite you to our next event!
When used together, the breathwork and gongs practice create an opportunity to journey deeply and to transform your energy on cellular level.
Join us for a two hour workshop, beginning with a full introduction to the breathing technique and gong baths, then going into a 50 minute guided breathwork & gong session. You will then be guided to relax your breathing and the gong bath will continue for 20 minutes in surrounding silenc...e, creating the opportunity for complete immersion into the sound journey aspect of the gong bath. We will close with grounding and a sharing circle.
About Simultaneous Gongs and Breathwork This practice is beneficial for body, mind and spirit. Through oxygenating and vibrating the cells, they are given the opportunity to re-attune and heal. This very powerful cleansing process enables the shifting of blockages on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels and opens doors to the unconscious, allowing supressed material to be released, thus making us more whole, more alive.
During the session, you will focus on your breath, the very key to entering the here and now, in which we live our most vital life. The way we breathe is a reflection and an expression of the way we live. By exploring the breath, we discover ourselves. By changing the way we breathe, we change the way we live.
As the journey proceeds you will be guided gently to retrieve and integrate hidden, forgotten, or lost parts of yourself, ultimately coming to a place of peace, presence and self love. Throughout the session, the captivating sounds and deep vibrations of the gongs will enhance your ability to focus as they both draw your attention into the present, and slow your brainwaves to the frequency of the meditative state. They take you on an inner journey, putting you in touch with the deeper meaning of your existence.
My experience of combining breathwork with gongs has been one of complete surrender and bliss. As the breath started to take me into a state of expansion, I felt the vibration of the gongs on deeper level than I have before. I was able to drop into a place of expanded consciousness, gaining insights, clarity and a greater sense of awareness. I left feeling as though my cells had been renewed. I felt lighter, full of energy and had incredible excitement about sharing this practice with others!
Investment: Β£25 / Β£20 - Concessionary rate
Early booking is recommended as we sold out our last event within a week!
To book your place: email suzie at or direct message me. To pay click on (select pay friend rather than product/business and put a note saying 'Breathwork with Gongs'
What To Wear: Comfortable clothing that will allow you to move freely, both on your feet, and lying down on the floor.
What To Bring: Blanket, cushion and a large bottle of water.
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How does it feel when you connect with your heart? Is there joy? Is there fear or love?
Through a combination of meditation and breathwork we will drop into our heart space and we will listen closely to it's wisdom.
When we really tune into our heart, we connect with our heart Intelligence and we are able to integrate our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence.
... When fully embodied and integrated, Heart Intelligence gives you the ability to be authentic, present and connected, allowing you to experience more creativity, intuition and connection with self, other and spirit.
About Breathwork Breathwork offers an opportunity to expand your consciousness and help refine your awareness of the inner and outer world. Breathwork allows us to access unconscious or suppressed material, to retrieve hidden, forgotten, or lost parts of ourselves and it helps us to maintain higher and more subtle levels of energy and aliveness.
The way we breathe is a reflection and an expression of the way we live. By exploring the breath, we discover ourselves. By changing the way we breathe, we change the way we live.
Conscious breathwork helps us to re-oxygenate our body, acting as a catalyst for self-healing, spiritual awakening and so much more.
The Alchemy of Breath is an easy practice to learn and in just one session you can receive life changing results. The benefits to name a few are…
– Improving relationships
– Making peace with forgiveness
– Breaking addiction
– Increasing creativity
– Improving your problem-solving capability
– Creating a state of presence in difficult situations
– Improving communication skills
– Changing and refresh your life view
– Creating immediate and deep meditation capacity
– Creating joy in your daily life
Practising Conscious Breathwork benefits the Respiratory, Immune, Circulatory, Nervous, Digestive, Urinary, Muscular and Structural bodily systems.
Investment: Β£25 / Β£20 - Concessionary rate
To book your place: email suzie at or direct message us. Payment via paypal to (ref: NQ Breathe)
What To Wear: Comfortable clothing that will allow you to move freely, both on your feet, and lying down on the floor.
What To Bring: Notebook and pen for journal writing. A large bottle of water.
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We've now confirmed that this event will take place at the amazing new SPACE studio in Manchester City Centre and we're delighted!
The last time we held this workshop, it was such a deep, transformational experience, so we're feeling very excited about sharing it again. Here's what a couple of our lovely participants said about the last one
"Wow, such a deeply healing, beautiful weekend.. Heartfelt gratitude and love to you and Tim."
... "Feeling so much gratitude for the amazing space created this weekend...thank you all so much!!"
There are just a couple of weeks left to book your early bird ticket for this powerful 2 day workshop! πŸ’«πŸ’«πŸ’«
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I love this article on the ways breathwork blows your mind! ✨✨✨
This article from Breath of Bliss explains some of the incredible benefits of breathing in a conscious connected way. πŸ’•


Just a few days to go and only 5 places left for this event.
Get in touch if you’d like to experience this powerful combination of breathwork with gongs! ✨✨✨


There is just a few days to go until we come together for this soul nourishing retreat in the stunning Cae Mabon!
I'm feeling so excited to be collaborating with three inspiring women, Kate Roberts, Miranda Bailey & Lisa Rutter to create a weekend of connecting with self, others and nature.
There are still a few places left if you'd like to join us...


Thank you so much Suzie for Saturday in Urmston. I just can explain the benefits of the breath work.


Suzie's breath workshop was beautifully held. I felt safe, supported and loved.

She is a very intuitive and gentle healer and I trust her completely. Thank you for offering your gifts of healing to me and take me to this journey so safely x


I’ve just returned from the breathwork and gongbath session what an amazing experience the vibration I felt and what I experienced personally and releasing! I can’t wait for the next one thank you Suzie and Martin so so much οΏ½


I would so highly recommend this workshop session as it's shifted so much and has taught me more then expected, all for the highest good xx


I was privileged to do one of Suzie's breathwork sessions today. I've never done this kind of breathing before (done yogic breathing) and there was a little trepidation as I'd been holding a lot in. She reassures everyone and is present with each person. I found it so profoundly releasing and energising and beautiful. Suzie provides a lovely calm, safe environment in which to do this healing work. I feel amazing! I'll be doing more and can recommend her completely.


I attended a group breathwork session with Suzie in February and had an amazing experience. Suzie held the room so beautifully, she is incredibly gentle but also invites you to feel deeply and trust yourself. I particuarly loved the set up of the room, the crystals, use of oils etc and how Suzie made everyone feel welcome and included. I would fully recommend this session to anyone especially if you havent breathed before, it is a beautiful way to start/continue your healing journey. Thank you Suzie, I will be back :)


Breathwork is so important and one of the most accessible ways of releasing emotional blockages and trauma <3