Swim Works Leamington

About Swim Works Leamington

The perfect place to LEARN TO SWIM swim with the highest water and cleaning standards for family swimming.



Current Swim Works swimmers ....
Need a little help with booking your level for next term?
We are happy to help you.
... Do give us a call on 01926 426151 or email us on hello-leamington@swimworks.co.uk
#nextterm #swimworks #swimlevels #booknow #afterschools
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Fantastic Turtle 🐢 swim powers this week. Choose your move!
Some balanced. Some dip and dived.... Some floated. Some chased.
You all did so well in moving forward in your swim moves.
#choice #interest #turtlepower #movingforwards #swimworks
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We are currently booking our current swimmers onto our swim courses this week. We can't wait to swim with you again next term.
Changing class? Please do so after noon on Monday 8th July.
Any questions, anything we can help you with, please let us know.
... NEW swimmers we can't wait to welcome you to Swim Works, you can book next week Wednesday 10th July, after our deadline at noon.
You will L-O-V-E our lovely low chemical warm pool. Fantastic changing facilities and child centered programme. All our teachers, teach with passion and expertise.
#reenrols #swimworks #newterm #booknow #summerautumn
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The building blocks of our programme is built on the early years framework.
Learning through our senses. Experimental play and with exciting Aquatic Classroom set ups.
... Supportive inclusive learning around all learning styles.
Come and see why Swim Works is just that little bit different to learn to swim.
Would you like a taster swim this week? Ready for our new term, which is just around the corner.
#swimworks #learntoswim #babyswimming #toddlerswimming #earlyyears #sensoryaware #aquasensory
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We are 'moving forwards' in the pool this week.
Parents and children. You're both learning. You're amazing!
... #swimworks #movingforwards #positivity #swimmessages
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Tick tock
We are asking our current swimmers to rebook for the summer autumn term.
Do book your same class this week.... Our deadline to book is before Monday 8th July, noon.
If you would like to book a NEW class or you are a NEW swimmer do get in touch, we will check the availability for you and book you in.
#reenrols #booknow #newterm #swimworks #keepswimming
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What an amazing week it has been. All our children's progress has been checked and tracked. At the end of the class, we give our parents a little feedback.
Ready for our re-enrols to start TOMORROW.
... #progress #trackers #reenrols #swimworks
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Our Aqua Sensory programme is amazing and runs through everything we do here at Swim Works.
Being a sensory aware swim schools means our activities are especially designed to meet all developmental needs.
Come and Learn-Develop-Explore together.
... #sensoryaware #aquasensory #swimworks
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This week's winners are:
Elsa Carvalho and Jenny Dunn
For nominating their friends.
... Yay! Well done. Congratulations! Sound the claxtons.
A swim prize is awaiting you at reception for you. And a free swim lesson to who you nominated.
Lots of our swimmers are nominating their mums and dads.. to make extra special swim memories on their holidays.
Let's get everyone swimming! Each week we have a swim prize and a free swim lesson to give away. Pop your prize draw entry in at reception.
#prizedraw #freeswims #learntoswim #swimworks
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This week we ask our swimmers to show off their swim skills....
"Show us what you can do!"
We L-O-V-E it when our babies copy our parents.... We start with gentle cheek dips.
This little one watched his mumma and his class buds and decided to do his own cheek dips in his own time.
Just magical!
#showuswhatyoucando #swimworks #babysplashers #copy #bonding #magicalmoments
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This week we are checking in with the progress of all our classes.
Although we constantly track our after school classes, this week is assessment week, where we give parents our little feedback sheets. Don't worry, for our children there is no pressure to perform, it is a great way for us to check in and assess our classes. Make sure all children are in the right class.
Happy swimming @ Swim Works
... #showuswhatyoucando #trackers #swimworks #celebrate
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What’s been your favourite swim activity this week at Swim Works?
We have practised swimming on our fronts and on our backs.
We have dipped and dived.... Had underwater fun with our rings.
We have crawled through the den... to create the biggest jumped in.
We have practiced our swim safety skills.
We have seen some great independent swim moves.
We have encouraged, praised and joined together : to try something NEW.
What a special week it’s been!
#specialswimtime #swimworks #praise #swimsupport #fun #waterconfidence #swimskills #watersafety #summer #babies #afterschools #learntoswim #rugby #leamington
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Sorry for the delay, it has been a super busy week here at Swim Works. This week's winners are:
Ramona Redmic and Heidi Philpott
Yay! Well done.... Congratulations! Sound the claxtons.
A swim prize is awaiting you at reception for you. And a free swim lesson to who you nominated.
Lots of our swimmers are nominating their mums and dads.. to make extra special swim memories on their holidays.
Let's get everyone swimming! Each week we have a swim prize and a free swim lesson to give away. Pop your prize draw entry in at reception.
#prizedraw #freeswims #learntoswim #swimworks
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Swimming is such a great activity to learn all about my body, where all my limbs are and how they work.
Body awareness isn't something we are born with, we have to learn it. And for some children body awareness and co-ordination are skills that don't always come naturally and easy.
But that is ok!... Swimming is one of the the best ways to move, play and have fun.
Even if for parents, learning new holds and moves with your child, might look a little 'silly' in the pool.
That's ok.
We are all learning.
New skills take time to learn.
And, it is ok for us as parents to try new things, as well as our children in the pool!
This is something we understand at Swim Works. We are passionate about making all our parents feel comfortable. Ready to try new things, ready with your child.
#waterconfidence #trysomethingnew #fun #sillysplashes #swimskills #swimworks #aquasensory
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It's pre assessment week here at Swim Works for our after schools and what a fab week we are having.
Awesome swimming everyone!
The week where we consolidate our swim skills, encourage our children to try something new. However ever small.
... We encourage, we praise, we reach for the stars!
Ready for assessment week, next week. Our chance to look at our classes and make sure all our children are in the right level.
#trysomethingnew #reachforthestars #swimworks #swimsupport #aquasensory #rugby #leamington
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We asked our swimmers what they loved about Swim Works.
Our warm pool was just one of the little details our children say to us.
It makes such a difference when learning to swim.
... Feeling safe, comfortable and encouraged to try something new and do your best.
#swimskills #trysomethingnew #swimworks #rugby #leamington #warmpool #likeabath
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What lovely feedback we just had to share!
For all the parents who feel a bit anxious about their child starting swimming I just want to reassure you that if it starts with your child not actually wanting to go in the pool or not sure about starting lessons it does all work out in the end. My little boy started a year and a half ago when he was 5, he sat on the edge of the pool refusing not to go in I honestly thought that it would never work and lost a bit of faith BUT tha...nks to Swim Works especially our teacher Jodi he’s now is in level 2 swimming unaided, diving in and actually loving the water!
When he first started he refused to even get his chin wet!
The reason for this long post is because this may reassure maybe a few parents that it may take a while but in the end they will make you proud. Thank you 🙏 for your support and patience 😀😀
#parentfeedback #swimsupport #fantasticteachers #swimworks #thankyou #learntoswim
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It takes quiet a lot to multi-task.
Can you remember learning to drive?
You just learnt how to turn the wheel, then change the gears. Doing them together, felt at the start tricky and sometimes it was easy to forget one skill, as you moved onto the next????
... That is what it is like learning to swim.
It is easy to forget what it feels like to learn new skills for children.
This is why at Swim Works we make the experience....
Fun, rewarding and positive. We repeat, we add in predictability.
We allow our babies to try new combinations. To build their skills in the pool. To develop, learn and explore.
It is amazing to watch, week on week, their confidence building. The swim smiles for our parents.
Have a fun week at Swim Works.
Trying something NEW!
#Iamready #newswimskills #swimworks #rugby #leamington #aquasensory #progression
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More about Swim Works Leamington

Swim Works Leamington is located at 2 Holly House, Queensway, CV31 3LU Leamington Spa, Warwickshire