
About Tag&Me

Tag& Me- is not just a short-term technological fix. Each product we design forms a part of a beautifully designed collection, which gives you the visual stimulus to suit your mood or your lifestyle.

Tag&Me Description

Tag& Me are finding an efficient way to solve the loss of valuables.

Tag& Me is not just a short-term technological fix. Each product we design forms a part of a beautifully designed collection, which gives you the visual stimulus to suit your mood or your lifestyle. With Tag& Me products we aim to put the question ‘Is it Tag’D’? into your minds.

We aim to create a collection of products, including a cardholder, key fob and wallet, items that hold all of your valuables, intergrated with Near Field Communication technology (NFC).

A mobile app will be created for your smartphone to scan the item codes, that will link your phone to your valuables with our Tag& Me products.

Scenario: You leave your cardholder on a table of a restaurant. Twenty-five yards away from the restaurant, your phone will ring via the app. This will ensure that you are notified approximately two minutes after leaving your valuable. Two minutes later, you will be reunited, without the stress of losing it.

Tag& Me products promises to keep your valuables close to you at all times.

Our project is still in development, but we will be selling promotional mugs showcasing our especially designed prints from our INK collection, as well as our portfolio at Penrose Festival. Details of which can be found on the invitation attached.

Come along and support us on Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st November.

For any further information about the management team behind Tag& Me , please don’t hesitate to contact the Tag& Me Team at tagandme@btinternet.com.

You can also follow us on Twitter @tagnme, our Facebook Page or Tumblr.