Taiyo Therapies

Monday: 11:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 14:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 11:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 20:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Taiyo Therapies

Jitka Godoy is an MTI qualified Holistic therapist, based in Bristol. She offers sessions during which you can relax both your muscles and your mind.

Taiyo Therapies Description

Jitka Godoy, a founder of Taiyo Therapies, is an MTI qualified Holistic therapist, based in Bristol. She offers to her clients sessions during which they can relax both their muscles as well as their mind.
"I aim to create a space where you can take your time and notice where you hold your tension; a space where you can step aside and see the bigger picture of your life, to consider if whatever you are doing is working for you, to sort out your priorities. I believe, that experiencing true relaxation, calmness and vitality, will provide vital motivation to bring forth changes that will facilitate true healing. "



Lovely holistic even coming up in Bristol's Harbourside.


Hello all, after a little holiday break, visiting my lovely family back in the Czech Republic, I am back, fresh and happy to tackle your sore backs and stiff shoulders. And my website has got a bit of makeover, too, to be more user friendly, so please do have a look at http://www.taiyotherapies.co.uk


Last Monday, I have had a fabulous time in the Galleries. I never get enough seeing the happy, glowing faces of my clients. Every single time it just shows that having as little as 15 minutes a day set aside specifically for self makes all the difference.


If you will be around the Galleries Shopping Centre on Monday, pop in to say 'hello' as I will be offering some free taster massage sessions as part of The Blue Monday event. But not only that, over 40 local organisations who offer support on money, housing, benefits, physical and mental health, energy efficiency, refugee rights, getting into work and training, volunteering and more will be offering some free advice on how to make positive changes in your life! http://www.bluemondaybristol.org/


Year 2016 was not all bad but how about we all make an effort and make 2017 the best year yet


Life is full of potential. Every minute you can arrive at a new insight that will change your life for the better. This is my latest observation.
Your words keep me searching for more questions Kunchok Nyima Zari Tibet གཟའ་རུ


You need nothing but that you have. If you don't have it, you don't need it. If you need it, it will come to you easily. Trust that whatever you need to know will be revealed to you and whatever you need will come to you in the right time, space and sequence.


You can now get my Christmas Gift Voucher Package from Diego Godoy Art's stall on Saturday at Harbourside Market and on Sunday at Hatherell's Yard Xmas Market


How much time have you already wasted on searching for the PERFECT GIFT for somebody who is HARD TO PLEASE?
HERE is an idea!
A massage GIFT voucher PACKAGE.
... Now, you could call your perfect-gift-search off and move on to the next thing on your to-do list, knowing that everything has been taken care of because this package is a COMPLETE gift. It includes
- PRESENTABLE gift voucher for a massage session of recipient’s choice, - a little accompanying present in the form of an original HAND-MADE MANDALA LAVENDER BAG stuffed only with pure organic lavender, - all nicely wrapped up in an environmentally-friendly GIFT BAG
You cannot give somebody HAPPINESS. But you can give them MASSAGE... and that is kind of the same thing.
By presenting someone with a gift of massage, know that you are giving a MEANINGFUL gift of WELL-BEING. During their session your loved one will enjoy
- a PERSON-FOCUSED treatment that honours unique situation of each particular client and their individual needs, - a session that not only soothes sore MUSCLES but calms restless MIND and elevates the SPIRIT, - numerous BENEFITS of massage therapy including improved mobility, circulation, better sleep, digestion, lessened perception of pain, alleviation of muscular tension and more, - AND a choice of TWO conveniently located, professional massage clinics (Cotham Hill or Bishopston) for their session to take place in
In today’s world when more and more people prefer to step out of the madness of materialistic society, giving a MEANINGFUL gift of an empowering experience may be what you are looking for.
And to make the process even more convenient, you can order your GIFT VOUCHER PACKAGE on-line NOW.
http://www.taiyotherapies.co.uk/gift_vouc hers.html
And perhaps the next time somebody asks you, “What would YOU like for Christmas?”, think MASSAGE VOUCHER and let others treat you to one.
Time limited offer on massage vouchers purchased in December 2016 only.
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I have watched this video of Dr Wayne Dyer where he talks about stiffness and rigidity. Let me quote him here:
"I have given up being rigid for being supple and flexible, for living a life in which I don’t have to be so fierce. The book of the Tao says: “A man is born gentle and weak. At his death he becomes hard and stiff. All things including the grass and the trees are soft and pliable in life, dry and brittle in death. Stiffness is the companion in death. Flexibility is t...he companion in life. And it is not just how you exercise, it is how you think."
Well worth watching.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c3307Ia7 Nw
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Was your BACK ever so messed up that you could just about walk, not even daring to bend or twist? ... SHOULDERS so tight that it gave you headaches? ... CHEST so taut you could barely breathe?
And, did you manage to find an effective antidote to this that wouldn't leave you feeling like a victim of a car crash, wondering how are you EVER going to move again?
... Yes, a massage?
Oh, you already tried that, did you? And, boy it hurt. I see. And you needed another week to recover from that 'treatment'?
Well, this is where it pays off to choose your therapist WISELY.
Now, try to imagine someone who would ALWAYS:
- respect the innate intelligence of YOUR BODY and never force your muscles into violent submission and rather works with them - honour the fact that there is an actual PERSON bound in that flesh - consider YOUR NEEDS and your unique situation when planning each session - frequently seeks your feedback to ensure you are ENJOYING the intense experience of deep tissue work
And this is the approach that I offer - respect, awareness and compassion.
Deep tissue release is an INTENSE experience and can be truly life-changing. And very EFFECTIVE, too. Just imagine that feeling of expansion and fluidity, the spring in your step...the feeling of a heavy weight being literally lifted off your chest.
Don't let back pain stop you from enjoying your life.
Book your appointment today!
http://www.taiyotherapies.co.uk/holistic_ massage.html
See More


Just close your eyes for a few seconds, take a deep, deep breath down into your abdomen and as you breath out say "All is well"... repeat as much as needed. Feeling any better yet :)


Apply these three steps in your daily life and notice the difference in how you feel :)


How many times did you WANT TO START MEDITATING? A few? A dozen? At least once?
And how many times did you FAIL TO MAINTAIN it?
I hear you. You are too busy, right? And yes, too restless, right? I mean how do you actually do nothing? HOW DO YOU ‘NOT DO’?
... “Is it even possible for somebody with a Western mindset to enter an altered state of consciousness?”
“Do you know of any way to master the mind that wouldn’t involve sitting still with a blank mind?”
Exactly. And HERE is your answer.
If you are looking to master YOUR mind, you NEED to try Mindfulness Massage.
A what?
It’s a holistic massage AND mindfulness meditation while listening to the hypnotic voice guiding you into the deep state of relaxation, slowing the brain waves to lower frequencies, inducing a mental state similar to deep sleep or meditation.
Can YOU stop your mind racing? Can YOU sit still for any amount of time? Can YOU get 60 minutes of an uninterrupted time in your home?
No. Because... nobody does.
During our sessions, you get to experience a safe, relaxed space to work with your mind and to exercise your focus while being guided by a voice and hands of an experienced therapist.
During our session I will: - Use massage to provide you with a physical experience of your own body - Guide your mind to anchor your consciousness in the present moment - Help you to find and acknowledge physical and emotional tension trapped in your muscles - Instruct your mind to release and let go of tension and unhelpful patterns
It is hard to harness the restless mind in our fast-paced society where money and professional status are valued over an inner peace and clarity; a society where time for yourself is considered a luxury.
DISTRACTION and LACK OF DEDICATION is what the session is design to help you avoid.
Because what’s the only thing more important than WHO you are?
It’s HOW you are.
So why not to be calm, relaxed and in control of how you experience your life?
Learn how to relax your body and calm your mind, having space and time to consider your priorities. Empower yourself to bring forth changes that will allow you to live the life you always wanted.
Bottom line?
- Start the process of mastering your mind without submitting yourself to the common failure due to continuous distraction and pressing demands of your everyday life - Learn what the meditative state feels like so you are more likely to reproduce it during your personal attempts at home or during group meditation sessions - Learn the techniques of progressive relaxation to release deep seated tension - Get to know how mindfulness can help you to finally realise your full potential
Sounds good?
Then all you need to do is click the link to arrange your appointment today.
http://www.taiyotherapies.co.uk/mindfulne ss_massage.html
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According to Deepak Chopra, an expert in the field of mind-body healing, your body’s every cell is made up of two invisible ingredients: AWARENESS and ENERGY and as such has an infinite capacity for change and renewal. But you cannot take advantage of this forgotten miracle unless you are willing to completely reinvent your body, transforming it from a material object to a dynamic, flowing PROCESS.
Transformation can't stop with the body, however; it must involve the SOUL. The soul, seemingly invisible, aloof, and apart from the material world, actually creates the body. Only by going to the level of the soul will you access your FULL POTENTIAL, bringing more intelligence, CREATIVITY, and awareness into EVERY aspect of your life.


When you feel pain, stiffness or other discomfort, that is your body talking to you. And that is the time to listen what it has to say.


Holistic massage is an effective tool for relieving sore back, stiff shoulders as well as those nagging pains in your lower back.
Holistic approach is gentle yet powerful, working with respect, awareness and compassion. During the treatment your tension will be negotiated with respect, honouring your mind's guidance with regards to the most appropriate pressure and pace while celebrating your spirit.
Now, try to imagine a therapist who would ALWAYS:... - respect the innate intelligence of YOUR BODY and never force your muscles into violent submission and rather works with them - honour the fact that there is an actual PERSON bound in that flesh - consider YOUR NEEDS and your unique situation when planning each session - frequently seeks your feedback to ensure you are ENJOYING the intense experience of deep tissue release
Massage can be an intense experience and can be truly life-changing. And very EFFECTIVE, too. Just imagine that feeling of expansion and fluidity, the spring in your step...the feeling of a heavy weight being literally lifted off your chest.
Don't let back pain stop you from enjoying your life.
Book your appointment today!
http://www.taiyotherapies.co.uk/holistic_ massage.html
See More

More about Taiyo Therapies

Taiyo Therapies is located at 39 City Road, BS2 8TT Bristol, United Kingdom
07542 984 789
Monday: 11:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 14:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 11:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 20:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -