Talisman Angling Adventures

About Talisman Angling Adventures

Talisman Guiding is about making your angling dreams a memory.



New rods for the new river season....going to be a good one!


If you fish for pike you need a full set of tools to aid fish care....


Fantastic end to the river guiding season...


As the sun sets on my first year guiding I thought an album of just some of the fish that both clients and friends have caught would be a fitting end to the year. It has not been an easy year with some things out of my control restricting all I would have like to do. That said it has been a great experience and one I fully intend to expand on in 2019. To all those who trusted me to help them catch the fish of their dreams I hope that I lived up to your expectations.....Never an easy task to deliver to order but I think that we did a cracking job of delivering. Here is to many more tight lines and adventures in 2019. Many thanks and happy new year Trev and Talisman Angling Adventures.....


A great day guaranteed.....


Simply fantastic day.....Fishing was hard but the young lad made it all worthwhile.


Worth getting wet for....was a long hard day but the rewards were worth it.....


Wet and windy but great fun guiding Graham Stacey and Mark...


Bit of an update.....The summer months whilst we have been boiled at times has seen some fantastic fish caught and PB's set.....more importantly from my viewpoint is that everyone has said the day's have been great fun and that they were going away with a wealth of extra knowledge. Much of my guiding has been from the bank as it was far more productive in the hot spell. Now as we head towards Autumn I am using the boat a lot more. It will be on the Thames until mid September ...when it will come out for a good clean and to be finally 'wrapped'....then it is off to 'plunder' the Severn for zander, pike and a few perch. I am not sure yet as to whether to use a mooring on the Severn or to keep the boat trailered and have the flexibility to move it around to suit the fishing and bookings. September is filling fast as it October so if anyone fancies a great day out on the water feel free to message me on here or on my personal page...…I am looking forward to meeting many of my 'Chub Anglers' again during the coming months. Finally "Thank You" all so far for making my first summer guiding great fun and rewarding. I was not sure how I would take to being waterside and not having a rod in my hand...but apart from a couple of occasions it has not too stressful and I have also increased my knowledge of the river and fishing.....Here is to a productive Autumn and winter....Tight lines Trevor
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You cannot fail to love this office....and the fish obliged as well...Grand Slam by breakfast and then a double slam before the end of the day.....


Boat or bank.....Although we have been suffering with high temperatures and low flow the results are still coming in......This week has seen a couple more big chub added to the list. Matthew Gale joined me for a morning pleasure fishing and mooring moving.....Early doors and he hit a big fish.....turned out to be a new PB and an absolute stonker. Days available from August 9th onwards. We will be moving the boat to the Severn early September and targeting zander, perch and pike along with a chub or two. Feel free to message me for more details. Tight Lines Trev


Still a few dates avialable in July and August if you fancy the chance of breaking your chub PB on a lure....Some superb fish coming out at present.....Bank is the most productive but boat options available...Message for dates and costs.....Everyone who has fished so far has booked for a return visit.......


It is not just the weather that has been hot. The opening weeks of the river season has seen some fantastic chub being caught by Talisman guided anglers.....One in particular caught by Karl Sheep Tyler was an absolute massive fish....Still dates available in July and August to add a chub on the lure to your list....All standards of anglers are welcome....Karl's fish was his first on a lure as were a few others in this album....Feel free to message us for availability, prices and venues. If chub fishing is not for you then we are more than happy to chase perch, zander or pike.....Tight Lines!


Now that was a great day.....


Date for your diary...Saturday July 14th.....Aside from guiding Talisman Angling Adventures will also be offering a 'Begineers guide to lure fishing on rivers' Aimed at those just getting into the sport or for those venturing away from stillwaters. The day will cover tackle, lures, watercraft and fish location in the morning and then a chance to practice everything you have learnt in pairs in the afternoon. Finish the day with a question and answer session and then you will be free to carry on fishing until dusk if you so wish. The price is £40 per person and includes breakfast and a day membership to Radcot Angling Club. In order that we can give one to one tuition as some stage of the day places are limited to 6 on each session. Feel free to message us for more information or call 07940317774.


Mooring to start the season sorted....still have days free for a chubfest if anyone fancies a great day afloat (max of two anglers). Message us for availability and prices.....Turning your angling dreams into angling memories....


Great day on the Cotswold Water Park....last bank guiding before the river season. There are still days available in both June and July. Bank or Boat.....single or two anglers...message us for both prices and availability....If you have not caught a chub on the lure then now is the time to put that right.....


Hooked for life....a little help somtimes goes a long way...

More about Talisman Angling Adventures

Talisman Angling Adventures is located at Canalside, SN5 8ZR Swindon