Taw River Dairy

About Taw River Dairy

Pasture Fed, Naturally Better
Luxury Milk, Cream, Ice Cream and Sorbets
Calf at Foot Dairy, Free Range Farming
Ethical, Sustainable, Irresistible

Taw River Dairy Description

Tucked away in the heart of rural Devon is Taw River Dairy, owned and run by Sam and Katie, a passionate, young couple with a love for animals and the countryside.
We both have come from farming backgrounds and have worked hard within the agricultural sector since a young age. Our land base and livestock have been built up by ourselves over the years, after starting with nothing we feel this is quite an achievement.

Together we have a combined interest in farming sustainably and as naturally as possible, allowing all our cows to rear their own calves is fundamental to our holistic beliefs. Although this is not a modern farming method it does take us back to basics, back to our roots and back to the ways our grandparents kept dairy cows. After all Sam’s Grandfather provided milk in a very similar way for the local area more than 60 years ago so it is in in our heritage to do the same. Our dream is to share this with you and provide you with our ethical premium products.

Our small eco-friendly farm is home to 20 Jersey’s both pure-bred and crossed with other native dairy breeds. We believe that happy cows produce happy milk, and we think that because our cows are grazing as many days as possible and all rear their own calves then they must be among the happiest cows in the country. Here at Taw River Dairy we also have a small flock of Romney sheep who co-habit with the cows, they help maintain the the species rich meadows that our cows love so much.
Due to our natural system the cows are only milked once a day, we take just half of the milk to make sure the calves do not go hungry. This delicious raw milk is then taken to our on-site processing room, here it is turned into the delicious products that are available to you.

Taw River Dairy has always been about caring for our environment, wherever possible we use sustainable options, from re-usable glass bottles to compostable ice cream spoons. All our land and animals are farmed organically and we have our own bee hives, our bees are important in the pollination of our herbal and grass leys and vital to making our special Devon Clotted Cream and Honey Ice Cream.

If you would like to discuss our environmentally friendly practices or even to see them at work them please drop us an email.

More about Taw River Dairy

Taw River Dairy is located at Westacre Farm, EX20 2SE North Tawton