Teal Farm Residents' Association

About Teal Farm Residents' Association

Residents working together to make Teal Farm and the surrounding area a beautiful place to live, work and play



Your community needs you!
Wanted: a volunteer with some basic Facebook knowledge to help build up a new Facebook page with a directory of small local businesses which operate in the Teal Farm Area and provide services to the community in Teal Farm.
This should take maybe a couple of hours to set up and a few hours a week to manage and would be a great help to both the local and business communities. If you're interested then please provide your contact details below.


A big thank-you to Northumbrian Water, THC Landscapes and everyone involved in helping to give our community garden areas a facelift. THANK YOU! 👏👏👏


Hate litter? So do we! Come and help us keep Teal Farm tidy with our next litter pick on Saturday, 9th March. Meet at the Teal Farm pub at 10.00am.


The sun is shining and the daffodils are coming out ... must be time for our Spring update telling you all about TFRA 🌷


A new update from us in regards to everything we have going on.
More updates to follow soon 👀 Teal Farm pub


We feel it in our fingers, we feel it in our toes. Could love be all around Teal Farm this week .....?


If you want to post anything on TFRA, please click 'posts' at the top of this page (rather than sending a message to admin). Many thanks :)


We moved into Teal Farm (Kinlet) 2 months ago and our initial impression of the estate is most pleasing. It seems that the vast majority of residents take pride in maintaining their gardens and the community garden is a most pleasant feature. I know that the community garden resulted from dedicated and persistent action by the TFRA and it's a credit to the volunteers who contribute to the running and activities of the TFRA in whatever way they can. I look forward to being involved myself so as to further improve the pleasant and safe environment and community spirit of Teal Farm.


Really canney place to make friends! I'm 12 and moved here 4 year ago and have made so many friends!


Lovely place! Some new residents not so popular though! Let's hope the oldies keep them in check! :)


Love this estate. Lived here since the old estate was first built!


Have lived here for 18 years in July and will never move away - love it here ....... its as near perfect as anywhere can be - and our eldest daughter lives four minutes walk away !!!


Great idea to keep neighbours talking :)


Brilliant association. Lovely to feel part of a community.


People on here using racist words. Disgrace. It needs to be sorted by admin.


Full of false people who want to be your friend ? invite you to their house for drinkies n Bbqs n so forth , then stab you in the back to their other friends on the estate and on it goes so forth n so forth :) im dying for the summer so i can put my log burner on n pee them off !!....... :D #nosypoos...,,ooh but love living here great neighbours and a hub for excitement ..:D


Pointless, just for complaining and bitching.


Full of small minded ppl with their heads up there own arses who think they are better than you....you'll see my point no doubt by the comments I will receive....but why buy a house in the middle of 2 industrial estates and a sewerage plant and then complain about the lorries ?????

Obviously not as clever as we thought are we ?

More about Teal Farm Residents' Association

Teal Farm Residents' Association is located at Teal Farm, NE38 Washington, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom