
About Telecoms.Com

News, Analysis and Opinion for the global telecoms industry

Telecoms.Com Description is a highly respected independent news portal covering the latest technological advancements and market trends, focussing on the key business and technology issues facing the industry today. Launched in 2001, the site attracts more than 86, 000 unique users and 173, 000 page views every month. Our impartial investigation of industry activity is supplemented by regular in-depth features, executive interviews and opinion pieces.

The analysis arm of the website, Intelligence, works with its partners to create educational services for its readership. A consultative and collaborative approach with our editorial team ensures a widely respected and impartial perspective to effectively deliver insight and analysis through the use of webinars, whitepapers, bespoke surveys and more.



Wei and Ray say hey in May, while Scott has not got a lot to plot about in this week’s pod. We hear about Digital Transformation World, the latest Huawei drama and BT’s controversial new logo.

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