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Do you have, or know, a parent who's an indomitable dancer? On our new Talking Strictly podcast, Debbie McGee says there's no keeping her mum from the dance floor - even at 81!
Subscribe here, or wherever you get your podcasts:…/p…/talking -strictly/id1434837034…


From Bodyguard to Derry Girls to Schitt's Creek to Bake Off: these are the best TV shows of 2018 (so far)


"The Nun isn’t scary enough, doesn’t move fast enough, and has not-quite-characters who weirdly feel as though they’re occupying different films."


Hold the front page! Press is that rarest of things: a programme about journalists that isn’t complete bunkum.


The latest move for Doctor Who follows a troubled period for the show's scheduling. In 2016, Capaldi complained that the programme was "not being looked after".


There was a scandal afoot in the second episode of this year’s The Great British Bake Off. Swearing on the Bake Off? We’ll have none of that on such a tranquil and wholesome family show.


"It’s silly but, in the manner of junk food and video games, undeniably addictive," writes Ed Power.


As anticipation builds for the 16th series of Strictly Come Dancing, we ask which was the sequin-spangled contest’s best ever year. Let us know your favourite series in the comments.


A thorough analysis of past series winners, and how they have rated.


"I believe every human being has the ability to reform," said the actress.


South London Gallery opens its new Fire Station annexe with an exhibition on humour. But will you be laughing?


Heads pop, fingers are shredded by machine gun fire, someone is disemboweled in the back of a Transit van... this is certainly not a film to watch with the kids.


In tribute to those we've lost this year.


Jacqueline Pearce, who captured the hearts and minds of fans of Blake's 7 and Doctor Who in the Seventies and Eighties, has sadly died.


Chris Evans has announced he will be stepping down from the BBC Radio 2 breakfast show after 13 years.


The crowd were unimpressed after Britney's latest blunder.


"Some people stick to the rules, some people question who made them. And those people then pave their own way, which is a braver, more satisfying path, yes, but it’s also a scarier one, you know?"


"I think we can't go on,” Bono said, according to accounts published on social media. “It's not right for you."

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