Telford & Wrekin Young Conservatives

About Telford & Wrekin Young Conservatives

CF is the largest youth political organisation in the UK and here in Telford & Wrekin our branch is growing, working with passionate young people!



Today many of us within the Telford Conservative Association marked a moment in history as the UK departed the European Union.
вА™TelfordвАЩs Conservative Association Chairman Nicola Lowery reflected on this new beginning: вАЬToday we have recaptured our sovereignty and now enter a new beginning of hope. We now will fully embrace the power of independence, commercial freedom and enterprise.
вАЬTonight we officially left the European Union and we now must unite our country and bring everyone together in this defining moment in our countryвАЩs historyвАЭ.


TelfordвАЩs Association Chairman Nicola Lowery expresses her thanks to voters for placing their trust in the Conservatives: вАЬIвАЩm delighted that so many voters chose to put their trust in the Conservatives and now itвАЩs time to repay that trust.
вАЬWith 59.7% of the vote share in Telford resulting a majority of nearly 11,000 votes this provides us at the Conservative Party with a strong mandate to deliver on peopleвАЩs priorities.
вАЬOur Prime Minister has already began outlining the ...legislative process of his plan to ensure we deliver on the mandate you gave us both in the 2016 EU referendum and by supporting our plan as part of this yearвАЩs General Election to Get Brexit Done.
вАЬThese are exciting times both nationally and here in Telford and we look forward to delivering on your prioritiesвАЭ.вА¶/telfor d-conservative-assoвА¶/
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вА™Our significant majority both nationally with a majority of 80 MPs and locally in #Telford with a majority of nearly 11,000 votes provides the Conservatives & Lucy Allan with a strong mandate.
Our Association Chairman Nicola Lowery said: вАЬItвАЩs now time to unite and work together as we shape the future of our great nation outside the EU & ensure we deliver on your priorities.
вАЬThe country has spoken and a new dawn begins for our country and here in Telford as we restore co...nfidence in the governance of our country and start delivering on what matters to you.вЬК
вАЬI couldnвАЩt be prouder of what weвАЩve achieved here in Telford, on a national level and hereвАЩs some of our favourite photographs from a unforgettable few weeks.
вАЬThank you so much to our fantastic team for your phenomenal work and supportвАЭ.вЭ§пЄП
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Polling day has arrivedвЬК
Do you know where you are voting today?
There have been some changes. It may be raining. Your vote really matters in Telford and on a national level.
... Use your vote today to decide the CountryвАЩs future. Click here and enter your post code to find your polling station:вА ¶/your-election-infoвА¶
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вА™TelfordвАЩs Chairman Nicola Lowery updates from the campaign trail todayрЯСЗ
вАЬThis #GeneralElection19 is one of the most important elections in a generation.
вАЬA vote for the Conservatives will ensure we #GetBrexitDone and uphold democracy by leaving the EU by the 31st January. Electing a Conservative majority Government is the only way we can ensure we uphold democracy and deliver on your instruction that the British people gave Parliament in the 2016 ReferendumвАЭ.
... On Thursday this is the choice you face in Telford:
рЯФЈConservatives will deliver Brexit by 31st Jan and begin developing our future trading relationship
вЩ¶пЄПLabour will renegotiate a new deal and take this deal which will likely propose to remain in the customs union and single market (So to basically remain in everything but name) to a referendum which essentially will leave you with remain or remain lite to consider
рЯФґLiberal Democrats will automatically revoke Article 50 without a referendum.
If you put your trust in the Conservatives we can then get on with delivering our aspirational domestic agenda for our great nation.
#Vote #Conservatives Lucy AllanвЬК
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вА™Today here in #Telford youвАЩll be receiving your postal vote for #GeneralElection2019
WeвАЩve been out across Telford today delivering our message to #VoteConservative Lucy Allan to #GetBrexitDone invest in our NHS, Police, Education and for our positive, aspirational domestic agenda to unleash the potential of our great nation. вАђ
Our Chairman of the Telford Conservative Association Nicola Lowery updates from being out on the campaign trail with our team todayрЯСН


Telford Conservatives are ready to #GetBrexitDone and deliver a brighter future for Telford. Lucy Allan continues to stand up for Telford and is committed to delivering on your priorities.
If youвАЩd like to join our fantastic team and help us build a stronger, fairer Britain рЯУІ вЬК


Today our Prime Minister defied all the odds and secured a new Brexit deal with the EU.
Tonight our Association Chairman Nicola Lowery attended a briefing with our Party Chairman James Cleverly and the Leader of the House of Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg on the new Brexit deal that has been agreed with the EU.
Telford Association Chairman attended the briefing and said: вАЬToday our Prime Minister and his team negotiated a new deal that removes the controversial backstop which mean ...the UK itвАЩs entirety will leave the EU Customs Union after the transition period.
вАЬAs with any negotiation concessions have to be made, which will mean that Northern Ireland follow EU rules and regulations for goods. This importantly does not apply to services.
вАЬThis situation will continue until a new agreement on the future relationship is reached, or Northern Ireland votes down the deal. Its government will have the opportunity to vote on the provisions of this deal after four years, and then at least every eight years after that.
вАЬI am pleased to see the Prime MinisterвАЩs absolute resolve and determination to get Brexit done and IвАЩm very encouraged by the new deal our Prime Minister and his team have negotiated.
вАЬThe new deal will ensure the UK in its entirety leaves the EU, that the controversial backstop is removed and that the whole of the UK will be able to strike its own trade deals with non-EU countries as well as with the EU.
вАЬThis is our chance to get Brexit done, so we can start delivering in the national interest and in our positive domestic agenda. I hope members across the House of Commons will this Saturday support the deal in a confirmatory vote as it will ensure we can get Brexit done as per the commitments in the manifestos both the Conservative Party and Labour stood on at the General Election in 2017вАЭ.
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TelfordвАЩs MP Lucy Allan and TelfordвАЩs Conservative Association Chairman Nicola Lowery have demanded an urgent meeting with the Health Secretary.
Lucy Allan MP and Nicola Lowery, Chairman of the Telford Conservative Association have written to the Health Secretary Matt Hancock requesting a meeting to discuss the Independent Reconfiguration PanelвАЩs advice and the A&E Local model of emergency hospital care and treatment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week being proposed for the Royal Hospital in Telford & Wrekin.
Lucy Allan MP said: вАЬWe know the Health Secretary has given the instruction that if Future Fit is to go ahead there must be an A&E Local at Princess Royal. What I want to know is what is an A&E Local and what this will mean for my constituents."
Ms Lowery said: вАЬI have today in conjunction with TelfordвАЩs MP Lucy Allan written to our Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock to request more information and a meeting to discuss the proposed new model of hospital care for an A&E Local at the Princess Royal Hospital. The Secretary of State has sought advice from NHS England to ensure we can guarantee our community receives high-quality emergency care and treatment 24 hours a day through an A&E Local, 7 days a week at the Princess Royal Hospital under the Future Fit proposal.
вАЬWhilst the recommendation from the Independent Reconfiguration PanelвАЩs is disappointing as I believe there is clinical evidence to support the emergency care centre being located at Telford & Wrekin under the Future Fit proposal. I am pleased that the Health Secretary recognises that patients in Telford must continue to have access to emergency healthcare services at the Princess royal Hospital in Telford & Wrekin.
вАЬTherefore, both I and our MP Lucy Allan have written to Matt Hancock seeking an urgent meeting to discuss the IRPвАЩs advice and to better understand the specific consultant led services within the A&E Local proposed at the Princess Royal Hospital that are being developed by NHS England to ensure our community receives high quality emergency care and servicesвАЭ.
Full update: /urgent-ae-meeting
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Brilliant to see TelfordвАЩs Association Chairman Nicola Lowery speaking to Sophy Ridge on Sunday at Sky News kicking off our #ConservativePartyConference
Great to see our Chairman representing the aspirations of the Conservative Party and speaking alongside such inspiring representatives.


This Sunday, TelfordвАЩs Association Chairman Nicola Lowery will be speaking to Sophie Ridge (Ridge on Sunday Show) around 09:15 with colleagues on Sky News as we kick off the Conservative Party Conference.
Do tune in from 9am this Sunday on Sky NewsрЯ§©


Today Telford Association Chairman Nicola Lowery spoke to Clare Ashford at BBC Radio Shropshire about her journey, passions, our community, future ambitions and of course politics!
Full interview here (scroll to 3hr23 on the link) x


TelfordвАЩs Conservative Association is delighted to confirm that Lucy Allan MP has been readopted to stand as TelfordвАЩs Conservative candidate at the next General Election.
Full article here:вА¶/ lucy-allan-re-adopted
Nicola Lowery, Chairman of the Telford Conservative Association said: вАЬI am delighted to confirm that Lucy Allan has been officially re-adopted by the Telford Conservative Association Executive Council as the sitting MP and wil...l stand as the prospective Parliamentary candidate for the Conservative Party in Telford at the next imminent General Election. A General Election is required to ensure that we can deliver our ambitious domestic agenda for our great nation by progressing with a new legislative programme which will see welcomed investment in a number of areas that will benefit our community.
вАЬTelford voted to leave the EU with a majority of over 24,000 votes and it is important that that we deliver on this instruction from the British people to ensure democracy is upheld. The Conservatives are the only Party that has the intent and capability to honour and uphold the democratic outcome of the referendum in 2016 and are working to enact the will of the British people by leaving the European Union on the 31st October.
вАЬTelford deserves an MP that works at the very heart of the community, supports and furthers our aspirations and stands up for our views. Lucy has and continues to ensure that TelfordвАЩs voice is heard both in Westminster and within the constituency and I look forward to continue working in collaboration with her and our team to ensure we deliver in the national interest and for our fantastic community here in TelfordвАЭ.
Lucy Allan MP said: вАЬI am deeply honoured to have been re-adopted as the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Telford. I am touched by the trust and confidence that has been placed in me to once again stand for election as the Conservative candidate.
вАЬIt is a huge privilege to represent Telford in Parliament and I will continue to work hard to fulfil my responsibilities to the best of my ability.
вАЬMy sincere thanks to all officers and members of the Association whose kindness, support and hard work has made it possible for Telford to have a Conservative representative in ParliamentвАЭ.
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Under the government's plans parliament will be prorogued from the week beginning 9 September until 14 October.
This is the date on which a new Queen's Speech - detailing the legislative agenda of our Prime MinisterвАЩs administration will be held on the 14th of October.
TelfordвАЩs Chairman Nicola Lowery said: вАЬThe Government is bringing forward a new legislative programme on crime, hospitals and making sure we have the vital funding in education funding we need as a country. ...It is therefore imperative that we hold a QueenвАЩs Speech detailing this legislative agenda to ensure we can bring forward new bills in Parliament.
вАЬThere is an established precedent to prorogue Parliament before a Queen's Speech, and as it is вАЬHer Majesty's Government" in name only, it is her role, constitutionally, to take the advice of her ministers, so it is likely that our Queen would prorogue Parliament if asked to.
вАЬMPs will only sit for only four days fewer and there is adequate time for MPs to debate Brexit both before and after a key Brussels summit of EU leaders on 17 October. Our EU Partners and Member states are watching what parliament does with great interest and it is important that our MPs show a unified approach in agreeing how we will depart from the EU.
вАЬOur Prime Minister intends to bring forward a new, bold and ambitious domestic legislative agenda to ensure we reinvigorate our domestic agenda and our renew the vision for our great country as we take our new position in the world after departing the European UnionвАЭ.
3 September - MPs return from summer recess 4 September - Parliament sits 5 September - Parliament sits Week beginning 9 September - Parliament suspended 14-17 September - Liberal Democrat conference 21-25 September - Labour Party conference 29 September to 2 October - Conservative Party conference 14 October - Queen's Speech opens new session of parliament 17/18 October - European Council summit 31 October - UK leaves the EU
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Parking enforcement in Telford will be taken over by the Council from January next yearрЯСНрЯЪЧ
Both our Chairman and former Borough Councillor Nicola Lowery and Cllr Eric Carter called on the Council to devolve civil parking enforcement powers from the Police and the date for this transference has been confirmed.
Chairman Nicola Lowery said: вАЬI am delighted that the Department for Transport has now confirmed a date for when these powers will be transferred from the Police to our ...Local Authority as this will enable the Council to take a proactive approach to parking enforcement to promote safe and considerate parking.
вАЬWithin the motion & case I and my colleague Cllr Eric Carter presented to the Council in 2016, we proposed the idea of ensuring officers would possess a wide range of enforcement powers such as dog fouling, fly tipping and therefore I am pleased that enforcement officers will have the power to deal with a variety of issues such as anti-social behaviour and environmental crime.
вАЬWithin the Ironbridge Gorge we have a lot of issues with vehicles parking illegally and inconsiderately and this was an important part of the case we put forward to the Council as part of a wider motion for the Borough on why we needed a more proactive approach to tackling this growing issue.
вАЬI would also like to thank our Police Crime Commissioner John Campion for his support in part funding the first four years of enforcement, as his contribution of ¬£200,000 will ensure that the scheme is sustainable in the long term.
вАЬThis devolvement of responsibility in January next year will ensure that the Council takes action to improve road safety within Telford & Wrekin and delivers a sustainable and educationally focussed scheme that will benefit our Borough, which is essential, given that we have one of the fastest growing populations in the regionвАЭ.
Five neighbourhood enforcement officers will be hired by the council over the next few months ready for the work to begin on January 13, 2020.вА¶/illega l-and-bad-parking-tвА¶/
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Our Chairman Nicola Lowery is encouraging people to vote for the Holly Project as theyвАЩve reached the semi finals for a national awardвЬК
Nicola Lowery said: вАЬIвАЩve voted for the The Holly Project as my choice for the YMCA Wellington 2019 Youth Matters Awards.
вАЬThe Holly Project provides a truly unique opportunity to change peopleвАЩs lives and the drive and commitment shown by the Holly Project and YMCA to making a difference has had such a positive impact to many peopleвАЩs lives...вАЭвА¶/ymca-w ellington-and-the-hвА¶/
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The Boris factor reaches Telford!
Nicola Lowery, chairwoman of the association, said the "Boris Factor" had reinvigorated people's interest in the party.
вАЬWith a new Prime minister, new Cabinet and a renewed vision, it has been a very positive start for Boris Johnson," she said.
... "I am delighted that we have seen a 10% increase in increase in membership within last week in the Telford Conservative Association and over the last two years our membership has almost doubled, which is truly fantastic newsвАЭ.
If youвАЩd like to join us in our renewed and positive vision for our country and community locally or get involved in the Conservative Party you can sign up hereрЯСЗ -usвА¶/its-th e-boris-factor-toryвА¶/
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TelfordвАЩs Association Chairman Nicola Lowery welcomes Telford & Wrekin CouncilвАЩs motion to declare a Climate Change emergency but advised that вАЬthe motion falls considerably short and does not go far enoughвАЭ.
Nicola Lowery said: вАЬLocal governments are often in the front line of dealing with climate change impacts and the key departments such as transport, energy, housing, waste, buildings, people are looking to councils for leadership.
вАЬTo meaningfully declare a climate eme...
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More about Telford & Wrekin Young Conservatives

Telford & Wrekin Young Conservatives is located at Preston House, Hawksworth Road, TF2 9TU Telford
01952 290039