Terra Incognita

About Terra Incognita

We are Terra Incognita, and we believe that ecotourism can be a powerful force for good in the world.

As a social enterprise we seek to promote the best



No surprise here - but it's worth a reminder when we forget amidst the hustle and stress of everyday demands!
"People spending two hours or more per week in nature are significantly more likely to report good health ... and life satisfaction."
"“What really amazed us was this was true for just about every group we could think of,” - said Dr Mathew White, at the University of Exeter Medical School ... The benefits of a two-hour dose were the same for both young and old, wealthy and poor, and urban and rural people".


You've probably heard that sunscreen is bad for coral reefs, but do you know what it actually does once in the ocean?
Wildlife Blogger of the Year 2018 Finalist and Marine Biologist Hannah Rudd shares some sunscreen science and tips for minimising damage from sunscreen.


What can we learn from the country that almost doubled its rainforest in a generation?
#CostaRica #Ecotourism


"With so many budding new photographers descending underwater, what impact is [photography] having on coral reefs, and are we photographing responsibly?"
Here's how your underwater photos can play a role in marine #conservation through #CitizenScience!
... GVI - Volunteer Abroad
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Five reasons to travel emissions-free whenever possible!
#BeatAirPollution #WorldEnvironmentDay
Want live updates from events around the world?... https://www.worldenvironmentday.global/la test/live-updates
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Whether you're on vacation, a gap year or in your hometown, cycling is a great way to get around emissions-free while enjoying more of your surroundings.
But did you also know that bicycles can help... - Support poverty reduction - Achieve greater health equity... - Make education accessible - Promote a culture of peace - Strengthen mental health
Learn more! https://www.un.org/en/events/bicycleday/< br> #WorldBicycleDay #sustainabletransport #sustainabletravel
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Do you know what your #sunscreen really does to coral reefs? Some great tips from our Eco-Blogger Hannah Rudd following the first annual #WorldReefDay!


Your next travel companion in Vietnam?!
#nomoreplastic #plasticfree #sustainabletraveltips


We're a little late, but like Jessica Groenendijk says, every day should be otter day!
Have you met the giant otters of the Amazon? Or are you planning a trip? You might enjoy this book!
#otters #Amazon #ecotourism


Want to know how tourism destinations can prepare for digital transformation, overtourism and sustainability? 🤔
🏝 Check out this webinar about preparing destinations for new challenges (you can still watch the recording!) ⛰


Promoting sustainable whale and dolphin tourism for tourists and local communities - a key topic at this October's #WorldWhale2019 Conference in Australia!


A neat example of creative tourism that benefits both locals and visitors - putting sustainable growth ahead of short-term gains.
“We know our islands are special. But we believe we can increase our market without damaging the essence of what it means to be Faroese" - Guđriđ Højgaard
#overtourism #culturalexchange #sustainabletourism


Could ecotourism help turn Bolivia's "jaguar problem" into a "jaguar opportunity" by providing income sources for local communities?
“Bolivian jaguars are under fire. San Miguelito [Ranch] is located relatively close to Santa Cruz, the hub of agro and livestock expansion in the country, and probably on what will sadly become the frontier of local extinction for jaguars in the near future".
"San Miguelito stands as a testament that you can have jaguars in your land co-existing with livestock — if properly managed, and even adding wildlife viewing based tourism to the mix" - Biologist Esteban Payán.


This #WorldTurtleDay we're sharing a little optimism from Wildlife Blogger Patrick Lally!
Whether or not you believe in omens, nature's resilience - like turtle hatchings' battle to survive against all odds - reminds us that there is still hope and we can conserve what we've still got.
Want to know how you can help? Very soon we'll be looking for great tour companies that support sea turtle conservation in Costa Rica - stay tuned!


“We need to continue investing in innovation, digital transformation and education so that we can harness the many benefits tourism can bring while at the same time mitigating its impact on the environment and society” - UNWTO Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili


This year's #BiodiversityDay reminds us that biodiversity as the foundation for human health and well-being.
At home and abroad, you can help catalyse change by:
- Reducing meat consumption... - Buying local, seasonal foods - Reducing food waste and composting scraps - Using reusable bags, jars or containers - Skipping single-use plastics like straws - Promoting local biodiversity for food and nutrition
Do you know a tourism business that does a great job of reducing their impact on the planet? Let us know!
#IDB2019 #BiodiversityIsFood #BiodiversityIsHealth
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Did you know that bee tourism is a thing? Here are five facts about bees for #WorldBeeDay.
1. Conserving bees helps fight against world hunger. Yup. No bees. No pollination. No food.
2. Bees and other pollinators like butterflies, bats and hummingbirds are key to conserving biodiversity.
... 3. Pollinators are under threat from pesticides, monocultures, invasive insects and land use change.
4. Slovenia is leading the way in 'apitourism' or bee tourism - with honey tasting, bee bike tours, walking beekeeping trails, beeswax sculpting and more.
3. You can help boost natural habitat for bees and other pollinators. Check out this guide: https://bit.ly/2LS9NJG
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Sometimes the best #birding opportunities don't require travel beyond your backyard!
This month's #GlobalBigDay hit a new world record for the number of people birding on a single day, with 32,500 people participating across 171 countries and finding 6,816 species. That's 2/3rds of the the world's bird species!
Even better, the day's 1.85 million bird sightings provide open access, valuable information for researchers, conservationists and fellow birders.
... "As a global birding team, together we can gather information on where, when, and how birds make use of the landscape - and use that information to aid conservation and research that can help keep birds in our fields and forests."
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More about Terra Incognita
