The Arborist, Wells

About The Arborist, Wells

Specialist arboricultural consultancy services for tree owners and managers.

The Arborist, Wells Description

"All is steered through everything” – Herocletes
Our intention is to provide a suite of Arboricultural, Landscape & Environmental services that respond to the challenges of the 21st Century. A strong will to be green, coupled with tougher regulatory controls, has pushed responsible landscape management



Check out Diane Beresford-Kroeger at LY


This Facebook page is more or less devoted to trees; is it political? 'Course it is, every things... political (Skunk Anansie 1996). Check out Polly Toynbee writing in the Guardian "From journalist purveyor of Euro-myth poison through to seizing power without consent, he [Boris Johnson] will be architect of his party’s [Country's] demise" -…/damaging-talk-of- no-deal-…/ar-AACpUgn…

User…/a-trillion-tre es-to-take-on-clim…/…


The boys testing Spider Jacks at last weekends Arb Show. Whatever next?!


Davidia involucrata - named the ghost tree (among a host of pseudonyms) for the large white bracts that surround its flower. A fine tree for small or medium sized gardens. In full bloom & at its showy best now should you spot one in a park near you (Photos @GEL).


Kretzchmaria deusta or Brittle Cinder fungus on a big horse chestnut. A fairly common fungus but not always easy to spot. It can look like a layer of tar or bitumen around the soil line at the base of the stem but, though this may appear innocuous, it causes a soft rot of the lower stem, buttresses & principle roots leading to sudden, catastrophic failure leaving this tree on the roof of a house. A tricky clear up for Jake & the boys!


Cherry walks, once an institution of British parks & gardens, are perhaps a little less fashionable now. Yet they are an iconic symbol of spring in our cities. Definitely time to plant more we think! This one can be found at The Meadows, Edinburgh - go & have a look. (Thanks to LMAC for the picture)


Lose yourself for a bit in Musik of the Trees & Palm Trees from the album "Green" by Steve Hilage. Its what the 70's were for. 6w


The sad removal of a tree thought to have been used as a bat roost carried out with great care. This can only be done with a European Protected Species Mitigation License & the under the strict supervision of licensed ecologist. The pictures show Jake (JK Tree services) inspecting cavities with an Endoscope before removing sections of the tree & the hollow stem being carefully searched by Helen from BSG Ecology. Once felled we installed bat boxes on surrounding trees. Demonstrates the change in attitude of modern developers to the importance of caring for wildlife habitat - well done Barratts!


I have hidden two arborist's 90ft up this black pine; spot & name them to win a packet of Smarties (George & Jake need not enter).


Update from the Sheffield Tree Action Group 11/2/19- https://sheffieldtreemap.files.wordpress. com/…/19-02-07-omb…


This week we have been gainfully employed creating Hugelkultur beds. Fascinating alternative to raised beds, highly suitable for forest & woodland type gardens. Check out -…/hug elkultur-bed-constr…/


Normal service resumed, GEL playing on a Uke (-alyptus, that is).


Thank you to the Cornish Chapter of the Arb Association for hosting a fascinating tour of the Eden Project. Can't help thinking of the Joni Mitchell lines though - "take all the trees & put 'em in a tree museum, then charge all the people a dollar & a half just to see 'em"


A BBC report this morning suggests that Ash Dieback is spreading more rapidly than previously thought - 197


George & Jake go 'a-pollarding. Its that time of year.


Ganoderma resinaceum - a fairly uncommon fungi seen here on a couple of veteran oaks. This gorgeous, deep red, fruit body polishes to a shine. Our Ed says G. resinaceum produces a white rot that most likely follows a selective delignification model of decomposition. However, Lonsdale reports that, due to the appearance of the decay, it is likely that more of the cellulose component of wood is decayed then in selective delignification caused by other members of the genus.

More about The Arborist, Wells

The Arborist, Wells is located at Keward Park, Glastonbury Road, BA5 1QE Wells, Somerset
+447866 761029