The Breathing Coach

Monday: 11:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 11:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 11:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 17:00
Friday: 11:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About The Breathing Coach

Tailored programmes overcoming asthma and anxiety, improving energy levels and stamina (for couch potatoes and athletes alike) and more effective meditation and mindfulness. Jen Tiller is an ex-asthmatic, ex-agoraphobic, with 20 years + experience.

The Breathing Coach Description

Workshops and 1-1 sessions to massively reduce and then prevent symptoms of asthma, panic, phobias, M. E. , anxiety and related conditions.

Jen Tiller is an ex-asthmatic (over 15 years free of symptoms and medications! ) and ex-agoraphobic, a woman who has reclaimed her life and soul after trauma and abuse, and recovering perfectionist : -) So she really understands the intensity of your experience, and your passion to heal and create a wonderful, empowered life!

Jen supports your healing and empowerment with a gentle, effective tailored programme of therapy, skills training and resources. She is a skilled practitioner, Buteyko breathing therapist (trained by Alexander (Sasha) Stalmatsky who worked alongside Professor Buteyko for decades and brought it to the West), EFT Practitioner, NLP Trainer, Reiki Master /Teacher, and has developed her own programmes and healing processes.

Resources include manuals, relaxation CDs, books, affirmation posters, manuals and art work by Jen. Intro and advanced breathwork training for therapists also available.

Sessions can be done with Jen in her therapy space in Letchworth, Herts UK; in workshops (ask about arranging one in your area), or via Skype.

Guarantee for 1-1 clients: feel measurably better or the session is free!



When you've been chronically ill with for a while, it can feel like a rollercoaster. You never know when the next drop will come. And on the way the chances are you will either over or under medicate, obsess over or ignore symptoms, and probably have tried a long list of options (whether medical or alternative) that have helped a bit but not enough or even made things worse.
I get it. I used to have chronic, sometimes life-threatening bronchial asthma, and developed pan...ic attacks, M.E. and agoraphobia amongst other things. For decades I tried just about everything that medical and alternative practitioners could offer. Some helped a bit, some made me a lot worse for a while, but a couple were life changing! I found a safe way to get off the roller-coaster and am delighted to be an ex-asthmatic, ex-agoraphobic. Now I now how to deal with the everyday stuff (injuries, middle age, family issues etc) without coming off the rails!
If you'd like to discover the practical, measurable, clinically proven way to breathe well, relax, boost your immune system and more, which helps heals a lot of things and simply helps you manage the rest much more effectively, please message me to arrange your free consultation.
Love, light and laughter, Jen Tiller The Breathing Coach
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Did you know that clinical trials using the Buteyko method consistently achieve reductions in asthma symptoms of 94%+, lowering of high blood pressure readings, while improving energy levels and several other well-being markers.


A couple of small changes in breathing patterns can make significant differences to well-being and state of mind and I';m happy to teach people how to do that. But a programme tailored to the individual, shifting deep habits and teaching the underlying priniciples can make major permanent improvements. This allows the person to adjust what's needed for themselves, creating a skill for life. It does take work, and expert support, but gives life-changing results.
If you'd... like to explore these ideas further, please get in touch to arrange your free consultation.
Love, light and laughter, Jen Tiller The Breathing Coach Message me, or phone UK 01462 624 160
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Are you worried now about how to stay sufficiently stressed to keep up with the other expert stress-heads in your workplace or family? You'll have no trouble if you practice the following clinically proven methods:
NEVER EXERCISE. Exercise wastes a lot of time that could be spent worrying.
GAIN WEIGHT. Work hard at staying at least 20% above your recommended weight. The more you have to carry around physically the better.
... BREATHE BADLY Short, sharp, shallow, fast, through the mouth and using the upper chest. Get breathless today!
TAKE PLENTY OF STIMULANTS. The old standards of caffeine, nicotine, sugar, and cola will continue to do the job just fine.
IGNORE HEALTHY FOOD SUGGESTIONS. Only accept food which has an ingredient list that you’d have to buy from a pharmacy and/or has zero nutritional value.
GET RID OF YOUR SOCIAL SUPPORT SYSTEM. Let the few friends who are willing to tolerate you know that you concern yourself with building friendships only if you have time, and you never have time. If a few people persist in trying to be your friend, avoid them.
PERSONALIZE ALL CRITICISM. Anyone who criticizes any aspect of your work, family, dog, house, or car is mounting a personal attack. Don't take time to listen, go straight to being offended, then return the attack!
MALES AND FEMALES ALIKE - BE MACHO. Never ever ask for help, and if you want it done right, do it yourself!
BECOME A WORKAHOLIC. Put work before everything else, and be sure to take work home evenings and weekends. Keep reminding yourself that vacations are for sissies.
TRIPLE BOOK YOUR DIARY. Schedule in more activities every day than you can possibly get done and then worry about it all whenever you get a chance. Never say no to doing things for other people, especially if it teaches them to rely on you when they are actually responsible for it.
PROCRASTINATE. Putting things off to the last second always produces a marvellous amount of stress.
WORRY ABOUT THINGS YOU CAN'T CONTROL. Worry about the stock market, earthquakes, the approaching Ice Age, the possibility of meteor strike etc.
BE A PERFECTIONIST - SET IMPOSSIBLY HIGH STANDARDS......and either beat yourself up, or feel guilty, depressed, discouraged, and/or inadequate when you don't meet them.
THROW OUT YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR. Staying stressed is no laughing matter, and it shouldn't be treated as one.
WATCH THE NEWS – ALL DAY IF POSSIBLE. You need to know how bad everyone else in the world feels.
LOOK IN THE MIRROR EACH MORNING AND SAY “ I hate and disapprove of myself and my life” – after all the really skilled stress-heads certainly act as if they do.
For a reduced stress level, simply reverse the above suggestions! Need help to achieve it, please get in touch!
Love, light and laughter, Jen Tiller Message me, or phone UK 01462 624 160
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Breathing levels change for different activity levels - sleep, walking, talking, heavy lifting, sport, laughter. Which is terrific if your body is healthy and does it well. If someone is very stressed, having been through a trauma, illness, grief, intense pain etc, the chances are that breathing patterns will have gotten worse, without being noticed until symptoms show up (asthma, anxiety/panic, exhaustion). Hoping it will sort itself out, or taking medication to suppress... symptoms are not long-term solutions.
Fortunately there's a natural and clinically proven way to reclaim healthy breathing and get back to feeling good. (Or in some cases, feel good for the first time!)
I had 35 years of chronic asthma, trauma, phobias.....I was a mess. Now I'm an ex-asthmatic, ex-agoraphobic, healthy for over 15 years. Everything that worked for me, I went out and trained in, and I'd love to help YOU and the people you care about. Please get in touch to arrange a free consultation.
Love, light and laughter, Jen Tiller The Breathing Coach PM me, or phone UK +44 (0)1462 624 160
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Yesterday I received a fresh update and testimonial from a client I helped a few years ago. " I love Jen Tiller! I called her when I had a peak flow of 90, a temp of 100 and was just taking myself off to hospital. Been asthmatic all my life. I could barely talk on the phone but as she sort of knew me she figured it out! 40 minutes later I could breathe, and talk, in fact I didn’t really take my ventolin. I have never been ill since and rarely take ventolin!!! This lady is a ...miracle worker!!! 💕"
If that's the level of help and skill you want, please message me to arrange a consultation. :-)
Jen Tiller The Breathing Coach
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Testimonial about a 'Healing with Breathing' mini-workshop I ran this week. If this appeals (either for yourself, or as therapist helping others) pleae message me.


Sometimes I forget how far the Optimal Breathing programme has come. Many of my clients come to me with asthma, and are also struggling with anxiety, panic, PTSD and chronic pain. I've integrated all I've learned from the clinically proven Buteyko breathing method with a selection of powerful techniques that support mind, body and spirit, to make the process of healing gentle, effective, and fast.
If you're interested in learning more, please message me.
Jen Tiller... The Breathing Coach
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It doesn't matter how old you are, learning how to breathe better makes real improvements to your health and well-being. Over the years I've worked with children from about 5 years old all the way to people in their 90s, helping them deal with asthma, anxiety, exhaustion, or simply improve their fitness levels. If you'd like to explore what better breathing could mean to you, please get in touch and arrange a free consultation and breathing assessment.Jen TillerThe Breathing Coach


As a programme name, do you prefer Better Breathing Bootcamp, Asthma rehab or Optimal Breathing?As a programme name, do you prefer Better Breathing Bootcamp, Asthma rehab or Optimal Breathing?


If you'd like a free breathing assessment, please PM me. Jen Tiller, The Breathing Coach


What would better breathing give you? More energy, less meds, ability to relax, comfort....?What would better breathing give you? More energy, less meds, ability to relax, comfort....?


Does your work matter more than your health and happiness? You know it doesn’t, but chances are you’re not living as if that’s true! Message me if you'd like to arrange a free consultation (this can be in person in Letchworth or via video call).


How you breathe when you move can transform every activity. Whether you're an asthmatic who struggles to do things, or an athlete who wants to go to the next level of function and stamina, please get in touch.


Are you looking for something amazing to do this weekend? We're at Buckden Towers, Cambridgeshire. Please join us for connection, empowerment, truly wonderful collection of speakers, musicians and more providing experiences that will touch your heart and lift your soul! I'm there doing a couple of breathing empowerment workshops and available for 1-1 work (all included in the price!) 2 days of life-changing experience plus accommodation is just £147. I'd love to see you there!


The principles of Buteyko are sound, and scientifically proven, and for many people provide rapid transformation. However the standard way therapists are expected to teach it, missed out some important elements that can make it very challenging for people who have asthma AND one or more of the following: anxiety, PTSD, M.E./CFS. Some clients have the lot and more.
I've had a few conversations recently with people who had tried Buteyko with someone else in the past, but ...struggled with it, and didn't feel they could keep going because they found it so stressful, even panic-inducing I have a solution that ensures my training is much more gentle and manageable, and tailored to the needs of the client.
My experience was that I had chronic bronchial asthma, and developed anxiety, agoraphobia, M.E. plus a few other things along the way. By the time I found Buteyko after nearly 35 years of all this, I was a mess. Buteyko turned off the asthma very quickly, but I really struggled with panic and overwhelm in the process. I think it was partly because the initial training was in a large group, but also my teacher was a physiotherapist, with no experience or training in mental health issues.
Over the last 25 years I've trained in many things to deal with my own stuff, and used them with thousands of clients. I've combined those skills and created a very gentle way of teaching Buteyko that generally gets results just as quickly as the standard version and is accessible no matter what is going on. But if it takes a little longer, that's ok too, because people get some amazing additional skills along the way.
For example, instead of the original Reduced Breathing instruction being 'reduce your breathing until you feel a lack of air and maintain that' which sends many people straight into panic, my version (tailored for each person) is based on 'Let's start with finding comfort and expand what you can do in comfort'. Small changes, listening to the body. For most people I also include a range of relaxation exercises that calm breathing without focusing on it.
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Jen, the Breathing Coach came as a blessing to my life. I had an awesome session with her. She listened patiently to my problems and with her magic wand she conjured easy simple-to-do solutions. Her breathing technique brought me to peace in an instant. I could really make out the difference. She also taught me the EFT and I can see its value in reducing stress in my life. I cannot thank her enough for the resources she shared. I highly recommend Jen to all who are in need of a good therapist.


I was amazed of the effect on so many different aspects of wellbeing. Relaxation, control, posture, mood and more. I highly recommend booking a few sessions with Jenny and learn her breathing technique and make it part of your daily life.


Excellent service, professional and friendly therapist who knows her stuff.


A little long but bear with me...

I had the time in my life now to focus on me - sort out my breathing which I new wasn't brilliant due to my asthma. I made a call to Jen Tiller – the Breathing Coach – to see what it was all about. After an hour of listening to and talking with Jen, I realised that everything she said made absolute sense so I decided on the spot to book in to see her - basically, I was going to learn how to breathe properly. Jen’s Breathing Coaching is based on the Butyko Breathing Method – again, something I researched many years ago – but she brings many years’ experience in other fields to the coaching sessions.

Oh My God. What a week it has been! Yes, only a week - 8 hours working with Jen – either face to face or via Zoom (like Skype!) and lots of homework in between sessions. My breathing has been transformed. I had no idea that I was over breathing – breathing through the mouth not the nose (the body’s natural air filter). I thought I was breathing with my tummy muscles... nope, all chest – yes, even when singing. I now have no asthmatic wheeze and my breathing is silent. It’s odd, weird, bonkers, brilliant, daft, amazing – all of the above! And one of the best things? It seems to have stopped my excess sweating! I am still on all my asthma meds but some people have such an improvement they are able to stop them with medical advice.

On my first visit, a controlled pause (how long you can hold your breath after finishing an exhaling breath before you feel the need to breathe in again) was no more than 5 seconds and I needed a big breath to restore the breathing rhythm. Today, that controlled pause was 22 seconds and I was able to return to normal breathing immediately. It’s all about the CO2 levels, you see...

For me it is early days – if I get no more relief than I have already got, the coaching will have been worthwhile. It’s not just for people with breathing issues but it can help with anxiety, panic, sleep problems, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, hay fever, sinusitis to name a few.

Sometimes something ‘clicks’ to such an extent you have to publicly acknowledge the Coach. I'm a few days further on now from the above and still making what I consider to be amazing progress. I have all the tools now to continue to work on the exercises at home to continue to breathe well. If you do nothing more, make a phone call - so worth while.


Jen, the Breathing Coach came as a blessing to my life. I had an awesome session with her. She listened patiently to my problems and with her magic wand she conjured easy simple-to-do solutions. Her breathing technique brought me to peace in an instant. I could really make out the difference. She also taught me the EFT and I can see its value in reducing stress in my life. I cannot thank her enough for the resources she shared. I highly recommend Jen to all who are in need of a good therapist.


I was amazed of the effect on so many different aspects of wellbeing. Relaxation, control, posture, mood and more. I highly recommend booking a few sessions with Jenny and learn her breathing technique and make it part of your daily life.


Excellent service, professional and friendly therapist who knows her stuff.


A little long but bear with me...

I had the time in my life now to focus on me - sort out my breathing which I new wasn't brilliant due to my asthma. I made a call to Jen Tiller – the Breathing Coach – to see what it was all about. After an hour of listening to and talking with Jen, I realised that everything she said made absolute sense so I decided on the spot to book in to see her - basically, I was going to learn how to breathe properly. Jen’s Breathing Coaching is based on the Butyko Breathing Method – again, something I researched many years ago – but she brings many years’ experience in other fields to the coaching sessions.

Oh My God. What a week it has been! Yes, only a week - 8 hours working with Jen – either face to face or via Zoom (like Skype!) and lots of homework in between sessions. My breathing has been transformed. I had no idea that I was over breathing – breathing through the mouth not the nose (the body’s natural air filter). I thought I was breathing with my tummy muscles... nope, all chest – yes, even when singing. I now have no asthmatic wheeze and my breathing is silent. It’s odd, weird, bonkers, brilliant, daft, amazing – all of the above! And one of the best things? It seems to have stopped my excess sweating! I am still on all my asthma meds but some people have such an improvement they are able to stop them with medical advice.

On my first visit, a controlled pause (how long you can hold your breath after finishing an exhaling breath before you feel the need to breathe in again) was no more than 5 seconds and I needed a big breath to restore the breathing rhythm. Today, that controlled pause was 22 seconds and I was able to return to normal breathing immediately. It’s all about the CO2 levels, you see...

For me it is early days – if I get no more relief than I have already got, the coaching will have been worthwhile. It’s not just for people with breathing issues but it can help with anxiety, panic, sleep problems, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, hay fever, sinusitis to name a few.

Sometimes something ‘clicks’ to such an extent you have to publicly acknowledge the Coach. I'm a few days further on now from the above and still making what I consider to be amazing progress. I have all the tools now to continue to work on the exercises at home to continue to breathe well. If you do nothing more, make a phone call - so worth while.


Jen, the Breathing Coach came as a blessing to my life. I had an awesome session with her. She listened patiently to my problems and with her magic wand she conjured easy simple-to-do solutions. Her breathing technique brought me to peace in an instant. I could really make out the difference. She also taught me the EFT and I can see its value in reducing stress in my life. I cannot thank her enough for the resources she shared. I highly recommend Jen to all who are in need of a good therapist.


I was amazed of the effect on so many different aspects of wellbeing. Relaxation, control, posture, mood and more. I highly recommend booking a few sessions with Jenny and learn her breathing technique and make it part of your daily life.


Excellent service, professional and friendly therapist who knows her stuff.


A little long but bear with me...

I had the time in my life now to focus on me - sort out my breathing which I new wasn't brilliant due to my asthma. I made a call to Jen Tiller – the Breathing Coach – to see what it was all about. After an hour of listening to and talking with Jen, I realised that everything she said made absolute sense so I decided on the spot to book in to see her - basically, I was going to learn how to breathe properly. Jen’s Breathing Coaching is based on the Butyko Breathing Method – again, something I researched many years ago – but she brings many years’ experience in other fields to the coaching sessions.

Oh My God. What a week it has been! Yes, only a week - 8 hours working with Jen – either face to face or via Zoom (like Skype!) and lots of homework in between sessions. My breathing has been transformed. I had no idea that I was over breathing – breathing through the mouth not the nose (the body’s natural air filter). I thought I was breathing with my tummy muscles... nope, all chest – yes, even when singing. I now have no asthmatic wheeze and my breathing is silent. It’s odd, weird, bonkers, brilliant, daft, amazing – all of the above! And one of the best things? It seems to have stopped my excess sweating! I am still on all my asthma meds but some people have such an improvement they are able to stop them with medical advice.

On my first visit, a controlled pause (how long you can hold your breath after finishing an exhaling breath before you feel the need to breathe in again) was no more than 5 seconds and I needed a big breath to restore the breathing rhythm. Today, that controlled pause was 22 seconds and I was able to return to normal breathing immediately. It’s all about the CO2 levels, you see...

For me it is early days – if I get no more relief than I have already got, the coaching will have been worthwhile. It’s not just for people with breathing issues but it can help with anxiety, panic, sleep problems, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, hay fever, sinusitis to name a few.

Sometimes something ‘clicks’ to such an extent you have to publicly acknowledge the Coach. I'm a few days further on now from the above and still making what I consider to be amazing progress. I have all the tools now to continue to work on the exercises at home to continue to breathe well. If you do nothing more, make a phone call - so worth while.

More about The Breathing Coach

The Breathing Coach is located at 17 Bell Acre, SG6 2BS Letchworth
01462 624 160
Monday: 11:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 11:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 11:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 17:00
Friday: 11:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -