The Bridgeman Physiotherapy Centre

About The Bridgeman Physiotherapy Centre

Physiotherapy and alternative treatments, Back Pain, Acupuncture, Simplyhealth, BUPA, AX PPP, TTN Approved
Sports injury massage, Road traffic injuries.

The Bridgeman Physiotherapy Centre Description

The Bridgeman Physiotherapy Centre offer a wide range of services from - Physiotherapy, Alternative Therapies, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Acupuncture, The Perrin Technique for CFS / ME, Womens Health, Fertility issues, Ante -natal and Post- natal physiotherapy and Sports Massage. Hypnotherapy , Podiatry, Fertility Acupuncture Cosmetic Acupuncture, Respiratory Physiotherapy
All our physios are fully HPC registered and members of CSP. Each physio has been qualified for over 12 years and performs at least 30 hours a year continuous professional development either with inhouse clinical studies or training courses and will only treat conditions in which they specialise.
The clinic is registered with all major health insurance companies including Bupa, AXA PPP, TTN.



Such a lovely gesture - Iโ€™m overwhelmed - one of our loyal customers has sent me a card and a cheque to cover her last appointment fee that we had to cancel due to closing the clinic - she has done this to help ease my burden of costs whilst we can not trade. I also treat her daughter who has CFS/ME so in return I will donate the monies to our chosen charity #FORME - such a thoughtful thing to do THANKYOU acts like this show how we are all pulling together in such times of uncertainty x


Fantastic show of respect - well done


Remember .....


Keep your body and mind supple - join in with on line classes ..


Did you hear the clapping ? Shout out if you joined us in thanking the NHS and all its staff and volunteers for the wonderful job the are doing in such difficult times - we applaud you THANK YOU


Remember guys and girls, on the 26th March (thursday) at 8pm can you all either stand on doorsteps or open a window and clap and cheer as loudly as you can for all the frontline workers - nhs staff, carers, food and medicine delivery drivers, shop workers and anyone else on the frontline, risking their own lives to makes yours better. Let's try and get this around the country.
Copy and paste ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰


IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - we have made the decision to close our doors in light of COVID-19 - this is the only rational option available to us in this current climate - to all our loyal customers old and new we thank you for all the trust and support you have given us over the years in entrusting us with your health care needs - as soon as feasible we will be up and running again - all clients with appointments will be contacted tomorrow- we appreciate your understanding. Stay home stay safe look after your family friends and the world


When the Corona Virus finally exhausts itself and the danger is over, let's do something good for our country, Let's spend our holidays in England, eat in local restaurants, buy British products, buy local meats and veggies and support local businesses. These businesses are going to find it very difficult to get back on their feet and survive without our help. They're suffering badly now. Our products are some of the best in the world. Our country is one of the most beautiful.
๐Ÿ’š Copy and paste if you agree ๐Ÿ’š


Saw this post today and itโ€™s spot on -
Not my words but makes perfect sense to me ๐Ÿ’š
Maybe Mother Nature Wants Her Earth Back... For just a little while Maybe, she wants some time for the land to heal For the people to heal For the treadmill to stop And let everything and everyone breathe
We have all been so worried about our beautiful planet Searching for answers Trying to play our part Making small changes and hoping it was enough It wasnโ€™t enough So maybe Mother Nature has stepped in herself.
Stories are appearing all over the world Of nature thriving Skies clearing Dolphins swimming in Venetian canals Ducks in Roman fountains Wild Boars with her babies in the streets of Italy.
Maybe, Mother Nature wants her earth back For just a little while And maybe, she is telling us to protect the weak whilst this rebirth takes place. So maybe, we should do what Mother Nature says Sheโ€™s been waiting a long time for us to change And we didnโ€™t.

See More


In such times of adversity itโ€™s heartwarming to receive a gift of thanks from a patient- this is why we do what we do - to have a positive impact on quality of life #heartwarming


As it looks like we will all soon be heading to lock down measures, we are making preparations and plans for the future. However, in the current moment we have been ringing our elderly and vulnerable patients to see if they need anything at all - and we will continue to give them a quick call weekly throughout this time ( even when we are shut). For them just even to hear a friendly familiar voice and know someone cares is vital. For many we are like family - sometime we are ...the only ones that they talk to and get a friendly hug from. Human contact is vital for mental health and well being and they will definitely miss that. So for now a friendly voice is a step we can take. Please look after your neighbours relatives and friends. Keep lines of communication open especially to the vulnerable.After all we really are just one big family. #family #support #care #love #health #wellbeing
See More


Good afternoon. Just wanted to give you all a quick update as regards the clinic. We are still open and happy to see anyone that needs our assistance, however, due to a rapid drop in patients attending and staff shortages we are having to condense some of our clinics. We are contacting any patients who will be affected by these changes in the next day or two. These decisions are not taken lightly but, after careful consideration, this is the only viable way of keeping the clinic running for as long as we are able. Again, please be reassured that we are taking every practical step to ensure that risks to patients are low. We would again ask that anyone presenting with symptoms please rearrange your appointment and self isolate in accordance with government guidelines. We thank you for your patience.


Please be reassured that we are still open for business, and will continue to be until advised otherwise. The health and wellbeing of our patients and staff is our highest priority so we would reiterate that if you are unwell or have been in contact with someone who is, please do not attend for your appointment and follow government guidelines regarding isolation. If you do not wish to attend for a scheduled appointment, please let us know at your earliest convenience. We are doing everything possible in clinic to reduce infection risks and ask everyone who can attend to use the handwashing facilities and hand sanitiser provided.We are keeping a close eye on developments as they happen, and will keep you updated should any changes occur. Thank you


Only option in the current climate


Evening all ! Just a quick update regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. Business will carry on as normal but we have put some provisions in place to reduce the risk of infection. Hand gel is available for use at reception, all of our washrooms are stocked with handwash and single use paper towels and we are regularly cleaning door handles, bannisters and other high traffic areas. If you have any symptoms of the virus then please cancel your appointment and follow government guidelines regarding self isolation. We will of course keep you informed of any new information that may affect function at the clinic. Thank you

More about The Bridgeman Physiotherapy Centre

The Bridgeman Physiotherapy Centre is located at 18 Bridgeman Terrace, WN1 1TD Wigan
01942 321235