The Bump To Baby Chapter

About The Bump To Baby Chapter

Winner of Best Pregnancy Support Service in Gloucestershire. Antenatal course for couples and hypnobirthing, by midwife and mother, Beth and her team. Real, honest info & coping strategies straight from the birthing room floor. Blogs. Buggy walks.

The Bump To Baby Chapter Description

Winner of 🌟The Best Pregnancy Support Service in Gloucestershire 2017🌟, The Bump to Baby Chapter has something for everyone.

🌟For expectant couple wanting to know all you need to know about labour, baby and those early days we have midwife led antenatal courses.
🌟For a second or third time mother wanting to birth without fear after a negative birth experience. There’s hypnobirthing one day classes for the busy Mum.
🌟Free blogs with tips on birth and baby for all
🌟Buggy walks in Cheltenham for new mothers to bring the sisterhood in motherhood.
So whatever stage of pregnancy and whatever number baby have a look at the page, website and get involved 🌟



One month 🎂
You know in the Chinese culture women are encouraged to rest for the whole month following birth and I mean seriously rest. No phones, TV, visitors, chores or other disctractions. Women in Chinese culture are traditionally encouraged to just eat, sleep, rest and feed their babies. This time around I’ve tried to take this way on board, limit visitors, accept help and reduce expectations. I have the next 18years and then some to be a crazy busy mother. Having this ...month to slow down has been necessary for survival. No one regrets doing too little during these early days. Always remember that when you’ve been through birth and are getting to know your baby, the rest of the world can wait. . .
Delphi is celebrating her one month birthday by making the most of the all you can eat boob buffet this evening and I have a family size packet of mini eggs.
📸 Chui King Li
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Has anyone seen these bad boys before?
These are called peanut balls🥜 and they’re something that you can use during birth (we have them to use in Glos 🙌🏼). They’re used when an epidural is on board or if a birthing Mum is resting on the bed. The research around them is very small but what has been done shows a shorter first stage of labour by 90 minutes, halved time of pushing (2nd stage) and less use of a forceps or ventouse birth. They help open the pelvis so that baby’s get into an optimum position to be born.
If I didn’t have this peanut ball my leg would have been doing its own thing up in the air because let’s face it, how do you lie on your side with your legs closed with a baby’s head trying to get through your pelvis 🤷🏼‍♀️.
Who else used one of these... let me know what you think 🥜
📸 Chui King Li Photography tenatal-classes-h…/
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Can we take a moment to appreciate this blooming scrummy face of Abbie and Liam’s new baby boy. This couple came to both antenatal class and hypnobirthing with us. Liam has openly raved about the classes over on his Instagram @farmertofather . Not sure if it’s the info, us or the bar 🍻 but either way I love that he’s loved them! Here’s what he said on his baby announcement.... ❤️❤️ . “Introducing baby Raife. Born on the 15th at 6.34pm anybody want to guess the weight? Abbi...e absolutely bossed two days of labour and made it such a lovely unforgettable experience. I couldn’t be any happier or prouder. . . . Ended in a c-section but a big thanks to Beth @thebumptobabychapter for the tools she gave us. We both stayed calm, relaxed and still able to laugh throughout so a big thanks there. Seeing friendly faces from attending antenatal courses made it an even more enjoyable experience. Like I said before I’d recommend them to any couple. ** Apologies in advance for any baby spam that may follow ** “ . BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you both ❤️ . . #MyBumptoBabyChapter
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This pretty much sums up my maternity leave so far... A coffee with my girls, squinty eyes and the burger nips out 👀 oh and let’s not forget THE CRUFFINS!!! Baked goods are keeping me alive. Let’s hope that my eyes get less slitty as the months go on 💤. . . Big love to my smallest two gals for the Valentine’s Day brunch and to my best one @frankie_chelt_chapman Happy Galentines Day chickens 💕💕💕


I got this photo yesterday from Jo and Chris, a BTBCouple who’s photo’d here with their beautiful baby girl, with the message “We found Mia!!” I may be biased but I think that one of the BEST things over here is that the midwife you see at antenatal class, may be lucky enough to see you when you have your baby. It makes such a difference seeing a friendly face whilst in an unfamiliar place ❤️.
Big love to you both, she’s a beaut 💕- leading the way being the first of January’s... Chelt antenatal class to have their baby arrive. It makes it all very real for the rest of the group 😬😬😬

Mia is starting a new group tonight at Baker & Graze details of future courses here... tenatal-classes-g…/
#MyBumptoBabyChapter #NewArrival #Birth #BabyGirl #TBTBC
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Some of the symptoms of post natal depression are classed as still experiencing “baby blues” passed 2 weeks after birth, unable to function day to day life, unable to look after yourself, tiredness, inability to concentrate.
Ummm... NEWSFLASH I think that counts for about 90% of mothers still at 2 weeks, 3weeks... 6 weeks after birth. I’ve cried everyday since I’ve had Delphi, from tiredness, from sore nips, from feeling lonely, because she’s so vunerable and I have the respo...nsibility to keep her safe, from guilt for my other children.
And an ability to function and look after yourself 🤷🏼‍♀️? Bloody Nora, I’d be more worried if I WAS functioning after the sleep deprivation and looking after a small human. I’m not a robot.
So my problem with this is that it tells new mothers that they should be functioning after 2 weeks with a baby and they shouldn’t be feeling teary. And if they do then they may have PND. Throw me a frigging bone!!!
If so many Mums fit the bill for PND then what happens to the mothers who are actually in need of support?? It kind of dilutes the meaning of it with those kind of classifications.
Maybe if more mothers shared their low times too, we’d get to see what’s normal in these early weeks of motherhood. These weeks have been my best weeks, I’m totally and utterly obsessed with her little face but... I’ll share first... in this newborn bubble it can be really lonely feeling like you’re the only one in awAke, especially at 3am. Sometimes I think it’s just about feeling normal, and feeling like you’re not alone. Now your turn....
📸 Chui King Li Photography
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Winner of Best Pregnancy Support Service in Gloucestershire 2017
Antenatal classes will include all of your practical information from midwives and mothers who SEE BIRTH and CARE FOR women and their families during birth and the immediate time after.
These classes will take you right from the first contraction through to birth and all that’s in between, through to being at home with your baby doing the first bath or facing the challenges of feeding.
... I’m keen to add to the social factor as it is so important to find your village. I co-host the buggy walks in Cheltenham every week, to provide a platform for new mums to have a solid support network from other mums. As a group we also always have a post natal meet up over drinks (and normally cake) as a chance to catch up with your new arrivals.
These antenatal classes are recommended for first time parents.
Stages of labour Cesarean birth Induction of labour Options in birth Post natal care Newborn care Feeding baby Baby First Aid (optional extra)
When, Where & Cost?
The antenatal course runs over four evenings between 7-9/9.30pm. We also arrange the reunion on a date suitable for all.
April 24th and May 1st, 8th, 15th

Time: 7-9/9.30pm
Venue: Baker and Graze, 48 Suffolk Rd, Cheltenham GL50 2AQ
The cost of the course is £225 per couple.
It is recommended that you book your antenatal classes to start around week 28-34. Also, if you book within these times then your friends that you meet on the course will be having their babies around the same time.
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Every birth has a story. Here’s mine... lcoming-baby-delp…/


So when is the expected time to appear to have your shit together after having a baby? I’m 2 and a half weeks in and spent the day in just my nursing bra and big pants, and I can’t guarantee that the nipples would have been in the bra whilst walking around the house with a newborn in my arms (trying to dodge the windows). I’m trying to not rush and do too much but I think I’m getting a little bit of cabin fever so I’m looking forward to the buggy walk on Friday.
For now though, I’m just going to sit here and enjoy this little one tucked up close to me, smell her little round head and try not to pick her milk spots.
#NoShame #MamasTired #ButSoInLove #LoveHerHead #FreeTheNipple


So much love for this post from Tuesday, who came to a TBTBC Hypnobirthing Day a couple of months back. She was actually excited for birth so that she could use the techniques 🙌🏼🙌🏼 That’s what it’s all about! She’s now spreading the positive birth vibes! Big congratulations to Tuesday and Joe 💙 . . "Because people only ever talk about negative birth stories" .... . . I want to say a huge thank you to Beth from @thebumptobabychapter .. In December Joe and I attended one of Beth's Hypnobirthing classes for the day. I can honestly say she gave me so much confidence, assurance and determination around the whole aspect of giving birth. When we left the class even Joe said "I'm so glad we went to that, I now know my role as a birthing partner". That alone stayed with me leading up to the birth. We were in hospital for 4 days before going down to the delivery suite and not once did I feel scared or not in control of the situation. If anything I was excited to use the hypnobirthing techniques Beth had taught us. As you can see from the picture, those hypnobirthing techniques went out the window when we had to have an emergency c section. However, without going to that class and practising hypnobirthing before I would have been a complete mess. Thank you Beth.
Huge huge huge thank you to @potentejoe too. Thank you for staying by my side in hospital for what felt like an eternity. Thank you for not running a mile when the contractions kicked in. Thank you for being so calm and strong in theatre and thank you for looking after us since 💙 we are very lucky!!”
. . tenatal-classes-…/…
#TBTBC #Hypnobirthing #BirthWithoutFear #BirthLikeABoss #CesareanBirth
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I don’t know if this was the result of too much gas and air at this point or one of Robs cracking jokes but either way it looks like we’re having a grand old time! Anyone who’s been through labour knows that it’s not all shits and giggles, but a solid birth partner that can bring the funnies goes a long way for those oxytocin levels.
So to all the birth partners out there, remember you’ll be the biggest source of oxytocin in that birth room. Never underestimate your role 💪🏻✨(...Tag a Dad to be that needs to hear this)
You may be surprised to know that this is all part of hypnobirthing. It’s not all relaxation and breathing, it’s about learning ways to make you feel great during labour. For me that was this man right there ❤️ some gas and air 👌🏼 and I was on to a winner.
Did you have an awesome birth partner at your birth? What did you find most helpful?
Chui King Li Photography 📸 tenatal-classes-…/…
#Hypnobirthing #BirthLikeABoss #LaughterIsTheBestMedicine
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Aaaaand were back for 2019 ⚡️🙌🏼👊🏼 .... Pushin’ It Real Good with our buggies, bumps and toddlers.
This walk starts at 11am at Pittville Pump rooms, we then stroll around the pond (takes about 30mins) and then stop off at the Central Cross Cafe for a much needed hot drink and one of the cafes great selections of cakes.
This one is for all... mamas, mamas-to-be, grandmothers, Dads, babies in strollers, babies in sling, toddlers walking/scooting... whatever works. Everyone’s we...lcome!
#youcansitwithus #youllneverwalkalone #sisterhoodinmotherhood

⚡️This walk was jointly created for the Mums of Cheltenham and Gloucestershire by Beth @thebumptobabychapter and Kate from @CheltenhamMamanHQ ⚡️
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These couples were from Cheltenham’s antenatal classes at Baker & Graze who graduated their Bump to Baby Chapter last Wednesday 🎓.
The bottom photo was taken during the infant feeding session with Infant Feeding Midwife, Sue. She’s the Queen Bee when it comes to feeding a baby. She went over feeding positions, signs of effective attachment and milk transfer, mixed feeding, bottle/formula feeding, sterilising and tongue tie. Not forgetting that all important question... Can I... drink 🍷 whilst breastfeeding!!
Whatever choice you make to feed your baby, more often than not neither comes free from problems. Being a midwife, with my fourth baby you’d have thought by day 14 I’d be breastfeeding with my eyes closed but even this morning I’ve been questioning her latch and something that I ask myself daily is is she getting enough!
Some days you think you’ve nailed it, some days you think you’re never going to get it. Just remember peaks and troughs, peaks and troughs. Tomorrow is always a new day ✨
If you’re pregnant and wanting to feel more prepped about feeding then more details on antenatal classes here... tenatal-classes-h…/
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Amazing news hot off the press 😉✨ The NHS are on board with hypnobirthing and are now offering NHS courses across Gloucestershire ❤️🙌🏼❤️ Speak to your community midwife for more info.


This is one from last year but seems very relevant for Gloucestershire for this evening.
What to do if you’re snowed in in labour?
Is it snowing by you yet? ⛄️ ❄️
... owed-in-in-labour/
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Aaaaand were back for 2019 ⚡️🙌🏼👊🏼 .... Pushin’ It Real Good with our buggies, bumps and toddlers.
This walk starts at 11am at Pittville Pump rooms, we then stroll around the pond (takes about 30mins) and then stop off at the Central Cross Cafe for a much needed hot drink and one of the cafes great selections of cakes.
This one is for all... mamas, mamas-to-be, grandmothers, Dads, babies in strollers, babies in sling, toddlers walking/scooting... whatever works. Everyone’s we...lcome!
#youcansitwithus #youllneverwalkalone #sisterhoodinmotherhood

⚡️This walk was jointly created for the Mums of Cheltenham and Gloucestershire by Beth @thebumptobabychapter and Kate from @CheltenhamMamanHQ ⚡️
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The frown is because we woke up to a poonami situation from the result of me being a lazy ass mother and not changing at the 3am feed 😬
#SheGotItFromHerMama #ThatFrown #NotThePoonami

More about The Bump To Baby Chapter
