The Centre Of Wellbeing

About The Centre Of Wellbeing


Remember to breathe. . .

The Centre Of Wellbeing Description

The Centre of Wellbeing is a mobile community with the intention to learn, share and connect. I am Claire Evans, the founder, and I opened the doors to a physical location in London Road, Sawbridgeworth 5 years ago. In that time, I learned, shared and connected with many wonderful clients, fellow practitioners and visitors. The common theme amongst all who came, was the joy and relief of finally finding somewhere they felt able to be themselves! I have been honoured and privileged to have had this experience but feel that now, in 2020, it is time to take the essence and spirit of The Centre out to the public. . . in the community!

SOUND ADVICE is our first step to building our wellbeing community within a coffeehouse environment, somewhere that feels comfortable and familiar. We currently meet at THE SHED, Sawbridgeworth, on the last Sunday of every month 5-6. 30pm and you can attend free of charge and just buy your own refreshments. Its purpose to connect like hearted people and for us to learn from each other, share with each other and connect to ourselves and others.

MEMBERSHIP to The Centre of Wellbeing entitles you to many discounts and benefits but most importantly, it entitles you to attend our monthly SWEET TALKS for FREE (£15 to non members). Membership is only £5 per month and you can JOIN NOW.

My profession is as a Mindful Living & Wellbeing Champion. this means that I share, teach and train in all aspects of mindful living and in all settings. My regular sessions take the form of mindfulness classes, 1: 1 sessions, 6 week courses and monthly meditation workshops. I am also a qualified Reiki healer and offer free sessions to new clients on the first Friday of the month.

I am also the Managing Director of a national wellbeing project called #TheYellowBook, it is our mission to empower people of all ages to get creative and mindfully practise to manage their mental and emotional health. Our latest School Yellow Book has been hugely successful as a wellbeing textbook. As a qualified SMART YOUNG MINDS COACH, I can also work with teenagers to deepen the practices in The Yellow Book into a 6 week programme called 'You've got the power'.

To complement the talking therapy and hands-on healing work that I offer, I am also an advocate of doTERRA essential oils and SolRox palm stones and lamps. I am keen to equip people with as many tools to stay well as I possibly can!

Finally, I am a huge believer in collaboration and run a monthly networking group for fellow therapists, practitioners, healers and yogis called Elysian - we meet on the first Thursday of the month.

And finally, I am thrilled to introduce Lesley Crowley, a co-creator in this business and specifically TLC Relax Days /Evenings and our wonderful retreats. Lesley is also a Reiki healer and doTERRA advocate and you will often find us at local events, sharing the wellbeing message through hand massage. ALSO COMING SOON - we will be launching a radio show on Switch Radio talking all things wellbeing - tune in & brighten your Monday mornings

#mindfulness #wellbeingmatters #community #networking #reiki #mentalhealth #healing #soundadvicecafe #sweettalks #doTERRA



On one hand, it's hard to believe that 4 years have already passed and yet, on another so much has been co-created in that time between The Centre, Elysian: The Wellbeing Network and #TheYellowBook and so many people and organisations.
Happy Birthday Develop Insite CIC - we will be operating under the banner of this social enterprise too from 2019 - excited to see what the future will unravel xx


Have you switched your search engine to one that plants tress yet?!xx


I have had a few enquiries for YOGA FOR CHILDREN, we don't currently offer classes for the under 10's...
However, we're really pleased to welcome Claire Bloss back to the attic studio for another term of yoga classes for 10-12 year olds - if your child is interested in coming along please direct your queries to xx


I went to see Hang Massive Live in London at Union Chapel last night - wow, what a venue, what a conscious space and what a powerful and connecting experience - here's a taster, through a lens, (me & Linda appear around 52mins in!!) but I would highly recommend seeing Hang Massive live, if you can! (If you're in Bournemouth on the 18th, see Conscious Living Events run by the gorgeous Clara Apollo).
Music is beyond words, it is our heartbeat, the pulse of life, the sacred geometry of our universe and our minds surrender to its magic so we can simply and mindfully BE...
Thank you to these inspiring guys for #increasingthepeace and sharing their empowered creations - invest in their new album minous-emptiness's the next dimension of hang drumming 🙏😍🙌❤️


Empowered choice is the key to wellbeing xx


Is is time to STOP THE BS (Body Shame) ...??xx


Last night in our Mindfulness class - #TheAUDIOYellowBook was recommended by an attendee, as a great reminder & support for mindful living.
It was created by my partner & myself in collaboration with many wonderful & generous souls.
We all believe in the power of creativity, wellbeing tools & inspiration to keep us well.
... This audio is available to download now via this link - enjoy!xx
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Watched this again last night, rather a mindful message...❤️ #livelifetothefull


PLEASE NOTE that Relaxation with Sue Forman will run as normal this week tomorrow at 8pm HOWEVER, next week Sue is on holiday so there will be NO CLASS, thank you for your understanding xx.


Today I return to routine following a sunny week in Spain...
Always fascinating to watch the transition from holiday to everyday life!
It got me thinking about the word 'holiday' and it occurred to me that it breaks down into 3 words: 'hol' 'i' ''day' - well that is pretty much as I see it - a 'whole I day' where I get to be wholly myself for a whole day (or week...!)
... Why does it take a vacation to allow us to feel more whole...?
I guess because there is no routine or deadline calling our attention, we are free to be...
It's my intention to take more 'holiday' time, in every moment of my life, whether on vacation or not!xx #livingmyfullness
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PLEASE NOTE - a change to the 'Managing Anxiety Support Group' meet-up for September...xx


Are your kids heading BACK TO SCHOOL?
There may be stress, anxiety, tummy aches, low immunity & other similar challenges...
We recommend many mindful tools but for ease & accessibility - consider doTERRA oils...
... JOIN US - Monday at 9.30am for our Health at Home workshop with a #BacktoSchool focus (£15pp) xx
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What can you do here on a Saturday?
Our #therapists are available for counselling, reiki, reflexology, hypnotherapy etc
Often we host #workshops - next one is 'Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen on 8 Sep...
... #Meditation workshops happen once a month - next one 15 Sep...
And our #Brainbuzzz neuro development clinic is open once a month - next one 22 Sep...
If you'd like to know more, please message us xx
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It's #RollerballFriday at The Centre tomorrow at 11.30am - come along and join Lesley Crowley for advice on the best essential oils for you, physically, mentally & emotionally - powerful, natural and simple solutions for wellbeing xx (£15pp or £25 for parent & child)


A reminder on this 'GCSE results day' that intelligence is far more diverse than simply academic...
We live in a culture that has become overly focused on one aspect of intelligence & it is one of the root causes for the disconnection we see everywhere...
Alienation from acknowledgement, opportunity, success creates people who feel alienated!
... When you feel alienated, you detach, escape, self harm, despair...
Let us choose to remember that we are all intelligent, let us embrace our differences for they are powerful, let us celebrate each other & above all, let us choose to empower xx
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We talked about this a fair bit in our Mindfulness class last night.
In truth, it is the living of life that is the balancing act - our whole experience is managing our responses to enable balance at all levels of our being.
However, we are not simply our life experience - are we?
... Within us, there is an awareness that is constant & unchanging.
A mindful awareness that is life itself.
When we remember, we are this, we are more able to detach, observe & allow.
There is both a life of doing and the being of life!
A human being - life in action xx
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I came across Charles Eisenstein this morning - he was talking about healing separation in our world...and I just love his yard sign! I would love something similar outside The Centre 💚
In my favourite musical 'Les Mis', there is a moment where the young revolutionaries sing: "It is time for us all to decide who we are..."
... Separation comes from the belief that we are alone.
We are not.
This is a living, breathing planet & we are deeply connected to it - at its simplest level, we breathe together, in collaboration...
Separation is an illusion of the mind, and we can all decide to see it & to be the change!
We all have more power than we believe because our small actions this yard sign, a simple action that has rippled from America into little old Sawbridgeworth!xx
#loveunites #bethechange
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Thank you to Ware Trefoil Guild for inviting me to speak around my favourite subject: mindfulness 💚
Thank you too for making me so welcome & for your attention & enthusiasm.
You kindly raised some money for #TheYellowBook too which all helps to sustain Rethink Your Mind so thank you for creatively supporting wellbeing xx
... #restanddigest #IFeelBetterWhen
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Breath is life!
How we breathe will often give invaluable insight into how we are managing life...
Use the breath to calm the stress response, to invoke the rest & digest response which will bring you back to balance xx
... #breathislife #5minutes
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When someone first recommended Mindfulness to me, I was slightly cynical. I can now say, thanks to Claire, I am a true believer!

Claire's warmth and kindness make it really easy to get started with Mindfulness, even if you've never tried anything like it before. Her Sunday evening class is a great hour away from the rest of the world to consider the week that has gone and to prepare for the week ahead.

There have been some times in the recent past that have been very dark and Claire's guidance has been a real light on the horizon to keep me going and the techniques i've learnt have helped me grow and deal with every aspect of day to day life.

I am truly grateful that she and the centre came into my life when they did and I know that The Centre of Wellbeing will just continue going from strength to strength.


This Centre has such a lovely feel it's a great place to work from. Claire is so welcoming and has a great vision unfolding. Yoga class is great! I wholeheartedly recommend everyone to come along to the many classes and workshops on offer.


The centre of wellbeing is an amazing, safe space for all things wellbeing. There's always something interesting going, treatments, courses or talks and I always come away from the centre learning something new, about myself or wellbeing. xx


Really enjoyed Mindful Mondays session. A great discussion on 'energy' with a few lightbulb moments for me that have affected how I see me and my day. Thank you Claire for your guidance and insight.


I went along for an event they were holding and it's a lovely place. I'm sure I will be back for some more advice to help my recovery xx


I had the pleasure of doing psychic readings at the Grove Cottage pamper event on 8th July 2014. The event was well organised and the atmosphere was lovely - great energy in this new centre! Thanks for having me :-)


I had been thinking about going to the centre for a very long time but was rather sceptical as wasn't really sure what it was all about. I'm so glad I took the plunge to turn up to my first meeting. It has helped me immensely in my life and not only did I meet the lovely Claire but I also made other lovely friends who I might not have met if I had not taken that first step.

Thank you Claire and The Centre of Wellbeing you are fantastic ! X


Highly recommend Claire and The centre of wellbeing; changed my life for the better. I am so grateful I came across them both.


Claire visited our WI group in Ongar and that was an amazing experience, her talk about Mindful Meditation and what that means for our wellbeing, to stay in the moment for a little while. We were all excited and look forward to attend her classes.


Attending the Sunday evening class has become a welcome part of my life. It enables me to end my week on a good note and begin the next in the right frame of mind. Having completed the formal mindfulness course elsewhere, this is the perfect add on to my practice. Claire blends an atmosphere of openness, warmth and acceptance with her own unique combination of perception, wisdom, counsel and tranquility. Oh and the smell of those candles......bliss!!. Namaste, Beverley xx


A great way to switch off and refocus. Especially if your mind is always on the go!


A great place to teach from, a lovely room to hold classes in with excellent facilities, thank you!


I enjoyed a deep relaxation and meditation session last Tuesday morning which supported me in all the work I do in supporting others to be relaxed and less stressed in their life. Claire's passion and commitment comes across in her mindfulness sessions as does her deep trust and faith in love and humanity itself. Claire has the ability to clearly and gently pass on her knowledge to others........Its all about the Love ... <3

More about The Centre Of Wellbeing
