The Choirs Of Pembroke College, Cambridge

About The Choirs Of Pembroke College, Cambridge

Pembroke Choir sing weekly services in Pembroke College chapel as well as regularly touring and performing in a variety of sacred and secular contexts.



Day 7: our final concert in St Paul's within the Walls, with a wonderful gallery for our Allegri quartet!
The group then divided, with half of us going to the Vatican museums and the Sistine Chapel, whilst the rest went paddling in a fountain within the grounds of the Villa Borghese.
To end the day, we had a fabulous group dinner in a restaurant overlooking Santa Maria Maggiore. Just one day left!


Day 5 and 6: on Thursday we had a free morning and then sang a concert at Sant'Andrea Della Valle, with an absolutely glorious acoustic of 6 seconds. We then had a lovely aperetivo dinner (where every drink came with a free all you can eat buffet!)
On Friday, we went on a walk past the Spanish steps, and rehearsed for Evensong at All Saints' Anglican Church. We then had the pleasure of afternoon tea with the English Ambassador to the Holy See, on her incredible terrace with a stunning view over the rooftops of Rome.


An extract from yesterday's concert at Sant'Andrea Della Valle - Matthew Martin's Iustorum Animae.


Day 4 was our busiest yet; a morning of sightseeing was followed by a concert in the spectacular Sant'Agnese in Agone in the Piazza Navona; essentially a giant dome, the church had a phenomenal acoustic, and the concert was well-attended. Lunch in the square followed, and then more sightseeing before we met at the Papal Basilica, Santa Maria Maggiore, to sing mass.


Day 3, and our first concert! Amazing to sing in the 1st century Basilica San Clemente, with the quartet for Allegri's Miserere singing from an ornate elevated gallery. Concert followed by celebratory gelato at the Colosseum. Naturally.


Day 2: a beautiful train journey from Milan to Rome today, followed by some sightseeing, and mass at Chiesa Nuova. Then, pasta!


And we've arrived! Fantastic day exploring Milan before we head to Rome tomorrow, to sing our first Mass at Chiesa Nuova.


Join us tonight at 5:30 for a free concert ahead of this week's tour to Rome and Milan! 311522/


Ahead of Pembroke Choir's upcoming tour to Rome, they present a programme of music old and new. The concert is free to attend, and is followed by a drinks reception.
Requiem Aeternam (chant) Allegri - Miserere
... James MacMillan - A Child's Prayer Tchaikovsky - Crown of Roses
Victoria - O Vos Omnes Paul Mealor - Ubi Caritas
Victoria - Sepulto Domine Matthew Martin - Iustorum Animae
Victoria - Ecce Quomodo Elgar - Lux Aeterna
Resurrexi Et Adhuc (chant)
Rachmaninoff - Dnes' Spaseniye Byrd - Laudibus in Sanctis
See More


A reminder that auditions for the Pembroke Girls' Choir will be taking place this Sunday between 9:30 and 5:30. It's not too late to sign up!


Thank you to all who supported the Bach-a-thon, both online and in person. A huge thank you to all of our players, and most of all to Dame Gillian Weir DBE, our patron who was there for 10 hours straight on the first day!
We're thrilled to have raised nearly £500 for our outreach work in Zambia through offline and online donations; if you would like to contribute, you can do here: ach-for-zambia-2


A slight change to the planned schedule as sadly Sarah Hughes has become ill. Rachel Mahon has kindly agreed to step in to play the 1st trio at the beginning of her recital.
Apologies for the problems with the live stream - the person in charge is rather busy page-turning/playing most of the time so can only check it so often!


Bach-a-thon: The final hurdle #PlayLikeAGirl


Bach-a-thon Part 8: 8am #PlayLikeAGirl


Bach-a-thon:Part 7 - sunrise! #PlayLikeAgirl


Bach-a-thon Part 6: 4 in the morning. #PlayLikeAGirl


It may be nearly 4 in the morning, but we're still going strong! 17 people still in the chapel while we listen to some lovely playing from Shanna, Organ Scholar at Selwyn College.

More about The Choirs Of Pembroke College, Cambridge

The Choirs Of Pembroke College, Cambridge is located at Pembroke street, CB2 1RF Cambridge, Cambridgeshire