The Clarendon Academy

About The Clarendon Academy




End of Term / Start of Term 1 Arrangements​
Dear Parents and Carers
As with most years, we end the summer term with a whole school assembly to celebrate achievement. School will then close for the summer holidays at 1pm on Wednesday 25th July.
... Please ensure your child's attendance that day as it is really important to be part of the Team Clarendon end of term assembly.
School re-opens on Wednesday 5th September: 8:40am for new Year 7 and new starters; 9:45am for Years 8 to 11 on the first day. Normal timetable will begin after morning break on day one.
6th Formers return on Thursday 6th September. However, our new intake of Y12 students who have queries about their course choices in light of their GCSE results can attend a drop-in interviews with the 6th form team on Wednesday September 5th.
All in Team Clarendon wish you a safe and happy summer. Thank you for your wonderful support throughout the school year.
Kind regards Mr M Stenton
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A selection of Year 10, 11 and 12 Dance students will be performing at Trowbridge Town Hall on Thursday 14th June 7pm.
We have hired the venue and will be showcasing a collection of work created throughout the year. This show will be open to the Wiltshire public and a great experience for all students involved.
Here is the website link if you would like to come and watch and support the students.
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Dear Parents and Carers
School closure due to adverse weather leading to dangerous commuting conditions:
Due to dangerous conditions following snow and subsequent ice, I am afraid school will be closed today.
... A large number of staff cannot make it into work and the footpath conditions for students are treacherous.
We anticipate a thaw today and the site team are continuing to work on clearing the site for tomorrow.
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Dear Parents and Carers
Due to the continual snow this afternoon and the forecast of heavier snow tonight, and in the rush hour tomorrow, Clarendon Academy will be closed on Friday 2nd March.
We will re-open as normal on Monday.
... Thank you for your support and understanding.
Kind regards Mr M Stenton Headteacher
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Dear Parents and Carers
Re: early closure today due to weather.
Throughout the morning I have liaised with other Headteachers in Trowbridge regarding the deteriorating weather situation. To ensure safe journeys home for students and staff I have decided to close at lunchtime – 13:05.
... Hot meals for students will be available and any students who need to remain at school will of course be fully supervised.
A decision regarding tomorrow will be made later this afternoon and sent to you.
Kind regards Mr M Stenton Headteacher
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Clarendon Academy will remain open today Thursday 1st March, we will be monitoring the weather closely throughout the day.


Due to the bad weather forecasted, Year 7 Parents Evening has been moved to 15th March. Sorry for any inconvenience


End of School Year / New School Year Letter to Parents...


Safeguarding advice issued about Snapchat Snap Map feature...


Open Week Tours for new 2018 students, 27th - 29th June 2017 visit our website for information on how to book


Year 10 Parents Evening Thursday 11 May - Book your Appointment Now..


End of Term 2 Letter to Parents...

More about The Clarendon Academy

01225 762686