The Confident Birth Company

About The Confident Birth Company

Birth education, hypnobirthing, birth doula and trauma supportpostnatal. Providing parents with the opportunity to have the most positive birth experience possible for them.



Sad, but realistic


Every year this advent is just 👌🏻


Are you expecting a winter baby? It’s starting to feel a lot more wintry today here so I just spent a little few mins of nap time putting some wintery affirmations together. Swipe ➡️. Whaddaya think? Affirmations are positive, present dialogue you can use to help get your mind in the best place for birth. That’s it. Just words. Words are super powerful. Whisper how strong and amazing a woman is in labour and see what power it gives her. Ask yourself....what would an athlete s...ay at the beginning of a race? What would your trainer say to you in PT? Setting your mindset is vitally important to help you be calm, let go, relax and trust your body. . . . . . . . . What affirmations did you use? . . . . . #pregnant #winterbaby #hypnobirthing #affirmations #youvegotthis #theconfidentbirthcompany #yourbabyyourbirth #theyesmumbirthproject
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This is my mum. She’s so like her mum. Shes so special to my daughter, and to me. Like my Granny was to me. Hers to her. Pretty sure there’s been a lot of chicken feeding down the maternal line. If my mum thought her mothering wasn’t THE most important thing in the world to me, to my sister, to our children, I’d be devastated. Because even now, at 35, it’s the most important guide in my life, I need her. I’m reading #whymotheringmatters by a remarkable woman @doulamaddie and god she gets it. It took me three children to even start to contemplate my own importance, to really open my eyes to what is the most important job, to see more than I’ve ever seen. But you know here we are #mothering. Doing what we can. And #motheringmothers. Because it’s hard, mothers are awesome and we need each other. . . . ‘So, if you are growing a person, in your belly or out in the world, if you are a gardener of small humans: this book is for you. You are doing, quite literally, the most important job in the world. Don’t be fooled into thinking bankers or chief executives or politicians are more vital; your role secures not only the future of the human race, but can also mean the difference between a future in which we merely survive or one in which we thrive.’ Why Mothering Matter, Maddie McMahon . . . . This is now in my library and on my recommended reading ❤️
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Not been extremely active of late, moving house, school holidays and lots of life stuff. But here’s an awesome snap of #birth reposted by awesome @kemibirthjoyjohnson shared by @gentlebirthofficial ・・・ Shifting consciousness about childbirth post by post ❤️ #Repost @gentlebirthofficial


Tomorrow is my first #yesmumbirthproject #yourbabyyourbirth group hypnobirthing in #letchworth (and for #hitchin people). I’ve had to last minute order more packs as I’ve sold out of slots for the first time ever! Can’t squeeze any more in the room ❤️😱. Really excited to run the course. Happy to be providing couples with support, an approach which is 100% pro choice and show them how to trust their bodies and navigate this crazy path to birth. If you want to book on to a loca...l course I have LIMITED slots in #Biggleswade on 17th and 23rd November. Link to tickets in profile. Then that’s a wrap on group courses til January. I will still be doing private sessions though. Get in quick as my diary is filling up pre crimbo. . . . . . . . . . . .
#hypnobirthing @theyesmummum @theyesmumbirthproject #antenatalcourses #antenatalclasses #doula #hertfordshire #bedfordshire
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Of course she isn’t ‘hypnobirthing’.... 🤔 She’s ‘birthing’, following her instinct, trusting her physiology, listening to her own body (whilst not been neurological programmed to have a medicalised view of birth by her culture and media). She has what she needs, she knows how to switch off and trust herself. Amazing right. Like a human. #Repost @badassmotherbirther ・・・ . 🐒𝕄𝕆ℕ𝕂𝔼𝕐 𝔹𝕀ℝ𝕋ℍ🐒 ⋆... She engaged in a squat position, guided her baby out and up to her chest, and birthed the placenta. ⋆ She had no one restricting her food or water intake. ⋆ No one restricted her movement. ⋆ No one yelled at her to push while tugging on her baby. ⋆ No one forcefully removed the placenta from her womb. ⋆ No one disturbed her immediate bonding with her baby. ⋆ She was only helped in 1 way. That help was just to watch her. Because they know intervention is dangerous. And undisturbed birth is vital. ⋆ She was not lost in the process of birth, even though no one gave her directions on how to birth. Because she didn’t need outside direction. ⋆ She did what came naturally to her. ⋆ And she did not spend 1 moment doubting her capability to birth.
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I thought maybe it’s time to say what I’m doing, I’ve separated my doula account from what’s predominantly my kiddie / mum account because I find increasingly I want to share birth related content but felt that needed it’s own space. I’m Jess, I’m a #birthdoula. This is me ☝🏻 on the ball. This is the only photo I have of me supporting a birth. I’m reading #thepositivebirthbook in this pic (@millihill) it is ALWAYS in my birth bag. I can’t remember exactly what I was reading! ...I think we were trying to find some info on some comments we’d just got from a #midwife. What do I do? I guess the best way I can describe what I do is, I do what my clients need me to do at the time. Emotionally, physically or finding information for them to make informed decisions. I love my doula toolkit, of which some things are invisible! Every doula has a toolkit, some things are the same, some different. Mine has practical things in, ways to support you physically but I also use language in my toolkit, body language and breathing. A doula sits with you, sees you, hears you, holds you (and your partner). A doula is unconditionally there for you with no judgement, no right or wrong ways to do things, no boxes to tick. Just to be there and help facilitate a positive environment for you to birth in, be it at home, the midwife led unit, the consultant led unit or theatre. Holding your space while you let go and bring your baby earthside. Always holding you, always believing in you, always letting you be number one, at the centre of our care for you. With all the love you need. Giving you confidence in yourself, your choices. I love what I do. Birth totally rocks and the power of women in all circumstances, physically and emotionally blows me away. Every single time. . . . . . . . . . . #hypnobirthing #birth #supportingbirth #doulalife #hitchin #stevenage #lister #midwifeledunit #positivebirth #doulasrock #biggleswade #antenataleducation #doulauk
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My love for every single person who’s lived through this loss is just beyond words. There are no words. No word for this love, no word for this grief. Just holding you from afar. #waveoflight #infantloss #infantlossawareness image by the every wonderful @sketchymuma ❤️


The course is run over two sessions and is a complete antenatal education. I teach Your Baby Your Birth, developed by Hollie De Cruz (The Yes Mum).


Yesterday and today I talked to some very wise doulas about blowing your own trumpet. It’s not something that feels necessarily comfortable to me. Never the less I have these wonderful words from so many clients and you know, I am bloody proud. Here’s some words from a very special client. . . . .... ‘I really don’t think words can ever do justice to describe what a brilliant impact Jess had on my labour. We both found Jess to be a very straightforward, no-nonsense kind of person which suited us perfectly. I never once felt that anything I was saying or thinking was the wrong way to approach the birth and Jess was great at listening carefully to what was important to us. Jess had a really calm and caring aura. I think just having Jess there made the midwife more aware and thoughtful about the requests she was making and meant that I was really able to stick to my birth plan. I only wish that Jess had been present at my first birth as I do truly believe that our experience would have been quite a different one.’ . . . . What a privilege. I bloody love my job. This was my first official feedback which made me realise I am now in the right job ⭐️ . . . . #doula #hypnobirthing #biggleswade #hitchin #letchworth #antenatalcourses #birthsupport #birthdoula
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This is everything. We have an increasing awareness of the importance of our mental health yet we still have a huge stigma attached to asking for help. From anyone really, health care professionals, our friends, family, teachers, siblings, partners, children...I great thing I’ve only just realised is that by asking for help you are helping the person you let help you. Why? Because it makes THEM feel good too. MAGIC! So be brave, ask for help, let help in and in doing so you’r...e not being weak, you’re on a secret mission to help people too. It’s a beautiful thing 🖤. I know it helps me ask for help. . . . . . . . . . . #worldmentalhealthday2018 #askforhelp #wellbeing nicked this off @cissywears 😘🖤
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This is a print on my middle one’s wall. He was my first #hypnobaby and I honestly believe that’s had a huge impact on who he is today. He’s confident, kind, calm. He uses hypnobirthing tools every single day. Affirmations, visualisations, breathing. He says some of the most amazing things. Like ‘I’m sure, in my head mummy, I’m sure’. I’m confident his inner dialogue is positive and I’m so proud of that. Long that be the case. This reminds me of the relaxations I read and tha...t he listens to before bed too. Colours, images, sound. All play a huge part in being calm and grounding yourself. . . . . . #hypnobirthing #skillsforlife #yourbabyyourbirth #yesmumbirthproject #antenatalcourses #hitchin #biggleswade #letchworth
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Tonight I’m taking a break from packing up my house and am running a FREE intro to my Your Baby Your Birth classes. These are BRAND SPANKING NEW! The session is being run at Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living at 7.45pm, link in bio ☝🏻. please do tag a local mumma to be or send on...I pulled this just just now whilst thinking about my course and it sums it up pretty perfectly. Some of you will have seen I was over @theyesmummum Mum HQ on Friday....this is what I was prepping... for, the Herts and Beds launch of @theyesmumbirthproject as a hypnobirthing teacher sharing Hollie’s amazing new book. The course is for you if: . . ⭐️ you want to learns loads of little and some pretty massive things to support you in pregnancy and birth to have a positive experience . ⭐️ you want to learn how to create the right environment and support to have a really positive birth . ⭐️you want to learn about birth in an inclusive environment with NO JUDGEMENT, just openness and honesty with a course based on evidenced based research and FACTS! . . ⭐️ you want to look forward to your birth and feel totally prepped . . Come along this evening to meet me, Jess, I’ll be running the course... . . . Any questions let me know! . . . #hypnobirthing #letchworth #hitchin #biggleswade #stevenage #antenatalcourses
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This morning Consultant Midwife Rose Bedford had a chat with us about her role and maternity services at Lister. Rose has a vital role in providing support and has helped a number of my own clients. I personally think she’s ace 🖤 if you find the pathway presented to you doesn’t feel quite right or isn’t focusing g on you as an individual, she’s your lady!


Thinking about hypnobirthing? Want to find out how it works and figure out if it’s for you? I’m running a free intro to my course next Tuesday evening. Come along, meet me, hear about the course and leave with a spring in your step ❤️. I promise you’ll love it 😉


This Autumn I am running one group course ONLY in Biggleswade. There's only limited spaces on this course running 22nd and 29th September 9-14:00. This is now the ONLY September course. There will not be an October course. I really believe in being open and honest and I have had to do this to be able to focus on my children and my family as we move house. Packing a house up for five is a daunting task! I am still taking private clients. Please message for more details and to book you can click through.
If you want to know more about the September course or private click on the poll and I'll ping you a message pany…


We have just completed a 4 week course with Jess. I wanted to do a hypnobirthing course as I had heard so many great things but still felt a little sceptical on what it would actually involve. I am so glad we did it and my husband feels the same. I felt really anxious about the birth before meeting Jess and with it being our 1st baby we had no idea what to expect. We both now feel prepared and confident. Jess is fab and makes you feel so relaxed. Would highly recommend


We completed the hypno course after a very traumatic first labour. The course was great, we felt so much stronger going into the labour with the knowledge we learned from Jess as well as ways of coping and seeing the experience as a positive one after feeling quite negative about the whole thing. I used my breathing techniques right from early stages of labour until birthing my little boy, staying calm and focused throughout. Baby Hector was born naturally with no intervention or pain relief and was and is still a very calm little boy - I'm sure that has a lot to do with the birth. Couldn't have done it without you Jess!! X


I've just completed the 4 week hypnobirthing course with Jess and thought it was amazing. My Husband was very skeptical to begin with, and I think it was more to do with the name of the course than anything else! However, even he says how brilliant the course was, we learnt so much and are really looking forward to the birth. We couldn't recommend this course highly enough!x


I had a day with Jess when I was about 33 weeks pregnant after quite a traumatic birth with my son that ended with an emergency c section. The day was absolutely brilliant and it helped me understand birth and took away the fear and I learnt lots of breathing techniques and felt so confident afterwards. M daughters birth was amazing, and 7 weeks on I am still gleaming at how amazing it felt. My daughters labour was 3 hours and no pain relief, I breathed through the whole thing and trusted my body. I will never forget it, and cannot thank Jess enough for enabling me to have this life changing experience.


I had a 4 week course with Jess, this is my first birth and ive been anxious about giving birth. After the course i feel alot more positive! I understand the process of birth and why my body is doing what its doing. I have leant to trust my body and my baby. I now know calming techniques that will definitely be using. My partner also knows how to support me through the whole process. I would recommend this course and Jess 100 times over! Jess is lovely and support continues outside lessons. Im looking forward to meeting my little man soon.

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